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Pahrak Model ZX

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Blog Entries posted by Pahrak Model ZX

  1. Pahrak Model ZX
    I’ve received a great one. Don’t tell Zuko.
    I have been promoted to Outstanding BZPower Citizen! I honestly never thought I’d earn this much proto, reclusive as I am, but it seems I’ve gotten a lot more mileage than I expected out of my Pokemon news blog posts and violent crossover games!
    Since I haven’t been keeping track of every increase I don’t know who each one came from, but I know Windrider’s given me at least two, so a big thank you to her! And thanks to everyone who participated in said blogging and games, I hope you all enjoyed the time you spent indulging me.
    Wait…does this make me a role model now? Yikes. Kids, let’s get one thing out of the way right now: do as I say, not as I do!
    Coincidentally, I recently realized that I’ve had this name since December 2014 and was thinking it was time to change it. And now I can abuse name changes more than ever. *rubs hands together in a vaguely sinister yet cheesy due to being cliché manner*
    Also for completion’s sake: I changed my blog title. Sinnoh forever.
  2. Pahrak Model ZX
    I finally cleared Birth by Sleep's Final Episode. I remembered what happened from when I played the game before, but for some reason I felt it a lot more this time. I'll admit to tearing up at the end of all three individual scenarios, but Final Episode made me actually cry multiple times throughout, and I still want to go cry about it.
    Part of me is kind of embarrassed to be crying over a video game, but as time goes on, I find more and more that this idea is kind of silly. Video games matter to people--they give us characters who can inspire us, and possess an interactive element lacking in other forms of media that draws us even closer to these characters. I think I'd care about Aqua even if Kingdom Hearts was a movie or book or what have you, but I also think it's a little different since I was just guiding her through an intense boss battle knowing that my choices (or mistakes) would determine the outcome. It's an interesting sort of relationship between player and character--admittedly no substitute for relationships with real people, but much less intimidating and with a clear outcome. Er, maybe I'm getting a little off-topic...
    What I guess I mean is that I want to stop being embarrassed about getting emotional over video games, because those emotions exist.
    So yeah, I cried my way through the credits of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and the next time I feel hopeless, I'm going to try to think about that final line. And maybe that's okay.
  3. Pahrak Model ZX
    I finally posted a new chapter in Kako! Kako 45 is online--46 is written, and I meant to type it this week, but I got a little busy. I'll try to get it up soon.
    In related news, I also added a new Spirit to the Index who will become relevant in the coming chapters.
    Also, the Flash Fiction Marathon seems interesting! I'm going to try and enter as many as I can, though we'll have to see how that works out.
    Oh yeah, I need to pick new recruits for the Coliseum! Heading there now...
  4. Pahrak Model ZX
    Obviously the only movie that's going to be worth seeing this year is Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Dark Side of Dimensions
    I'm not sure why you would bother wasting time on anything else
    I'm kidding of course, that point has to be made absolutely clear
  5. Pahrak Model ZX
    The entire point of all this multimedia storytelling is to sell toys to 8 year olds.
    As I understand it, not many 8 year olds want to research something that started before they were born and ended when they were 3 in order to enjoy their brand new toy.
    More toys will be sold if Lego takes the old continuity and gives it the reboot.
    (And let’s hope they use a healthy dose of reboot polish to give it that extra shine.)
  6. Pahrak Model ZX
    Been sick since Tuesday night. It's made for an interesting finals week, haha...
    Not done yet, though. My school is doing this weird thing with the schedule, so I have one last exam on Monday. I've got a good feeling about that, though. I just need to finish my last assignment first.
