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-{Lion Heart}-

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Year 19

About -{Lion Heart}-

  • Birthday 10/11/1994

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    Miami, FL
  • Interests
    DATE (7/19/14): This year marks my 10th anniversary on Bzpower! Man, how time flies…

    A little about me. I love Bionicle. It is not just an interest, it is a passion. I mean, Bionicle was such important part of my childhood, not just in the actual Lego products, but in the wonderful community I was lucky enough to run into here on BZPower.

    The website also helped spur a love for comic-making, which served as an outlet of sorts for my imagination and creative spirit during my short run as a comic-maker. Over the years I found other outlets (such as music, which I'll get into later). But that passion has also not gone away. Ever since I closed my first (and only) comic series back in 2005, I've made a promise to myself that I would bring them back one day. I’m not sure how likely that is to happen as the reboot I started working on around late 2010 was kinda placed on the backburner. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll come back to it...

    My other passions? Well I have another intense love for video games. I follow gaming news extensively and love all other video-game related media, be it comics, music, art or magazine. I really enjoy almost anything video game-related!

    Finally, let's talk music. To me, music is everything. Without music, what is the point of life?

    I enjoy almost all genres. I play the guitar, both acoustic and electric and the alto saxophone. I eat up anything related to music recording, studio work, recording technology, and all that jazz (speaking of which, I absolutely love jazz!).

    A selection of some of favorite artists: So Much Light, John Coltrane, Charlie Parker, The Speed of Sound in Seawater, Ttng, Feed Me Jack, The Beatles, Kimbra, Maps and Atlases, Koji Kondo, Zelliack, Miles Davis, Jimi Hendrix, Jeff Beck, Andy Timmons...

    That's all for now, folks!


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  1. Hey, Lion Heart. After hearing about the BZP Member Beliwa's passing, I wanted to tell you that you were the best friend on the net a guy could have. You may not read this, but I hope you know that you were a great pal.

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