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Pahrak Model ZX

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Blog Entries posted by Pahrak Model ZX

  1. Pahrak Model ZX
    To be honest...I have nothing prepared this week.
    Let's see...Kako is moving along, though kinda slowly. I kept forgetting to look up stuff I needed for Onu-Isle...but I just wrote the first scene where we get cameos of Original Element-Lords, and I rather like it (even though it's not important...at all). And I decided on "The Lucky Ghekula Casino" as the location where we encounter a new King Bohrok. If you get this reference, I applaud you. I applaud you very much.
    Hm, is anything important happening in the next week...? Oh yeah, Theatrhythm Final Fantasy is being released in Japan! It's basically Final Fantasy DDR on the Nintendo 3DS. I can't wait for them to release it in America...
    Which reminds me, they released the boxart for Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance!
    ...Of course, I know I'm the only one particularly excited by that.
    What's that? Valentine's Day is next week? Who cares?
    I refuse to celebrate Valentine's Day. It may not come out much in my stories, which have a bunch of cliche romance, but I don't believe in romantic love. /pessimism
    I'll try to have something for next week's entry, I promise!
  2. Pahrak Model ZX
    You thought RoboRiders Mafia was a bad idea, get a load of this.
    Glinch Festival
    Every player gets assigned one of four species from Galidor, and then each round they target another player and say which of their limbs they want to swap. So Player A can target Player B’s Left Arm, and boom, they switch Left Arms. The goal is to end up with one limb from every species.
    Plus maybe one or two Royals inserted who are wild cards, one of their limbs can be counted as any other species you need.
    Not sure if the game would end when one player does this or each player “wins” when they do or if we have a deadline and see how many players can achieve this by the end of the game (or how many times/how long it lasts).
    Probably no point in doing this. Though if what I glimpse in the BZP Tweets sidebar is any indication, ironically liking Galidor might be cool right now.
  3. Pahrak Model ZX
    I regret deleting all my gifs now, I don't think these emoticons can relate my glee.
    I kind of expected it would be a late-notice announcement since that's what they did with the Japanese version. Thank God I have the day off Thursday!
    So who else is gonna download it? What Union are you thinking of joining? Since we don't really have any information on what's different between them, I was thinking I'd just go with Ursus because I like their Foreteller's Keyblade. But, if a bunch of you are joining another Union and wanted to form a party, I'd have no problem switching. (*wink*)
  4. Pahrak Model ZX
    Wow, I was Pahrak #0579 for over a year. That's definitely a personal best.
    But I like the way my new name sounds too. Figured there's no harm in trying something different for a little while.
    Might take a while to get used to, though.
  5. Pahrak Model ZX
    If the title doesn’t make sense don’t worry.
    So, I can change my name again, and I have a few ideas but I’m not really sure what to go with. Since the cool kids always make blog entries about this sort of thing, I figured I would copy them and see if anyone has an opinion or however this works.
    Ideas so far:
    -Pahrak #0579 (It stuck really well, I might go back to it)
    -Pahrak Va #0579 (With a Scouting Legion avatar because the Bohrok Va are scouts I’m sorry it seemed funny at the time)
    -Greninja #0579 (I kinda miss this one too)
    -Cyberman #0579 (I like Cybermen okay)
    -Name Change #0579 (No I still haven’t forgotten that)
    -Master Pahrak (To go with the reboot and everything)
    -Professor O’Pahrak (A while ago on Tumblr I got into a discussion about my middle name, O’Patrick, and someone combined it with my URL to create that. Tumblr URLs can’t have apostrophes though, but I still like this and sort of want to use it?)
    -Mega Pahrak (I love Mega Evolution SO MUCH)
    -Pahrak III.7 HD ReMIX (I feel like there should be a Kingdom Hearts reference on here somewhere)
    -Super Smash Bohrok (Oh why not)
    -Mahou Shoujo Mega Man (I still love the sound of it)
    -Onepu Nuva (This was a name I used way, WAY back in the day, and I have now repurposed it to be a nickname for Protector of Earth; most likely will come with blog title “A Place That is Totally Not Onu-Koro”)
    -Lab Member 0579: Pahrak (It took me a while but I thought of a Steins;Gate reference woo)
    I might think of more later, if I do I might edit it. And if you have suggestions I guess you can give those?
  6. Pahrak Model ZX
    Oh, yeah, NaNoWriMo is a thing.
    ...Hm. Since I'm trying to write a novel, I should probably make use of that.