    I'm really going to miss that class. Several unexpected topics came up, culminating in the teacher actually Rickrolling us on the last normal class day. Good times...
    Oh, but I want to apologize--I haven't been at the peak of mental functioning, so I want to apologize for any mistakes I've made or things I may have flat-out skipped. (I'll get to those tasks soon, I promise.)
    So the other day it was announced that an upcoming episode of Pokemon Smash would have a great deal of X and Y info. Today, we're getting CoroCoro leaks! Good things come even if you don't wait, I suppose. Technically speaking, none of it is confirmed yet, so it should probably be taken with a grain of salt. However, the source I'm looking at is generally quite reliable, and if it is official, then I am now full-on excited for Gen VI.
    (Don't think I can give the source on BZP, sorry. I definitely recommend looking into it, though.)
  7. Pahrak Model ZX
    New semester is...going...and some poetry has come up in my English classes. Once again, talking about poetry made me want to attempt some, and the result is this.
    Since I'm not the best with poetry, I didn't put a whole lot of thought into line length and none of it rhymes or anything like that, but I wanted to try messing with the style a little bit. Several letters throughout the poem have been removed or replaced with symbols that may or may not resemble the intended letter, and there are a few other miscellaneous format alterations here and there. I wanted to try bringing out the idea of "broken" just by looking at the text.
    I had also considered arranging the words in such a way that they formed the shape of a Kanohi with a scar in it or something, but I don't have the patience for something like that. Oh well.
  8. Pahrak Model ZX
    -As mentioned previously, the Inika Charge has been dropped and the Hordika Venom has been edited. I also said more Kanohi will be made available in Nuva! Specifically, we’ll be making the Suletu, Kadin, Mask of Emulation, and Crast upgrade-friendly. The Calix and Felnas are going to stay the way they are, for now at least.
    -Also, I decided to go with Canis’s idea for making Rahkshi Staffs compatible with Antidermis Infusion. In addition to buying the staff, you will need to pay 3,000 W to make it Infusion-compatible, which will change its designation in your inventory to “Staff of ___-C”.
    -One last upgrade: the Shadow Leech Partial Drain! It may cost 30,000 W, but with this upgrade your fighter will gain Shadow powers in addition to their current Element! It wears off after 10 battles, though, and there are some restrictions involving this and the Elemental Rahkshi Staffs.
    -Wraith suggested an item to let the Glatorian fly, so here it is: the Imported Jetpack! 7,000 W, as you would expect.
    -Credit to Canis, the Nui Stone will be available for any fighter to purchase! When used by a non-upgraded fighter fighting an upgraded fighter, it targets the stats they have an edge in and splits the difference like a Suletu! Not super sure about the price, but right now I’m thinking 20,000 W.
    -Another awesome but impractical item: the Golden Kanohi! If you can shell out 80,000 W and obey the restrictions, you can use this item to have access to the powers of every Kanohi you own at once! And yes, it breaks after one use. Not planning to make this one available in Nuva.
    -You’ve been asking for it, so here it is: the Adaptive Armor! But this isn’t an upgrade—no, this is an item that any fighter can buy! This armor will cost 30,000 W, and protects the wearer from any and all stat reductions, plus effects such as blindness, illusions, poison, and whatnot.
    -Last but not least, the Golden Armor, also available for any fighter to buy! This one costs 10,000 W, and when brought into battle it prevents any and all Rahkshi Staffs from being used in the match. Great for going up against an opponent who loves their Rahkshi Staffs! It cannot, however, be used to cancel out the Staff power being used by a fighter with an Antidermis Infusion.
    Well, that’s everything I had planned. Feel free to keep submitting item ideas, though!
  9. Pahrak Model ZX
    Asterisk Holder: Alternis Dim

