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Status Updates posted by -Joshua-

  1. And now I am on here for eigth years. EIGTH YEARS.

  2. *lurks*.

    1. Shioi


      *deciding if she should lurk back or not...)


      Hey, Joshua! *waves* Still banging out some good beats on those drums?

  3. "Don't Panic" is indeed one of the most usefull statements/advicements ever :).

  4. *reads SSC entry and wonders who's on the avatar/screenimage thingy now*

  5. Fawlty towers... Yeah, I know that show. Seen it, too. It was nice, although it is not the best show John Cleese is appearing in.

    (Monty Python's life of Brain, for example, comes to mind)

  6. Welcome, fellow Nameless One.

  7. Heck, I am here for four years now. Geuss I am an really old chap now.

  8. We are all talking to us.

  9. No, not yet. You see, my opiniun does not reflect that of my parents, so i'll have to wait 'till I can leave the house.

  10. Sweet? No, I do not think so, though others might say otherwise.

  11. Well, you'd tell me what my name is then... I can't remember.

  12. *Feels scared*...

  13. Wow... You were born exactly 4 months after me.

  14. Hmm... Mabye you should make a list of artists you don't like. Less trouble that way.

  15. Godzilla can not stand the might of Boo! The only Miniature Giant Space Hamster in the realm! Fear his fury! It's small, so look close. Believe me, it's there.

  16. I for some reason think that Bionicle Rex does not want to to publish his real age...

  17. Why do I have that... feeling that I just have condemned myself to a slow and painfull death?

  18. (And yeah, lots of stupid typo's there...)

  19. We are more harsh. We say "Susy" to Susannah because we know she can't really hurt is.

    (Or rather: We THINK that she can't heard us when sitting behind our seemingly safe computers)

  20. *Is completely owned*

  21. Never EVER tell a boy what he shouldn't do, and then threaten him that bad things will happen to him if he still does it. It will encourage him to do exactly what you don't want him to do, Susy. (:P)

  22. Ah, you are "Just" called Susannah?

  23. Agreed ;). It's quite funny.

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