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Tufi Piyufi

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Blog Entries posted by Tufi Piyufi

  1. Tufi Piyufi
    See above.
    This alone puts me where I would not expect to be. But this was not enough! No. I just had to rush out and nab an appropriate app for the iTouch. This puts me in some very high ranks of... well, I'm still trying to figure out what happened. You will be the only app of the sort I use. Yes. I swear to cat.
    Dear god, next I'm going to be updating the thing from inside a Starbucks. How does this happen? Please keep me away from the hipsters.
  2. Tufi Piyufi
    Number ratings.
    Made you jump.
    THey're the most horrific insult to the artist or builder imaginable, right? Every time you use one, a baby seal dies or something like that. They're four, five, six, even seven (and they can go even higher) characters of pure, putrid horror. A stain on the Creative Outlet or some othersuch.
    I bring forth the most modest of proposals in dealing with them, and I can vouch for its efficency on even the smallest of scales:
    Ignore them.
    Don't post huge things in the first post stating how horrible they are. Don't verbally roll your eyes at every instance of them. Don't get on people's cases just for using them, even if the words in the post itself are perfectly fine. They're four, five, six, even seven (sometimes higher) characters. You can skip over them. Just act like they aren't there in the first place. It's really not that hard. Once you get in the habit, it's the easiest thing in the world.
    I started doing this myself many moons ago. I'd like to think I'm a happier denizen of the Creative Outlet for it. You guys call them 'irrelevant'. If they're really so irrelevant, why do you get so uptight about them?
  3. Tufi Piyufi
    Oh, it's always a good day for math.
    I love it when people go on about how neglected they are because nobody's posting in their topic, often with the nose-eye-viewed addition of 'look at this topic with its horrible horrible art?MOC/basketweaving and how many posts it's getting insert implication that the forum is filled with malicious tasteless hounds here'. Just love it. To pieces. Well, actually, no I don't. At all. I lie horribly here. It's a horrid attitude. For one thing, there's nothing I love more than a good ol' entitlement complex. Lying horribly again: it's a rather harmful attitude for one to have, expecially when you're talking about the world of creative works. Nobody owes you posts. Nobody. Don't care how good you think your piece is: nobody owes you posts.
    But this entry is not me whining about entitlement complexes! No. It is about the other component I could go on and on about. It is about math, you see. Simple math. You see, there's a lot of people who feel they're neglected. I've seen like a gazillion blog entries and opening posts and replies about it. A gazillion is only a slight exaggeration. These then attract more people to commiserate about their perceived neglect. People love getting together to talk about these things. It's amazing.
    This is where the most remarkable element comes in. You see, people are more than happy tp spend their time and energy telling their stories of how they got, like, no posts at all. Absolutely eager to do it. And people are just as eager to reply to that. It's a tragic misdirection of time, energy, and words, though. You see, if folks took half of the effort they'd normally spend talking about their neglect and instead invested that in some nice reviews for other folks? Happier times for everyone, ahoy.
    You gotta give, too. Standing with your hands out and coughing 'ahem' won't do you a whole lot of good. It's not going to get you a lot of posts and it won't get you the best reputation. And, yes, reputation factors in. Not in the 'oh no popularityyyyy' way: in the 'y'know, I hear this guy really isn't all that nice' way. The way that matters worlds more than you might think. I've said it before and I won't stop saying it: the BZP populace is way smarter than it's given credit for. They're not inclined to give attention to those who insult them. There's folks who could stand a quick check in their own rear-view mirrors before asking why they never seem to get replies.
    And don't post solely in 'the topics of people who look like they could take building/art (way) too seriously', for crying out loud. You really don't want to get me started on that approach. Review whatever you like (obligatory revival rules reference). Everyone likes a nice, helpful post. Just remember that you need to actually plant something before anything's gonna grow for you.
  4. Tufi Piyufi
    I, Latufia Lunda Othella Piyufi, do hereby resolve for the year of Two Thousand and Eight:

    To use fewer ellipses. Variety in punctuation is always fun.

    To continue never bumping any blog entries. I will accept whatever attention an entry gets and live with it.

    To not host a freebuild contest. That's the last thing we need right now. It would take, at the very least, three other admins and maybe a Global or two to make me host one. It's not happening. Don't even bother suggesting one.

    To post more things. Seriously, my backlog for all manner of things is huge. This isn't even counting the stuff I want to do. All this is before considering that I will likely do other new things in the future. These three categories combined make for a lot of things. Ye gods.