    The main point of it is just to keep you motivated, is that correct? I'm just concerned because November is going to present some issues of time and stress, so I don't know if I'll really be able to participate.
    I guess, if nothing else, I can try it out this year, and if it doesn't work out then I can take another swing next year. (Or, there's also a summer version I guess?) Since I was saying I wanted to try to finish Divine Strength by the end of the year, this is probably my best chance to do that. Essentially I'm trying to talk myself into this.
    Well, I have a few days to decide, I'll let you know.
  7. Pahrak Model ZX
    So my story-novel-thing Divine Strength has been pretty much dead for a while now, with most of my time trying to brainstorm for it over the past few months being spent on the mechanics of how the main character’s hair color changes. That is a 100% true statement. Unbelievable.
    (I mean I think I also found a potential way to make one of the other characters interesting but most of it has been the hair thing, and that sounds funny out of context. Always lead with a joke, or something, I don’t know.)
    I don’t really want to give up on it, though, so I’m thinking I should try writing some short scenes to flesh out the characters and world and such to get myself motivated, working, and making the thing all around more interesting. Now…I just need some way to come up with ideas for such scenes.
    So, does anyone know a good way to get prompts for short character/world-building scenes? If being specific would be helpful, it’s a magical middle ages type deal. I mean, with how cliché that is, I’m sure there are resources specifically for that, I should get looking…
    And, I doubt it’s the case, but if anyone’s read the bits of this idea I’ve already put up and has some things they’d like to see, feel free to request. Most of that stuff is so vague at this point that I don’t think there’s much chance, but I figure it can’t hurt to ask.
    And I guess if you have some other prompt you want to give me unrelated to this idea you can go ahead, but I make no guarantees on getting around to it. Not that I really guarantee getting around to the relevant ones either, just…well, y’know.
  8. Pahrak Model ZX
    So for reasons I still don’t fully understand…I ended up buying an exercise game. And, honestly, it’s kind of great? It’s like DDR but with punching. So that’s cool.
    And like, it’s just a really great fit for the Switch. Rather than rearranging things and getting everything hooked up each day for just 20 minutes, I can use the Switch’s kickstand to do this wherever’s most convenient. And if I need to travel or something, I can just take my Switch with me and not have to miss a day or two. It’s so easy to integrate into a daily routine!
    I recommend checking it out–there’s a demo on the eShop if you’re interested. Never thought I’d be doing any sort of workout routine, but something about this really clicked for me!
    (One important note is that, despite the cover art, Wii Fit Trainer does not appear in this game. ): But maybe there'll be DLC?)
  9. Pahrak Model ZX
    Good news: we had an Office disk and I set that up with little issue.
    Bad news: the computer just crashed again.
    But I got about 24 hours out of it. I guess I can just reboot it every single day, it's better than nothing and it's not like I can actually afford a new computer.
    I'm completely fine with this series of events.
  10. Pahrak Model ZX
    So Vegeta got a new form. Not unusual, in and of itself, but I’m kind of taken with the way it happened this time.
    Last week, Vegeta stepped up to take on Jiren the Bland and got his butt kicked. He gave it his all and managed to look pretty cool doing it, but in the end he got knocked flat. Still, near the end of this week’s episode (after Goku doing only marginally better against the same guy), he got back up, screamed his lungs out, and vowed to defeat Jiren, win the Super Dragon Balls, and use them to fulfill his promise of wishing back the Saiyans of Universe 6. And then, new form. No name has been given yet and the explanation was incredibly vague, so I’m just gonna go with New Blue Vegeta as a placeholder.
    And I mean, it was kind of a surprise. This arc’s been hyping the heck out of Goku’s new Ultra Instinct form, and Vegeta’s been trying his hardest to attain the same power so he can show him up, but in these two episodes he’s declared that he doesn’t need Ultra Instinct and will surpass his limits in his own way. You could probably still have a debate over how these two forms compare, but the bottom line is that Goku and Vegeta attained different new transformations at roughly the same time. For starters I think this is a great step in the direction of variety—rather than everyone rushing to climb the same tier list of forms, we might actually see the major characters each pursuing and attaining their own unique types of power, and that sounds a lot fresher. Gohan said something similar way back near the start of the arc, so I’m really hoping.
