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Posts posted by ShadowBionics

  1. *There was only one sage left until Lewa would apparently be able to go off against Antroz. So Lewa flew his way to the desert, but it was almost pointless seeing as he had no idea where it was this temple was. He flew back over to the site of a broken bridge where there was a tent nearby. He hoped perhaps there was someone who could help. And there was.*

    Lewa: Hey, you, bald guy. Can you--?

    Mutoh: KAAAAW!

    Lewa: Did you just Kaw at us?

    Mutoh, accent: Oh, my deepest apologies.

    Navi: What's going on? What's with the crazy accents?

    Natalie: Is there a problem?

    Von Nebula: We people with exotic accents are of a higher class and society than the rest of you urchins.

    Navi: Hey, Von Nebula.

    Von Nebula: What?

    Navi: Nobody likes you! Get out!

    Von Nebula: Nobody likes me.

    Natalie: Well...

    Navi: You're fine… I guess.

    Natalie: Oh, thank you.

    Von Nebula: Why does she get special treatment?

    Lewa: Because nobody likes you.

    Navi: Moving on...

    Mutoh: I've been under a large amount of stress lately that I don't even know what I'm saying or doing these days.

    Navi: And what are you so stressful about?

    Mutoh: Oh, well, it's a sad story. You see, the members of my Village People tribute band got kidnapped. If only there was a hero around...

    Stormer: Did someone call for a hero?

    Navi: Not you, that's for sure.

    Breez: I hate this!

    Natalie: Not as much as I hate you... *she takes out a small dagger.*

    Breez: *gulp.* I hate our designers...

    Navi: Okay, bird man, why don't you just let us help you? He's a hero. Oh... but the Spirit Temple...

    Mutoh: KAAAAW! Oh... that's okay, I understand. Only they weren't taken by those ruthless, evil women.

    Lewa: Evil women?

    Mutoh: I tell you, I could barely believe my eyes the first time I saw the sight... An army of female Vortixx working for the Brotherhood of Makuta... They were dressed in a bizarre manner, running down the hills screaming and flailing their weapons...

    *Out of boredom, Lewa sort of zoned out and kind of blocked out what Mutoh was saying.*

    Mutoh: ... Then they took a spiked club--

    *Lewa flew off to go and find this so-called village of women, which was actually a former headquarters used for the Brotherhood leader who preceded Antroz. Fortunately he found this village. Unfortunately the Vortixx found him. Sadly Lewa zoned out while Mutoh was talking about how barbaric these women were, especially towards men. They had access to ultimate weapons of mass destruction. They pretty much shot him down like a duck and they tied him up like one too. Then they tossed him into a jail cell.*

    Navi: Well, that was stupid of you. What better way than to say, "Hey, here I am so lock me up?"

    Lewa: How was I supposed to know they assembled their own weapons and lock-kept them in an older hideout?

    Navi: I'm not even going to say it. If you didn't have such a short attention span…

    Lewa: Oh, look, a bug.

    Navi: Why do I bother?

    *Luckily, the Vortixx where too absent-minded to take away his stuff, so he was able to cut the ropes and make his way out of the cell, thanks to his hookshot. Now came the fun part of avoiding detection. Lewa had to be inconspicuous and go through without being captured. So he did a lot of stealth and scoured the fortress until he came to a rather large cell. He notcied some strangely dressed people, including a cop, some cheif, and a bridge builder.*

    Navi: So are you the guys from that Village People tribute band?

    Cheif, singing: Young man. There's no need to feel down. I said, young man. Get yourself off the ground. I said, young man.

    Both: -_-

    Lewa: I guess that answers the question. We're here to get you out. I'm Lewa, and this is Navi.

    Tribute band: In the Navi.

    Chief: You get to sail the seven seas.

    Tribute band: In the Navi.

    Navi, annoyed: No... just... NO!

    Female Vortixx 1: What have I told you about singing? *sees Lewa* You! You've gone far enough. *She took out two Arabic-style blades and began to go at Lewa.*

    Navi: Don't just stand there, you moron, fight!

    *Lewa got out his sword and Iruini's shield, blocking her swipes while trying to counter with his own. Whoever she was, she was much faster than he was, something Lewa sort of under estimated. So he made more use of the shield and the moment she was open, he went at her, defeating her.*

    Lewa: All right, now to free the weirdo wagon.

    *Lewa took her keys and then he released those singing band of weirdos and they all ran out like a bunch of goofballs (or like Megatron to be exact) all the way back to their tent singing "YMCA" as if all was okay in the world.*

    Female Vortixx 2, laughs: I've seen your fine work here, getting past the guards and all. You must have good theivery skills. I used to think all men besides Antroz and most of those other Makuta in that Brotherhood were useless, but now looking at you I don't think so anymore.

    Lewa: Uh… thanks?

    Female Vortixx 2: Our leader Roodaka put me in charge of this fortress while she was out at the Spirit Temple doing some random errands. She's second-in-command behind Antroz of the Vortixx Theieves and the Spirit Temple is her headquarters at the other end of the desert. So, you must really wanna be one of us, huh?

    Lewa: Um… Yeah, of course, I do.

    Female Vortixx 2: Okay, you're in now. Take this membership card, fill out your name, and we'll put your name on our list, 'kay?

    *So she gives him a membership card and Lewa scrawls him name on it and then scrawls his name on the list of members. Lewa nodded and exited the prison cells. From there, he approached the gate to the desert, which looked more like a Boulevard of Broken Dreams... okay, sorry, but this was just asking for a Green Day reference.*

    Female Vortixx 3: Oh, so you want to go to the Spirit Temple? 'Kay, works for me. *At the snap of her fingers, the gate to the desert is lowered and Lewa was now heading in the right direction. With that, he gave a farewell salute and he went off into the desert.*

  2. Hmm... MOCs of them... no, I probably wouldn't be able to do that.I like how each sister as their own design, mask, expression, and personality. I like how you give them life and expression while keeping true to the who "lego set" and biomechanical aspect to the characters. They all seem so detailed and well done. Very much in contrast to something I made for one of my female characters in drawing her chibi style.Great job here. :)
    Variety is a very important aspect when creating versatile characters.I'd like to take a look at that chibi. It sounds interesting. :)
    Indeed it is, it gives each character their own unique style and sense of identity. Otherwise if I say drew a bunch of characters that looked like Lesovikk, then... yeah, now that's silly.Well, I guess I could post her up in the forum sometime in the future. She's more of a "human" chibi however, but with the armor of the MOC I made of her, so she has a mix of Bionicle and Hero Factory elements to her. I'll let you decide if you'd like to see her. :)
  3. *Lewa was somewhere in Ta-Metru waiting patiently for something in the mail. He was going to go check the mail, somewhat excited.*

    Lewa: I hope it comes in today.

    Navi: What does?

    Lewa: The Lens of Truth. Remember? The thing I went back in time for?

    *Earlier on, after Lewa went back in time to a week ago…*

    Lewa: All right! Just 20 more box tops and I can mail-send for that Lens of Truth!

    Navi: Should I even ask?

    Guru-Guru: Get out of my windmill!

    Lewa: Wait until I finish my cereal!

    Navi: Maybe we should do as he says.

    Lewa: Or… I can play a fun-prank on him.

    *Lewa takes out his ocarina and plays the Song of Storms, making the windmill going insane*

    Lewa: So long, weirdo.

    Guru-Guru: I won't forget this! I'll get you someday! What's your name?!

    Lewa: I'm Nobudy.

    Guru-Guru: We'll meet again, Nobudy!

    *Back in the future…*

    *Lewa goes to his mailbox in Le-Metru and sure enough, there's a package for him and it so happens to be the Lens of Truth.*

    Lewa: All right! I got it! Now I can get through the next dungeon.

    Navi: Wait, is that why you needed it?

    Lewa: Yeah, don't you remember? I tried to enter the dungeon on my own, but it said I needed some "eye of truth." I saw this ad and decided to mail-send for this Lens of Truth.

    Navi: Well, I'll be darned. Here I thought you were just eating cereal to be lazy.

    *After he got the Lens of Truth from a cereal box offer in the mail, Lewa was walking through the outskirts of Ta-Metru, which was like an industrial wasterland-- er I mean wonderland. A burning wonderland…*

    *5 minutes earlier…*

    Antroz: I'll pay you to burn this place to the ground to make everyone see how I felt when I was burned…

    Tahu: You've got it, yelling guy!

    *Right now…*

    *As Lewa was walking, he noticed a homeless person shivering... which is weird since Ta-Metru is the village of fire, so why would he be could? Lewa took pity on him and began to walk closer to him.*

    Lewa: Look, Navi, it's a weird-freak.

    Remote: Who... are you?

    Navi: That's not important.

    Remote: Oh... okay. So cold...

    Navi: But this is a fire village. How can you be cold?

    Lewa: What are you doing out here anyway?

    Remote: Don't look at me, I'm just a puppet. If only I could get moving... But I'm so stiff...

    *Lewa got an idea. He took out the ocarina he found the other day and began to play a song. Which song?*

    In-game text: You played "Everytime We Touch." Warp to Natalie Horler's side?
    ---> Yes
    Why are you even asking, just DO IT!

    *Remote enjoyed the song and he felt better afterwards. The demented puppet thanked the hero and went off on his way. Later on, he would run into a certain mask salesman in desperate need of being institutionalized and steal a powerful mask from him, but that's another story for another day.*

    *Lewa made it to Ta-Metru, seeing it erupt in flames... how ironic. I wonder why...*

    Tahu: Burn stuff!! *Uses fire power to burn things.*

    Kopaka: Why are you doing this?!

    Tahu: Because some strange burn victim told me to burn this place to the ground!

    Various villagers: We're on fire!

    Antroz, laughing: Ah, my sweet revenge! Now you will all pay for what happened to me!


    *Antroz and Nexus are still running through the burning forest.*

    Antroz: Stop showing this flashback! I'm on fire, somebody help me! I'm literally on fire and I need help now! Someone, please help me!!

    *End flashback*

    Kopaka: Okay, now you're weirding me out. At least I only have to deal with you and not you and Lewa now... I wonder what happened to him anyway?

    *Okay, that explains it. Well, unfortunately for Kopaka, Lewa wasn't even paying any attention to them, and he probably could have helped out with the fire. Kopaka couldn't really stop Tahu, nor could he contain the blaze. He was only able to save a part of Ta-Metru…*

    *Lewa made his way over to a well, and he saw Nessk looming over it.*

    Nessk: Get back, Lewa.

    Lewa: Why? What is it?

    *At the moment he said that, the smoke monster from LOST came out and started to attack him, throwing him right to the ground.*

    *Lewa woke up about half and hour later. Nothing was on fire anymore, and Tahu wasn't anywhere in sight.*

    Lewa: Ugh… what happened?

    Nessk: You were attacked by an ancient evil imprisoned in the well.

    Lewa: Oh… okay. I had this strange dream. Everything was like this awful-bad animated cartoon. There was this king and he kept saying things like "mah boi" and "dinner." I was there, except I was cheer-happy all the time and everyone hated me because I said dumb-happy dialogue. Lariska was there too except she was ancient and looked like a gypsy.

    Nessk: Yeah, like that would ever happen. Anyway, speaking of Lariska, she went off to try and seal this evil again.

    Lewa: Again?

    Nessk: Yes. She imprisoned it in the well a long time ago. She's also the sage you are looking for.

    Lewa: Well, thanks for saving me the trouble of asking.

    Nessk: Now let me teach you the Nocturne of Shadow to take you to the Shadow Temple.

    Lewa: But I already know where it is.

    Nessk: Quiet, I'm helping you!

    *So Lewa learns another ocarina song and after that, Nessk disappears like a ninja, meaning Lewa had nothing else to do but go to the Shadow Temple. Or did he?*

    Guru-Guru: Someday I'll get the ocarina guy, and when I do, I'm gonna rough him up!