    Origin: Final Fantasy II (character), Final Fantasy III (as “Magic Knight”)
    Was It In Bravely Default?: Yes
    Overview: Dark Knights are powerhouses who specialize in giving up their own HP to execute mega-powerful dark-element attacks, putting them at high risk if you don’t have a healer ready. Should you keep them alive though, they can easily wipe the field, so figuring out how to best make use of them is definitely worth it.
    Personal Thoughts: I guess Dark Knight and Templar were confirmed? This has story impact I must not get into here. Anyway! Since I have difficulty keeping my party alive already, Dark Knight isn’t really for me, except for when I’m executing final boss strategies. They learn a lot of great abilities: Magic Drain, Helm Lore, Physical Attack 30% Up, Adversity…there are plenty of reasons to invest in this Job. There’s also Minus Strike, which does damage equal to how much HP you’ve lost, and that’s fantastic to use while you’re waiting for your healer to recharge. There’s also the option of using Drain Sword Magic before using their skills—that way, while you will lose some HP upon attacking, once you hit, you’ll gain some HP back, at least enough to keep you steady until your healer gets to you. There was never much doubt this was coming back, was there?
  10. Pahrak Model ZX
    So, I had managed to make it to the Indigo Plateau in Virtual Red, and I was unsure what to do at that point. I set it down for a few days, but on Sunday I finally buckled down to grind until everyone was Level 50 (because Scorch badly needed Flamethrower and an evolution), minus Articuno who was already 51. Knowing that those numbers were still too low, I nevertheless made the decision to challenge the Elite Four and see how far I could get.
    Somehow I ended up winning.
    Hall of Fame:
    -Hana the Venusaur, Level 51
    -Scorch the Arcanine, Level 50
    -Gahlok the Vaporeon, Level 51
    -Sentinel the Marowak, Level 51
    -Aeroga the Aerodactyl, Level 50
    -Articuno, Level 52
    To celebrate I went and caught Zapdos, which was difficult because apparently Poke Balls can miss in Gen I, but I got it. Not sure if I want to do much else though. We’ll see.
    Now to replay either X or Y with the team I was planning to use for Pokemon Z.
  11. Pahrak Model ZX
    This obviously contains huge spoilers, since it covers the part of the game that wasn’t in the original Ruby and Sapphire. You have been warned.
    These updates might start getting more sparse now. However, once I get my Secret Base looking presentable, I'll post the QR code so you can all visit.
  12. Pahrak Model ZX
    After taking a few months trying to focus on Red Joker, I’ve finally completed it!  There’s one more step in the Shooting Star Sonia project, but I’m putting that on hold for the time being, due in no small part to the fact that I really, really want to get Right of Law moving.  And on that note!
    Section XVI is live!  It’s a little short, mainly because it picks up a couple of loose ends and puts us in position for the next major event, but I’ll do my best to keep the ball rolling and get XVII out soon!  There are a couple projects I’ll be working on simultaneously, but Law is my top priority for the near future—the more I think about the things I want to do in this story, the more excited I get, and I want to put that energy to good use!
  13. Pahrak Model ZX
    Strength: start 5, current 5
    Agility: start 1, current 1
    Toughness: start 5, current 5
    Mind: start 1, current 1
    Powers and Items: Elemental power of choice, claws
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 1, current 1
    Toughness: start 3, current 3
    Mind: start 5, current 5
    Powers and Items: Elemental Stone powers, Seismic Pickaxe
    Strength: start 3, current 8
    Agility: start 4, current 9
    Toughness: start 2, current 5
    Mind: start 3, current 3
    Powers and Items: Can shoot lightning bolts from back spines without using Elemental Energy, Elemental Lightning powers, claws, Kanohi Huna, Staff of Illusion (shared), Repellers (shared), Staff of Weather Control (shared), Staff of Plasma (shared)
    Sponsor: Pulse
    Strength: start 2, current 2
    Agility: start 2, current 2
    Toughness: start 4, current 4
    Mind: start 4, current 4
    Powers and Items: Ice Gun, Elemental Ice powers
    -Pridak Tournament 2 Champion
    Strength: start 3, current 12
    Agility: start 4, current 10
    Toughness: start 3, current 3
    Mind: start 2, current 2
    Powers and Items: Elemental Water powers, blades, Brutaka's Sword (shared), Pakari, Exo-Toa (shared)
    Sponsor: Makuta Luroka
    Strength: start 5, current 5
    Agility: start 1, current 1
    Toughness: start 4, current 4
    Mind: start 2, current 2
    Powers and Items: Toa-level power over Water, Crescent Scythe
    Strength: start 3, current 3
    Agility: start 1, current 1
    Toughness: start 4, current 4
    Mind: start 4, current 4
    Powers and Items: Elemental Fire powers, Lava Launcher
    Strength: start 1, current 6
    Agility: start 1, current 5
    Toughness: start 5, current 6
    Mind: start 5, current 7
    Powers and Items: Spear, Elemental Shadow powers, Axonn's Axe (shared), Staff of Molecular Disruption (shared), Cordak Blaster (shared), Cordak Rockets (9) (shared), Brutaka's Sword (shared), Power Lance (shared)
    Sponsor: The ShadowVezon
    Strength: start 5, current 11
    Agility: start 2, current 2
    Toughness: start 4, current 8
    Mind: start 1, current 1
    Powers and Items: Elemental Plant Life powers, blades, Kanohi Kadin (shared), Axonn's Axe (shared), Hero Cuffs (shared)
    Sponsor: Vox
  14. Pahrak Model ZX
    Asterisk Holder: Minnette Goroneze (pictured left)

