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Blog Entries posted by Eyru

  1. Eyru
    Day two!
    Today was a pretty chill day. An egg with some hash browns for breakfast, and beans and noodles for lunch, so there's my protein for the day. Supper was my first real challenge, because we had roast beef and mashed potatoes for the first time in, like, ever, but I managed to stave off the temptation and just took extra potatoes and vegetables instead.
    Also a huge bowl of salad. Because salad is delicious. P:
    Changing topics, I'm starting to realize that one of the trickiest parts about my going vegetarian is that I don't like tomatoes (cue horrified gasps). I've never liked tomatoes, for as a long as I can remember. I'll eat ketchup and tomato sauce, and I'll eat tomatoes in a sauce or a chili as long as I can't taste them, but both the taste and the texture of whole or chunky pieces really throw me off.
    I still try them from time to time, simply because I really want to like tomatoes (they're so versatile! and healthy!), but I haven't seen a breakthrough yet. We'll see what happens, I guess.
    Thanks to HH and Janus for those huge paragraphs of encouraging advice on my last post. You guys rock!
    There's not much else for me to write about today (it was a pretty nice, relaxing day), so I'll close it here. A reminder, though: we're coming up to 1,000 comments pretty quickly, and I do have something planned for that!
    (note that is not an invitation to spam the comments dont kill me deevee)
  2. Eyru
    Yeah, so tomorrow will mark two weeks of me eating no meat.
    It's been interesting so far. I've found I've been watching what I eat, simply because I need to make sure I can eat it, and the byproduct of that is that I'm eating healthier things. I've been eating way more vegetables, and I've been getting my protein from soy, eggs, and beans instead of meat.
    It hasn't been a drastic change, to be honest. Before going pescetarian, I already ate more beans than meat, but that doesn't man it hasn't been difficult. I've turned down some pretty delish stuff (oh bacon why), and even gone hungry once or twice. I'm proud of myself: it hasn't been easy, and it's cool to know that I have the willpower to cut something out of my diet and stick with it.
    I'm not planning on stopping anytime soon, either. I'll keep blogging too, but I'm switching to weekly updates (the downtime threw me for a loop anyway).
    Thanks for your support, guys!
    (and maybe sometime soon we'll start edging closer to vegan. who knows?)
  3. Eyru
    yo fam you should really go enter BZP's first annual Secret Santa. It's gonna be lots of fun and who knows? You might even get a gift from me!
    What kind of gift? Definitely not a slapstick comedy where you and Tahu discover the true meaning of Christmas together. Where'd you even get that idea?
  4. Eyru
    So, I went to see ​Les Misèrables last night.
    Let's just say that it didn't disappoint. It was an emotional roller coaster of a ride that did justice to the play and to the book. I'm not much of a cry-er, but let me tell you: I was blinking back tears several times.
    Highs: Anne Hathaway as Fantine. She stole every scene she was in (which numbered too few, IMO... but that's how the story goes), and I honestly would have paid full ticket price just to see and hear her sing "I Dreamed a Dream", which was my absolute favourite scene in the film. Absolutely phenomenal; she deserves every award it's possible for her to win.
    Pretty much everything else. Hugh Jackman and Russel Crowe was absolutely fantastic as Jean Valjean and Javert respectively, as everyone knew they would be. Samantha Barks played Éponine brilliantly, so much so that I would say I almost enjoyed her scenes more than Jackman's. The Thénardiers (oh, Bonham Carter <3), Cosette (both young and old), Marius... oh, everyone was amazing. Absolutely amazing.
    Lows (which I am spoilering so you won't have to read them if you haven't seen the movie yet and don't want to judge before you get to watch it):
    Overall, though it was fantastic. I saw the musical on stage in the summer, and you can't beat Les Mis live, but this film comes pretty close. If you haven't seen it yet, I would recommend it in a heartbeat. Do yourself a favour and go see ​Les Misèrables.
    Seriously, go see it now! What are you waiting for?
  5. Eyru
    Good news: tomorrow marks one month as a vegetarian!
    Bad news: I got in my first car accident today.
    It wasn't my fault: I was driving up the street and a guy parked on the side didn't see me and pulled out ...right into my car.
    There're a bunch of scratches and dents now, and of course it happened after a really long day when I really didn't feel up to handling it, but in the end it's just a car and while I am fond of it, it's still just a car.
    In any case, I'm glad to go to bed now.
  6. Eyru
    how i met your mother ended tonight
    the season finale to one of my most favourite shows
    it has left me in a state of emotional disarray. in fact, i think t swift said it best:
    we're happy, free, confused, and lonely in the best way
    it's miserable and magical
    so yeah, i'm a wreck. it's really hard to say goodbye, because, after all, that show was legen- WAIT FOR IT
    it was legendary.
  7. Eyru
    My last shift at the coffee shop ended just an hour ago. The owners sold it, and the new owners decided they didn't need as many staff, so I was terminated.
    It was really bittersweet saying goodbye. The place feels like home after working there for almost a year. I knew the menu backwards and forwards, could make every drink with one hand tied behind my back, and got to know dozens of regulars and their beverages of choice.
    I met a lot of great people and learned some valuable skills. Overall, it was a really amazing experience, and I'm sad to leave. But, as always, the best is yet to come.

