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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Nikira

  1. Nikira
    Art theft is wrong, guys.
    This includes tracing other people's pictures and posting them as your own creation.
    Kay? ... Kay.
    *goes to fume*
    For those that are asking about it: yes, I ran into an art thief today, yes, the situation has been taken care of, and no, it was not on BZPower.
    [-Nuva Bookmarks-]
  2. Nikira
    So I'm on this new medicine, right?
    It's like a really strong version of Benadryll mixed with some heavy Naproxen - it's amaaaazing, thank you medical science. <3
    Anyways, all medicines have fun side effects, right? Like making you change funny colors and stuff?
    This one makes me feel like I'm on a spinny carnival ride all day. :]
    Out of all honesty - yes it's kind of annoying, but hey, it's better than nausea or blood clots or liver failure or something awful like that.
  3. Nikira
    Two blog entries in a month?
    But anyways.
    So this time next week I will apparently (hopefully) have a diagnosis of either Asperger's syndrome or PDD-NOS (atypical autism) along with an anxiety disorder that I can never catch the proper name of. This has been 3 and a half months of doctor visits and like years of awkward and mistakes and horribleness in the making and I am still not sure how to feel about it.
    I mean, being autistic on any level doesn't change who I am or anything. I'm still me. But it's like... a question on everyone's mind of "why didn't we really take care of this sooner?" My sister especially. She worries about me often.
    But yeah, that has been on my mind for a while. I am a boat floating forever on a sea of uncertainties and flaily useless panic. Glub.
    (This has been a totally quality blog entry of worrying from Nik, you guys can move on now.)
  4. Nikira
    VBS - GAME DAY CENTRAL: 3 of 5 days completed alive. Sanity: Slowly Collapsing.
    The VBSGDC train rolled a little bumpier this morning. I thought I was gonna puill my hair out, what, with the way some of the younger boys didn't listen... ARG.
    The reaction to the drama today was hilarious. One of the 'mean teens' that happens to be my blondie-brained friend in the play gets stung at the very end, and she's deathly allergic. Five minutes after the lights go down on the stage, all the kids are babbling with wide eyes, and random kids came up to me during scattered times of the morning and asked if my friend had died. XD
    They also all think I'm a big ol' meanie now because of my skit character, so they're confused when I act nice. XDXDXD
    And we got donuts. Lots o' donuts. It's so nice. 8D
    Oh, and I recieved an important art project last night, so any members who planned a trade, collaboration, or project with me - this project is much more important. I'll be doing some major design work on your guys' stuff when I head out to Georgia on Friday.
  5. Nikira
    All the coding is different, the profiles are different, the topics are different...
    Everything's CRAZY! WHY IS EVERYTHING CRAZY?!?!?! D=
    *brain asplodes*
    Ah... yes, I'm horribly confused, as I've been gone for the last five days. Can someone give me a topic or something that will explain all this? ;;
    ...so...many...colors....EVERYWHERE.... o_O
  6. Nikira
    1 week till Christmas!
    Went to see Eragon today.
    Heh... I liked how they did Saphira, and I'm just a total fan of Jeremy Irons in any movie, but the rest of it wasn't very good. The storyline was so mixed around from the book, and they left way too much stuff out... It really wasn't worth my 30 minutes to drive or 11 of my 12 bucks.
    But, hey, my dad and bro liked it. Then again, they haven't read the book.
    So... yeah, if you also haven't read the book, then this movie'll probably entertain you. If you have read the book... prepare for many story-following troubles.
    Ah well. I got to see the new Imagi TMNT trailer, and that made it better. Sorta.
    Oh yeah. I had a choir performance yesterday. Ah.. I guess it went well. My cough finally went away, so I was able to last the whole performance without, like, hacking out a lung or something.
    And afterwards, whoo! I got to rip up masking tape off of carpet for a grand total of 1 hour and 15 minutes! How thrilling!
    *Note: This was not as easy as it sounds. Masking tape has the nasty habit of sticking well to carpet. Too well. Thus the reason it took us more than an hour.
    *smacks Eragon moviemakers across head with masking tape ball*
  7. Nikira
    AC14 is open for buisness!
    I was actually wanting to do Lyger's 'Draw an emotion' theme, but this will work just as well. The theme this time around is 'Through the Looking Glass' - aka, opposite world.
    I already have an idea.
    It was originally for the emotions theme, but it'll work. I just need to re-position characters. And add some stuff.
    And I get to write a storyline for it! 8D
    Let's cross our fingers that it won't be as unlucky for us as AC13, eh, Lady K? =P
  8. Nikira
    Quoting Biomech in my last blog entry:

    Don't worry, Bio, I'm not gonna harass you. It's just...
    That's what I don't like about the ACs right now: It's more of a popularity contest. And popularity is not fun in this situation.
    At all.
    I'd just love for people to vote for the actual art, not for the person behind it. There's a lot of entries out there by not-as-well-known artists that are terrific, but they are not making it into the final polls, just beacuse a popular artist is in the same preliminary poll as them.
    If people would go past the popularity, then the world would be a better place.
    I think.
  9. Nikira
    I just realized while browsing last night that I actually have an option to add myself to my friends list (while viewing one of my posts on the board).
    Having seemingly nothing else to do at the time, I thought, 'Hey, it'd be interesting.'
    So I clicked the magical button of friendly magic.
    And waited.
    The Friends window popped up fairly quickly. But I wasn't on it.
    That was soon followed by a BZP error message in said Friends window.
    My computer then proceeded to freeze up, make several weird noises, and completely shut down.
    I tried it again this morning, and all I got was the error message, thank goodness... My computer's fine now after a good run-through with the virus software.