    Origin: Bravely Second
    Was It In Bravely Default?: No
    Overview: Cat Master works by, well…calling cats to the field! It seems this can be done in two ways: 1. Using the Job’s innate command to call out cats that will buff or debuff, and 2. Using cat food items dropped by enemies to call out cats that will launch an attack. Cat foods can also be combined for more powerful cats, though this ability is currently being rebalanced.
    Personal Thoughts: I feel like I really shouldn’t be surprised. This Job certainly looks to lend a little extra silliness to the game, and I’m usually a fan of silliness in my JPRGs. Not to mention it does actually sound powerful and effective. I guess we’ll have to wait and see if there’s substance beneath this weird appearance.
  15. Pahrak Model ZX
    A brand new Pokemon has been revealed!!

    "Magiana" is said to be a Pokemon created by humans 500 years ago, and is set to debut alongside Volcanion in this year's movie! We've yet to be given any information on its type or ability or anything like that, but still, this is huge! (My money's on Bug/Steel)
    It's looking like Gen VII might begin as soon as next year! Which also means that Pokemon Z is almost definitely releasing this year! And might mean Sinnoh remakes as early as 2018!!
  16. Pahrak Model ZX
    I have emerged from Unchained X...to change my display name to something Unchained X related.
    This is becoming a real problem.
    In other news, The Great Career Fair has wrapped up. Sorry for being absolutely horrible at hosting that, I have no acceptable excuse and realize that I have brought dishonor upon myself. I'm gonna take a short break but I still think I'll be able to run the next Technic Tournament around mid-May.
    Also I am going to try pretty dang hard to get RoboRiders Re:Start...well, started. Ideally the first chapter will be up this week. I should have a new chapter of Beyond Ruin up soonish too, I have the basic idea I just need to sit down and write it.
    Now that my progress in Unchained X has slowed down immensely I'm hoping I'll actually be able to get stuff done. An attempt will be made!
  17. Pahrak Model ZX
    I don’t really have anything in particular to say about it. The best thing was a certain character being promoted to Captain in the second-to-last chapter, that actually made me happy. Everything else is just kinda…meh.
    In all fairness it seems like Jump cancelled the series, so…maybe it wouldn’t have been quite as bad otherwise…haha, yeah, it probably would’ve.
    Well anyways that’s one chunk of my life over, time to watch better anime.
  18. Pahrak Model ZX
    I believe the equipment rules were explain in the main post. This is to serve more as a shop.

    Kanohi: (Can be used by Toa, Skakdi, and Barraki)
    -Kanohi Hau: creates a shield 1 time in battle; 7,000 W; also available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Kakama: temporarily raises agility +1 during battle; 5,000 W; also available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Pakari: temporarily raises strength +1 during battle; 5,000 W; also available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Akaku: temporarily raises mind +1 during battle; 5,000 W; also available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Miru: dodge 1 attack in battle; 7,000 W; also available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Kaukau: temporarily raises resistance to mind-based damage in battle; 7,000 W; also available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Huna: become invisible for a short time; 7,000 W; also available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Komau: lowers opponent's mind -1 in battle; 5,000 W; also available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Ruru: temporarily blind opponent; 7,000 W; also available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Matatu: deal a small to medium amount of damage; 8,000 W; also available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Mahiki: create an illusion for defense, 1 time per battle; 7,000 W; also available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Kadin: enable flight; 7,000 W; available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Crast: keeps the opponent at a distance; 7,000 W; available in Nuva

