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Blog Entries posted by Planetperson

  1. Planetperson
    Sunday, July 9, 2006
    My family is gone all day, driving my brother to a band camp a couple states away. I'm alone now. But it's not so bad when it's just me and the computer!
    It's getting close to that time when all of the Lego Magazines arrive in everybody's mailboxes. Unfortunately, I'm one of those sad people whose magazines don't come until weeks after people post the heck out of them on BZPower . I might have gotton my magazine really early once.
  2. Planetperson
    Friday, October 6, 2006
    "If I see you playing with anything during the movie, I will take whatever it is away and not give it back. If I see you doing homework, I will take it away and not give it back. If I hear a cell phone ringing, I will take it away and not give it back. If I see you put your head down, I will take it away and not give it back."
  3. Planetperson
    Friday, April 4, 2008

    A week before last Tuesday, a new Battle for Power game for Tanma was put onto the Bionicle website. The player needs to reach the end of a long tunnel, moving forward only by pressing the up-arrow key for upward thrust while drifting forward. The player picks up powerups for speeding up and for refueling. Pressing the space bar causes Tanma to release a powerful light blast that destroys any Makuta in your way.

    Federation of Fear Chapter 6 was posted on www.bioniclestory.com a week before yesterday.

    Brutaka is in the clutches of Tren Krom. After the others enter his cave, Tren Krom explains in monologue that at the universe's beginning, the Great Beings created one organic being to serve the same purpose that would someday be fulfilled by Mata Nui: maintaining the universe through his power of will from within the Universe Core. When Mata Nui came to life, however, he was cast aside and bound to the rock of this remote island. The herald of his dispatch was none other than the crazed Av-Matoran that Jaller and his company encountered in Karzahni, whose sanity was fractured during his encounter with Tren Krom. Now Tren Krom attempts to probe Brutaka's mind, although his mental shielding is resisting. Tren Krom then grabs Lariska, who faints before she can lapse into madness from seeing into his mind. In a ploy for freedom, Brutaka starts to explain how the universe will be lost to evil if they are not allowed to go along their way. He gets Spiriah to mention that if the Makuta prevail, a shadow will cover the world, their will enforced by Rahkshi. Just as Brutaka starts to retaliate against Tren Krom's grib, Carapar rushes up from behind Tren Krom in a sneak attack destined to fail -- Tren Krom grows a third eye in Carapar's direction, which then shoots a beam at him that crystallizes and disintegrates him. Knowing of the truth from Lariska's mind, Tren Krom decides to let them go, determined to let them suffer in the world they allowed to run out of control.

    Predictions: We are at war -- there will be more deaths, though I can't be sure who will die. Takadox clearly won't have any sort of chance to take a vengeance on Tren Krom for killing his mental slave, if he even feels any sense of loss. The next stop for the Federation is at last the island on which Miserix is held captive by Rahi, as heard in the Official Greg Discussion.

    The Brickmaster March-April issue arrived in mailboxes last month. Packaged with it was the first of four printed Bionicle comics this year, each of which are going to be extra large just as this one was. I am very fond of the new art style of Leigh Gallagher, much more than I was of the abstractions of Stuart Sayger.

    The magazine contains a pull-out battle scene.

    The comic advertises the three large sets currently being sold.

    Speaking of the comic, its animated version was finally put online on Monday. This makes all of the artwork available in digital format, given a flash object extractor.

    Yet another Battle for Power game, this one for Gavla, was uploaded onto the bionicle website on April Fools' Day on Tuesday. This game is incredibly similar to the Chirox game (rather unfortunately), except more difficult and more annoying. Now the player has to pick up a limited number of Tridax pods dispensed by Radiak on some part of the map.

    Finally, Chapter 6 of the Mutran Chronicles was put on bioniclestory.com two days ago.

