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Blog Entries posted by Zeero

  1. Zeero
    *cough* *cough*
    I haven't been here in ages. I thought they demolished this place.
    Anyway, I'm not back, just passing the time here.
    2008 sets look good and I think they should have modified the Kraakhan for Icarax.
    Can't wait for LOST Season Four on January 31st. Right after exams so I'm looking forward to that.
    I'm sad that Heroes is done until they can resolve the Writer's Strike. Shame, it was turning into that old Heroes that I loved. Plus, the cliffhangers they gave us... GRR.
    Excited for new Panic at the Disco album on March 25th, "Pretty. Odd." They dropped the exclamation point, don't know why; many people are mad. I don't have the time to be mad about punctuation.
    School's boring but I love my film class.
    And there is my life in a nutshell.
  2. Zeero
    Yesterday I got Pokemon Diamond (and a free carrying case). Yay!
    It's been really fun so far. Beat the First Gym and I'm at the city of the Second Gym. Not gonna do the gym yet; Gonna train some of my Pokemon.
    I started off with a Piplup (Lv 5), now a Level 20 Prinplup. That's my strongest Pokemon in the game so far.
    I fought Darnzerf on Wi-Fi last night. Lemme tell ya, his Level 20 Luxio killed my Prinplup (I believe it was Level 15 or summat at the time) in one hit. It was all downhill from there.
    He won. Big time. Congrats, Darnz.
    Now, for those of you who have Diamond or Pearl, here is my name and Friend Code.
    Name: Matt
    Friend Code: 0000 9785 3264
    Oh yes, I have the Manaphy egg. Be warned! Soon I will have Manaphy! Yaaay!
    I already have deals for getting a Turtwig and Chimchar, sorry folks.
    Prinplup Lv 20
    Shellos Lv 14
    Cascoon Lv 12
    Starly Lv 11
    Shinx Lv 12
    Buizel Lv 9
    Seen: 37/151
    Caught: 17/151
    I have a ways to go before I complete my Pokedex...
    Those aren't my six strongest, in fact my second strongest is a Lv 15 Bibarel. However, I'm training. I'll use Bibarel once I decide to take on the gym which will occur at the earliest when I get a Staravia (evolution of Starly). Starly evolves at Level 15. This might take a while.
  3. Zeero
    This is a true story, re-told to me by my mom.
    I have a younger brother, known as Ryzak. Now Ryzak and our mother were at this big city-wide event and the Mayor was there. So, all the kids there get loot bags and the Mayor comes up to Ryzak and asks him "Where do you think I can get one of those?" in an obvious, little kid friendly matter. Now Ryzak is 10 years old and has a wit to rival {insert witty person here), so he responds, "I think you're too old for a loot bag."
    Okay, upon further thought, this sounds really childish, but hey, Ryzak spoke back to the Mayor. That deserves some applause. *clapclapclap*
  4. Zeero
    Moments ago, I changed my name from Bionus and a Half to Bionus. Yes, the half is gone and I'm back to my normal username.
    Having an extra Half these last 30 days has been a great help and it's helped get my blog up and running, but unfortunately, me and my extra Half have decided to part ways.
    I'll change my name again in 30 days, then I'll change it back to Bionus. Rinse, lather, repeat.
    Ah, you want to know what happened to the Half? It got a job working at a coffee house, helping a woman named Laureen. Apparently,she needed an extra boost and was sick of the coffee there, so the Half is now serving Double Double Mocha-Frappa-Chippacinos. Yum.
    And there you go. I just gave you two entries in one day to make up for my lack of entries from Tuesday-Friday.
  5. Zeero
    Last night, my dad took me to see the movie Blades of Glory, starring Will Ferrell and Jon Heder. It was about these two skating champions, one (Heder) the adopted son of a mogul who gets berated for doing some small improvisation in his routine; the other (Ferrell) a man who performs raunchy, mainly improvised routines. After they tied for a gold medal, they fought on the podium and they were given lifetime bans from Men's Skating. Three and a half years later, they realize that they can still compete - in Pairs Skating. They decide to partner up and they embark on a hilarious quest to reclaim their gold medals.
    There's a lot more than that, but I don't want to ruin it for you. It does have some explicit language and some raunchy materials, but if you do see it, it's hilarious.
  6. Zeero
    Last night, I played a nice game of Monopoly. Not gonna delve into details, but it was fun. It was simple... ish, but still, simple. Today, my grandmother took me and my brother to Indigo, a bookstore. In it, we saw...

    Yes, that's right, Mega Monopoly. Check out this quote.

