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Toa Lhikan Hordika

Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Toa Lhikan Hordika

  1. Toa Lhikan Hordika
    So today I got in a package with some ultra rare collectibles and I thought I would brag and post some pictures:
    Sorry to say in advance that this collection is not for sale.
    Full pic of collection:


    Closeup of the top 3 rows. Got room for a Gold Hau and Platinum Avohkii up top and if you've got a Metru Red Huna for sale, let me know! :

    Kanohi Nuva:


    Krana "Va":

    Krana-Kal (Yes, I have two WMKK and a whole blank row for any GPKK I may get in the future):

    Kraata (With what I believe is an all gold misprint on the bottom):

    Kanoka - I am still missing a few, but I've currently got a few in the mail from Bricklink. Let me know if you've got a 416, 175, or Gold Kanoka that you're willing to sell.

    Not the greatest quality picture, but here's the UDD Kanoka and the Numberless Disk of Time:

    And finally, a sealed, unopened San Diego Comic Con edition of Vakama with an SDCC Kanoka that it was never released with:

    - Toa Lhikan Hordika
  2. Toa Lhikan Hordika
    Well, once again I've succeeded in staying away from here for far too long.
    This last year has been quite adventurous. Turakii #1 Lavasurfer and I are engaged! How crazy is that? We plan to be married on July 28, 2013 and the days just aren't going by fast enough. Now I've just gotta keep saving money for the wedding...
    After spending a few months in northern VA/DC, I got to my first post out in Santiago, Chile. I've got a huge apartment and I am absolutely loving it.
    Since I've been in Chile, I've been working very hard on completed the "collectibles" part of my Bionicle collection. So far, I have succeeded in obtaining a full set of 2001 Kanohi (including euro misprints of the Matatu and Ruru), minus a Gold Hau. I've gotten full sets of Krana, and Kraata (yes, all 259 of them). As of today, I am now one of potentially 5000 owners of a White Metal Krana-Kal. Pictures will definitely follow later today hopefully. Now I've still got 8 hard plastic Krana, 6 VMKK, and 1 SSKK to hunt down.
  3. Toa Lhikan Hordika
    Goodness, has it really been over a year since I've been here?! Wow, well I'll do my best not to let that happen again. What can I do for an update on over a year of my life?
    Well for starters I'm 21 now. I can hardly figure out how that happened other than attributing it to the passage of time.
    I have now been in a relationship with Turakii #1 Lavasurfer for 2 years which has been absolutely amazing and I can't wait to see where she and I will be in another 2 years.
    I completed my Associates in Computer & Electronics Engineering Technology at ITT Technical Institute and I am now working for the Department of State. Due to this, I had to move from Michigan to Virginia in June, but it has been well worth it.
    I'm making a lot more money that I thought I would be making at age 21 and because of this I have been able to go to bricklink and start completing the collectibles portion of my Bionicle collection. So far I have all of the 2001 Kanohi and starting next week, I will be completing my Krana, Krana-Kal, and Kanohi Nuva collections as well. The though one is going to be the Kraata collection, but I look forward to the sport of hunting them down and getting them a little at a time.
    Not much else is going on. I'm just enjoying my young adult life and taking it a day at a time.
  4. Toa Lhikan Hordika
    So... Turakii and I have been going out for 10 weeks now =D
    I am now in the committee (only 6 people in it) of the new ISCET (International Society of Certified Electronics Technicians) Student Chapter that started at the ITT Tech campus that I go to. Because of this, I can take 4 tests required for ISCET Certification at a discounted price and I get access to lots of online study material for free . Hopefully by March, I should be a full-fledged Certified Electronics Technician.
    I'm still working part-time for 7-UP and am hopefully going to find a job, in the field that I am going into, sometime during the beginning/middle of the summer!
  5. Toa Lhikan Hordika
    Well as of right now, I've completed the first part of a very long and exensive project I've just started working on. Last year, we were given a picture of the Matoran Universe in a map form:

    And then just before that, we had seen Mata Nui himself:

    Obviously, the Matoran Universe doesn't seem to be built to the scale of Mata Nui's body. But I realized that I had the ability to change the way I look at that map. So over the next few months, I'm going to be drawing individual parts of Mata Nui's body with the landmasses of the Matoran Universe fitting into them. Afterwards, I'm going to try to fit it all onto one page or combine a few pages to make the picture complete.
    Right now, the first part is done. I give you the torso:

    On a side note, this is preliminary and will most likely be redrawn in the future after I finish doing preliminary drawings of the other body parts. And for those of you wondering, I did us a ruler for the body, but the landmasses were drawn free-hand.
    Hope you all enjoy!
  6. Toa Lhikan Hordika
    I got it today! I've read half of it so far. I would definately recommend it, because it's a thorough reminiscence of the first 8 years of Bionicle with occasional comments from Makuta Teridax looking back at the past. It's definately worth the $20 (that includes basic shipping costs) and it's hardcover to top it all off.
  7. Toa Lhikan Hordika
    Just to condradict Ta-Metru Defender when he says that I'm dead, I'm... hold on
    *wipes off dust from blog*
    I'm posting a blog entry to say that I'm alive and I'll try to be more consistent with my blogging and not let it die for 3 and a half months again.
  8. Toa Lhikan Hordika
    By Relient K