    This entry centers around the grand unveiling of Makuta Teridax's ultimate Plan to the rest of the Brotherhood of Makuta following Mutran's enlightening experience with Tren Krom. Teridax calls a Convocation on Destral, where he presents his malevolent scheme to overthrow Mata Nui and rule the Matoran universe. Since it is so unorthodox for a member of the Brotherhood other than its leader to call a meeting as well as for one to do so without permission from him, it is obvious that Teridax was "on a collision course from the start" with Miserix. Miserix immediately objects to Teridax's Plan, although Bitil and Gorast immediately agree with the Makuta of Metru Nui's point of view. Seeing Teridax's open defiance for what it is, Miserix attacks, and a brief but poignant brawl erupts between the two. When the violence is ended, Vamprah, Chirox, Antroz, and Spiriah also come to Teridax's side. Mutran follows suit, of course uniquely knowing that Teridax is absolutely right. Finally, all the stragglers leave Miserix's side. As the new leader of the Brotherhood, Teridax orders Krika and Spiriah to carry out Miserix's execution (in this it is revealed that Miserix favors reptilian forms). Over time, Gorast and Icarax track and kill all the Makuta who Teridax eyeballed remaining at Miserix's defense unitil the last possible moment. The offenders' masks are nailed to a display for all Makuta to see, but Mutran wonders why the Kanohi mask of Miserix is absent.

    Predictions: Miserix's winning model will most likely be of some reptilian form, as hinted in the story. I see that Spiriah again has a problem carrying out orders, since Miserix is secretly imprisoned, not killed. And, of course, Icarax was one of those who heartlessly killed the unbelieving Makuta -- who's to say he hasn't got it in him to kill another?
  4. Planetperson
    Monday, June 5, 2006 Today I took a science test. I thought I was doing do well when I was taking it, but later I realized that I did horribly on the written part because an alpha-D-glucose bonded to a beta-D-glucose does not make sucrose! I'm gonna die on my finals.
    Has anyone seen that movie called The Mission? How depressing.
  5. Planetperson
    Wednesday, December 6, 2006
    I've noticed that this winter all of the chicks are wearing these really fancy, high-tech-looking boots of various brands. They all look like they must do something besides keep feet warm, and they seem to be a big hit. Now, I don't know if they know it, but I foresee that the next fashion trend will be...

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Rocket Boots!

    Seriously, I can totally see students rocketing through the halls to their classes. God knows what might happen if people should crash into each other; but hey, time is money . I've thought about it, though, and I've realized that the only bad thing about rocket boots would be if they were to go off in the middle of class . Yeah, I can imagine that that would get pretty messy.
    "Now class, who can tell me why angle A-B-E has to be congruent to ang -- "
    "Oh God, I can't make it stop!," she screams, as she rockets toward the ceiling and her desk melts beneath the blasts coming from her feet. "AAAHHH!"
    The teacher takes quick action with the fire extinguisher. "I'll be taking those," the teacher says. "You'll get them back after I try 'em out during my lunch per -- I mean, I'll be holding on to them at the end of school for you."
    :blush: ...

    Gali's in style.
  6. Planetperson
    Friday, June 2, 2006 TGIF, and I'm glad I made it. This week was way too long. Fortunately, I have some more down time before the big finals. My Greek final...it'll be okay; I know what I'm doing. Science needs attention - NOW. So does math. Today my religion teacher handed me a three-page list of things I need to study, so that will take some time to go over. And as for English, I will do my best to be prepared.
  7. Planetperson
    Saturday, July 14, 2007
    Do you ever get the feeling that the day is too short? Do you feel like you had no morning? Do you sometimes even get mad at yourself for waking up at lunchtime because you feel that you were shortchanged a few hours of your day?

    That's who I am. Because it's summer, my whole schedule shifts so that I sleep only past midnight and wake up only past eleven. So this morning I forced myself to wake up at 7:15, just to experience what morning feels like again.

    Now I remember what I hate about it again...
  8. Planetperson
    Wednesday, January 17, 2007
    Today was my second day of exams. Sorta.

    We have an entrely different schedule from normal for exams days. Exams are split up into three days with three exam periods each -- that means I have only three (longer) classes in a day rather than the normal nine periods. For example, I had periods 1, 3, and 4 yesterday -- three of my hardest classes. Of course, if someone has a free period, lunch period, or class that doesn't have an exam, he or she doesn't have to attend a class for that period. Periods 3, 8, and 6 were assigned today -- for me, that translates: no exam, free, ... orchestra. While fine arts classes never have exams, the administration (because they're deranged) requires fine arts students to show up for their classes anyway. So that means that I had to get up at 10:15, leave the house at 11:00, show up for this one class at 11:30, and go right back home at 1:00.