  8. Eyru
    season 2 started improving with 'beginnings' and ended on a high note
    sure there were some nipicky things here and there but overall that was an excellent finale
    haven't seen it? go watch it
  9. Eyru
    So, I've been thinking about going vegetarian for a while now. Not for any particular reason; it's just supposedly healthier, better for the environment, and more responsible as a whole in terms of leaving a footprint. I've been doing some reading on the subject for a while now, and I decided that today would be my day.
    Again, no particular reason. I've just been putting it off due to life being super busy, and not having the energy to attempt a major change in my diet, but I'll always find excuses if I let myself (even if I don't mean to), and there's no time like the present, right?
    I'll be chronicling my adventures in my blog, both as a way of keeping a record of my progress, and also as a way of staying accountable. The more people who know of my decision, the less likely I'll be to give up.
    Day One began with me rolling out of bed and popping upstairs to see bacon in the skillet. Without a second thought, I ate a couple pieces, before remembering my resolution.
    The days ahead suddenly looked a whole lot darker.
    Nonplussed, I declared that those two pieces were my last pieces of bacon for the foreseeable future and immediately began making breakfast. Today's my first day off in months (I usually work Monday through Saturday, and do volunteer work at my church on Sundays), so I had time to construct a cheese omelette with sautéd peppers and spinach (sautéd in coconut oil, by the way; I absolutely recommend it), and a dash of hot sauce.
    But Eyru, you cry. Eggs and cheese? That's not vegetarian!
    Au contraire, my darlings. It's not vegan. To keep things relatively simple, I'll be starting off as a lacto-ovo vegetarian, which means I'll allow myself to eat eggs and dairy products. As time passes, I may up the ante and begin eliminating those form my diet as well. I also will still consume fish, for various reasons, but I may eventually work my way up to eliminating that as well.
    So, for now, I'm basically cutting out red meat. My family used to be very much meat-and-potatoes, but thankfully we've gradually shifted over the past few years to a much more multicultural style of dining, so several of our meals are usually vegetarian anyway. I'm hoping this relatively gentle learning curve will help me stick with it.
    I'll update you tomorrow on my progress (hopefully with pictures!). In the meantime, any good recipes would be appreciated.
  10. Eyru
    Ketan: "I must stop Naming Day from coming... but how?"
    Oreius: "Why am I such a misfit? I am not just a nitwit. Just because my Stone glows... why don't I fit in?"
    Avya: "Bartan was dead, to begin with."
    Cael: "Remember, Joske: no man is a failure who has friends."

    Jin: "Seeing is believing. Am I right?"
    If anyone can name the sources of all five of these quotes, they get... virtual gingerbread? That, and my everlasting approval.
    A very merry Christmas to every BZP member out there, and a happy New Year!
  11. Eyru
    Saw it.
    Loved it.
    I know the word is overused, but the word epic is the best descriptor of this film. Everything about it is larger than life. It's a movie about giant robots fighting giant aliens, and it's unashamed of that. Instead of trying to cram in unnecessary subplots or romantic tension, it simply lets the audience enjoy what we really want to see:
    Giant robots fighting giant aliens.
    Along with that, it has some memorable characters with actual depth, a vivid, extremely detailed world, and a plot that, for the most part, keeps you on the edge of your seat. Sure, it has its flaws, but I wouldn't hesitate to call it a masterpiece.
    I really have no excuse for waiting this long to see it. Don't make my mistake: if you haven't seen it yet, then fix that mistake as quickly as possible!
  12. Eyru
    Today I realized that I didn't want these polls to take another four days, so I decided to take out all of the suggestions with zero votes. Yay! Quicker results! Who doesn't love that?
    Here are the names remaining:
    Delicious Chocolate Milk - 5
    Eyru - 2
    Dreams of Farm Animals - 1
    Mushroom Exterminator - 1
    Eel Your Rump Understands - 2
    A Wonderful Pistachio - 1
    Holy Bieber! Suddenly the end is almost upon us! Vote quickly, before I change the rules again!
  13. Eyru
    For the uninformed, a team of seven evil Toa called the Daedra captured a Toa to hold her hostage. Almost immediately, half a dozen warriors descended on the team to rescue her, even though the Daedra were in the middle of the desert.
    Anyway, EW speaks truth.
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