    For Glatorian:
    -Book of Certavus: raises mind +1 in battle; for Glatorian, 5,000 W
    -Thornax Cloak: raises toughness +1 in battle; for Glatorian, 5,000 W
    -Exsidian Edge: raises strength +1 in battle; for Glatorian; 5,000 W
    -Lightweight Armor: raises agility +1 in battle; for Glatorian, 5,000 W
    -Training Weights: prevent foe from flying; for Glatorian, 7,000 W
    -Champion Shield: block 1 attack once per battle; for Glatorian, 7,000 W
    -Imported Jetpack: allow fight; for Glatorian, 7,000 W (Credit to Wraith)

    Items for Slizers:
    -Disk: a throwing weapon with 20 uses; for Slizers; 8,000 W
    -Power Fuel: temporarily raises agility +1 in battle; for Slizers; 5,000 W
    -Energy Herbs: temporarily raises mind +1 in battle; for Slizers; 5,000 W
    -Ice Crystals: temporarily raises toughness +1 in battle; for Slizers; 5,000 W
    -Solar Radiation: temporarily raises strength +1 in battle; for Slizers; 5,000 W
    -Lava Stone: significantly lowers the agility of flying opponents (-3); for Slizers; 7,000 W
    -Air Pearl: temporarily raises resistance to special powers in battle; for Slizers; 7,000 W
    -Liquid Plasma: block one attack; for Slizers; 7,000 W
    -Electric Atoms: temporarily paralyze the opponent once; for Slizers; 7,000 W
    -Flying Disk: allows your fighter to fly on disk, they can fall off, cannot be used if Lava Stone is brought into battle, for Slizers; 13,000 W. (Credit to Canis)

    Items for RoboRiders:
    -Wheel Talisman: a launching weapon with 20 uses; for RoboRiders; 8,000 W
    -Aggressive Programming: temporarily raises strength +1 in battle; for RoboRiders; 5,000 W
    -Layered Code: temporarily raises toughness +1 in battle; for RoboRiders; 5,000 W
    -Handling Patch: temporarily raises agility +1 in battle; for RoboRiders; 5,000 W
    -Data Refine: temporarily raises mind +1 in battle; for RoboRiders; 5,000 W
    -Firewall: block one attack; for RoboRiders; 7,000 W
    -CreateRoads.EXE: allows a RoboRider to create platforms beneath their wheels, essentially allowing them to drive on air; for RoboRiders; 7,000 W
    -Code Scramble: lower the opponent’s mind -1 in battle; for RoboRiders; 5,000 W (Credit to Wraith)

    Items for Hero Factory characters:
    -Matrix Upgrade: temporarily raises mind +1 in battle; 5,000 W
    -Aegis Program: temporarily raises toughness +1 in battle; 5,000 W
    -Zephyr Boosters: temporarily raises agility +1 in battle; 5,000 W
    -Titan Gauntlets: temporarily raises strength +1 in battle; 5,000 W
    -Multi-Tool Ice Shield: assists in defense, especially against heat-based attacks; for 2.0 heroes who kept their old weapon; 5,000 W
    -Wing Boosters: allow flight; 7,000 W
    -Breakout Weapon: gain the weapon your Hero used in the Breakout story; for Heroes; 5,000 W
    -Brain Attack Weapon: gain the weapon your Hero used in the Brain Attack story (shields included without taking up an additional in-battle item slot); for Heroes; 5,000 W (7,000 W with shield)

    For All Fighters:

    -Camouflage Badge: boost evasiveness temporarily; 5,000 W
    -Vahki Staff: temporarily disorient an opponent and lower their mind -1; 7,000 W
    -Hero Cuffs: temporarily paralyze the target and reduce their mind -1; 7,000 W
    -Plasma Shooter: deals a medium amount of damage, may burn opponent and deal slow but continuous damage to weaken them; 9,000 W
    -Hex Shield: assists in defense (especially against Mind-based attacks), can be used to cause a small amount of damage; 7,000 W
    -Arachnix Drone: a small drone that aids your fighter in battle; after 3 battles will need to sit one battle out; 10,000 W
    -Bohrok Shield: an enlarged version of the weapons carried by Bohrok, primarily used for defense but can also shoot weak blasts of their corresponding Element; comes in Fire Shield, Stone Shield, Earth Shield, Ice Shield, Acid Shield, Water Shield, Lightning Shield, Plasma Shield, Gravity Shield, Sonic Shield, Vacuum Shield, and Magnetism Shield; 9,000 W
    -Hagah Spear: a melee weapon that can deal a medium amount of Mind damage once per battle; comes in Lava Spear, Avalanche Spear, Seismic Spear, Sub-Zero Spear, Cyclone Spear, and Tidal Spear; 9,000 W
    -Skakdi Spine: grants your fighter a vision power; comes in Laser Vision, Heat Vision, and Impact Vision; 8,000 W
    -Thornax Launcher: projectile launcher, requires ammunition; 8,000 W
    -Thornax: deals a medium amount of damage but can be reused; after five uses it will become explosive, dealing more damage but being erased from your inventory; 1,000
    -Axonn’s Axe: a melee weapon that can fire energy blasts, coat its blade in energy, and return to the user when thrown; 9,000 W
    -Brutaka’s Sword: a melee weapon that can be charged with and fire electricity; 9,000 W
    -Rhotuka Launcher: A backpack that can flip open to fire Rhotuka, requires ammunition; 8,000 W (Credit to Keizah)
    -Burn Spinner: Causes a burning sensation on contact, might distract the target; 5 for 2,000 W
    -Numbing Spinner: Numbs the target temporarily; 5 for 2,000 W
    -Disruptor Spinner: Can negate one elemental attack or slightly lower the target's mind stat if it makes contact; 5 for 4,000 W
    -Shock Spinner: Briefly traps the target in an electric field, 5 for 4,000 W
    -Dark Field Spinner: Temporarily changes the arena to the Zone of Darkness; 5 for 5,000 W
    -Cordak Blaster: projectile launcher that causes medium to large amounts of damage, requires ammunition; 8,000 W
    -Cordak Rockets: ammunition for Cordak Blaster; 2,000 for 2-Pack, 4,000 for 5-Pack, 7,000 for 10-Pack
    -Power Lance: amplifies Elemental Powers, but only when shot in a straight-forward beam; 8,000 W
    -Midak Skyblaster: deals a medium amount of damage and may temporarily blind the target; 9,000 W
    -Nynrah Ghost Blaster: deals a medium amount of damage and may temporarily paralyze the target; 9,000 W

    Rahkshi Staffs:
    (These are melee weapons that any fighter can use, and each one also has a special ability.)
    -Slow: lower opponent’s agility -1 temporarily; 5,000 W
    -Illusion: create an illusion once; 7,000 W
    -Darkness: lower opponent’s accuracy by blinding them temporarily; 7,000 W
    -Density Control: fighter defends self once by either turning intangible or making armor impenetrable; 7,000 W
    -Accuracy: increase accuracy temporarily; 7,000 W
    -Sleep: opponent blacks out for a second or two; 7,000 W
    -Insect Control: summon a swarm of insects to do a small to medium amount of damage or distract the opponent; 8,000 W
    -Elasticity: increase the range of your strength-based attacks; 8,000 W
    -Poison: deal slow but continuous damage to wear the opponent down; 8,000 W
    -Hunger: if the opponent tries to raise any of their stats using an in-battle item, you receive the boost instead of them; 9,000 W
    -Shattering: deal a large amount of damage once; 10,000 W
    -Molecular Disruption: destroy foe’s item (until the end of battle); 10,000 W
    -Weather Control: create a storm once to deal a medium to large amount of damage and distract the foe; 10,000 W

    Rare Items: When you win a tournament, you can get any item for free. However, the following items can only be obtained as Tournament prizes. Some are also only available to a specific type of fighter.