    Lewa: Good luck with that. So who did this?

    Guru-Guru: Nobudy did it.

    Lewa: If nobody did it, why are you so mad?

    Guru-Guru: Grr! That's not what I meant!

    Lewa, laughing: Later, pal!

    Guru-Guru: Where are you, Nobudy?!

    Navi: I can't believe a week into the future and he doesn't recognize you.

    Lewa: Yeah. On the plus side, I got to use that joke I've been keep-saving for a long time.

    *There was nothing to do now but go to the Death Temple, awaken the sage, and get the oversized novelty coin. So he went through the Great Furnace and found the entrance inside the home of some poor guy.*

    Vakama: It's all my fault the entrance to the Death Temple was in my house.

    Lewa: Be quiet, I'm trying to save the world here.

    *So Lewa made his way through the temple, fighting off a bunch of dead guys with swords and other skelly things along the way. Then he made it into a room with a bunch of dead hands sticking out. Then out came this pale, zombie version of Barney... oh, no!*

    Zombie Barney: Give me a hug!!

    Lewa: Get away from me, you freak of nature!

    *The hands tried to wrap themselves around Lewa, doing things to hurt Lewa as Zombie Barney tried to hug him to death, and I mean TO DEATH.*

    Zombie Barney: Hand-drive attack!

    *Lewa fought his way through the hands and he slashed at that creepy dead thing until he fell. The zombie went away, as did his hands, and then Lewa was awarded with the bunny slippers that let you hover in the air for a little bit. So he made his way out of the room and then progressed through the temple. The pair eventually found themselves on a boat.*

    Navi: So how do we get this thing to move?

    Lewa: Hmm… we're on a boat… so that means…

    *He took out the ocarina and played a song.*

    In-game text: You played "I'm on a Boat!" What do you want to do?
    ---> Set sail!
    Set sail
    I'm on a BOAT!

    Navi: Oh... no...

    *No sooner does the song start does the boat start to move.*

    Music: I'm on a boat (I'm on a boat). I'm on a boat (I'm on a boat). Everybody look at me 'cause I'm sailing on a boat (sailing on a boat). I'm on a boat (I'm on a boat). I'm on a boat.

    Navi: Hurry, the boat's starting to sink!

    Lewa: Whoa, you're right!

    *The boat begins so sink, so Lewa and Navi jump off and abandon ship.*

    Navi: We don't speak of this again, okay?

    Lewa: If that's what you want.

    *They eventually found themselves in the boss chamber, or rather, the "practice room..."*

    Navi: Hey, Ringo, could you help us?

    Bongo Bongo: Foolish mortals... I am the great drummer Bongo Bongo and you're in my practice room! Get out now!

    Lewa: Practice room? This is just a dark void with nothing but this drum you're hitting.

    Bongo Bongo: Typical... it's always about the lead singer or the bass player, never the drummer. You'll definitely remember me... after I kill you!

    Navi: That doesn't make sense.

    Lewa: Yeah, what are you talking about?

    Bongo Bongo: Shut up! I'm going to kill you! This is my practice room, meant for me and me alone!

    Navi: Really?

    Bongo Bongo: Cross my heart and hope to die, boil in oil until I fry, stick a needle in my eye. *At that moment, Bongo Bongo turned invisible but he continued drumming.*

    Lewa: A needle, eh?

    *Lewa took this as a clue. He used his Lens of Truth and decided to take Bongo Bongo's advice and stuck a needle... or an ARROW in his eye, thus defeating him and turning him back into the smoke monster from earlier. That's right. Bongo Bongo was also the smoke monster from LOST this whole time... maybe.*

    Lewa: Eh, that wasn't too bad.

    Hundreds of OOT players: >:[

    *Lewa went through the magic exit and made it to the chamber of the sages. He was sort of excited to see who the sage was for the temple. It could be like some wizard, or a knight, or Arnold Swartzenegger... Lewa got a surprise when he saw... him... her... it... IT'S THE MAN-LADY OF THE MOUNTAINS!!! Run for your lives!*

    Lewa, blank: Hey, I was totally not expecting you to be the sage.

    Lariska: Your eyes tell me you are worried about Nokama.

    Lewa: Actually, I haven't thought about her. Where is she?

    Lariska: Despite what happened, I can tell you she is safe.

    Lewa: But you're not going to tell me where she is?

    Lariska: Nope.

    Lewa: Figures.

    *Lariska seen she had done enough damage to him, so she raised her arms and gave him the over-sized novelty coin with the Shadow Temple/Death Temple symbol on it.*

    *FF victory fanfare*

    *Lewa gained 500 exp. points!
    obtained the Death Novelty Coin
    obtained the bunny slippers
    obtained worthless plot device*



    That's too bad to hear you're quitting comedy writing. It's not good that people are bullying you over PM's; have you reported them? Pretty sure bullying's against the rules. Whatever your decision is, that's okay, but let me tell you that I don't get all that many replies either, and never let that stop me. (Well, I HAVE stopped regularly updating for a while but that has nothing to do with BZP, just that I don't have very much free time any more.) Anyway, this chapter was pretty good, especially "Whack-a-Vol" and the random appearance of Hero Factory characters. "Hey, how come I don't get any lines" at the end made me laugh out loud. Looking forward to the rest of this and if it matters, my vote is for you to continue with the sequel, but ultimately the decision's up to you. :mirunu: Lewa0111 Nuva :mirunu:


    *Now in Ga-Metru, Lewa decided to just go for the Water Temple and get it over with. Especially since the Fire Temple wasn't anything to chill out about.*

    Nuju: Boo.

    *Shut up! You're a nerdy weirdo who talks like a bird sometimes.*

    Nuju: Aw...

    Lewa: Why is it empty around here? And why is there a sudden frost-chill? Brr…

    Navi: You got me on that one. Maybe we should try and find King Krulloc and see what he can tell us.

    *When the two made it to see the king, they were surprised to see him encased in red ice… which defies all logic, but it doesn't matter because it's VIDEO GAME LOGIC.*

    Lewa: So what were you saying about what he can tell us?

    Navi: Okay, I was wrong. But there has to be a way to unfreeze this place and him as well.

    Lewa: So this place mass-froze within a week?

    Navi: I guess, but I never knew Antroz could do all this so quickly. Everything around the Coliseum, I can understand, but not the whole island city.

    *Lewa and Navi go behind the king, where they discover Jabu-Jabu is no longer there. Nothing but ice and water… and a cave. Lewa made his way over and discovered an ice cavern full of traps and puzzles. After going through it, he finds some blue fire.*

    Lewa: Blue fire and red ice…

    Navi: Makes no sense whatsoever.

    Lewa: Well, if this doesn't melt that ice, nothing will. *He takes the blue fire in a bottle, and then he gets out a few other bottles to contain the fire if incase he needed it. He goes even further where he discovers a chamber with a treasure inside. Opening the treasure chest, Lewa gets the iron boots. Without warning, Nessk appears out of nowhere.*

    Nessk: Where have you been?

    Lewa: What do you mean?

    Nessk: I've been waiting here for you. Not only that, but you've avoided learning the rest of my seemingly pointless ocarina songs.

    Lewa: Uh…

    *So for the next 10 minutes, Nessk teaches Lewa the Minuet of Forest, Bolero of Fire, and Serenade of Water all in one span of time. *

    Lewa: Is that all? Am I caught up? Because I'm short of breath…

    Nessk: Yes, that is all for now. I managed to free Kiina from this ice, and being so stubborn she went to the Water Temple on her own. So it's up to you to go back and get her.

    Lewa: Oh… but she makes me feel--

    Nessk: I don't care if she gives you nightmares or anything, you are going there and you are going to save her and awaken the sage to break the curse! Got it?!

    *After that, Lewa leaves Nessk and travels back to see the king and unfreeze him with the blue fire.*

    King Krulloc: What happened?

    Lewa: You were frozen today.

    Krulloc: Oh… Now I remember, it was Antroz!

    Lewa: We kind of figured that.

    Krulloc: Where is my daughter Kiina?

    Navi: You see--

    Lewa: She's lost!

    Navi: What??

    Lewa: No idea where she is! She's gone.

    Krulloc: What?!

    Lewa: Yeah. So, you see, you largely Kingship, we don't know where your daughter is…

    Krulloc: No! Not my darling Kiina! I can't survive without my darling daughter!

    Navi: Should we tell him the truth?

    Lewa: I don't think we should…

    Navi, whispering: Why did you lie?

    Lewa: Trust me. It's for his own good. I have a feeling I know who the next sage is… It's better he gets a white like from me now than the truth later on.

    Navi: I don't understand your logic, but all right then.

    *Lewa left the king to cry in deep sadness while he went in search of the Water Temple. He eventually found the entrance to the Water Temple (under water) and had no choice but to dive and... wasn't there a song called "Dive in?" If I remembered how it went, I'd probably make a reference to it, but I can't so I probably won't. It's some song from 2006, I'm surprised I remember it. Okay, so Lewa dove in, forgetting he wasn't really equipped for diving. Lucky for him, his adaptive armor (which the Lego group has seemed to neglect lately) allowed him to go in there with little difficulty. A combination of the iron boots and his adaptive armor allowed him to sink and swim in the water with ease.*

    *Soon enough, Lewa made it inside. His heart sank... there were so many water mechanics in here, it would make even the smartest of nerds lose their minds. Luckily when I did it, I already lost my sanity, so I was okay. Lewa journeyed through the temple, and then he was met with a... pleasant surprise.*

    Lewa: O_O

    Kiina: Took you long enough to find me...

    Lewa: O_o

    Kiina: You didn't think I'd forget about the promise you made to me, did you?

    Lewa: Actually, I sort of did.

    *Lewa had a hard time forgetting about how flirtiacious Kiina was with him.*

    Kiina: So, my future husband, as much as I love these romantic moments, I've got to cut it short, considering there's some monster in this temple going crazy and causing a lot of havoc. I'm going to go see what I can do. You can follow along, if you'd like.

    Lewa: Well, I guess I'll have to.

    Navi: I didn't think it was possible, but she might be even more of a dimwit that you are.

    *Kiina jumped into the water and began to swim as quickly as she could. Lewa did the same, but he lost track of her after a few moments.*

    Lewa: Where did she go? She just slip-past out of my sight.

    Navi: I don't know. Looks like we'll have to go through this place on our own.

    Lewa: I got a bad feeling, letting her go off on her own…

    *Thanks to the MC Hammer, he didn't need any keys to get through the locks. However, he made it to one room that made him feel sort of nervous. It was a white, empty room filled with water. There was a lone tree in the middle of the room as well, and a lone gate right behind it. There was also a window there, which was odd, but no matter. Lewa began to slowly walk towards the gate on the opposite end.*

    Sinister voice: Finally, it took you long enough to get here!

    *Lewa stopped, startled.*

    Lewa: Who said that?

    Navi: I heard it, too…

    *Neither could see from where the voice was coming from, so Lewa just kept going on.*

    Sinister voice: Oh, I know you didn't just ignore me!

    *Lewa made it to the gate on the opposite end, but there was nothing there. The door was locked, too.*

    Sinister voice: You just ignored me! The second you walk back over to this tree, I'm going to beat you so bad!

    Lewa: Okay, I'll bite…

    *Lewa decided to bite and he went back to the tree and he got the surprise of his life... who was the owner of the sinister voice?*

    Dark Lewa: Well, exc-uuuuuuuuse me, princess!

    Lewa: O_O Who are you?

    Dark Lewa: Don't be stupid! I'm you!

    Lewa: If you are me, then who are you?

    Dark Lewa: You're so stupid! I'm you!

    Lewa: I'm me.

    Dark Lewa: You are you also!

    [awkward pause]

    Lewa: Who are you?

    Dark Lewa: Argh! You're so stupid!