    More than that, though, it feels like we’re seeing a subtle yet significant shift in Vegeta. He’s been spending so much time recently so fixated on one-upping Goku that many people felt his character was regressing, but now he’s saying he doesn’t need to do that. He doesn’t need to chase Goku, he can find his own way. And what helped him find that way was his determination to save someone close to him, and a few (maybe more?) others he hasn’t even met. That’s a selflessness he hasn’t shown since he fought Buu. Combine this with the early part of this arc, where he refused to train or even enter the tournament because he needed to be there for his wife when she gives birth, and we’ve got a huge shift in the guy’s priorities.
    I mean, this is Dragon Ball we’re talking about, it’s never been a work of fantastic writing and it’s not meant to be, but the way Vegeta leveled up this time around just felt kind of…poignant, I guess. It was a nice surprise and it leaves me optimistic for where the series may go from here. So that’s cool.
  11. Pahrak Model ZX
    For my Bravely Second post on the topic--*shot*
    ...Actually, that's relevant because the new Job uses guns! The new Job is "Tomahawk", a gun-specialist that apparently will have a lot of support abilities and attacks that can hit all enemies. Sounds neat!
    They also announced the Asterisk-holder for this Job: "Amy Matchlock", who comes from a small tribe and can talk to spirits. She also has a really cool spear-axe-gun-bow...thing.
    Aside from that, it's been confirmed that Agnes will provide the party with guidance from the lower screen over the course of their quest. I'm taking this to mean she'll do what Airy did on Menus in Bravely Default. Looking less likely that she'll be an actual party member, but...more Agnes, so that'll be nice.
    Well, I guess they are hoping to release the game sort of soon, so perhaps this is the beginning of a steady reveal of content leading up to the release, sort of like what's happening with ORAS. We can certainly hope!
  12. Pahrak Model ZX
    It’s not ready yet but I think this could be a good one and I’m like…halfway there, give or take.
    The basic setup is that an island is being attacked, and this same exact thing happened ten thousand years ago. However, the only record of those events is in a language no one reads anymore, so they have no idea how to proceed and are doing very poorly. So, five Chroniclers are sent to find the Spirit of Knowledge and gain the power to translate the history so that they can find some clues to help the island survive. However, the Spirit needs some convincing, and we can’t know if all the Chroniclers are compassionate…
    At the start of a round, the players are given a prompt, and then have four days to write a very short story. I judge it, and the winner gets a piece of the history PMed to them. Then they decide what to do with it. They can publish it to the Library for all to see, or they can keep it for themselves. Or, they can just PM it to certain other players. And whenever they publish or share it, they can alter the version that gets published or shared. Because after that, a problem similar to the one in the history fragment will be presented to the modern-day villages, and the Chroniclers need to tell their people how to handle it. At the end of the game the status of each player’s village will be summed up, so if you want the others to do poorly, you can try to mislead them. So, who to trust?
    I just need to write up the history and decide on prompts, and then I’ll settle on a release date. I’ve been trying to do something like this for a while so I’m eager to see how it goes!
  13. Pahrak Model ZX
    Prompted by fishers' contest, I’ve got a brand new game inspired by the constraction line that started it all!
    Slizer Dome will allow players a chance to immerse themselves in the overlooked world of the old line, becoming Slizers of any region they choose and pushing their abilities to the limits in order to battle it out in a planet-wide tournament! You’ll need to find disks, gather rare sources of power, and battle elemental monsters if you’re going to become strong enough to best all the others, and be named Champion of the Millennium!
    The game will start Monday. I’ll make another post here with the link, and then you’ll have 24 hours to sign up before the first round gets started. I hope you’ll enjoy it!
  14. Pahrak Model ZX
    Square Enix has been doing a Kingdom Hearts Orchestra lately, and apparently there was a show somewhere last night. They used this opportunity to display a brand new trailer, which can be watched
    . I guess this technically counts as its E3 showing, sort of? 

    Thoughts I wonder…the text at the beginning mentions “dreams” and “dive”, and then we see Sora falling in a way very reminiscent of Dive Mode from 3D. Of course, the significance of that is questionable.
    The music is pretty sweet, though. It sounds like the final boss music from 0.2, maybe a little different? It’s awesome.
    The main draw here is a ton of gameplay footage. Flowmotion, Shotlocks, team-up attacks, they all make appearances, plus footage of Sora using his Keyblade’s shield transformation and a ton of other techniques through the new form changing mechanic. I’m starting to be more optimistic about using this system in place of Deck Commands. This looks pretty cool.
