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Blog Comments posted by What?

  1. It's as simple as this: if it wasn't cheating, then it should have no problem winning again.


    This one.

    Thirding because this entry needs truth in it.


    People may not vote for him anymore due to the accusations in the previous topic. They may not want to vote for a "Cheater" that the member was unjustifiably labeled just because he started pulling ahead.

    Well, of course they won't vote for a cheater. That's the entire point of re-doing the poll.


    But there is no proof that he even cheated to start with.

    And you're "in the know" since when, exactly?

    Wait, what? If there's any proof, please quote it.


    And what happened to 'innocent until proven guilty'? Why is everyone accusing this guy when there isn't proof?

  2. It's as simple as this: if it wasn't cheating, then it should have no problem winning again.



    This one.


    That's exactly what I was trying to say.


    @ Spink ~ Yeah, I guess you're right... oh well.

    He shouldn't have to "win again." He was winning. They essentially took his votes and incinerated them. No one should have to win twice.


    Some people who voted once may not feel like voting again. They might be confused (and with good reason) and think they already voted in the poll. Some may not get online again before the deadline.


    Bottom line: He was winning. Now the situation is different, thus the result could also be different.

  3. Very interesting. A raspberry Strakk head! I just can't understand all of these rainbow colored Strakk heads... :???:


    Unfortunately I blew it for BBCC #52, so if these are the prizes, then too bad for me. However, considering how many prototypes Than has, I hopefully will have another shot! ^_^ Bring on BBCC #53 people! :lol: (after #52 is done of course! ;) )



    I know. Not much can be said but :(


    How bout before? :bigsmile: After all, we're both ready now.

  4. I haven't followed the OGD enough to know if Greg ever lied about anything.


    Even if he did say something that was false, it could be a mistake. If you had to answer tens of thousands of questions, would you slip up? I bet I would.


    And that Greg is a liar does not fit in with what I have observed of his character. And if he did lie --which I doubt-- the evidence is there somewhere.


    Anyone who said Greg lied should really prove it, or apologize, IMO.




  5. Finished! His name is Cresnix,I made him earlier,but decided to make a Turuga and Matoran form of him. :)

    Toa form:Toa Form.

    Back of Toa form:Back of Toa form.

    Matoran form:Matoran form.

    Turuga form:Turuga form.

    Good luck to everyone,and may the best MoCer win!

    EDIT:Ah great,now I have to make a WHOLE new Toa form because I made the Toa BEFORE the contest..

    Darn it. :(


    :( You've got plenty of time, though: it ends August 9th.


    Oh, BTW, you aren't supposed to enter in this blog entry. Please enter here. :)




  6. About the prizes, I say first place should get a choice. For me, a TNGM has much more value to a 6 month premium, so I would much rather have the TNGM if I were to win. And everyone know how much harder is its to get second than first. :P


    But yeah, I think it would just be better to let the winner choose, that way it's fair.


    Velox's answer to this question (to someone else who asked it) :) :

    To put it simply: Too bad. If you win a BBC contest [put on by BZPower] you don't choose the prize do you?


    So no, sorry.


    But also, in real BBCs a lot of the time first and second include a lot of the same things, first just gets things added on.


    But It's fine with me, I was just wondering about it. I'm not mad or anything. I haven't even won, so why am I worrying about this? :P


    Heh. Well, it's good to be prepared! :lol:


    How's about this,


    Matoran->Toa-Knight->Ascension to Mech-looking Angel-ish Great Spirit-kinda-thing.


    So the Toa goes beyond the level and becomes an awesome Spirit-ish thing.


    Soul gets captured into it... Or something.


    If that's not possible, I'll just be doing an evolution of the Angel-Mech-ish thing then. =\


    [-The Alchemyst-]


    If they resemble each other enough, it's fine. Just make sure they look similar, if possible.


    If it isn't, try something else. :)


    Is it okay to "swap" prizes with someone else if they agree?


    Seems reasonable. Yes. But both the prize-winners would have to post in the results entry saying they agreed to the switch.




  7. About the prizes, I say first place should get a choice. For me, a TNGM has much more value to a 6 month premium, so I would much rather have the TNGM if I were to win. And everyone know how much harder is its to get second than first. :P


    But yeah, I think it would just be better to let the winner choose, that way it's fair.


    Velox's answer to this question (to someone else who asked it) :) :

    To put it simply: Too bad. If you win a BBC contest [put on by BZPower] you don't choose the prize do you?


    So no, sorry.


    Hmm... For the last one, can I clarify? My idea was to have variations on what the toa could transform into.

    I'll set a scene. A toa lays dying, and will either become and angel, or a demon. It would only transform once, but I'd be depicting two things it could transform into. Get it?


    No. That's not an actual 'evolution;' it's possible 'evolution' outcomes. Besides, it might be confusing to people viewing it. :)


    It would be best if it's easy to see what kind of transformation is going on.




  8. Can a decaying corpse count as a "stage"? And what if the first place winner is already Premier?




    Then, you'll get the TNGM unless you want it for when you run out.


    Well, it could be added onto your current Premiership. 1 year + 1 year and 6 months, for example.


    That's the way they do it for official BBCCs, I think.


    You have to have them in one picture. Preferably not Photoshopped.




    #1 So they have to be all built at once? All the stages have to exist simultaneously?


    #2 A machine are allowed. How about a guy in an upgrading mech suit? Would that be allowed, or would he have to evolve also, or what?


    #3 How many stages are allowed? Anything more than three?


    4) Painted parts are NOT ALLOWED. No non-LEGO parts. All other LEGO parts are fair game; however, for the most part, they should be Bionicle pieces and Technic pieces. There's a 50%-50% system/technic ratio.


    Hey, I thought this was a Bionicle-Based Creations Contest.


    The reason is I like system, and it's more creative.


    I think the correct response to that on a Bionicle site is a simple:


    O RLY? :lol:


    Actually, having gone to the Brickfest multiple times, I remember being more impressed by the sheer size of most of the models rather than their creativity.


    Also, if What? enters and ends up winning, he'll get the TNGM [the prize for second place] and the second place winner will receive the 6-month PMship.


    Forethought! It would be a little awkward to win my own prize. That happened to Arpy in his own contest. :superfunny:




  9. I think I've found the truth about origins and thus what worldview is correct, and what I needed to do in religous terms that we can't discuss here (I'm actually considering starting a blog somewhere out there about this, though I wouldn't be able to link there from here).


    BTW, I think that's a good idea.




  10. When I'm not absolutely sure about something, I type down every probable/possible answer to the problem with my reasoning behind each one.


    Especially on important things, that's a good method, I think.




    One thing about logic is that it's a process -- and the answer we get from that process -- that (if it's real logic) makes sense, cause logic makes sense: That's the point of it, after all. Emotion does NOT always make sense; sometimes it's not even the emotion we'd like to feel at the time, if we could choose.


    Emotions are more of a reflexive, automatic response. Logic is more deliberate. A choice, rather than a reflexive thing.


    Hm. That's all I can really type up now.


    But logic can and does influence emotions. Let's say, uh, during WW II someone in Nazi Germany had logically decided Hitler was an evil psychopath. Thus he would be happy to have Hitler defeated.


    So logic and emotion are not entirely disconnected or opposites. They influence each other. And both are an important part of being human.




    I think -- correct me if your experience is otherwise -- that if you say you try to be logical, people think, if only for a second, that you're like a Vulcan from Star Trek: You dislike and/or try to flatten all emotion in favor of cold logic.


    Does your experience support that? I'd be happy to be wrong. Of course.




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