    *It was the ultimate horror... a dark, evil, and moronic version of himself! Well, at least he wasn't as bad as Dark Navi, who looked more like a pink knock-off of Tinkerbell.*

    Dark Navi: I, like, have to go to the bathroom really badly!

    Navi: You're a disgrace!

    Lewa: Who are you?

    Dark Lewa: I'm you and you are you. I am born from your hatred and I have one purpose in life… to DESTROY YOU!

    Lewa: Then you must have a dull-boring existence then.

    Dark Lewa: I'm so hungry, I could eat your face! *He takes out his sword and starts attacking Lewa, who counters his every move while trying to get in a few hits of his own.*

    Navi: Take him down!

    Dark Navi: Does my makeup look okay?

    Navi: What are you, some teen bopper? Go listen to some of that trash music you like so much.

    Dark Navi: :"( I... will! *She flies away crying all the way home... wherever that is.*

    Dark Lewa: Oh, now you're going to get it! When I'm done here, you're next, you little lightning bug! Get over here so I can use you for my lantern!

    Navi: Oh, yeah? Lewa, kill this guy and don't hold back!

    Lewa: You got it.

    *Lewa nodded and he took out the MC Hammer.*

    Dark Lewa: Hey, there's no way I'm going to let you cheat out of this one!

    *Lewa hit him so hard, he fell over the window... but he was still hanging on by his feet.*

    Dark Lewa: Well, exc-uuuuuuuse me, princess!

    *Lewa ran over and tried to latch his feet off the window sill.*

    Dark Lewa: Hey, I'm ticklish!

    Lewa: This guy is so bizarre!

    Navi: Hurry, before he gets back up! Hit him again!

    *Lewa tries to hit him again, but Dark Lewa manages to get back up again.*

    Dark Lewa: Did you miss me?

    Lewa: No, not really.

    Dark Lewa: You're doomed now!

    Lewa: Enough. You have lost.

    Dark Lewa: What?!

    Lewa: You have lost. You are cruel-mean and annoying. You were born out of my hatred.

    Dark Lewa: Whoaw!

    Lewa: You do not exist.

    Dark Lewa: Fool! I am real! *Holds out his sword* Real STEEL!

    *Dark Lewa runs at Lewa, full speed and with his sword out. However, with quick reflexes, Lewa uses the MC Hammer to hit Dark Lewa out the window once more, sailing into the waterfall.*

    Dark Lewa, shouting: EXCUUUUUUUSE ME, PRINCESS!!!!

    Lewa: At least he died as he lived… being a tough guy and saying "Excuse me, princess."

    *The room then shifted and the gate opened. And oddly enough, the window Dark Lewa fell out of went away as well.*

    Dark Lewa: NOOOOO! I was so close!

    Navi: Wait, how is he still alive?!

    Dark Lewa: I am?! Where am I now?

    Lewa: Does anything stop him?!

    Navi: I don't know and I don't care!

    Lewa: My guess is he's stuck-trapped in the room somehow… he fell out the window and now the window is gone, thereby trapping him inside of the room for the rest of forever.

    Dark Lewa: It sure is BORING around here. This is all your fault!

    Navi: You can't just go blaming your problems on everyone else.

    Lewa: Besides, you were the one mad-dashing at me threatening to destroy me.

    Dark Lewa: I'll kill you all!

    Navi: Yeah, I'd like to see you and your pink girlfriend try. You're stuck in the floor or something and she's crying and listening to her teen bop music!

    Dark Lewa: Then I'll get my revenge on you all somehow! You'll see! You have no idea what I can do… or what I've already done!

    Lewa, laughs: I'd like to see you try.

    Navi: Good luck, Floor Boy!

    *Lewa ignored him, passed through the gate, and obtaining an upgraded version of the hookshot, this time with a longer range. Lewa eventually made it to the boss chamber... He didn't see what was behind him, but there was something inside… which was lurking deep in the ocean, getting closer and closer until...*

    Navi: Holy Mata Nui, what is that?!

    *Lewa turned around and came face to face with that thing from that James Cameron movie.... what was it?*

    Navi: It's that thing from "The Abyss!"

    *Yeah, there you go. That thing. Actually, this was Morpha.*

    Lewa: How do I beat this thing?

    *Lewa starts to hookshot it like crazy, to no avail.*

    Navi: It's just a moving puddle of water! How is this thing being so tough?

    Lewa: Water… I'll be right back.

    *Lewa goes over to the side and he finds a lever marked "drain pool." Lewa pulls it down and in a matter of seconds, all of the water starts to drain, with Morpha inside. He was no match for the pool-draining mechanism.*

    Navi: You did it!

    Lewa: Well, you said it was just water. I thought there had to be a way to drain it. There's ladders in there and everything.

    *Lewa took the magic exit and made it into the chamber of sages. He looked for the Water Sage. He was met with Kiina.*

    Kiina: Hey, Lewa... can you believe I'm the Sage of Water?

    Lewa: Actually, I had my suspicions.

    Kiina: I guess... this means we'll have to put our marriage off.

    Lewa: Please, stop mentioning that.

    Kiina: I really wanted to be with you, Lewa. At least we got to have one final date before you said you had to go and "DESTROY" some dorky version of yourself.

    Lewa: Wait… I never did that.

    Kiina: Well, then it must have been someone who looked a lot like you.

    *Lewa looked confused. What was she talking about? Then his thoughts were interrupted by a familiar evil laugh.*

    Dark Lewa: Ha ha ha! I told you I'd get my revenge!

    Lewa: What?! So then… when I lost you… and then… he… and you…

    Dark Lewa: See you in Karzahni, losers!

    *Lewa goes awkwardly silent for the rest of the time they were there… somewhat confused and even shocked.*

    Navi: Oh... I guess I'll have to eat my words now. Just let us have the over-sized novelty coin now.

    Kiina: I just LOVE it when he doesn't talk to me! It's so... sexy. *She raises her hands and from the sky comes a blue over-sized novelty coin with the Water Temple symbol on it. As Lewa got it, he couldn't help but wonder where he was keeping all of these...*

  5. I like this song. :) And you know, for the longest time, I thought it went very well for Mata Nui (given you take some lyrics loosely) since he did rule the world until he lost all that and Teridax and the Brotherhood (revolutionaries) took him down from power. Although, I think the song can also fit Teridax pretty well in this context as well, seeing his rise to power and his eventual losing it.Great job and everything fits together so nicely. Nicely done.

  6. *Lewa was having fun using his hookshot to go from wall to wall of various buildings in Le-Metru. *

    Navi: Shouldn't we talk to that Nessk guy or something?

    Lewa: But I'm having so much joy-fun! I feel like Spider-man with this.

    Navi: Do I have to beat you upside the head again?

    Lewa, sighs: Okay…

    *So Lewa went back to the Temple of Time were he first met Nessk, and sure enough there he was.*

    Nessk: You successfully awakened the sage and lifted the curse on the Forest Temple.

    Lewa: Really? I don't remember doing that.

    Nessk: The time will come when you have to return here quickly, so I'm going to teach you an ocarina song.

    Lewa: What will that do?

    Nessk: It'll teleport you here when you play it. *Nessk takes out a harp and plays a few notes, which Lewa imitates on the ocarina, thus learning the Prelude of Light.*

    Lewa: All right. Is that all?

    Nessk: The time will also come when you have to return to your own time, and to do that, just put the sword back in the pedestal.

    Lewa: Like this? *Lewa walks over and puts the sword back in the pedestal of time, and he's taken back to 1969, where we'll hit the city of freedom like old times. Okay, I'll stop. He's taken back to one week ago, before everything turned into a ruined wasteland.*

    Navi: But time travel doesn't work that way!

    Lewa: Who cares? I'm not there anymore!

    Navi: You're going to have to go back eventually, you know.

    Lewa: Yeah, I know. But until then, let's have fun!

    *Lewa goes to Lake Hylia where he discovers a fishing place. Interested, Lewa goes inside where he sees a guy at a counter… and he's got a bad itch.*

    Fisherman: Hey there, guy.

    Lewa: Hi, guy at the counter who's itch-scratching like crazy.

    Fisherman: Came here to fish, did you?

    Lewa: Yup, sure did. Can I call you King Itchy?

    Fisherman, scratching: Why?

    Lewa: Um… no reason.

    *Lewa decides to rent some equipment and he goes fishing and he relaxes in the small lake… however, he actually fails to realize the "lake" is actually a small pond with no fish in it, so how Lewa manages to waste time there is beyond me. After a while he leaves because Navi gets impatient with him and actually does hit him upside the head. He goes back to the temple and takes the sword again.*

    Nessk: Welcome back.

    Lewa: How long was I gone for?

    Nessk: About 2 hours, but nothing big. Anyways, just go to the Fire Temple and hurry up.

    Lewa: Where is that? Ta-Metru?

    Nessk: Close, but no. Onu-Metru.

    Lewa: Wait… did you say..?

    Navi: Oh, no, you did it now.

    Lewa: I don't want to go there! Plus it doesn't even make sense!

    Nessk: Yes, but that's how this story goes, so just get over it! Just suck it up and take it down like a man!

    *Lewa had to go back to Onu-Metru against his will. Navi did what she could as to make sure he didn't go completely insane. He made it into the village. Strangely, there wasn't anyone around, so it was awfully quiet. You'd think maybe Whenua was playing his loud house music or something, but no, not even that. Lewa could have taken this as a sign of danger, but he didn't. In fact, he was too busy enjoying the fact there were no party-happy Onu-Toa around to bother him. That's when he eventually made it to the entrance of the Fire temple. He went inside and made it into a large chamber with an enormous pillar overhead. Below that, however was a equally enormous pit of lava. But that wasn't what scared Lewa, because straight across was none other than Toa Whenua.*

    Lewa: O_O

    Whenua: Check it out, brother! Tahu thinks he's so hot, well here I am in a room full of lava! It's a regular pyromania down here!

    Navi: Aside from bad puns on Cascada songs, what is going on here?

    Lewa: And why is the village empty?

    Whenua: Since you came all this way to see me, I guess you really want to party with me Onu-Metru style. Well, sorry, but we can't at the moment. Because there's a dragon down here who stole my karaoke machine! Oh, and he kidnapped the rest of the inhabitants of Onu-Metru. But more importantly, he stole my karaoke machine! So even though I don't have the Megaton hammer, I'm going in there to save it! *Whenua goes right through the door and locks it behind him. Okay, nothing wrong with that, I guess.*

    Navi: You know, if we had that hammer, we could break that lock off the door.

    Lewa: Very true, but to cross-walk over there is another story. But yes… a hammer…

    *Lewa found this to be a good idea. So he went around a few rooms, defeated a few monsters, and found a large spiraling room with a chest at the top. He scaled the room and made it to the chest, where he opened it and got the Megaton Hammer.

    Lewa: I wish I could call this the Megacrush Hammer.

    Navi: Why?

    Lewa: So I could call it MC Hammer for short.

    Navi: Whatever you say, Chuggaa.

    *So after that, Lewa decided to quickly go back and find a way through that door by breaking the lock. It wasn't very difficult after he realized he had jets on his armor to get to the other side, too. After doing so, he proceeded to the boss chamber, which was full of holes with lava in them. There was a loud rumbling and then the sound of old fashioned country music.*

    Volvagia (Johnny Cash voice): I fell into a burning ring of fire. I went down, down, down and the flames went higher... *Volvagia then goes into one of those lava openings, his voice continuing to sing.*

    Lewa: Not a country-singing dragon!

    Navi, groans: What's wrong now?

    Lewa: Next to Toa of Earth, country-singing dragons are one of my biggest fear-scares!

    Navi: Lewa, seriously, you have to get over yourself. Now go and take care of that silly dragon!

    *There was really nothing he could do... except then he looked at the MC Hammer and then at the fact that Volvagia popped his head out of those hidey-holes of his. This gave him an idea. He ran to the holes with the hammer ready.*

    Lewa: This is where years of playing Whack-a-mole pay off!

