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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Nikira

  1. Nikira
    You diss my Smeagol, you get yo legs ripped off. >:[
    Seriously guys, what is up with all the BBCC hate? It's just a contest, there will be others - if you're not liking the theme, then wait for another contest (you'll have another one, what, at the end of the summer or something?).
    If you don't want to wait for another contest, then do a teeny bit of research and build something, for gosh sake. Artists have gotta do it for art contests when the theme isn't in our range of inspiration, so why can't MoCers do the same thing and take a little more effort into their building process?
  2. Nikira
    I missed my 2-year anniversary!
    Well, I owe an explanation:
    Last Friday, my dad and I were doing some work on his bug, just tuning it up and stuff. He turns and asks me, "So, are you excited about going to Gettysburg on Sunday?"

    So, yeah, I took an unexpected, week-long trip to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, home of one of the bloodiest battles of the American Civil War (over 53,000 people died in 3 days of fighting.)
    And, yes, Devil's Den is part of Gettysburg.
    Not much to say. Tons of monuments to be seen. Tons of hikes to be done. I drew a cannon, which I will have up some time, and my sister and I ran Pickett's charge, a one-mile trail over open, rolling hills.
    I about died by the time I got to the other side.
    But, yeah, it was really cool. It blows my mind to know how much all these guys had to do in three days.
    Anyways, I got a sweet souvenier: A saber. It's sharp enough to, like, actually kill someone, but I only got it for 12 dollars.
    I was gonna take pics of it, but I found out my dad's digital camera was stolen after the wrecked car got towed away. ;_; (see Friday of last entry)
    Other than the cannon, I didn't get much done. I completly forgot about my two-year piece for last Friday, so I'll have to think up a late thing for that. I have to get DigiTrinity's thing on the computer *ducks yet another volley of punches*, and I have to work on my webcomic for my website.
    Better yet, I have to actually update my website.
    So, yeah, I've basically been absent from the site for, what, almost 3 weeks (give or take a couple days)? I'm kinda behind on...well...everything, right now, so just give me a little time and/or space. I really need it.
  3. Nikira
    It's kinda empty around here art-wise. Sorry guys.
    I really need to draw something one of these days. Or put my art topic back together (it's been dead for almost two years now.) School is killing my time.
    School, please stop being so hard to keep up with.
    Like now, when i'm trying to finish a huge giganto paper when my brain really turned off like two hours ago. D:
    asdakjlghagaaaaaaaaaaaaaah haaah. ;____________;