    Bus tickets, skyscrapers, new territories, a Speed die, skyscrapers, depots... $1000 bills?! This ain't Monopoly; It's a modern mockery. I like the original game. It was simple. No bus tickets, no speed die, just roll, move, buy, pick a chance, go to jail: It takes a while to understand, but it's better than... this.
    *phew* Glad I got that outta my system.
  7. Zeero
    Well, I just saw We Will Rock You today. It was really good. It was about how in 300 years, the future is controlled by a corporation called Globalsoft and making music has been banned and it's all done digitally. Then there's this guy who hears all of these modern song lyrics in his head and calls himself 'Galileo Figaro' (y'know, from Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody?) and he goes on his quest to return music to the world (or sum'in like that) with his new partner-in-crime, Scaramouche (Scaramouche, Scaramouche, can you do the fandango?). They end up finding Brian May's guitar in the end and stuff. Yay. If you want a full, accurate summary, just go to Wikipedia.
    So, er, yeah. That's basically it. It was pretty raunchy and stuff and had a very George Orwell-esque view of the future.
    On other news, I'm at my grandparents' condo right now. Gonna go to Indigo (a bookstore) tomorrow, maybe HMV (a music store) as well.
    That's all for me. See ya later.
  8. Zeero
    Hello guys. Just sitting by the fire, listening to Jack Johnson on the iPod dock (so that my entire family can hear it as opposed to an earphone wearer). I'm very relaxed, just checking edits on the BS01 Wiki. Well, Greg just released the name of the Toa of the First Toa Team: Lesovikk. It's quite... long, as the only Toa with a name that long is Takanuva, and Takanuva has a vowel for every other letter. But I like it. Reminds me of Russia, maybe because Lesovikk sounds like Soviet.
    Song just changed from Jack Johnson to a song from Wicked. I'd change it but my younger brother, Ryzak, won't let me, as we're listening to his iPod. Of course, maybe he won't notice, as he's playing Scrabble with our parents.
    Ah, he's given permission to let me play Jack Johnson. We have two albums of his: Brushfire Melodies and Sing-A-Longs and Lullabies for the Film Curious George (actually, that one has tracks by other people too, but they're mostly Jack Johnson's songs).
    Hey, Ryzak just made the word "Gar" in Scrabble. It means "to cause or compel". I'm sure you can guess why this is worth noting. Bah, if you can't, just click here.
    Well, I gotta get back to monitoring the Wiki. See ya later.
  9. Zeero
    I have a four day weekend! Yay.
    Main highlight of the weekend:

    Yes, that's right. This Sunday, my family and I are seeing We Will Rock You. It's gonna be awesome. I'm a big musical theatre person, so I'm very excited. I've been waiting for this since November (the tickets are a Bar-Mitzvah present from my parents).
    We Will Rock You is a jukebox musical (for more info on jukebox musicals, just search for them on Wikipedia), just like Mamma Mia and Movin' Out. However, as the title suggests, We Will Rock You is to the music of Queen. I can't wait.
    Today, all I'm doing is sitting around the computer surfing the web and such. I finished the book Septimus Heap, Book 2: Flyte by Angie Sage this morning and I'm getting Septimus Heap, Book 3: Physik (also by Angie Sage) on either Sunday or Monday. On another note, I really need to pre-order a copy of Pokemon Diamond. I'll get to that tomorrow.
    Also, D.J. MacHale, the author of The Pendragon Adventure released the cover and excerpt for the eighth book in the series today. Gotta go read it now...
    So, that basically sums up my weekend. Still lots of matzah and Passover goodness going around. Grandparents coming for dinner tonight; Ryzak and I are gonna stay at their place on Sunday night.
    See ya later.
  10. Zeero
    So here I am in History class and my teacher, V-Man, has us taking notes. First, we put our topic in the center of our page and surround it in a bubble. Then we put a fact in another bubble and connect it to the topic bubble with an arrow. So V-Man says to us (the class),
    "Do the arrows and bubbles work for you?"
    Arrows? Bubbles?
    Aeros! Bubbles!

    Have you felt the bubbles melt?
  11. Zeero
    Tonight is the first night of passover! Hooray! *fanfare*
    Actually, Passover technically started at 11:00am Eastern Daylight Time. However, tonight's still the first night! Hooray! *more fanfare*
    For those who don't know, Passover is a holiday observed by the Jewish people, one of which is me.
    So, tonight and tomorrow night (April 2nd and April 3rd, 2007), we have big... dinner parties, per se, called Seders, where we read a book called the Hagaddah which details the story of Moses, Pharaoh, outstreched arms, frogs, stick transformation and plagues. Oh, and I can't forget: splitting a big body of water with a stick. Also, we eat. It's sorta like a feast but with one gigantic rule: No yeast. We can't eat anything with yeast in it. For a whole week. However, we do have an alternative. And we call it...

    It's basically crumbly, yeast-less bread. Apparently, when the Jews were escaping from Egypt, some guy (or girl, we're not sure which) forgot to put yeast in when they were baking the bread. And thus, they had matzah! Hooray for matzah! So, because of this tasty blunder, they decided when observing Passover, we will not eat yeast in commemoration of this mistake. Hooray for mistakes!
    And that is the story of Passover, the crumbly, yeast-less, sea-splittin', plague inflictin', door marking holiday. Here, have some matzah. *fanfare*
  12. Zeero
    Hello good peoples of BZPower and whatnot,
    Welcome to my blog. It's not much now, but just you wait. So, here is where you will find anectodes and other random tidings by the being known as "Bionus".
    So, for now, just relax and wait. Don't worry, it will be worth it.
    - Bionus
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