    To review more stuff. Sometimes things just have to be said.

    To continue to stress the importance of anatomies and understanding how things work in real life. Before you get a style of your own, you gotta know the basics. Know how men, women, children, mammals, insects, houses, boats, landscapes, lighting, and all those other things are put together. You do not do yourself any favours by saying 'screw that' and uttering the ancient cry of 'it's how I do things, not all things have to be exactly like real life, geez stop stifling me'. Learn how the real-world things work and come together. Practice, practice, practice. Then, once you are confident, do you make your changes. But just building/drawing the symbol? That's laziness, folks. There's no excuse.

    To not get so depressed by the 'mockery of noobs' culture. There are people better than this out there. You know that, Jen. You know some of them. They are a lovely, intelligent, pleasant sort of people. They're quiet, is all. These people exist. Hope is not lost. Chin up and go kill some sigs or something.

    To actually post blog entries every so often. And cheery ones at that. Seriously, what is this entry? It almost sounds like I'm capable of brooding! That just ain't right. I'm'a thinking I need something Willis, pronto.
  5. Tufi Piyufi
    Now I know what I'm doing with this thing! It's so obvious now! I'll post whatever I feel like at that moment! Hah! No pigenholing here! Not for puffins! Exclamation marks! Exclamation marks!
    ... yep, totally going crazy.
    An insanity which definitely isn't being helped by this little dilemma... Pure black dragon wings. The one colour I could ever ask them to be in, except maybe black/light blue. Oh, that'd be nice, too... Anyways. Big Batmobile with black dragon wings. Big, expensive Batmobile with black dragon wings. Something in the realm of $109.99 Canadian. Just for those wings? Oh, I don't think so. Maybe not even for the other 1000+ pieces.
    But they're right up there with the black Huna and the teal Kakama in terms of pure must-have awesome, and somehow, I came into one of the former after many years... Well, I suppose I'll just have to weasel in to somebody's Bricklink order. Yes... and then life will be swell.
  6. Tufi Piyufi
    Let's talk about bad movies!
    Cloverfield is horrible! If I were to list all the things that made it So Bad It's Horrible, I would be presenting you with a complete summary! Of the whole thing! Of its entirety! Scarcely a redeeming minute to it! Possibly ending with 'and camera work that's worlds more nauseous than it is dramatic'! That is a really bad sign!
    I can't believe I'm talking about horrible movies! Horrible movies suck! Let's talk about awesome movies!
    Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. A magnificent movie. Lincoln, Keanu as he really should be and shouldn't try anything else please, and Carlin. And so many other things. You want a good movie about time travel? Yo. Some of the best uses of a time machine are contained within. Medieval babes! Friendship! An excellent motto to live by! The Power of Rock bringing about an awesome new Earth! Downright blatant connections to a certain other timey-wimey story!
    The 80's!
    Oh, that would be the perfect antidote, wouldn't it. I really must dig it out sometime. Like, nowtime. If you'll excuse me?
    Exclamation marks of so-bad-I'm-offended!
  7. Tufi Piyufi
    Well, she ain't.
    An overview of things, because I have a million-plus-one different things I need to catch up on. I swear, I turn my back for a second, and...
    First, the contest. The first thing to suffer the blow of surprise home renovations. I have been told what happened, though. I'm disappointed, folks. I can't really bring myself to say a whole lot more. Just know that there are a lot of you I am disappointed in.
    Next, promotions. Namely, my getting a whole new minion. I've got some real hopes for this one. This could finally be the turning point that brings dignity to the Piyufi complement of minions. One would think that clean-nosed Shan would be that last hook in sanity, but no, he ain't. That boy wants the tiara bad. I can sense it.
    Also, the Festivus story. Didn't get to do one bit on it, I'm afraid. The script is almost done, but I've got building and all that other stuff to deal with, never mind the current inability to load pictures onto the computer or edit them... It may be a 'Festivus in February' affair. Still, I'm gonna get this one out...
    Finally, Mike. So bloody sad.
    Time to get back into the dance.
  8. Tufi Piyufi
    So, about #47's state and it being cancelled and all that.
    #47 was, and there is no nicer word for it, a mess. There were many critical questions that almost nobody could answer, not even the assistants. They know that it's not their call to decide such crucial aspects of a theme like that. The only one who could answer them was the host, Roa. Roa, however, was nowhere to be found. There was nothing that the contest staff who were here could do. So, the entry period ticked on by, many people not even knowing the things they needed to know to start building.
    Ending it like this was far from my first choice. I haven't exactly been raised to throw in the towel easily. Make no mistake: it manifests itself as a fault more often than not. It very nearly did here. My first plan was to wait for a week or so, then cancel the current version and start up a new version with myself as host. After discussion with others, this plan changed. First, the waiting period grew shorter. Then, it became clear: the original was just too much of a mess. The confusion of the previous version would carry over to the repost, no doubt. Distance between the two is not a question, it is a necessity. It was then that I could say to myself 'if it really comes down to it, no, there won't be polls labelled for a contest #47'.
    Here we are now. No, there won't ever be polls labelled for a BBC contest #47.
    So for those of you blaming this on all BBC contest staff having less-than-perfect attendance, hey: you may as well keep thinking that. Doesn't make you right.
  9. Tufi Piyufi
    So, some of you might pass through BBC on your journeys through the forums. Even if you don't, you should make a pass through there right now. There might be something interesting. Those of you who kick around in GD a lot might want to take a look. It's like a sweet blend of both my lands, this thing I'm hinting at.
    One request, though: if you want to discuss the thing it's based off of, please take it to the very well-established topics for such subjects in GD. The nameless topic in BBC tends to get big enough as it is. Please, for my sanity?
    Now to prime The Red Sharpie. And as for you guys... get looking already!
    Ah, it's been all too long...
  10. Tufi Piyufi
    or, A Numerical Listing
    1. You post a link to your entry picture in the post where you give me your entry info. You don't make me dig around for one in your gallery. You especially do not make me dig around for one in your topic. You are provided with a format for submitting your entry: it would be ever so nice if you did something even remotely similar to that.
    2. You do not just give me a link to your topic and run off. I will only acknowledge your topic as long as it takes me to get an entry pic out of it. You ignored the entry format: do not expect much more attention than that in return.
    3. If you want your entry to be named on the list, then you say what its name is in your entry post. This is like #1: the entry name is one of the fields of the oft-forgotten format.
    Okay, I might sound a teensy bit irked there. Maybe 3+ years of built-up irkedness coming out in a single night. It's possible.
    Seriously, folks, note this. And don't even try the 'lol noobs' comment. If only this was something commited solely by the inexperienced. If only.
  11. Tufi Piyufi
    I await the events of a week from now. Oh yes.
    On another note, people who prebuild MOCs for the contests before they even get the theme are in for quite the shocker this time around. You're not gonna be able to just slap a relevant name on it this time, folks. Oh no.
    Are these two things related? Maybe. Maybe not. I just needed to blog.
  12. Tufi Piyufi
    So what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna invite a guest writer. Well, okay, technically I'm just copy/pasting, rather than inviting. And it's probably not written by one particular person, given the nature of its source. And oh, what a source.
    Guest writer go:

    Second thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna look at Bionicle most meaningfully. And I have to tell people I don't give the slightest about the story. Ever.
  13. Tufi Piyufi
    Been meaning to see that for a while now, actually. Anyhow.
    So there's this hullabaloo about the summertime canister-class sets being $12.99 USD. Outrage, 'how can they dare to charge that much', and so forth. All of a sudden, it is now a massive strain to buy the sets. The world is crumbling and things like that.
    Meanwhile, there is Canada, as of 2006.
    Hey. Guys. We've been taking the thirteen-dollars-plus-tax hits for quite some time now. We're still taking them (I think: no idea if Lego's gonna use this as an excuse to try to slip us the $14.99 gutpunch again). We've been dealing with $12.99 even as the value of the dollar justified it less and less and less. 2008 drew near, the loonie was looking spectacular, and oh look, $12.99.
    So to the Americans just now joining the $13 Club: it's all been done. This isn't new or unique in any way. Just sit back and 'enjoy' the Canadian experience. Or join with us. Gods know we could use the extra weight on our side.
  14. Tufi Piyufi
    Extremely shameless.
    So I'm just about sure that I have every Katamari song that one can have. And, it is glorious. Even the music for the games I don't have. Funny how they had to release Beautiful Katamari on the one console we don't own. That doesn't stop me from loving the music, though. Gods no. Why, 'Katamari Dancing' is my favourite of the themes. Lately, I've mostly been trapped in a wonderful loop of instrumentals from We
    So, uh, yeah. I should mention that I love this series? To bits. The tiniest, easily-picked-up bits. Even that psychopathic rose. Actually, no. The rose can burn. But I still love it in some weird way.
    Sorry. I'm getting fangirl all over the carpet. I'll clean that up.
  15. Tufi Piyufi
    Below is a large chunk of the text from my post in the official Pokemon topic. The list is the same, but some of the 'buffer' text around it is cut or altered, just because it flows better that way.
    Understand that I love the Underground. Also understand that I have a ton of Combees. If you remember these two points, the rest of the post runs like the smoothest water in the sleekest stream.
    In my time in the Underground, I have uncovered many items. Stones of all hues, rocks in varying forms, Heart Scales... Oh cripes, the Heart Scales. I have a ton of them. You really don't want to know how many. Just know that I can hook you up.
    When not underground, I will also spend some of my time as a Pokemon breedeuse, as the French so wouldn't say. Why, there was this one time when I was trying to get a female Combee when I kept getting male after male after male... I wound up with almost twenty spare male Combees in the end. I really don't need that many. I can spare them.
    Therefore, I bring offerings.