    T'was the night before Christmas And up at the North Pole
    Everybody's going crazy
    Everything's out of control
    The toy shop is on fire
    The toys melting on the shelves
    And you can hear Mrs. Claus scream
    One can never trust those elves!"
    Unless something drastic happens fast
    Say hello to the ghost of Christmas past
    Because Rudolph's puking boughs of holly
    Old Saint Nick ain't all that jolly
    And the sleigh's in the shop
    'Cause it's broken down
    But Christmas won't stop
    'Cause Santa Claus is thumbing to town
    Santa Claus is thumbing to town
    Santa Claus is thumbing to town
    Santa Claus is thumbing to town
    Very much to his disliking,
    Santa spends all night hitch-hiking
    With a sign that reads, "Ho ho slow down,"
    Santa Claus is thumbing to town
    Every car just drove right past him
    And sped right out of sight
    Santa never got to ask them
    To drive around the world in just one night
    So Kris Kringle started walkin'
    Through the snow without his sleigh
    Shed a tear for every stocking
    That would be empty Christmas day
    Unless something drastic happens fast
    Say hello to the ghost of Christmas past
    Because, Rudolph's puking boughs of holly
    Old Saint Nick ain't all that jolly
    And the sleigh's in the shop
    'Cause it's broken down,
    But Christmas won't stop
    'Cause Santa Claus is thumbing to town
    Santa Claus is thumbing to town
    Santa Claus is thumbing to town
    Santa Claus is thumbing to town
    Very much to his disliking
    Santa spends all night hitch-hiking
    With a sign that reads, "Ho ho slow down,"
    Santa Claus is thumbing to town,
    Santa Claus is thumbing to town
  9. Toa Lhikan Hordika
    A while ago (nearly 2 years ago) my mom was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. She's had flareups here and there. Many times she's just in constant pain, and regardless of that, she's been strong and continued on with life.
    Today, she went to the Rheumatoligist to see if she could switch to a less intense medication than the one she's currently on. She had tests taken today and now it turns out that she has the beginnings of fibromyalgia, and ostioporosis. Obviously it's not me being directly affected by this, but my mom is and any prayers are appreciated.
  10. Toa Lhikan Hordika
    I just got Skillet's new Comatose Comes Alive CD. Haven't listened to the whole thing yet, but those live tracks are amazing (the violins in Collide were done masterfully). Anyways, just had to brag that I got something new. Now I need to get the Incredible Hulk soon.
  11. Toa Lhikan Hordika
    Did everybody order one before I did causeing it to be on backorder or am I just going crazy? When my grandmother had me order the Yellow Jetrax T6 set, I swear it said it would arrive in 3-5 business days. Now it says that it hasn't shipped and it won't be available for 2-6 weeks . I have no problem waiting for it, but my Grandmother wanted to see it built and she's going back to Texas on Saturday.
    *sighs in resignation*
  12. Toa Lhikan Hordika
    Just had to say I got the Klakk .
    Nobody had commented last week on the entry before my last entry, but does anybody think I should go ahead and get the Yellow Jetrax, despite having the blue one, or just not worry about getting it.
    Keep in mind, I woulnd't be paying for it, my grandmother would. Why I'm so indecisive over this, I'm not sure.
    P.S. : Gas is now $2.87 where I live . *loves life*
  13. Toa Lhikan Hordika
    I am not dead. I've simply been busy with school, work, and church.
    Right now, I'm in a bit of a trivial dilema though. My grandmother is offering to buy me the Yellow Jetrax T6. Those of you who know me, know that (aside from the playsets), I've managed to collect every set from every year (also minus complete 2001-2004 collectable sets). I have the regular Jetrax T6, and I even managed to get the Klakk off of eBay (should be getting it any day now). What would you guys do?
    Also, I hate Algebra now. In my "Basic Problem Solving Strategies" class, we had "Math Day" today. All we did was math problems on sheets which we would turn in after we were done. If we had trouble with any of them, we had the option of taking them home and turning them in next week. So far I have aced this class (100% on EVERYTHING). So my last assignment this morning had 16 problems on it. I solved 1-7 and 9-11. 8 and 12-16 are seemingly impossible and I wanna get them done ASAP, cause I hate procrastinating when it comes to school. Here's an example (#8):
    6 + 5 divided by y (or 5 over y) = y - 2 divided by y (or 2 over y)
    How do you solve that? That's 3 y's in the equation and there's at least 1 on each side... I really need to figure this out.
    On a side note, I'm jealous of Laughin Man and Turakii... I seriously thought I would get married before some of my BZP friends who were younger than I. They're not even out of High School! I wanna steal the spotlight.
  14. Toa Lhikan Hordika
    Well I'm in class right now. Don't worry, I'm not ignoring my teacher. I just happened to be ahead of everybody because I did assignments that I thought were in my homework throughout last week that he's having people do now. So he told me to take a break.
    Anyways, it's been a while since I made an entry. Quite a bit has happened lately.
    I started school at ITT Tech and I'm in my third week. My major is Computer/Electronics Engineering Technology (CEET) and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