    *Then that's when he Lewa started to play a little game of Whack-a-Vol. The moment Volvagia popped his head out of a hole, Lewa hit him with it until... Volvagia was stopped in his tracks. If Lewa could talk, I bet he'd say, "Stop! Hammer time!" or something because it's the perfect opportunity.*

    Volvagia, as he dies: And it burns, burns, burns. The Ring Of Fire The Ring Of Fire.... *The dragon burns up to a crisp, nothing but its bones are left.*

    Lewa: I love you, MC Hammer!

    Natalie Horler, singing: Soon as the fire is running wild, I will surrender to Fahrenheit... and I don't want to apologize, it's getting hot, hot, and I'm burning up...

    Navi: ??? what?

    Natalie: If it's written by Shadows, I'm guaranteed to make an appearance. Plus, I mean you have to admit being here was just asking for a "Pyromania" reference.

    Navi: Oh, brother...

    *Navi dragged Lewa to the magic exit as Natalie simply waved good bye as Lewa was taken away from the Fire Temple.*

    Natalie: Okay, so now how do I get out of here?

    Preston Stormer: Did someone call for a hero?

    Natalie: No, not really... especially you guys.

    Natalie Breez: Why don't people like us?!

    Natalie: Maybe because they don't like name-stealers like you.

    Natalie Breez: Oh... Um... I can explain.

    Natalie, angry: Don't.

    William Furno: All, right, we get a catfight!

    Jimi Stringer, sighs: Don't push your luck, rookie.

    *Meanwhile, back in the chamber of the sages...*

    Whenua: Hello, there, brother.

    Lewa: No, not you! Anyone but you!

    Whenua: Turns out I'm the Sage of the Fire Temple... not Tahu!

    Lewa: NOOOOOO!!!

    Whenua:Ha ha! This calls for a party!

    Lewa: NOOOOOO!!!

    Navi: Oh, dear, no! Just let him have the over-sized novelty coin so we can leave!

    Whenua: All right then, you asked for it.

    *Whenua raised his arms and from the sky comes a red over-sized novelty coin with the Fire Temple symbol on it.*

    Whenua, singing to music: Novelty novelty novelty. Novelty novelty novelty. Novelty novelty novelty.

    *As he sung, the coin was spinning repeatedly. Lewa stopped Whenua from singing, thus stopping the coin from spinning so he could get it.*

    Lewa: Thank you, and good night.

    Navi: You know, for some reason I feel like we're forgetting something.

    Lewa: Whatever it is, forget it. I'm not going back there! I'll be having cross-wired nightmares for years thanks to this place!

    *Back in the Fire Temple...*

    Bomonga, locked up: Hello? Is anyone out there? I've been locked in here for a while now... I feel alone... and scared. Oh...

    Mark Surge: Hey, wait, how come I didn't get any lines?!

    Duncan Bulk: That's just how things go these days, kid.

  7. Thank you... at least now I know what to do now.I thought of posting up the before mentioned stories of The Dimwit of Time (which I currently am) and The Moron's Mask to see if people would like them. Now, however, after reading this review, I can see that my writing is no longer meant to be on here.So after Chapter 14 of The Dimwit of Time is posted, I will no longer write my random and inane stories here. I'll just be a regular member posting and commenting in various topics and perhaps making topics for MOCs, otherwise I guess I'm sure I'm doing the right thing.

  8. *Lewa's head was hurting. One moment he was pulling the sword in the stone (and sadly, he didn't become king of anything), the next he woke up in the middle of the fountain. Lewa was wallowing around until his gaze met with a scary old man with a beard.*


    Lewa: My head… what happened? I pulled out the sword and then…


    Scary old man: Well, good morning, sleepy head. I am Lhikan the sage.


    Lewa: Ah! Scary old man!Lhikan: There's no need to be alarmed, Lewa.


    Navi: So how long have we been down here?


    Lhikan: Oh, I don't know. I'd say... exactly seven years!


    Navi: What?!Lhikan: No, I'm just joking. It's only been… exactly seven days!


    Lewa: So I've been out-cold for a week?


    Navi, groans: Okay, so what's the deal here?


    Lhikan: You mean you don't know? He's the Hero of Time. Here to collect the Triforce.Lewa: The what?Lhikan: The Triforce. The power of the gods? That Triforce.


    Lewa: I can't remember… my head…


    Lhikan: The Deku tree was supposed to tell you about all this! Oh, well, I guess I'll have to. Okay, so a long time ago, there were these three goddesses.


    Lewa: Where they stunning-pretty?


    Lhikan: No. In fact, they looked like Oscars. One day they decided to create the world, and together they did. But after they realized they made a huge mistake in doing so, they decided to run all the way back to the heavens. They were in such a rush, they crashed into each other and formed the Triforce in the spot before they got up and fled again.


    Lewa: All right, cool. Can I have it?


    Lhikan: Oh, well, see here's the thing... I had it ready for you, but then when you pulled the sword out from the stone, it revealed a gate to the sacred realm. Antroz found the gate and he was able to get in.Navi: How did that happen?


    Lhikan: I forgot to lock the gate.


    Navi, groans: Is every guy in this story a moron?


    Lewa: So does that mean I'm not a king?


    Navi: That answers my question. So he's got ultimate power now?


    Lhikan: No, when he was running with the Triforce out in front of him, he tripped over a bottle and he landed face first on the ground, causing the Triforce to break into three pieces. So he only got the Triforce of Power. You on the other hand, got the Triforce of Courage out of the deal. And I'm guessing whoever is the rightful owner of the Triforce of Wisdom has it now.


    Navi: And so you don't know who it is.


    Lhikan: No.Navi, sarcastic: You're really useful, you know that?


    Lhikan: Thank you. Now off you go.


    Lewa: I'm off?


    Navi: To do what?


    Lhikan: To go through some dangerous dungeons to awaken the other sages, of course, so that way when Lewa has to face Antroz, we can lend him our strength and create a magic bridge so he can make it to the Coliseum.


    Navi: But we've been there before without needing some silly bridge.


    Lhikan: Yes, because that was a week ago. Antroz completely destroyed the Coliseum and created his own castle that's on this island surrounded by lava. So in other words, if you tried to cross it now, you'd be roasted alive.


    Lewa: I don't want to be roasted alive!


    Navi: So we can't just go hire a bridge-builder?


    Lhikan: That's right. And besides, it has to be a magic bridge. Get going. But first, let me give Lewa this over-sized novelty coin.


    *So the scary old man raises his arms and from the sky comes a gold over-sized novelty coin with the Temple of Time symbol on it.*


    Lhikan: And if you ever forget where you need to go, just remember the Captain Planet theme song. Except instead of Earth, wind, and heart, there are the temples of desert, death, and forest.


    *Moments later, Lewa and Navi are teleported out of that strange fountain area, right back where they started from when Lewa pulled the sword from the stone. He looked at the Master Sword, checking it out. He wasn't sure what happened to his Air Sabre (actually Tahu somehow got ahold of it and kept it safe for him), nor his old shield. *


    Navi: Has it really been a week since you got the sword?


    Lewa: I don't know. We can go see.*


    As Lewa begins to exit, he notices that he and Navi were being watched. He takes his sword and quickly turns around to see someone dressed and armored like a Dark Hunter.*


    Lewa: Who are you, mysterious ninja-person?


    Nessk: I am Neesk, lone survivor of the Dark Hunters.


    Lewa: Wait… what do you mean?


    Nessk: Makuta Antroz wiped out a majority of the Dark Hunters.


    Lewa: Then you aren't a lone survivor.


    Nessk: Shut up, you're ruining my moment! Now then, Metru Nui has changed in the last seven days. It has become a world of monsters and stupidity. Antroz has turned it into a nightmare.Lewa: So what do I do?


    Nessk: You must awaken the sages.Lewa: I kind of knew that.


    Nessk: You must go into the forest, over a mountain, under the water, through the Shadow Temple, and even through time.


    Lewa: Wow, you're much more helpful than the scary old man.


    Nessk: Before heading to the forest, I suggest heading into Ta-Metru to pick up a little something I left for you.


    Lewa: Why can't I get it now?


    Nessk: Because I was too lazy to bring it with me. Also, you might as well go get a new shield.Lewa: Whatever you say, Mido.


    Nessk: Be warned, though. What you see out there is going to be quite a shock to you.


    Lewa: How much dark-carnage can Antroz cause in a week?


    *Lewa walks out of the Temple of Time and sees the entire town is destroyed, nothing but demolished buildings, zombies, and broken dreams left. In addition, Death Mountain has this threatening ring of fire all around the peak. That wasn't even the half of it.*


    Lewa: Oh, you…Navi: I guess he wasn't kidding.


    Lewa: Yeah. Let's go see the Coliseum.


    Navi: Wait, Lewa, don't!


    *Lewa ignores her and he runs to where the Coliseum once stood, only to see a dark-looking tower on a lonely island surrounded by lava.*


    Navi, panting: Lhikan just said it wasn't there anymore…


    Lewa, saddened: No… it's not.


    *Lewa decided to leave and exit. After debating what to do first, he thought about his shield and resolved to go get a new one. He thought about where he saw a shield last and then remembered Pon Pon Ranch, moreso that strange guy Iruini.*


    *At Pon Pon Ranch...*


    Iruini: I, the hard-working Iruini, don't have to be treated this way. Where is that lazy bum Norik anyway? I don't see him doing any work around here.


    *Norik was fast asleep in the chicken coop. I guess doing nothing all day really gets a guy tired.*


    Iruini: Oh, well, someday this will pay off. And I won't end up being some bum in a Milk Bar trying to drink away all my problems, either! And would you stop dancing around, you sill girl?!


    *Vhisola stopped in her tracks. She was sometimes scared of Iruini, especially since he looks like Darth Vader from behind with that silly-looking Vahki-like mask he had on.*


    Iruini: Well, then, if Norik is going to make lazy and do nothing, then guess what? So will I!


    *Iruini laid down his spear and shield by a tree and then be laid down beneath it and slowly drifted off to some well-deserved sleep.*


    Vhisola: Doesn't look like Iruini's acting like himself lately. I wonder if he's okay?


    Iruini, mumbling: I, the hard-working Iruini... size 8 boots...


    Vhisola: What does he want with boots?


    *Vhisola was looking at Iruini, almost dumbfounded actually. Her expression changed when she saw a familiar friend walking right past those gates.*


    Vhisola: Fairy boy!


    *She ran to Lewa, giving him a big hug.*


    Lewa: Oh. Hello again.


    Vhisola: Am I glad to see you. Thanks so much for helping daddy get home! It was getting sort of strange with just Iruini here, so that's why I left to find him. So, what did you need?


    *Lewa sort of looked past Vhisola and at Iruini under tree, more specifically his shield. Vhisola caught this and looked in that direction.*


    Vhisola: Ooh... I know what you're thinking. I kind of figured you wanted a new shield since you don't have one anymore when you walked over here.


    Lewa: Yeah. I don't know what happened to my other one. Or my first sword for that matter…


    *Somewhere in Ta-Metru…*Tahu: I found Lewa's sword! I took it from him while some burn victim ran off with some triangle things!


    *Back at Pon Pon Ranch.*


    Vhisola: It's not going to be easy, but I think we can do it. I think he's got another shield locked up in his shack somewhere, but this one'll be easier to get. At least... I think he does. Oh, well, whatever. Let's go before he wakes up.


    Lewa: Got it. Wait, so what if he doesn't have another shield?


    Vhisola: Let's… pretend he does and take the one he's got with him anyway.