    What I Have Pokemon:
    19 male Combees - all L. 1 - varying natures (if you really have any specific request, let me know)
    14 female Igglybuffs - all L. 1 - varying natures (specify if desired)
    -2 have Sing, Charm, Perish Song
    -9 have the above plus Water Pulse
    -3 have Sing, Charm, Water Pulse
    2 male Igglybuffs - both L. 1 - natures below:
    -Timid Igglybuff has Sing, Charm and Water Pulse
    -Gentle Igglybuff has the above plus Perish Song
    All Igglybuff are named 'Doompuff' - this is not negotiable!

    Items: (quantity ranges from 'very few' to 'Heart Scale')
    King's Rock - very few
    Leaf Stone - few
    Fire Stone - tons
    Thunder Stone - tons
    Water Stone - very few
    Sun Stone - a bunch
    Moon Stone - very few
    Dusk Stone - very few
    Dawn Stone - very few
    Shiny Stone - very few
    Smooth Rock (extends Sandstorm) - very few
    Damp Rock (extends Rain Dance) - very few
    Icy Rock (extends Hail) - few
    Heat Rock (extends Sunny Day) - few
    Claw Fossil - very few
    Skull Fossil - a bunch
    Helix Fossil - few
    Heart Scale - oh cripes do not ask me how many Heart Scales I have

    Stuff I Really, Really Wouldn't Mind Getting In Return Pokemon:

    Items: (not necessary, but they are nice) 
    Dubious Disk
    The way it works is you choose a Pokemon, and then you choose the item that you want. You PM me and tell me what you're willing to toss my way in exchange for this. At some point, we reach an accord, codes are exchanged if this is the first transaction, and at that point...
    ... oh, the caveat. Seeing as how my wireless access is not actually within my home, I can't just fire it up and start the trade right away. Therefore, not only will trading times be restricted to between 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM Pacific, but we have to decide exactly when we go about the whole thing. This will be part of the barter banter, but just a heads up.
    Different Pokemon to come whenever I feel like breeding a whole bunch up. Well? Anything up there interesting enought to PM me about?
    Also, if you have anything in particular you'd like to see, just let me know. I'll see what can be done, but no guarantees.
  16. Tufi Piyufi
    So, one might say that the opinions on the sets shown at Toy Fair are a bit passionate. That's fine. Passion's fine. Looking at things as a whole is fine.
    But cripes. Take a look at the playsets, folks. Do you not notice those beautiful little things?
    Black whips.
    It is glorious.
  17. Tufi Piyufi
    11:59 PM on a Wednesday night. Board is still down whilst we try to work on things. I have had the urge to blog for ages, yet only now do I have the material. Please, folks, do I look like your 'entry-every-day-about-boring-boring-life' blogger? I should hope you know me better than that.
    Festivus is the 23rd. That means I have two, three days to get it done and posted.
    "It?" you ask. "Ah yes. And you've mentioned the idea itself for ages now. Why the sudden deadlineitis?"
    Because I'm making things all the more official today.
    That, my dears, was the gauntlet that just fell. Don't worry: it's for me.
    It will make much, much more sense when you actually see the whole thing, which you really will I promise you. I just have to work out a few teensy little details first. Like how to make a Barbie phone stay in a hipjoint hand. Also, those accursed curtains. And the miniature...
    Also, the photography and post-production. Minor details like those. Other than that, the script is done (and huge... oh gods why does it have to be so huge), the cast is done, the stage is done, I know the last things that must be done...
    It's 11:59, and I wanna stay alive.
  18. Tufi Piyufi
    Well, slightly moreso, anyways.
    I have a terrible, awful, humiliating revelation I have to share with you all: for the first seventeen years of my life, I had gone without watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I do not jest. This is something I've had to keep under my hat all these years, all these references around me, every day, everywhere... it's been difficult. I've not gone without a sense of guilt, either. I pride myself on knowing these crucial bits of pop culture, especially those older than I am. And- let's face it- just about everything in this movie is a pop culture reference.
    Oh, but how would I know that for sure? Allow me to continue.
    Saturday, June 3. 2006: I finally finally finally see that infernal movie!
    Oh yes. And well worth the wait, might I say. It's odd... even though just about every joke in the film's been 'spoiled' for me countless times, there was still something awesome about seeing it all in film form. In fact, they even work better in the context of the movie. Things like the whole swallow joke and stuff like that seem much less random and feel much more like the running jokes that they actually are. In fact, I prolly appreciate the jokes even more with all this context.
    Yes, while a lack of context can create fine humor, sometimes you need to see the whole thing.
    And now mom's convinced she needs to get us to see Meaning of Life, too. Ah yes, my pop culture understanding is coming together very nicely. Hurrah! Hurrah!
  19. Tufi Piyufi
    So I change my avatar one night, see. So I post the strip I got it from in that same night, see. And before I know it, poof. Four instant copycats. Outrageous.
    Argument #588 against blog bumping: killing the original post dates of entries
    That's right, baby. I'm the original.
    What's more, the two FAs in the bunch have their avatars set to 100x100. This is not standard procedure. I shall find that treacherous admin who granted this irregular glory to these mere minions and make him pay with his blood.
    But wait, what's this? A minion daring to claim the origin as all his own?...
    I will be busy for a while. Excuse me.
  20. Tufi Piyufi
    Well, there goes my fifteenth BBC contest.
    There was a time (notably, the last half-hour of the entry period) where I wondered 'is it gonna be a full 300?'. With each entry added to the list, this developed into what one might call a curious fear. You see, prelims for approximately 150 entries is madness enough. Polls for twice that?...
    Then it capped out at 290, and there was relief. After the removal of DQed entries, entries without working entry pics at the time of pollmaking, and a doubled entry (honestly, I'm amazed I didn't make any more similar slipups given all the stuff there was to keep track of), the total was 284. This still worked out to 29 polls. Believe me, finding names for those last three polls was the least of my worries.
    Somehow, I got all that done. It was a flurry of copy/paste copy/paste copy/paste wait wait wait go back undo/copy/paste, and yet there were still a couple comments of 'pffft, rigged polls'. If there was s way to make all contest entrants site-wide make a set of prelim-like polls before they could enter, oh, how quickly I would jump on that. That accusation is a glaring sign that you don't really comprehend the kind of work and how much work goes into prelims, folks. It really is.
    Then semis. Then the final. Then the results topic. Then the unpinning of the entry-related topics. Then the blogging.
    And yet, I still feel like I can keep up the impression of sanity. Amazing.
  21. Tufi Piyufi
    You know how in a play, you only ever see the action from one side of the stage (barring any weird performances, of course)? Film and TV work the same way. At least, in theory. When you have a scene, all the shots should be taken from the same side of the action. For example, if the scene is focusing on two people on a couch, you wouldn't suddenly have a shot from behind the couch (or, if you simply must, then at least don't confuse things further by adding in shots from the sides and so on). The imaginary line that marks the boundaries of where the camera can be placed is called the axis, and you do not ever cross it.

    It is especially important because it is related to the grand force of continuity. If you've got a guy hanging around on one side of the screen, it's just bad form to suddenly have him on the other side, though he hasn't physically moved at all. It's disorienting, especially if you don't have anything that could establish a need for the camera to move (seriously, you can forgive almost anything if you have some footage that allows for establishment).

