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Status Updates posted by Takhamavahu

  1. oh no! i missed it! i'd been counting down for a while.


  2. already noted, dud, but thanks

  3. Yeah. Our director, a fourth year student wrote it.

  4. Yeah. Our director, a fourth year student wrote it.

  5. Awesome. I was Sebastian in The Tempest, in October, and Now Im about to start on an original play called Warmongers.

  6. Still studying Theatre?


  8. Thanks. check the link to see why tahu is sad?

  9. oh! I hadn't even noticed! Thanks

  10. Okay, well it's public now; i wont touch it for a while, go ahead.

  11. Thanks. you can see the gallery if you like though sometimes its not public because i often change the folder keyword to "Bionicle" and by the time its public it's been changed to "avatars"

  12. which banner? The Adaptive Armour one? Thanks. I have a topic for it, but its old now so you wouldnt be allowed to post in it, but take a gander at it if you like.

  13. Thanks! I have a topic for them, but it's old now so you wouldnt be able post in it.

  14. I'm sorry do I know you?

  15. Hey, your canadian? awesome!

  16. Your Mata Nui robot is awsome btw (I couldnt comment in the topic. It's been too long.) but its the best ive seen. My only recomendation is use a metruan head. I think it's a better sape and the same hue of grey as they rest. You an ue green eyes (nuhrii) for Mata Nui and red eyes (Orkham) for Makuta!

  17. Wow, just joined today? Welcome to BZPower.

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