    I tell you, this is the way school should be every day. I actually woke up by my own power this morning; and I wasn't sleep-deprived or anything, even though I went to bed past midnight. The sun was actually up. I had a nice bowl of Quaker Oatmeal Sqares in front of the computer, checking out the revamped Bionicle.com. On a normal day, I certainly don't have time to check the web! Then I walked out the door without even my bacpack -- didn't need it -- and my dad drove me to school. All I had in my pockets were my cell phone and six bucks in case I wanted to take the bus and train home. When I got to school, everyone who had 6th free (which I don't) was leaving the building. Usually when I arrive at school in the morning, I'm half-awake and everyone's walking sleepily through the parking lot in the same direction as I am. This morning, I was shocked to see half the school going in the exact opposite direction as I. It was like I was showing up bright and early for school when it had already ended! Here I am, surrounded by cars picking up students on their way out of the building, and I'm climbing out of my dad's Camry saying, "see you later!" Very weird experience, I tell you.

    I strolled right into our practice room without visiting my locker or anything, still wearing my jacket from the freezing cold outside.

    "Did you just get here!? You had to show up only for this class? That sucks!" a friend says to me.

    Soon our teacher slips Pirates of the Carribean into the DVD player and we watch it on the projector screen for an hour and a half. My dad picked me up from a bookstore nearby at 1:15.

    So to summarize my day, my daddy dropped me off in the middle of the day to a place where other kids were corraled and picked me back up again not too long afterward. So did I really go to school today? Or was it daycare? Or the movies?
  9. Planetperson
    Tuesday, June 27, 2006 Today was really tiring. Another late night, early morning. I'm barely running on Pepsi even now. :wakeup2: I get a day off from summer school tomorrow again. Goodbye now.
    *falls, sleeps*
  10. Planetperson
    Thursday, January 18, 2007
    Here goes another iPod rant:

    Take a look at this video on CNN.

    I love Japan. So practical. They don't limit imagination and applicability of technology over there.
  11. Planetperson
    Tuesday, October 10, 2006
    Did you know that on America's roads there is a whole lane dedicated to safe, legal drivers?

    It's called the right lane.

    Drive responsibly.



    ...Oh, right.

    I'm adding a new thing to my entries now: Ancient Greek Word of the Day. You know, every day I post a word from the Classical Greek language ('cuz it's so cool). Today's GWotD is:

    Transliteration: geōrgos
    Translation: farmer
    Derivatives: George, georgic, geo- prefix

    Georgos is related to the Greek word for land (gen). A georgos, then, referred to someone who worked with the land, or a farmer.
  12. Planetperson
    Friday, January 4, 2008
    Here's a list of links to some flash files on the new bionicle.com, if anyone wants to see them. Right-click and choose "Save target as..." to download.

    Just remember, DON'T direct-link the files anywhere. Kopaka Nuva Lewa Nuva Pohatu Nuva Antroz Vamprah Chirox Kongu Jaller Hewkii Nuparu Hahli Matoro Tanma Solek Photok Radiak Gavla Kirop Toa Ignika Gadunka Hydraxon Maxilos Phantoka header Opener BionicleStory Opener Kopaka Nuva product Lewa Nuva product Pohatu Nuva product Antroz product Vamprah product Chirox product Tanma product Solek product Photok product Radiak product Gavla product Kirop product Toa Ignika product Matoro Game Jaller Game Hewkii Game Nuparu Game Kongu Game Hahli Game Battle for Power Loader Pohatu Nuva Game Loader Comic 11 Story 2001 Story 2002 Story 2003 Rorzakh Hordika Vakama Hordika Vakama Data BionicleBattle Jetix Barraki Singing Squid Squid Launcher Barraki TV Ad Cordak Blaster
  13. Planetperson
    Monday, October 23, 2006
    At least I think I broke a world record. I'm talking about lateness in receiving the Lego mag. That's right -- it is the 23rd of the next month, and I have have just now finally, finally received my Brickmaster magazine. I've always gotten my Lego magazine on the late side, and I've tolerated that. But this is totally ridiculous! What's happening over there at Lego!? Come on, the new comic made it on Bionicle.com over a week before I received my own in print! And you know how slow the comics section over there updates.

    Okay, a week before last Friday (I think Friday -- it's been so long, I can't really remember), which was the thirteenth, I called Lego customer service asking what the heck was going on. It turned out that they had never even bothered to ship it! And it's not like it's kind of okay because it's a totally free magazine -- I'm actually paying for Brickmaster. That ticked me off, but they made sure my magazine got shipped right away. At that point, all I had to was wait for it to come. So wait is what I did. About three days after the call, I got a shipment notification e-mail. Pretty late shipment, but at least I knew it was on its way. I waited more. Usually, the time it takes for something to get from Enfield, CT is no more than six days. This time, I waited about twelve days. Today I was planning to give LCS another ring when I finally got a certain yellow envelope from Enfield, CT on the mail table. I opened it. Yes, all there: magazine, comic, brand new set...