    There are some minor nods towards story as well, but…honestly, that’s my least favorite thing here. I think this is our first look at Maleficent and Pete (and Hades) in KHIII, and apparently they’re searching for the box that the MoM left behind in Back Cover. That whole plot point was kind of “Eh” IMO. I guess it’s consistent: Maleficent mentioned the Book of Prophecies in 2.5 and is involved somehow in X/UX (we still don’t know how). Still…”Eh”.
    And then there’s a scene outside the Twilight Town mansion with Sora, Donald, and Goofy talking to Xemnas and Ansem. I went really quickly from “Ah, Xemnas!” to “Oh, come on, why?”, since the dialogue is Xemnas asking Sora how he plans to bring Roxas back. I’ve gone on about how I don’t want them to separate Roxas from Sora, right? About how Roxas rejoining with Sora at the end of KHII and finding peace felt like a good end to me and that ripping him out of that would only serve to undermine that resolution? I have? Okay.
    It’s funny, just last night I asked myself if I actually still like Kingdom Hearts, and even after seeing a brand new trailer upon waking up I still don’t have a proper answer. Hm.

    The end promises that at the D23 Expo next month (July 15th, specifically) there will be a new trailer with a new world, which sounds promising. Hopefully this will be the start of a more consistent stream of updates, eh?
  15. Pahrak Model ZX
    I was going to go with "ORAS ORAS ORAS" for the title, but it seemed too general and I haven't actually watched that anime so anyway
    Mega Slowbro is the Magic Conch. Rather than it obeying your commands in battle, you must obey whatever it says. All hail the Magic Conch!
    Mega Audino...for some reason, I get the feeling it wants to make a contract with me...
    What surprises me is that several of the most recent reveals are for Pokemon who were not introduced in Generation III. I guess I just sort of assumed that all new Mega Evolutions would be for Gen III Pokemon since these are Gen III remakes, and that assumption went unchallenged for some time--barring Mega Diancie, but since she's the newest Mythical Pokemon I figured that was a logical exception. Seems I was wrong! Well, that's not a bad thing, more Mega Evolutions is good news!
    I don't really have much to say on Mega Lopunny, other than "Wow, a new Gen IV Mega Evolution, now there are 4 of them! And we're all going to die because 4 is death!" and "But...why Lopunny??" Mega Slowbro raises the possibility of Mega Slowking, but then again, Mega Gardevoir is in a similar situation in regards to Mega Gallade, and nothing has come of that yet either. Very surprised to see Mega Audino, not so much because I don't see a whole lot of love for that particular Pokemon (although...), but because this is the first Gen V Mega Evolution. Since Forme Changes were in full swing in Gen V, I wasn't expecting to see any Gen V Mega Evolutions, at least not during Gen VI. This opens up a lot of possibility--Gen V is now open for Mega Evolving, which means we could see awesome transformations for Pokemon like Gigalith and Chandelure and Golurk. It's very exciting.
    So...three more months. What a coincidence.
  16. Pahrak Model ZX
    After a recent leak of the release date (October 2nd), Capcom has gone ahead and provided a huge new update on the upcoming game, with a new trailer, cover art, several gaming news outlets getting a hands-on demo, and man I am PUMPED.
    shows off some new footage and explains the Double Gear system we previously caught glimpses of: you can either activate a Power Gear to enhance the strength of the Mega Buster, or a Speed Gear to slow down time around you. Using these abilities too much results in the system overheating for a short time, and apparently when your health is low you can activate them both to achieve incredible power for a short time before suffering an even stronger backlash. Sounds like a lot of fun! 
    We also get the official name for the Robot Master previously teased, Block Man, and get to see footage of Mega Man battling him and new reveal Fuse Man! Both of their weapons are also seen in action, and seem quite useful in different ways.
    There was also information released on collector's editions for both Japan and the states, including a brand new Mega Man amiibo featuring his MM11 design! Hopefully that won't be required for anything too cool...
    This was nice, I needed something to lift my spirits and this definitely did the trick. Now if only they'd tell us what's going on with that Star Force costume seem in an early screenshot...
  17. Pahrak Model ZX
    That's why I'm a little late today--was taking pictures of ZMoC-17. Think I'm going to wait until the gallery is public until I post the topic, though. This model might look familiar to those of you who played Bionifight 4...
    I updated the Spirit Index, although I think there's only one new Spirit...been a while since I made a proper update.