    In short, life has been going well and if I have anything to complain about, it's that I need to either get a 2nd job or find a way to significanly make some more money.
    I've currently got several games reserved and payed for at Gamestop (I seriously need to cut down on my video game spending). Last week I was able to make it to the midnight release of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed for the PS3. That game is amazing. I never knew they could give you such a wide array of powers in a game, but apparently they can.
    Still doing camera work at church every Sunday. We're officially on local television and we've moved to two service every Sunday (9 AM & 11 AM). So lucky me, I get to do camera work twice every Sunday. I'm getting trained on using sound equipment and lights at church as well. Before you know it, I'll be a jack of all trades when it comes to media stuff.
    I guess that's it for updates right now. Break'll be over in like 15 minutes, so I'm gonna go check up on a few more things.
  15. Toa Lhikan Hordika
    Well, I have all of the Bionicle sets once again. The problem is, I have nowhere to put Axalara T9, Jetrax T6, Rockoh T3, Vultraz, or Mazeka except in my room, away from all of my other Bionicle sets.
    As of right now, I'm really trying to make a budget, because with car insurance, my phone, and college, I'm gonna be having to pay $450 a month. Which really isn't bad, but I just need to get into the habbit of depositing my money as soon as I get it and not spending it so compulsively *cough*Bionicle sets and video games*cough*. I'll never get be financially fit if I can't get a handle on my finances .
    Aside from that... nothing else new has really been going on, I'm just trying to enjoy everyday life.
  16. Toa Lhikan Hordika
    Wow, good things just keep happening to me right now.
    I got Final Fantasy IV for DS today, which is an awesome game so far (though I've played it through on GBA and PS1 ). The cutscenes are beautiful and it is definately harder than any of it's previous incarnations.
    Also, I had an interview at ITT Tech today and I've been accepted. We're gonna be working on financial plans on Thursday and I start in September pretty much right after I get back from Brick Fair.
    Serving is going well also. I'm averaging $90 a night after tipping out hosts and bartenders.
    So yeah, in a nutshell, things are going well.... not sure how FFIV fits into things lining up, but it's sitll good.
  17. Toa Lhikan Hordika
    Wow... all I can say is wow.
    I went into that movie with high expectations and they were exceeded. By far the best movie of 2008 without a second thought. If you read TMD's blog, he probably put it into the best words with his essay, but in my own words, it was simply amazing, and I have to see it again before this week is up. Then I may quite possibly see it 1-2 more times prior to it's DVD/Blu-Ray release.
  18. Toa Lhikan Hordika
    Well... not this last Sunday, but the Sunday prior to it, my parents and I had swapped cars. So I was driving their van and they were driving my car. I spent the whole night at work. During this, my parents went to the Imax to get tickets for the Dark Knight (they lied to me, telling me that they already had them ) and found out that the Imax was sold out for 3 weeks. So they went to MJR (a really awesome movie theater that's basically the next best thing to Imax). As they were leaving, there is a 4-way intersection in the parking lot. One way with stop signs, the other without. My mom was in the lane without stop signs, but just to be safe, she yields. As she does, there is a woman to her left waiting for my mom to go (since the woman was at a stop sign), so she goes. As she's almost past the intersection, some guy sped through the stop sign on the other side and hit my car. My mom is alright, but my car lost its front bumper, headlights, and grill.
    Now here's the sucky part: since this happened on private property, the guy didn't get a ticket and I could only get $500 out of his insurance. The estimate for repairs: $1200. So $700 after I got the $500 from the guy basically. I didn't have my car all of last week. I got it back on Saturday, and it doesn't look the greatest, but you can't really tell that it was in an accident from a distance. And luckily, the shop I took my car into is owned by some friends of my parents and when I got it back, they said after the money from the guy's insurance, they're only charging us $120. Originally, I was gonna have to pay the $700 which made no sense, seeing as I had no involvement with the accident what-so-ever, but since it was lowered in price, my parents are covering it (thank God!).
    Last week (on Wednesday), my sisters broke my phone... Luckily, I'm semi-intelligent enough to piece it together and make it work. But my 2-year contract was almost up, so I needed to upgrade anyways. Going to AT&T's website, I browsed through their phones and plans and such. I've been finding myself in need of carrying a planner around lately and I haven't yet. So I decided to look under Blackberrys/Blackjacks and I found a brand new one that after a phone upgrade discount, a contract renewal discount, and a $100 rebate, only cost me $48!
    So yeah, don't despair regardless of what circumstances try to dictate, cause things will work out for the best.
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