    This I have learned from the film people I know and love.
  22. Tufi Piyufi
    So, I have this blog. I also haven't posted anything in this blog for a while. I also also have this MOC. I am not especially attached to making a topic for it just to send my post count up a tiny bit. As well, the text and meaning behind the MOC would be more at home in a blog entry than in a topic. Therefore, the solution is to post an entry about it.
    As we all know, Bionicle is a subset of the general Lego realm. It also isn't an especially loved one (outside of the whole Bionicle fandom, of course). It's been a little over five years now, and yet it's still scoffed at and reviled by the 'System-side' of things. People still cringe when they see so much as a hip joint and limb in a System set. They cry out 'contamination!' and other such things. They mock Bionicle's 'incompatibility' with System, and yet, when Bionicle does pop up in a System set... it's the end of the world.
    I find this attitude extremely tiring, for lack of a better word. That's what makes the inevitability all the sweeter. You see, you guys are growing up. Some of you are in your late teens. Some of you are already past that 18-year mark. This last group of you are, by definition, AFOLs. Yet, you like Bionicle. You're not adverse to it. You may even build with it. You prove that the Bionicle-loving AFOL is not an oxymoron.
    Thus, the vignette. On the table is the MOC Washimilna (found elsewhere in my gallery, and painfully overdue for a rebuild) and a few of the Fun With Toa figures. Go ahead and guess who. On the floor are a couple of people. One has just mocked the presence of Bionicle at a convention. The other one isn't too amused by this. The other one also has a glaive. It started off as a relatively simple annoyed-Tufi vignette, but now I guess you could see the two people as representative of the two generations, if you were so inclined.
    If there was ever a contest theme I'd revisit (though I prefer new ideas), it'd be Fusion Freebuild. That'd be a good one to combine with the off-BZP concept of #38. Alas, we've still got a fair bit of time before we should be considering that one. Still...
    A MOC with a message. Enjoy.
  23. Tufi Piyufi
    Gods, I love this show. More fangirling, this time directed at Coronation Street. Shut up. There is a reason the Queen can't get enough of this.
    Like tonight's episode. Technically, it's from Christmastime 2007, thank you very much CBC. And, might I say, the writers never let Christmas pass peacefully on the Street? If you are in some poor area that's even further back than Canada, turn back now. Immediatement. You do not want so much as the slightest hint about the episodes set on Christmas Day itself.
    Turn back! Save yourselves! Or, if you care not, press on.
    First, a confession about last night. I doubted the writers. I doubted the writers so bad. And in return for my doubt, they handed me the most beautiful way to out John and Rosie. Oh gods. I'd have died if that one had aired on a Friday. They are merciful, loving, forgiving gods, indeed. I don't deserve them. And then! Today! Oh man oh man. Kevin gets big ol' hearts. You know the charges won't stick. Fiz missed countless opportunities to step on/kick John, but eh. And all the while, Norris, Rita, and Emily, all 'Christmas just got awesome'. Also, the penultimate scene of the episode, where we realize that David has nothing on Rosie. And then, happy ending with Roy. An absolutely magnificent episode. All in thirty minutes, mind.
    So what if it's classed as a soap opera? There's North American 'dramas' that better fit that name. It's still one of the greatest, most well-written things you'll find on TV.
  24. Tufi Piyufi
    To my dearest Brickfair-attending minions:
    Even now, a comrade of yours goes without a figure of Our Patron Saint that he is owed. I should not have to tell you what a frightful state this is. Fortunately, he who owes your comrade Our Patron Saint will also be attending Brickfair. Serendipitous!
    I will not tell you what to do, but I will simply let your senses of justice guide you. Don't do anything I wouldn't do, but do everything I would.
  25. Tufi Piyufi
    So three years ago today, I became a moderator. Standard blue-type, nothing too fancy yet. I go in Sets; considering the catalogue wounds were still fresh, a given. Movies and Books; hey, Mask of Light just came out, the place needed all the help it could get. BBC... I'd actually been poked towards asking for BBC, and since I didn't know what in blue blazes I wanted in terms of forums, I figured 'what the heck.'
    Over time, I picked up Artwork and G&T, got assigned to Artwork II through that bit of forum mitosis, temped in S&T (yes, you heard me... hey, an assignment's an assignment), finally got into GD (once a GD Junkie, always a GD Junkie), dropped G&T, lost M&B somewhere along the way, and I've even had my name on the contest voting forum a few times. And then, a good while later, I got guest keys to all the forums anyway.
    But BBC has always been the unchaging, permanent fixture of my lineup. Not that I mind, as I have kinda grown to absolutely love it to bits. Yeah... you might've been able to tell that already.
    I mostly remember it was today since it was a very good week in general: school was back in, the 'What Will You Make?' tour was in town, I met up with the local club at said tour, impressed them with my ability to touch Bionicle pieces and not recieve unholy burns (this was a few years ago, you must remember)... It was a very good week.
    So, in short, wow. Three years. Wow.
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