    Brand new set...hmmm...Mini Jedi Starfighter. Again. Brand new set, eh? *slaps forehead*
  14. Planetperson
    I hope one of these puts a smile on your face. No, I didn't make them. Give credit to the artists' names in the watermarks.
    Notice how all of the Google ads at the top of my blog are about staples now. Hmmm...coincidence?

    Transliteration: polus
    Translation: much, many
    Derivatives: anything with the poly- prefix
    The greek letter "u" (upsilon) is transliterated as "y" through Latin. Polu, the neuter form of this adjective, becomes poly and serves as the prefix so often used to mean "many."
  15. Planetperson
    Monday, February 11, 2008
    I'm thinking I need more actual Bionicle news in this blog for archive. You know, instead of nonsense.

    Biocast: Dark Mirror 3 is on the web today at www.bioniclestory.com.

    In this chapter, Takanuva has escaped his prison with his old Takua self, having thrashed some Vahki guards on the way out. He heads down into the Archives looking for the Rahi Krahka. What he finds in the Archives instead of artifacts and static Rahi are trophies of Toa conquests, the most stiking of them being the Makuta leader's Kanohi Kraahkan. To his horror, Takanuva soon comes upon Turaga Dume held in a stasis tube, who Takua says spoke out against Tuyet's tyrannical policy. Takanuva fires light from his left hand to free the Turaga. As Dume slowly wakes up, however, Takanuva and Takua wheel at the sound of a female voice -- the voice belonging to the wielder of the Nui stone, Toa Tuyet.

    Predictions: It's possible at this point that Toa Tuyet is merely Krahka in her form, perhaps in an attempt to frighten off intruders to her domain. But what does Takanuva plan to accomplish with Krahka's abilities?
  16. Planetperson
    Sunday, November 12, 2006
    Can you name the truck with four wheel drive,
    Smells like a steak, and seats thirty five?
    Canyonero! Canyonero!
    Well, it goes real slow with the hammer down
    It's the country-fried truck endorsed by a clown
    Canyonero! Canyonero!
    Hey, hey!
    Twelve yards long, two lanes wide,
    Sixty-five tons of American pride!
    Canyonero! Canyonero!
    Top of the line in utility sports,
    Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts!
    Canyonero! Canyonero!
    She blinds everybody with her super high beams
    She's a squirrel-squashin', deer-smackin' drivin' machine
    Canyonero! Canyonero! Canyonero!
    Whoa, Canyonero! Whoa!

    Gotta love the Simpsons. I DIE every time I see that episode. I should really get it on DVD.

    I have a point to all of this, of course -- SUVs are getting huge in America. Of course, you didn't need me to tell you that . But here I am with a Camry and a Dodge that's older than I am, and there's these wimpy little "soccer moms" driving these gigantic luxury SUVs. Just take a look at the H3:

    Quite a beast.

    At this rate, just how big are our vehicles in the future going to be like?

    Well, back in World War II, the army used jeeps. The troops like them so much that when the war ended, they started selling jeeps to civilians. In this way, a military vehicle was made into a domestic vehicle.

    More recently, our troops abroad in the Middle East started using hummers in the field. They liked them so much that they now sell hummers to ordinary, if somewhat wealthy, citizens. Again, a military vehicle came to use in civilian life.

    So I ask you now, what's next???
  17. Planetperson
    Saturday, June 17, 2006
    I just got back from my week-long trip. I've gone so long without a TV, I could just watch PBS for hours on end. This week I found out that I don't do too well without a couple hours of brain-numbing activity daily. I start to notice things that are outside that way .
    On my trip I finished the first of my two summer reading books (yes, without TV I start reading, I mean really, READING!). That was good. On my trip I also scored an old typewriter from family. I'm not sure exactly how that gives me an advantage over the average person , but I think there might be something to a mechanical typewriter that makes it special .
  18. Planetperson
    Thursday, January 11, 2007
    Click here (iTunes software needed).

    This is one of the (best) episodes of the Brickfilms.com podcast . I definitely have this on my iPod.

    Here's the RealPlayer file: link.
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