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Premier Forum Assistants
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Status Updates posted by Eyru

  1. happy new year!

  2. but maybe I put mine on... BACKWARDS.

    that means I am awesome in a special way haha. '^_^

  3. i love u (but not as much as tyler)

  4. Merry Christmas!

  5. I can hardly wait for The Order! If it's as good as Gladiator, then you've got another Epic destined for fame!

  6. on our way back down 2 earth

  7. aaah you visited my profile today!


  8. one day I will marry Justin Bieber.

  9. Thanks! I think it looks cool. =)

  10. I haven't read the 3rd book either, but I couldn't stop reading Angels & Demons. It's a real pageturner!

  11. merry cupid day

  12. merry cupid day

  13. hello. love. heartbreak.

  14. yogi berra: master of tautology.

  15. Thank you for the compliment! =D, However, before I go, I must point something out that bugs me: 'awesome' describes something majestic; something that fills you with awe. I believe you're exaggerating when you call my banner awesome. =P But that's cool. I'd rather you love it than hate it. Hope I'm not offending you by picking at your complient. =( Also, hope you'r

  16. still reading, because this is getting pretty long (who was it that said girls talk a lot?)! Anyway, have a nice day! Kachow!

    (seriously, have a good one! also where'd you get your profile pic? it looks sweet!)

  17. You know what's cool? Ponycorns.

  18. sweet! I'm still working on getting all the graphic novels.

  19. i sing cause you first sang to me

  20. how is other m

  21. i just love your flashy ways

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