    -Kanohi Suletu: add your fighter’s mind stat and the opponent’s mind stat, divide the result by two (round down), the resulting value will be used as the mind stat for both fighters; available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Calix: significantly boosts evasion and accuracy, but your fighter will not be able to bring any other item into battle; banned in tournaments, must win three battles before being able to use it again
    -Mask of Emulation: allows your fighter to copy the opponent’s Elemental Powers; copied powers are not as strong, user is more vulnerable while copying; available in Nuva
    -Kanohi Felnas: the opponent takes damage (amount decided by the relation of their Mind stat to their Toughness stat) and is unable to use their Elemental Powers for a brief time (they will return before the fight is over); your fighter will not be able to take any other item into battle when using this mask
    -Feral Circuit: used in-battle to alter your fighter’s stats to resemble an animal, cannot bring other stat-boosting items into battle with this item; for Heroes
    -Evil Brain: Used to turn the environment against the opponent, EX. In the Default Arena, random spikes come out of the sand. Countered by the Brain Visor; for Villians
    -Brain Visor: Allows your fighter to detect and protect against arena traps and special features (Credit to ninja and Canis)
    -Repellers: reflect one attack back at the opponent
    -Exo-Toa: significantly increase strength and toughness (+3) but disable Elemental Powers, features an electro-rocket for mind-based damage
    -Nui Stone: must be used by a non-upgraded fighter against an upgraded fighter, targets stats the opponent has an edge in, adds the opponent's value in that stat with yours and divides by two, that value is used in this stat for both of you (Credit to Canis)
    -Golden Armor: prevents both fighters from using Rahkshi Staffs; requires 2 championships to obtain
    -Staff of Gravity: allows you to use Gravity powers in battle; requires 2 championships to obtain
    -Staff of Electricity: allows you to use Electricity powers in battle; requires 2 championships to obtain
    -Staff of Sonics: allows you to use Sonic powers in battle; requires 2 championships to obtain
    -Staff of Plasma: allows you to use Plasma powers in battle; requires 2 championships to obtain
    -Staff of Magnetism: allows you to use Magnetic powers in battle; requires 2 championships to obtain
    -Staff of Plant Control: allows you to use Plant Control powers; requires 2 championships to obtain
    -Staff of Silence: opponent cannot use Elemental attacks or other Mind-based abilities, does not affect items that deal mind-based damage, you must mention when you are arranging the fight that you intend to use this item, after use you must win 2 battles before using it again, cannot use with Zamor Sphere or Spear of Fusion; requires 2 championships to obtain
    -Zamor Sphere: Fuses a target to the ground, preventing them from moving. You must say you are using it outside of spoiler tags if you use it, and must win two battles without using it before using it again. You cannot use it if you are using a Staff of Silence or Spear of Fusion; requires 2 Championships to obtain (Credit to Canis)
    -Spear of Fusion: cut one of the opponent’s stats in half, you must state outside of spoiler tags that you will be using this, you must win two battles before being able to use it again, cannot be used with the Zamor Sphere or the staff of Silence; requires 2 Championships to obtain
    -Adaptive Armor: prevents stat reductions and effects such as blindness, illusions, etc; requires 3 championships to obtain
  19. Pahrak Model ZX
    So it looks like those rumors about the region being based on Hawaii are true! Alola looks kind of small, though.
    The starters all look great, but Rowlet is clearly the best choice. It’s an adorabird! You must choose the adorabird!
    Sun lion and moon bat both look pretty interesting. Not entirely sure at this point since we don’t have types and such, but I think I’m leaning Sun at the moment.
  20. Pahrak Model ZX
    So, D23 announced that Kingdom Hearts III will have a world based on Big Hero 6! Apparently it will take place after the movie, and the "original Baymax" will be possessed by darkness? I haven't seen the movie so I don't fully get it, but the artwork looks awesome, and since they seem to be working with the original creators, this might be the first instance of Kingdom Hearts actually providing a canon sequel to a thing...maybe. If so that would be really cool.
    Now I need to find a way to watch Big Hero 6. I've decided that I'm going to watch every movie that gets announced for KHIII--I finally saw Tangled, and I'm thinking I may as well rewatch Hercules too. If the BH6 world is going to be after the movie, then I really, really need to watch it.
    Also there was some KH stuff getting into Disney Infinity! People at the Expo got a disc thing to unlock Mickey KHII costume, and apparently the Kingdom Key is the "Ultimate Unlock" of 3.0, whatever that means. This is really cool, but not enough to make me buy Disney Infinity just yet; if they continue to add KH stuff then I might have too, though.
    Was kind of hoping for Unchained X news, but it's releasing in Japan next month so it's no big deal.
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