    I want it to be December. ;.;
    Also, Saturday.
  4. Nikira
    *deep breath*
    I just got off the phone with my dad (he's at a Boy Scout thing about 3 hours away), and guess what?
    He's taking me in to get my permit when he gets back! I'll finally be able to DRIVE!
    *freaks out for the second time this week*
  5. Nikira
    For the first time in a LONG time, I've actually been invited to a friend's house (and actually had the time to go, huzzah).
    We already talked about what we'll basically do:
    Wait until after church (it's a Sunday, so both of us are doing stuff until about 12:30).
    Go eat at this nifty Chinese place over by his house.
    And then we're going to play Final Fantasy, Halo, Soul Caliber and Tales of Symphonia until our heads implode.
    And then we'll probably do some doodling or something like that. AMAZING artist who does some pretty awesome pencil and landscape work - He and I are both members of the same art site (I know some BZPartists watch him there) and he's having trouble figuring out what is what (mainly, he can't figure out what to do with notes and/or comments on his pieces), so I'll probably help him out with that.
    And maybe shoot off a few fire arrows, who knows. He's always got something up his sleeve, albeit disastrous or having to do with catapults or implosions of some kind, but he's always got something.
    And we got snow again, but it all melted overnight, and it makes me want to cry.
    Why does it have to be cold without the snow to go with it?
    It makes no sense.
  6. Nikira
    I've never been higher than third in an art contest before, so I'm really excited. I MIGHT ACTUALLY WIN THIS ONE!
    I think I'm gonna die of stress.
  7. Nikira
    *crawls out of random hole*
    Though I'm quite sick at the moment - a bug's going around, and I swear it's like everyone and their pet gopher is sick this week. D:
    Not to mention I got my daily iron dose yanked up, which is just lovely considering the side effects it has on my digestive track. >>
    I'd better get better by Monday. That's my first official day at work and the manager is really expecting me to be there! ;.;
    Hopefully, eating all that turkey tomorrow will help me get to sleep easier. Sinus congestion = insomnia = FAIL. D: I mean c'mon, I fell asleep in the middle of my sister's 16th birthday party on Sunday and totally freaked out my diabetic friend. I felt so bad... I woke up and everyone had left already. ><
    Ugh... Is it too much to ask for some decent sleep when everyone else is sleeping?
    *shakes fist at subconscious*
  8. Nikira
    All the coding is different, the profiles are different, the topics are different...
    Everything's CRAZY! WHY IS EVERYTHING CRAZY?!?!?! D=
    *brain asplodes*
    Ah... yes, I'm horribly confused, as I've been gone for the last five days. Can someone give me a topic or something that will explain all this? ;;
    ...so...many...colors....EVERYWHERE.... o_O
  9. Nikira
    Well, if my time is right, I am officially three years old in BZP years.
    I feel kinda old. XD
    *puts on Huna and starts poking random FAs in the shoulder blades*
  10. Nikira
    Niki got her allowance yeterday.
    Niki was happy.
    Niki went to Barnes & Noble to get Bionicle WORLD.
    Niki found Bionicle WORLD.
    Niki also found, amongst very many copies of Bionicle Chronicles #1, one single solitary copy of Bionicle Legends #7.
    Niki bought both, of course.
    Niki read both.
    Niki think Legends #7 is amazingly awesome.
    Niki also hates cliffhangers.
  11. Nikira
    Nice weather + How to Train Your Dragon + girl scout cookies + drawing + learning a new game + making new friends at my new job + my brother making me laugh a lot + my kitty = a good kind of night.
    Hopefully some decent sleep will actually happen tonight (I haven't had a restful night's sleep in months). That would make it an even better kind of night. ^.^
  12. Nikira
    Two blog entries in a month?
    But anyways.
    So this time next week I will apparently (hopefully) have a diagnosis of either Asperger's syndrome or PDD-NOS (atypical autism) along with an anxiety disorder that I can never catch the proper name of. This has been 3 and a half months of doctor visits and like years of awkward and mistakes and horribleness in the making and I am still not sure how to feel about it.
    I mean, being autistic on any level doesn't change who I am or anything. I'm still me. But it's like... a question on everyone's mind of "why didn't we really take care of this sooner?" My sister especially. She worries about me often.
    But yeah, that has been on my mind for a while. I am a boat floating forever on a sea of uncertainties and flaily useless panic. Glub.
    (This has been a totally quality blog entry of worrying from Nik, you guys can move on now.)
  13. Nikira
    I just realized that I had to approve all the comments before they appeared.
    Saw Cars this afternoon with my dad after church. I officially LOVE that movie now! It was so worth the money and the two hours. Much better than X-Men 3, IMO.
    *dies at the hands of X-Men fans*
    I wanna go watch it again. Maybe I can call up a few of my friends and see if they wanna go.
  14. Nikira
    Due to several situations in my life right now, I will be absent from BZP far more than normally, starting this afternoon. I do not know how long this will last, or how long I will actually be able to be on BZPower for the rest of the summer. Hopefully, once my life finally slows down a bit, I can get back into the flow of things here.
    Art update:
    I've finally colored those linearts of the Inika Matoran! I should have those up either today or tomorrow. And I'll also have that av ready for you, Millenium Slizer.
    DigiTrinity, your request's pencil sketch is finished. Again, I'll probably scan it today or tomorrow, whichever works out the best.
    For those BZPers who already know what it is: My great big art project's getting closer to being finished. ^^ I'm really running out of colored pencils, however, so I'll need to go fetch some more sometime this week.
  15. Nikira
    Sunday starts the most amazing week of awesome ever. Seriously. I will take pictures.
    But in order to take pictures, I need to be away from my computer.
    I also need to do quite a bit of cleaning and what-not - the house is still recovering from Christmas. x_X
    I will be on only shortly tomorrow (due to the cleaning and stuff), very rarely from Sunday to Wednesday (28-31), and not at all from Wednesday evening until the following Sunday (31-4).
    Kay? Kay!
    Then I'll come back and be all geeky and stuff. =B
    I shall bid you all a fond farewell now while I have the time, and I will see you next year!
  16. Nikira
    First things first:
    The Final AC15 Polls are up and running!
    Sorting out some priorities right now.
    I'll be less active for the next couple months. I'm gonna try and update some artwork/re-do my art topic one of these days (like with the AC entry I never was able to complete, heh ), but after that, I can't really say.
    Hmm. :|
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