    *Together they sort of snuck around the ranch, behind the tree where Iruini was asleep. Then they ducked into the grass and began to crawl over to where the shield lay against the tree with his spear. It was going to take some luck to swipe the shield without making any noise and then sneaking out of the ranch without getting noticed, but it had to be done.*


    *Iruini tossed and turned a little, but nothing much after that. Lewa slowly crawled forward and he got very close to the tree. He laid his hands on the shield and slowly began to take it away. He began to retreat back to Vhisola when Iruini started to wake up. The first thing he noticed was his shield was missing. The second thing he noticed was Lewa holding his shield.*


    Vhisola: Run, fairy boy, run!


    *Lewa began to run for his life as Iruini took off for him. It almost seemed as though Lewa would be able to out-run him, but then Iruini decided to use his Kanohi Mask to appear right in front of the ranch gates to lock them.*


    Iruini: You're not going to get my lucky shield that easily.


    *Lewa stopped. He then took his ocarina and played a song.*


    Iruini: And what's that going to do for you?


    *Epona wasted no time and kicked Iruini, sending him flying through the air.*


    Lewa: Ha! Take that! *Lewa rides off on Epona, escaping from Pon Pon Ranch.*


    Iruini: Oh... I guess he is. Darn it! That was my lucky shield! The other one I have is not so lucky... oh, well. It's not like my life is going to be cursed because of this blunder, right?


    *Well... I guess we'll have to wait until the sequel. So Lewa was able to make his escape from Pon Pon ranch. Vhisola looked up at the sky.*


    Vhisola, sigh: Is it just me, or am I finding the fairy boy kinda...? Maybe I am.


    *With Epona, Lewa rides into Ta-Metru and finds a locked box at the entrance. Lewa takes it and now he has the hookshot*


    Lewa: All right!


    *Lewa went to Le-Metru and made it to the village, which was ridden with freakish plants and monsters. Lewa took care of a few of them and made it to the Lost woods. There, he met with a familiar face.*


    Gandalf: You shall not pass!!*After that, he met with ANOTHER familiar face.*Mido: You shall not pass!!Lewa: Why not?


    Mido: Because Hahli said she didn't want anyone to bother her while she went to the Forest Temple.


    Lewa: I'm Lewa. I have to get through!


    Mido: You're not Lewa.


    Navi: And you're not very smart, are you?


    Lewa: I think he REALLY needs those glasses.


    Mido, facing the wrong way: I don't need any glasses! Just because you're 10-feet tall doesn't mean you can boss-order me around!


    Navi and Lewa: :???:


    *Lewa, after thinking quickly, played the song Hahli taught him those many days ago.*


    Mido: Huh? Hahli only taught that song to her friends. So that must mean… you're friends with Hahli! Okay, I'll let you through. For some reason, when I see you, I'm reminded of… him.


    *After Mido moves over, Lewa makes it into the Forest Temple, passing though all the horrible monsters on that way. Antroz really didn't want anyone getting in his way of ruling the world Lewa walked into the temple and eventually made it to the main boss chamber. He looked around, but there was nothing inside of the circular room except for some painting. He took a bow and some arrows off of the wall and he looked around to see it was just totally empty. He thought he had taken a wrong turn somewhere and decided to go back. The moment he does, a spiked gate appears, locking him inside. He turns around to come face-to-face with... Antroz?!*


    Navi: It's Antroz!


    Antroz?: No, I am not Antroz... I am his phantom, Bantroz! If you can figure out which picture I'm hiding in, you win!


    *So the phantom Antroz jumps into one of the paintings (when did this become a cartoon?) and begins to run around throught the array of paintings. Luckily, Lewa's sharp eyesight and reflexes allowed him to spot the phantom and allow him to attack. Using the bow and arrows he stole—borrowed, he shot Bantroz.*


    Bantroz: Darn it. You beat me at hide and seek... but let's see you beat me at... Tennis!


    Lewa: Well, it's a good thing I'm pretty good at Wii sports, then. This should be easy.


    *So the phantom unleashed a sphere of shadow energy and shot it at Lewa. As Lewa mentioned before, because he was good at Wii sports, more so the tennis part of the game, it was a breeze for him and he easily beat the false Antroz.*


    Bantroz: NOOOOOOO!!! *He began to slowly crumble to pieces. Below him, a dark portal opened in the floor.*


    Antroz's voice: Well done. You managed to beat my phantom. I'll try to remember to upgrade him the next time we fight. Stupid windows vista. Oh, well, no matter. Defeating the real me won't be as easy. Like you, I play Wii Sports as well!


    *The phantom began to crumble to pieces as he was lowered into the dark portal, banished away until Antroz would need him again, and this time he would be upgraded to Windows 7, which was NOT my idea.*


    *Once that was done, a magic exit opened up for Lewa. Wanting to get out of there, Lewa took the magic exit, where he was teleported to the fountain once again. Although instead of meeting with Lhikan again, he was met with ANOTHER ANOTHER familiar face.*


    Hahli: Hi, Lewa. Thanks to you, I was able to awaken as the Forest Sage.


    Lewa: You mean it was you the whole time?Hahli: Don't look so surprised, Lewa... Although, I'm going to miss you now.


    *Hahli begins to tear up at that moment, but she hides her face.*


    Lewa: Hahli…


    Hahli: No, don't say another word. Here, take the over-sized novelty coin so that I may add my strength to yours. *She wipes away the tears, lifts up her arms, and from the sky comes the green over-sized novelty coin with the symbol of the Forest Temple on it.* I'll always... be there... I'll always be your friend, Lewa...


    *After meeting Hahli one last time, the magic exit took him back to where the old Deku Tree once stood. That's when he noticed a four-leaf clover from the ground. He went over to pluck it for good luck, but suddenly the clover shot out from the ground with a strange-looking small tree attached to it.*


    Lewa: Who... are you?


    Deku Tree Sprout: I'm the Deku Tree's son.Lewa: But how can a tree have a son?Deku Tree Sprout: Don't question these things. Now that you've awakened the sage and cured the forest of Antroz's curse, I can finally grow and flourish.


    Lewa: Okay. Can I have the four-leaf clover on your head?


    Deku Tree Sprout: No. Now, I'm going to tell you another story about how you ended up living here. That is if the author doesn't decide to cut me off in favor of going to write the next chapter.


    *And that's actually what happens, so Lewa listens to whatever the Deku Tree Sprout tells him and he then goes off to resume his journey.*

  9. All right, time to write a "bonus chapter" to this story since I know some people might not fully get a lot of the connections to my old stuff, a lot of which is scattered through the old BZPower and preserved under any of my old usernames (one of which I took on after a dare/prank, so don't ask).I used to do these sort of bonus chapters at the end of my old comedies in case people asked me questions and I did my best to answer them without going and saying "read such and such," since I know that is a hassle. Not to mention I've been at this since 2006, so yeah that goes without saying. I treat these bonus parts as a small FAQ so to say, so at least readers can have something at the end to maybe answer a few of their questions. Since no one has asked me anything, I'm going to go with what I think might confuse readers the most and maybe add on to it after if anyone does ask me anything. Let's begin.What series does this take place in?

    • It is a spiritual sequel to my comedies The Dimwit of Time and The Moron's Mask, which are actually spoofs of the Legend of Zelda games Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask respectively. There are three in the series so far, the before mentioned ones being the only completed ones. There's a Twilight Princess one called Twilight Delinquent that is ongoing, and this comedy is meant to foreshadow it. So for those who read this before Twilight Delinquent will know one of the most-kept secrets to the story.

    Why is Surge in this?

    • That's mainly because I wanted to experiment with the characters. They do appear in The Dimwit of Time and The Moron's Mask briefly, but they are never really expanded on. Plus I'd always wanted to do a cross-over between Bionicle and Hero Factory, so I thought of this idea of "what if somehow one of the Heroes could travel through dimensions and not with a Kanohi Olmak?"

    What is going on?

    • Elitha, in an attempt to get revenge on Lewa, is making things go out of control by using the powers of the Kanohi Elitha to manipulate everything going on around them. She could even be the one who managed to direct Surge towards their universe, just for fun. She wanted to lure Lewa into a trap and she also wanted to see him, Surge, and Tahu kind of battle. After a while, she got bored and jumped into the fray herself.

    Who is Elitha?

    • Elitha is an Av-Matoran who was turned into a "dark Toa" kind of being by a mask she created, the Mask of Death. The Happy Mask Salesman in TMM says she is a spirit of the mask, imprisoned in it, but that is false, because she has somewhat tricked everyone into thinking that as to hide her true identity. In TMM, the Happy Mask Salesman gets the mask, somewhat aware of what it is. Elitha can turn into her spirit form and hide in the mask, thus that is why he thinks she is a spirit in the mask.
    • After doing so, he is ambushed by the demented puppet Remote, who takes the mask for himself and then becomes a puppet in Elitha's plan to crash the moon into Alma Nui. Lewa, with the help of Tatl and the four giants, stop Remote, but then Elitha reveals who she is and takes control of the moon. Lewa goes to stop her, where they first fight the spirits of the bosses from the temples. Then they go off in a one-on-one dance contest, which Elitha loses unable to keep up with Lewa. Finally, Elitha powers herself up, but because she's still unable to access the mask's full power due to having been a Matoran and due to the power of the mask, Lewa is able to defeat her, temporarily interrupting her. The Happy Mask Salesman then takes the mask and returns "to [his] home planet."
    • In truth, Elitha was just weakened and she had to wait to regain her strength. When she did, she returned to see revenge on Lewa with a new stronger form. When that failed, Tahu, Kopaka, and Lewa resolved to send her back to the moon, not knowing it would eventually cause great trouble down the line.
    • Elitha is somewhat inspired by a singer by the name of Natalie. A song she sings is what inspired me to make Elitha go from a genderless entity to what she is now. Some of her mannerisms are also inspired by the singer as well. As a reference to said singer, Elitha disguises herself as her before revealing who she is.
    • Elitha isn't truly evil, she's just misguided. She's also a bit insane and out of control with power. As inspired by a song, Elitha is just a confused misguided young girl who just had power to to her head.

    What does this foreshadow to?

    • This is a big spoiler for Twilight Delinquent, so in actuality those who are reading that story won't get to know this until much later. In that story, we have Midna and Zant, who are sort of good friends (Zant is actually insane and would put my version of Krika to shame). Midna's father, the king, names Midna as his heir. Zant gets outraged and for his outburst, the king sends him to space camp (the moon) for 1,000 hours (about 42 days). Zant starts to slowly lose his mind and that's when he meets Elitha, who he mistakes for his spirit guide. Elitha then convinces him that he needs to go back and convince the king he is really the rightful one to rule. She also tells him to do other things to change his lifestyle, one of which is to wear a mask/helmet and to alter his voice with helium. Zant then declares his spirit name as "Lord Helmet," and returns back with the Kanohi Elitha in hand.
    • Zant fails to convince everyone he's not crazy and desperately tries to find someone to console him. Elitha is unable to help him and urges him to not give up and to find someone who will support him. That's when Zant meets Antroz, who appears to him in the form of pure energy and after talking, Antroz eventually decides to give him power to take over the Twilight Realm so that in turn, Antroz can take over Metru Nui. Zant happily obeys Antroz's orders and the Twilight Realm became his while Antroz had his physical form restored and he was able to return to Metru Nui.
    • Elitha continues to advise Zant, parallel to Antroz, in order to make sure nothing goes wrong. Eventually, Lewa makes his way to the Palace of Twilight to confront Zant, where he and Midna see how insane he's truly become. When Zant goes utterly insane, Elitha appears to Lewa (who is a descendent of the Lewa who originally met her 178 years prior) and frightens him to catch him off guard.

    What is The Zone Where Normal Things Don't Happen Very Often?

    • A running joke in my stories is that they all take place in this area, which is a spoof of the Twilight Zone. In TD, Lewa actually goes to this place (officially) to fight Zant (or at least, he will, because I haven't gotten that far yet in the story). As the name implies, normal things don't happen very often and in turn, only strange and outrageous things occur, such as Elitha being sent to space camp (the moon) and surviving or Elitha returning in such a strange way, or even Surge's somewhat random appearance through time and space.