    Remember when I made a big deal about that TWEWY themed countdown? Yeah, it turned out to be an iOS remake. Since the fandom was expecting more, we kind of exploded. However, a secret artwork was discovered in the remake, featuring a completely new character and the phrase "New 7 Days." So it looks like we're getting a sequel after all? Hopefully Square will say something at the Tokyo Game Show later this month.
    Also, I got my Ackar spinny! Woooo!
    ...Sorry about the lack of Bioni-Lords, also. I've been a little distracted, but I promise to get the next chapter done sometime next week!
  18. Pahrak Model ZX
    The game has been up for a week, so all the reservations for returning players have expired. In other words, a ton of fighters are now up for grabs! Check the topic to get the basics and see a list of all fighters currently looking for sponsors!
  19. Pahrak Model ZX
    was released at TGS, as well as the game’s boxart and the announcement that it was being moved from December to January (but January in both Japan AND the US!). 
    Getting some nitpicks out of the way, I’m…not really a fan of the new Hikari remix. LOVE the name (Hikari - Ray of Hope Mix - ), but as soon as I heard it it just seemed kind of off. I dunno, maybe it’s just me. Also it appears there’s going to be DLC for the game (I mean I don’t have a PS4 so I probably will just watch someone play it but still…ugh), and my instant reaction to that isn’t positive for whatever reason. Lastly, one of the news sites I frequent points out that the Drop Gauge doesn’t appear in the footage of Dream Drop Distance, and says the Gauge was “frustrating” and if it has been removed that will make fans happy. Come on, people. It wasn’t that bad if you just managed it right. It was a lot smoother alternating between Sora and Riku than BBS’s method of playing through one whole story, then starting over with the second, and then starting over again with the third. (I love BBS but the Drop Gauge was definitely an improvement.) Kingdom Hearts fans really are unpleasable.
    Anyway, those are my complaints. Moving on.
    -Master Aqua is beautiful. I mean, everyone already knows this, but…Master Aqua is beautiful.
    -I love the way the snippet of 0.2’s opening goes, showing Terra and Ven in their possessed states. I don’t know why.
    -There really isn’t much to say about the Dream Drop Distance segment other than the apparent lack of Drop Gauge.
    -Following up on Aqua seeing an illusion of Terra in the remains of Castle of Dreams, we now see her finding an illusion of Ven in the remains of Dwarf Woodlands. She also finds the Magic Mirror, which produces a doppelganger for her to fight. I’m a sucker for doppelgangers.
    -We see a few short clips of the Foretellers. Aced wants to form an alliance, Gula’s being edgy and saying he can only trust himself, and there’s an interesting bit where Ava tells Invi that what she’s doing might be making things worse. Which is the first time we’ve seen any hint of Invi being interesting at all.
    -Back to 0.2, there appear to be some new Heartless, though I haven’t gotten a clear look at them. There also looks to be an interesting segment of exploring a castle and the world suddenly becomes inverted. Probably related to the ol’ Magic Mirror.
    -It keeps jumping back and forth, anyway, we also get to see Luxu and the Master of Masters in the same room for the first time. So, there goes one of the possibilities I was considering. But it still looks interesting.
    -Once again to 0.2, Mickey makes his appearance! This leads into a very…peculiar scene that I’m sure is going to be important somehow. We see a swarm of Darksides all throwing orbs of energy into the air (in a method reminiscent of whatever Master Xehanort does to summon Kingdom Hearts in BBS), all joining together into one massive sphere just like the one that appeared over Destiny Islands as it was destroyed back in the first game. It’s a striking image.
    Again, there’s little to no chance I’m going to be able to buy this and play it for myself, but I’m still really looking forward to watching Back Cover and 0.2. It’ll be wonderful to finally get full context on what’s going on in Unchained X, and seeing Master Aqua again is a lovely dream…I mean, aside from the fact that she’s…still in the Realm of Darkness…but, it’s a step. Plus we know the frame tale is going to show Master Riku and Kairi at Yen Sid’s tower and I really want to know what direction that’s going to point us in. (Kairi with a Keyblade with any luck.) Ah, maybe 2017 won’t be horrible!
    No, it probably will. But at least I’ll have Kingdom Hearts.
  20. Pahrak Model ZX
    First you were a Keyblade Master! Now, you're a Pokemon Master!

    Back in June I went to a convention and bought a Mega Charizard X plushie and a 3D Riku figure.
    The opportunity to take pictures like this almost makes that trainwreck of a weekend worth it.
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