    But I'm not gonna try to be my own friend anymore. For the sake of my computer's health. XD;
  10. Nikira
    I want to see this musical.
    I really do. ;_;
    You know who you are, you person, you, and you should know it's partially your fault. You owe me some Broadway tickets.
  11. Nikira
    Well, my gloominess seems to have spread to my father as well (ITS CONTAGIOUS D:) He's working so hard on stuff for church and with the new wing that just got built and all he gets in return is just "where's this, where's that, why isn't this like that, why aren't people helping" and all that junk that people could prevent if THEY JUST HELPED instead of complaining, but noooo, they're too stubborn and rich and full of themselves...
    And the AC14 polls for Hand-Drawn and Computer Assisted categories ends tomorrow afternoon.
    Thank you, that's all I have to say here. ><
  12. Nikira
    Whoo for Christmas Break! I gots no school until the 4th of January!
    And... yeah, my sister and mom just took off for somewhere. I asked them where they were going, and my sis just gave me this really insane grin that she always gives me when she wants to drive me crazy.
    Oh, and I have fudge, too! It's really good!
  13. Nikira
    *crawls out of random hole*
    Though I'm quite sick at the moment - a bug's going around, and I swear it's like everyone and their pet gopher is sick this week. D:
    Not to mention I got my daily iron dose yanked up, which is just lovely considering the side effects it has on my digestive track. >>
    I'd better get better by Monday. That's my first official day at work and the manager is really expecting me to be there! ;.;
    Hopefully, eating all that turkey tomorrow will help me get to sleep easier. Sinus congestion = insomnia = FAIL. D: I mean c'mon, I fell asleep in the middle of my sister's 16th birthday party on Sunday and totally freaked out my diabetic friend. I felt so bad... I woke up and everyone had left already. ><
    Ugh... Is it too much to ask for some decent sleep when everyone else is sleeping?
    *shakes fist at subconscious*
  14. Nikira
    [singyish tone]I've got a su-mmer project! I've got a su-mmer project! It's rea-lly bi-ig!
    And only one person on BZP besides me knows what it i-is! XD[/singyish tone]
    Yeah, I've got a great big artsy thing to do for the next couple weeks of July. Hooray!
    [another singyish tone]Now I won't have an excuse to be bo-ored! La-de-da-de-da-aa![/another singyish tone]
    *likes singyish tones*
  15. Nikira
    Well, half of AC is officially over and done. Congrats to all those members who made the finals, and the best of luck to the six still competing in the Comics Final! =D
    Also, thanks to everyone who voted - this was a tough theme this time around, and I know a lot of us participating were sceptical of how our entries would do. The voters are our only hope, when it comes down to it.
    A big congrats needs to be given to MartianMan, not only for creating such an amazing theme, but also for snatching first place in the Computer Assisted category! Well done! *applause*
    Props go out to Lady Kopaka, Ga-Metruian, Lyger, and Vezok's friend for placing high in the finals as well.
    And I'd seriously be cheering in RL right now because of the win in the Hand-Drawn category.
    But the fact that every part of my body (including my stomach) is burning to immense ends isn't helping matters. Eh-heh... ||D
    But yes, once again, congratulations to everyone! May we look forward to another awesome AC next year! =D
  16. Nikira
    Got some more priority-shifting to do.
    I'll be absent from BZP until the 21st.
    So, y'know the drill.... don't go blowing the world up without me.
  17. Nikira
    I found BL10.
    I bought BL10 (duh).
    I read BL10 (doubleduh).
    I love the new Makuta.
    Several incidents in the book made me laugh.
    Several made me go 'aha'!
    Several made me just blankly stare at the pages in disbelief.
    Tahu looks soooo much better on the cover than he did at the Toyfair.
    I really do love the new Makuta.
    And the ending made me want to scream. : D
    Aaaand on a side note - I can't get the special access stuff to open up on my screen for more than 10 seconds. D:< *kicks computer and its inablility to open those kind of files correctly*
    EDIT: Bumped =D
  18. Nikira
    Lightning just struck a house about three doors down.
    All our appliances went off, and then starting going beserk, including our fire alarms and several battery-related items (ex. one of my brother's old Hot Wheel playsets went bonkers). Computers were all fine, but a surge got through mine, through my headphones and zapped me in the ear. Ow.
    There was some property damage done to the roof of the house, and there were lots of fire trucks. Other than my ear, no one was hurt, yay.
    Makes me very glad I got put in the house I am in - I feel very lucky indeed. :]
  19. Nikira
    Missed the Lego store. By 12 miles.
    Maybe it was cause I was drowning in insanely thick Jersey accents coming from everyone but myself. No one threw me a life preserver, man.
    Ah well. Tired, worn, and really feeling like I need a vacation from what was supposed to be my vacation, but at least I'm back now with all limbs intact. I believe I learned more about Ben Franklin last week than I ever have before.
    And I didn't die when put in the same room with 28 other family members! Woooo Niki's developing social skills! =D
    *fist wave of success*
  20. Nikira
    *slumps into armchair*
    Hi guys. I am back from my travel fun. I miss a certain Moderator very much, but I'm sooosooso glad he let me bug him for two weeks. Now I feel a little more relaxed and ready for work.
    Er, after I get a little sleep, that is. XD I've been in and out of cars nonstop since 8:30 this morning (I got home at around 10pm my time).
    Looking forward very much to Brickfair in a couple months, but I've got a boatload of work to do between now and then, oi. ]: Work means food money, though, so work hard we shall. I don't want to starve to death. Yep.
    Anyways, errrrr hi guys, how ya doing? :]
    Also, am I the only one experiencing a teeny tiny itty bitty bit of art contest withdrawal?
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