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Tenebrae Invictus

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Tenebrae Invictus

  1. Owait, wrong symbol. I was thinking #.

  2. Well then...

    have you learned your lesson yet?

  3. We should wait next week, see if it cools down. We should propose the idea on the topic.

  4. If he even could. He's gotta wait till June 9th or so.

  5. You know, umm... You 're a Premier Member till Monday, along with every other member. You can make a G&T game, poll, or even a blog, like Premier do. Ta-da!

  6. 20, actually. XD

    I haven't talked with him in a long time, but he was around 18 when we talked. I think. lol

  7. Yeah when I get the time. Right now I'm on VA1 still. How've you been?

  8. Definitely. I've endured the ages of BZP... though I was gone for some time.

    Back when I started posting in the Vahki Army topic, I had like 50 posts. I saw you had like 60-something posts and I thought, "No! He's got more than me!" Then I tried catching up to you and eventually I got ahead...

    and really ahead...

    and really really ahead...

  9. As if I didn't notice. :( Will probably start on Comic 8 (Finally!) This week. Gonna have to makka makka a new topic. >:(

  10. Umm... Vahki Unleashed? :P Just hope they make more when someone get at least 18000 or 20000.

  11. Hello. My super high proto comes from Premier Membership TWICE. :P

  12. dragonball z lol

    look at the comment below me (not mine, but ofc the previous guy who commented :P)

  13. Oh yeah. You pass Hak then I pass Hak, then *sigh* Lhilertoro was also jump from behind us.

  14. Grats. (Remember me? :P)

  15. You changed your name yet you hardly come on? lol

  16. Right then, Dokspit. As for Motago, where'd you go?

  17. Seriously Meso? SERIOUSLY!? First it was on the chat, now here...


  18. 1. Congrats on OBZPC.

    2. I didn't think you were Midnighter :P

  19. Hey, um... Ooops? You just barely changed your name. You could be -Makuta Antroar- and I could be KaxiXD =P

  20. I know... I lead the Vahki.

  21. I had a sudden case of memory loss and I didn't remember that.

  22. I has a Premier just as well :P

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