  10. I agree with the general consensus here saying 2006-2008.2006 was a perfect year and it would have been a great follow up to the original trilogy. We would have seen the return of old favorites and see them develop and grow more, mainly the Matoran who would be the Toa Inika. Plus it had a very dark and urgent feeling that would have made for a great story. Plus, the Piraka were always some of my favorite villains. Not to mention I just really wanted to see the Toa Nuva and Takanuva again.2007. Eh. That's all I can say. 2007, next to 2005, was one of my least favorite story years. I'm sure it could have been made to be a great movie, and maybe we could get to see the Toa Inika fight the Zyglak a little bit, something I did want to see. I was sad when I heard the original Bionicle Legends #7: Invasion had been cancelled. It could have been a good movie with action and twists and turns (there were a lot of plot twists to it, if you think about it, like Takadox the traitor and Teridax is a robot?!) with a very sad and emotional ending/2008. We've waited years for this moment and it all boiled down to this: The Final Battle in Karda Nui. The Toa Nuva (Yay!) versus the Brotherhood of Makuta in one last showdown to determine the fate of the universe, which in the end would turn out to be a giant mouse trap for both sides set up by Makuta Teridax. Never the less, it's the return of some of out old favorites to complete their destiny and defeat the Makuta. Plus the return of Takanuva, answers to the origins of the Toa Nuva, and of course the awakening of the Great Spirit, a moment a lot of fans have waited for... that is, until we find out that Teridax still wins.The 2001-2002 years would have made great movies, as well, but I would have liked them to have the same style as the original Bionicle trilogy. It definitely would have been great to see the Toa Mata in movie form, and plus this is where it all started. The Island of Mata Nui, cursed by the evil Makuta (when we knew him as just "Makuta"), and six heroes with one destiny.

  11. Hmm... MOCs of them... no, I probably wouldn't be able to do that.I like how each sister as their own design, mask, expression, and personality. I like how you give them life and expression while keeping true to the who "lego set" and biomechanical aspect to the characters. They all seem so detailed and well done. Very much in contrast to something I made for one of my female characters in drawing her chibi style.Great job here. :)

  12. *Lewa had just found a message in a bottle from someone named Kiina. Navi figured the king might know something about it. The pair made it to the throne room of King Krulloc, once a formidable Glatorian warrior, but now… he was… larger.*


    King Krulloc: I NEED FOOD!!!


    Lewa: Seems like a reasonable guy.


    Navi: Let's just show him the stupid letter so we can get the last gemstone and go to the Temple of Time.


    Lewa: Hey, your largely Kingship, I found this letter here. You recognize it?


    King Krulloc: Hmm… *reads letter aloud* This is from my daughter Kiina!


    Lewa: Ah, so you do recognize it.


    Krulloc: I knew I shouldn't have given her the spiritual stone like that. Lord Jabu-Jabu always mistakes it for small fish. Now Kiina has been eaten by him and there's no hope left! He's just been acting so strange lately and I don't even know why. How could he eat my daughter like that?


    Lewa: What if I rescued her?


    Krulloc: Splendid idea! To get to Lord Jabu-Jabu is a 2 hour journey, however.


    Lewa: But isn't the entrance right behind you?


    Krulloc: Yes.


    *And with that, he beings to slowly move over. And I mean slowly move over.*


    Lewa: Can you quick-move a little more?


    Krulloc, moving slowly: Be patient.


    *20 minutes later…*


    Lewa: So how long are we supposed to sit-wait?


    Navi: 20 minutes less.Lewa: It feels like it's been more!Navi, sighs: No, it hasn't.*40 minutes later…*


    Lewa: You have any 7's?


    Navi: Nah, go fish.


    *Lewa takes a card from the middle pile between them.*


    Lewa: You know, I think I will go fish!


    *Lewa rushes over to a spring and catches a fish in a bottle.*Navi: Well, that was random.*So much later that the current narrator got tired of waiting and so they got a temporary replacement…*


    Krulloc: And now you may pass.


    Lewa: Thank Mata Nui!


    *Lewa ran up the steps, zoomed past the king, and waded through the water to make it to Lord Jabu-Jabu. In just minutes, they made it to where Lord Jabu-Jabu resided. Lewa was amazed at the size of Lord Jabu-Jabu himself.Lewa: I wonder how big he is compared to my fish.


    Navi: That's a stupid question with an obvious answer, you know?


    *Never the less, Lewa wanted to compare him to a fish he had caught earlier at the spring, so he took out a bottle and released the fish right in front of Lord Jabu-Jabu.*


    *But by doing so, Lord Jabu-Jabu thought it was feeding time, so he opened his mouth and began to inhale deeply, taking in not only Lewa's fish, but the Toa and his fairy companion as well. They awoke a few minutes later, seeing they were inside the belly of the great guardian. Navi began beating up on Lewa out of boredom.*


    Navi: Great, now we're trapped inside the giant fish. Now what do we do?


    *Lewa looked around, and so far there wasn't really anything to help them get out. There were just all of these organisms that were unfamiliar to him roaming around.*


    Lewa: I guess all we can do is search-find this Kiina girl and get out of here with the Spiritual stone.


    *Lewa began to go through the bowels (that's a funny word) of the great guardian. After going around for what seemed like hours (it was actually like 10 minutes), Lewa made it to a place in the body he thought was possibly near the head. Lewa walked in, and the first thing he saw was the bio-electric anemone Barinade, electric shocks pulsating from its large appendages!*


    Navi: You fool, where did you think you were going?! And if you're going to make me walk around here, forget it! These are new shoes!


    Lewa: Wait? How can you wear shoes if you're just a floating lightbulb?


    Navi: Well, you think I'm a floating lightbulb, but there's actually about me than you see.


    Lewa: Well, I don't have time to really dispute-question that, since I have a boss to fight!


    *And so he was now facing off against this large organism, which was possibly what was causing the great whale guardian to be acting as strangely as he did. Lewa dodged the electric shocks and its large bulb-like appendages, eventually making it to the very heart of the organism.*


    *Taking his sword, he swiped at it a number of times until the thing let out a shriek of pain. After that, it turned a rash red and it began to expand until it exploded. Lewa looked at the carnage around him, as he was surrounded by green fluid and red tissue.*


    Lewa: Um, ew?*In the center was a magic exit. As Navi went on to yell as Lewa for doing something so disgusting and stupid, he ran for the exit.**Lewa was back in Ga-Metru now, where he was face-to-face with another strange sight: The Female fighter Kiina.*


    Lewa: Wait, what--?!


    *Started, Lewa literally fell on his rump when the two's eyes met, right into the water... something he didn't want to do again anytime soon. Kiina laughed at him and jumped into the water to join him. She neared him as she swam closer.*


    Kiina: Hey, the name's Kiina.


    Lewa: Oh. All right.


    Kiina: Were you coming here to save me?


    Lewa: Um, yeah. I only defeated the boss to try and get you out.


    Kiina: While you and your fairy friend were waiting for my father to let you through, I had enough time to get out of Lord Jabu-Jabu.


    Lewa: Well, that's just great. Do you have any idea how long I had to sit-wait for?


    Kiina: I'm sorry. I really wish he didn't mistake me for a fish or anything, but that's a whale for you. Anyways, you're probably here for that sacred stone, aren't you?


    Lewa: You'd guess right on that one.


    Kiina: Well, I GUESS I can give it to you. It's not like you did anything bad like hurt Lord Jabu-Jabu afterall. If anything, you saved him from that gross thing inside. Anyway, I guess I'll let you have it now. Here you go.


    *So then Kiina gives Lewa the last sacred stone, meaning now he had all three of them. What was his next move? To be honest, I don't know. He should probably try returning to Nokama or something, she wanted these things after all.*


    *Lewa's thoughts were interrupted as Kiina got near-close to him... a little TOO near-close to him.*


    Kiina, seductive giggle: You know... that stone I just gave you... where I come from, it's like our own little engagement ring. I'm not really supposed to give it to just anyone, only the man I'm going to marry.


    *Lewa started to blush a little beneath his mask.*


    Lewa: What are you getting at?


    *He had a feeling of where this was going, as do I seeing as I'm the one writing this stuff, meaning I have some sort of idea of what I'm typing as I go along.*


    Kiina: You're kind of cute, actually.


    *She got closer to him, their faces almost touching. Both of them were blushing. Navi was sort of beside herself.*


    Navi: ???


    Kiina: I guess now that I've given that thing to you... you and I are officially an item.


    *You could have pushed Lewa over with a feather after he heard that. Plus, I think he nearly passed out in the water, so that's not a good thing. They made it back to land, but the moment they did, Kiina decided to continue.*


    Kiina, embarrassed: I'm sorry, but I didn't even catch your name. You don't really talk much, do you?


    *she got close to him and lowered her voice to a whisper.*


    Kiina: I like that.


    *Lewa sort of fell to her feet. He was still sort of embarrassed and confused as to what was going on, reducing him to a somewhat blathering cool dude who couldn't talk correctly.*


    Navi: His name's Lewa, for the record.


    Kiina: Lewa... that's a nice name. I'll keep that in mind. Now then... you'd better not forget about our engagement. I'll be waiting for you... but don't think you can keep me waiting for a long time, otherwise I WILL come and find you.


    Lewa: Is that a threat?


    Kiina: You decide…*So Kiina gave him Nayru's Sapphire and told Lewa to keep their little "ordeal" a secret. Lewa promised, seeing as he wasn't too sure what to really do now that he was technically engaged.*


    *Still confused and a bit dazed (LOL "Dazed and Confused" reference), he eventually made it back outside the Coliseum, but moment he did, there was a dark shadow glooming overhead, and a storm was brewing. Then, the gates began to lower down.*


    Lewa: Why is this familiar?


    *He had no time to think as he had to run out of the way. Lariska and Nokama were making a getaway on a horse at a very high speed.*


    Nokama: Lewa, help! Lariska, turn back.


    Lariska: I am sorry, Princess, but we cannot turn back or else we will have to face the red yelling man.


    Nokama: Fine.


    *She takes the Ocarina of Time and throws it at Lewa. Sadly, Nokama had bad aim and she hit Lewa right in the nose, and the ocarina bounced off his face and into the surrounding moat.*


    *Lewa got back up and saw they were out of sight. He then turned around and saw he was face-to-face with Antroz and his evil pony.*


    Lewa: NOOOOOO!!!


    Antroz: What are you screaming about?Lewa: Sorry, I thought this was my dream.


    Antroz: Then you must have very weird dreams. But enough of that. Tell me, kid, did you happen to see an ugly tall woman and a cute Toa of water pass by here?


    Lewa: Nope, haven't seen them.


    Antroz: Really? Darn it. You know, the things that happen to me, I tell you. Why can't my evil plans go right, I swear? The only thing that went right for me was when I stole this glow-in-the-dark baseball.


    *Antroz raised his hand with the baseball, but instead it flies out of his hand and knocks Lewa back a few feet.*


    Antroz: Where did that silly thing go?!


    Lewa: You hit me with a baseball!


    Antroz: I'm sorry! Don't blame it on me, it was the baseball's fault!


    *Antroz and his horse Nexus flee the scene and Lewa stares at them with mixed feelings of pity and indigestion.*


    Lewa: He is a real bizarre-freak.


    *After shaking off that experience, Lewa goes into the moat and retrieves the Ocarina of Time from it. And then he triggers a recorded memory.*


    Nokama, voice-over: Lewa, can you hear me? It's me, Princess Nokama. If you're visioning thing, then that means I am no longer here.


    Lewa: Mata Nui, she's dead!!


    Nokama, voice-over: No, and stop interrupting the flashback! Anyways, it means that I am not here, but now you have to go to the Temple of Time and place the three spiritual stones in their proper place. Then, to open the Door of Time, you must play the Song of Time on the Ocarina of Time.


    Lewa: How many times did she say "Time" there?


    *Nokama plays the Song of Time for him, and Lewa imitates the notes, thus learning the song. Now knowing what he had to do, he went for the Temple of Time.*


    *Lewa made it back to the main town by the Coliseum. No one was really outside. It didn't matter, he had no time for leisure, he had to get answers. That's when he noticed a building adjacent to the Coliseum, one he never took particular interest in before. Was this the Temple of Time he was looking for? He decided to go inside. As he did, he was struck by a strange sight... a pedestal with three slots in them. Lewa then took out the three spiritual stones, looking at them. He approached the pedestal and placed them one by one into their correct spots.*


    Navi: Okay, well, that's done.Lewa: Now for the final touch…


    *Lewa plays the Song of Time on his ocarina. To his surprise, the walls gave away, revealing a door, which proceeded to open. Just like one of those doors at the super market.*


    Navi: Could it be?


    *Together, the two raced into the new room, where they were met with an incredible sight.*


    Navi: It is! The blade of evil's bane... The Master Sword...


    *For some reason, Lewa had an idea where this was going, and not because he watched "The Sword in the Stone," or anything.*


    Lewa: Hey, Navi, is this like the legend of King Arthur? Does this mean if I take this sword that I become a king?


    Navi: I doubt that's how it works. Besides, who'd want to make you the king of anything?


    Lewa: Only one way to find out…


    *He took the sword in both hands and began to ease it up, lifting it from the pedestal where it rested.*


    *The moment he did so, there was a brilliant blinding light. No one seemed to notice a small cloud of antidermis leaking from the pedestal. It belonged to a much greater evil from days long past…*


    Antroz: Ha ha ha! Well done, kid. I knew I could count on you. Now that you've opened the door to the Sacred Realm, nothing can stop me now!


    Teridax's voice: Arise, Makuta Antroz.


    Antroz: Teridax…

  13. @TemporphilicNeglecting the organics? Just about everything from 2005-2008 showed the organics prominently. (I mean, it was present in the rest, but mainly those.)Oh well. Got a drawing of a humanoid character? Your Screamer (Epic as it is) doesn't really show your take on it, since there was no Screamer set to go by.@ShadowBionicsActually, I preferred the second link.I can see the chibi-ness in the first.It's a clean, smooth drawing, but I really dislike humanizing Bionicle. After all, BS01 states they're 85% mech, 15% organic--and what is organic wasn't said to be human. But, this topic isn't about my preference, it's about yours, so that's an interesting take on it.
    I know, and I agree. This was a one time thing I did for a character I made up, either way. Although there are times when it can be sort of interesting to see what a person thinks a character might look like if they weren't biomechanical, and I have seen other artists' takes on other characters from the story, like the Toa Metru.I do prefer like how the original trilogy portrayed them more since it really brings the characters to life and it keeps the whole aspect of the original set in mind.
  14. @Lewa0111 Nuva: Wow... I never knew... Okay, in that case, I won't close this at all, so ignore that paragraph from my previous post. Wow, that's pretty cool. I actually played the game myself back in 2010 to write this spoof back in the day. I'm very glad and honored to hear you like this. @Toarobot18: All right, I will let the topic stay where it is, so in that case, no one listen to that paragraph. Better yet, I think I'd better edit that out.*





    *Lewa returned to Whenua's small throne room (what would you consider it?) from the Lost Woods. He thought of something to possibly help make Whenua stop being so party-active, and that was through a song Hahli had written. It was catchy, and yet it contrasted so much from all of the trance/dance/house/electronica/techno music they listened to non-stop with Whenua. It was a gamble, but it was better than nothing, really. Lewa made his way back in and he played Hahli's song. Then…*


    *Whenua is seen dancing like a madman.*


    Navi: Well, that did nothing at all.Lewa: No, let's see what happends.


    *Whenua keeps dancing until he falls to the ground.*


    Navi: Well, that stops him from getting to his super high-tech stereo system. But now what?


    Lewa: So where is this Lohrak of yours?


    *Some time later, Lewa was able to make his way through the Archives. He would have asked Whenua for a map of the place, but now Lewa was now developing somewhat of a phobia of party-obsessed Toa of Earth, mainly Whenua himself. Whenua partially scared Lewa, with his loud voice and his habit of acting like a lunatic. *


    *He fell down a hole and landed in a somewhat larger exhibit. While Lewa hadn't seen a Lohrak very much, he knew something was very wrong... a Lohrak wasn't all that large. The exhibit he was in was large enough for about 40 of them, and that's if you just piled them all in together without any room or food.*


    *That moment, Lewa heard a loud noise. He turned around, only to meet face-to-face with a giant, mutated version of a regular Lohrak, flying right above him! Lewa stumbled backward, startled by the creature's sudden appearance.*


    Lewa: Yikes! What do I do?!


    Navi: Well… feed it, I guess. That's what Whenua said to do before we left.


    *So Lewa reached into his pack and pulled out a spherical object and threw it right into the mutant's mouth, and the Lohrak wasted no time in swallowed it whole in a matter of seconds.*


    Navi: Okay, mission accomplished. Now, you fed it the big cherry and not the bomb, right?


    *Lewa looked at her with a blank expression. He reached into his pack again and he pulled out the giant cherry.*


    Lewa: Does… this answer your question?


    Navi: Oh, dear…


    *The Lohrak then started yowling in pain, apparently from having its insides being blown up, and then it dropped to the floor, writhing in agony.*


    Navi: Oh, this isn't good... let's get out of here and pretend this never happened!


    Lewa: Way ahead of you, Navi!


    *Lewa grabbed his stuff and the two then ran right out of the Archives and made it just outside Onu-Metru. There, they were met with none other than Toa Whenua, with a big grin on his face.*


    Whenua: So, did you manage to feed my Lohrak okay?


    (back in the exhibit)


    Mutant Lohrak, writhing: The... pain...


    (back outside)


    Navi: Um... yeah, of course we did! Right Lewa?


    Lewa: Yeah, you bet! You can count on us!Whenua: Great, then here's your sacred stone... *Whenua then bestows Din's Ruby to Lewa.*Lewa: All right. Two down, and one more to go.


    Whenua: Before you go, a few of my guys want to show you a special way of attacking. They learned it from some guy named Krekka...


    *Two random Toa then pop out from the earth, each on either side of Whenua.*


    Whenua: Boys, show them how it works.Random Toa 1: Well, boss, it goes something like this...*The Two Toa slowly approach Lewa with their arms out. Lewa starts to back away slowly, but then he starts running for his life. Yeah, he's going to be messed up forever now, never going to be able to look at a Toa of Earth the same way ever again.*


    Lewa: I'm going to be mentally scarred forever!


    *Lewa continued to run until he somehow crashed into a sign that read "Pon-Pon Ranch. Figured he had nothing else to lose, he decided to head inside. There, he was greeted by the hard-working Iruini, and his newfound friend Vhisola.*


    Vhisola: Hey, fairy boy! I'm so glad you found my father.Lewa: Aw, it was nothing.


    Vhisola: I'm training the horses over here. Here, I'd like you to meet Epona!*Epona looks at Lewa, and then runs away.*


    Vhisola: I don't think she likes you.


    Lewa: Why won't anyone like me?!


    Vhisola: Well, I know that you can make her feel better if you play a special song for her. My mom made it a long time ago.


    Lewa, takes ocarina: So how does this song go?


    *Vhisola hums a tune and Lewa imitates that tune. In a matter of seconds, Epona rushes over to him, continuously pushing him into the fence.*


    Vhisola: See? She likes you now.


    Lewa: Good horsey, nice horsey…


    *Eventually, Lewa made it back to the Coliseum area after taking a small detour at Pon-Pon Ranch. With only one more spiritual stone to go, Lewa decided to go on ahead and make his way to Ga-Metru... Normally, Lewa wouldn't be too excited to go to a village of water... but it was helpful when he remembered the village was inhabited by all females... *


    Lewa: This ought to be interesting.Navi, groans: There has to be a better way to make you do things than with just girls...


    *Sadly there wasn't, so let's just move on with the story. Of course, not everyone was a girl in this village. Apparently, Lego likes to break the stereotype once and a while and make us fans get all confused and go in debates and such.*


    Tarix: For the last time, I'm not a girl!Nixie: You're joking.Idris: Totally joking. If you weren't, then you'd be a mutant.


    Tarix, groans: Why doesn't anyone understand me? *Lewa was walking to see the king of the place, when he tripped over a bottle. He looked at the bottle and saw there was a letter inside. So he got a bottle with a letter inside! But more importantly, he got a bottle. He opened the bottle and read the letter.*


    "Dear Father,By the time you read this, I will have been eaten by Lord Jabu-Jabu, and this is what I think will happen: You'll give me the spiritual stone, I'll get eaten by him, then you'll get attacked by some sunburned yelling guy, then some guy and a fairy will come along and get eaten as well.PS: Then they will take down each other."


    Lewa: Well, that was oddly specific. Hey, Navi, get a load of this weird-freakish letter I found!


    Navi: If I didn't know better, I'd think it was setting up for a very bad spoof.


    Lewa: Yeah, no kidding. Let's see if the king knows anything about this.

  15. What hurts the most, is being-- sorry, that song popped in my head when I saw this.Believe it or not, I tripped and I fell on a zamor launcher. It might not sound bad, but it was facing upwards and it left a pretty bad indention/cut on my knee. Another time, I fell on some Av-Matoran limb parts and met with a similar result, but not as bad as the zamor launcher. I've also pinched myself on certain pieces as well. And would you believe I almost hit myself from knockback trying to open a Mistika canister?

  16. Okay... this might be a bit of a read.Series 1: Heroes: Stormer, Stringer, Bulk, Furno, Surge, BreezVillains: Von Nebula, Rotor, Thunder, X-plode, Corroder, MeltdownVehicles: NoneSeries 2:Heroes: Stormer, Furno, Breez, Surge, Nex, EvoVillains: Fire Lord, Jetbug, Drilldozer, NitroblastSeries 3:Heroes: Stormer, Furno, Stringer, Bulk, Nex, Rocka, Rocka XLVillains: Witch Doctor, Raw-Jaw, Waspix, Fangz, ScorpioSeries 4 (1st half):Heroes: Furno, Rocka, Nex, SurgeVillains: Black Phantom, Jawblade, Toxic Reapa, SplitfaceSeries 4 (2nd half)None, since I'm still awaiting the releases. For sure, I'd want to get Stormer and Breez.

  17. You definitely do being that nostalgic feeling here. I don't normally go and say if something is cute, but this time I must say this is in fact a very cute drawing, and it has a good message, too. This is a very good drawing and I do like how you've portrayed Hewkii and Macku. You've given them such emotion and expression, yet they still look how they do in Lego set form. Very well done.

  18. Since this topic isn't going the way I wanted to, could someone report that I wish for the topic to be closed? There's no interest in the topic, and I don't think I wish to continue it anymore. I will post one more chapter, so this post isn't a waste, but afterwards if someone would report that I wish for the topic to be closed, I would be very much obliged. Thank you for your time.





    *At first, Lewa was taken back by all of these guards, but he knew he had a quest to do. The question was how to get past the guards. They all seemed to be walking in a pre-determined path, so Lewa studied the path of each guard and began to walk through the courtyard. He made it past the first guard, but as he continued, the second one caught him.*


    Vahki 2: *whistle blows.* Hey. You. Halt.


    *The other guards came and surrounded the Toa and proceeded to throw him out on his bum.*


    Vahki 4: And stay out.Lewa: How rude.


    *Lewa dusted himself off and got off his sorry rump. As he was about to go in again, he was met with a familiar face.*


    Vhisola: So, fairy boy, are you going to the castle?


    Lewa: Yeah, I kind of am, actually.


    Vhisola: Could you do me a favor and find my dad? He must have fallen asleep somewhere, the silly goose. *giggles.* What a thing for an adult to do. If you look for him, I'll give you a little something. I've been incubating this egg for a very long time...


    *with that, Vhisola gave Lewa the Weird Egg. She's sort of weird herself, so it would only be fitting.*


    Lewa, sighs: All right, now to give this another try.*Lewa enters the courtyard once again, and the guards are still on patrol in their pre-determined paths. He quickly evaded the first guard and barely made it by the second one. However, he was moving too fast and the third guard caught him and promptly tossed him out on his rear.*


    *Lewa refused to give up and dusted himself off again. He entered the courtyard one more time. He was about to get past the first guard when the guard turned around. Lewa quickly ran behind the bush and the guard continued on. Taking advantage of the moment, Lewa ran as fast as he could, passing by the first guard, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth. However, that was when the sixth one caught him, blowing the whistle.*


    Vahki 6: Hey. You. Hold it right there.


    *Lewa looked around. None of the other guards were coming. He looked both ways, took the hilt of his sword, and hit that sonnava gun right in the head. He then put his sword away all cool style.*


    Lewa: Well, he's out cold. Now to get to see the princess. She's got to be around here someplace.


    *As he ran, the egg hatched into a new chicken, such as the miracle of life. He made a dash through the hedges and he met an unsual sight: A Toa of Fire fast asleep.*


    Norik, snoring: mumble mumble mumble... You kids get off my lawn, ya hear?! *snores louder.*


    Lewa: Who is this guy?


    Navi: Well, the ranch girl did say her father got lost around here. You think this could be him?


    Lewa: You got me on that one.


    Navi: Why don't we play a prank on him for fun?


    Lewa: I like where you're going with this.


    *Thinking quickly, Lewa took the chicken and placed on top of the sleeping Toa's head. The chicken made no haste and started pecking the poor Toa of Fire with no mercy.*


    Norik: YARRRGH!! What in tarnation?! *The Toa used his lava spear and... well, let's just say he and his daughter will be having fried chicken tonight.* Can't a person get a little shut-eye around here? *He looked around and his gaze met Lewa.*


    *Lewa looked at the Toa of Fire, confused as to what was going on.*


    Norik: Hello, and who might you be?


    Lewa: Well, I'm Lewa and this is Navi. And you are…?


    Norik: Well, yup, I'm Norik, the owner of Pon Pon Ranch! I live there with my daughter and my borther Lui-- I mean Iruini.


    Iruini, from far away: Leave me out of this, you lazy bum! I, the hard-working Iruini, don't deserve this!Norik: I went to the castle to deliver some milk, but I sat down here to rest, but I guess I fell asleep.


    Lewa: Okay, because your daughter's looking for you. She asked me to search-find you.


    Norik: What?! Vhisola was looking for me? I'm gonna catch it from her now! I messed up bad, leaving Vhisola behind to wait for me! She's really gonna let me have it now!


    *Norik then took off at an incredbile speed, and this was without a Kanohi Kakama, mask of speed, mind you. In the blink of an eye, he took off and was nowhere to be seen.*


    Navi: That went well.


    Lewa: Yeah… Okay, now to find what's her name…


    *Lewa regained his composure, and proceeded to the garden, now to progress the plot and see one of two romantic garden scenes of this script...*


    *Lewa entered the garden, Navi bouncing about his head. In front of them was a young maiden.*


    Navi: Okay, Lewa, that could be the princess up ahead. But let's go talk to her, just in case.


    Lewa: Gotcha.


    *Whoever she was, Lewa noticed she was staring through a window at an assembled group of people inside, almost like a curious child. Lewa approached her slowly. The young Toa turned around, startled by Lewa's sudden appearance.*


    Nokama: Oh! Who are you? And how did you get past all the guards? Is that a fairy?


    Lewa: I'm Lewa, and you have terrible security. You might want to fix-change that in the future. You could fall under attack by say, some insane guy wearing a mask-helmet and his minions. Navi: Yes, I'm a fairy.Nokama: Say, are you from the forest area?


    Lewa: I am, as a matter of fact.


    Nokama: Yeah, I thought you might be the one. Oh, I'm sorry, I haven't properly introduced myself yet! I'm Princess Nokama.


    Lewa: You look like the girl in my dream.Nokama: Um… okay. And oddly, you happen to look like the one with the fairy in my dream.


    Lewa: You mean you have cross-wired freaky dreams, too?Nokama: Yeah. But not as bad as that guy over there.


    Vakama: It's all my fault I'm a cross-wired freak who has weird dreams.


    Nokama: Yeah. In my dream, there's a guy with a fairy. And there's also a burn victim in black armor who brings evil and death with him. I think that guy is represented by… him. Check in the window right there… Look in the window.


    Lewa: I don't want to. What if I get caught?


    Nokama: Don't worry, you won't get caught. Just look.*Lewa looked through the window and took notice. There were two Vahki guards, Turaga Dume, and a wicked man in black/red armor.*


    Nokama: See that guy in the window, talking with my father? The one with the evil eyes?


    *Lewa was having some trouble because there was the black/red armored guy with red eyes and a guard with mean eyes and big eyebrows, so he wasn't sure which one she was talking about.*


    Lewa: I don't know, which one are you talking about?


    Nokama: Not the guard, the tall guy with red armor.


    *Antroz is walking up to Turaga Dume's chair, and proceeds to kneel before him.*


    Antroz: Good news, your highness, I finished building that orphanage for the children after I rescued them all from that burning forest.


    Antroz, voice-over: Ha ha ha! You fool, you don't realize that everything is going all according to my insanely brilliant plan!


    Turaga Dume: That's great! But I asked you to go pick up some tacos!


    Antroz: Really?


    Dume: Yes. And what did you mean about your insanely brilliant plan?


    Antroz: You're not supposed to hear that! It's my inner-most personal thoughts. That's not proper of you to do so.


    (from outside)


    Nokama: That's Antroz, the new de facto leader of the Brotherhood of Makuta.


    Lewa: What happened with the old one?Nokama: Some many years back, he got killed by one of our founders of Metru Nui, and first ruler. I learned about it in my history lesson.


    Lewa: Wow, this first ruler sounds cool. I wish I could have met him.Nokama: Yeah… Anyways, back to Antroz. That monster sickens me. He needs to be stopped.


    *As Nokama was talking about her theory of why Antroz was down-right evil, Antroz himself looked out towards the window, spotting Lewa. Lewa quickly stumbled back, falling on his rump.*


    Nokama: Did he see us? I guess it doesn't matter. After all, he doesn't know what we're doing.


    Lewa: I'd like to hope not. He's a freak-scary guy.


    Nokama: Anyways, back to what I was talking about… You've heard of the Triforce, haven't you?


    Lewa: Yeah, a little bit.Nokama: The way to the Triforce is guarded by the Door of Time, which is located in the Temple of Time. And the way to open the door is with three sacred spiritual stones and the Ocarina of Time.


    Lewa: How many times did you say "time" in that one sentence?


    Nokama: I know it's confusing, but stay with me. We can use the power of the Triforce to stop that monster before he lays waste to Metru Nui.


    Lewa: I already have one. Where can I seek-find the other two?


    Nokama: I'm not sure. I imagine in within the three major provinces. You just got here from the Faron province, so now you must travel to the Eldin and Lanayru provinces. You believe me, don't you?


    Lewa: Sure I do. That Antroz guy gives me a dark-cold vibe.


    Nokama: Great! My assistant Lariska will be sure to help you out. When you get the three stones together, we'll go to the Temple of Time together and we'll stop Antroz!


    Lewa, blushing: Yeah… *Lewa started to make his way out of the castle, but not before meeting with a strange... person.*


    Lariska: So you're the one Nokama apparently had some dream about... I guess so. So you're looking for the Spiritual stones, I hear?


    Lewa: Yes, I am.


    Lariska: First, I must teach you a song to play that should be of use to you. It has been in the royal family for a long time now.


    *Lariska takes out a small musical whistle, and Lewa imitates it with Hahli's Ocarina. Thus, he gained Nokama's lullaby.*


    Lariska: That was horrible. You need practice.


    Lewa: Hey, this is my first time ocarina-playing.


    Lariska: I suggest you start with Onu-Metru and the Ga-Metru to get the stones. I must leave you now. Hey, what's that over there?!


    *Lariska pointed to the left, and both Lewa and Navi turned around to look, but there was nothing. When they turned back around, Lariska was gone.*Navi: Freak. Well, let's do what the man-lady said to do.


    Lewa: Yeah, you're right. Well, at least she helped narrow the search for us.


    *Lewa decided to go tackle Onu-Metru's Spiritual Stone first, seeing as it was the lesser of two evils. He hated being underground, but he hated water even more, so it only made sense to him to go here first. Plus, Onu-Metru was the home of McDonald's Underground: The REAL home of the Big Mac. Only the most exclusive people could get in and Lewa... was not one of them.*


    Reidak, tossing Lewa outside: Duh, and stay out! DUH!


    *Reidak the bouncer went back inside as Lewa dusted himself off.*


    Lewa: You're just as mean-rude as those Vahki guards!


    *Well, he wasn't going to get a Big Mac, today, but I guess that was okay since he still need to get the Spiritual stone. Lewa eventually made his way past the Archives and met face-to-face with who was in charge.*


    Whenua: Hello there, skinny Toa of Air. How can I help you?Lewa: We want the sacred stone of fire!Whenua: I don't remember asking you anything.


    Lewa: What? Yeah, you did.Whenua: Get away from me. You make my eyes hurt!Lewa: Well, that's mean!


    Whenua: No, your fairy. She's too bright.


    Navi: Fine, I'll back away…Whenua: If you want the Spiritual stone, fine, you can have it. We don't use it for anything, anyway.


    Lewa: Really? Thanks. Let's have it.Whenua: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on there. I can't just give you something for nothing.


    Lewa: Okay, then what do you want?


    Whenua: Okay, well, according to my nerd clipboard, there's only three things around here that have to be done. One thing is to alphabetize my entire DVD library.


    *Lewa looks behind him to see a ton of DVDs... and I mean like a who wall's worth of them, too.*


    Navi: And the other two?Whenua: Feed the Lohrak or listen to my hot new DJ music.


    Lewa: I'll take the last one.Whenua: Okay, little one, let's have at it!


    Natalie Horler's voice: Hey, Dr. DJ, let the music take me underground.


    *That's when Whenua started to dance as if he didn't have a care in the world to the awesome dance music from Cascada.*Whenua: Oh, yeah, hot, yeah! Party, party, party! Party, party, party...Navi and Lewa: ...*42 Cascada songs and a bunch of other DJ electronica tracks later…*


    Navi: My ears hurt…Lewa: It wouldn't be so bad if his speakers weren't so loud!


    Navi: At least it's over now…Whenua: Oh, but we're not done yet.


    Navi: What?


    Lewa: We aren't?!


    *73 hot DJ tracks later...*


    Whenua: Party, party, party! Party, party, party!*music stops.*Whenua: Hey, who turned off my tunes?


    Lewa: Do you do anything else aside from party.


    Whenua: No.


    Lewa: Hold on, I think I have an idea here…


    Navi: Does it involve music?


    Lewa: Yes, but different kind. He likes to party? So let's get him something else.

  19. Well, if you really wish to see the drawing... Before I do, here's a few things to note. My character (her name is Elitha) has gone through a lot of changes over the past, so the drawing is going to reflect how I originally made her in MOC form, with the exception of the eyes. The current version has different armor, but she actually has the same color of eyes as the drawing.The drawing itself, note that I draw in a sort of chibi-style, so in this from Elitha will look cartoonish. Also note the drawing is old and I have started to get better since then and I do plan on possibly making a new one to reflect her new design.First off, here's the current version.http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/texaskid92/Creations/Elitha/dscf4955.jpgHere's the old Elitha to compare. This version, I know she looks horrible, but I did go back and fix her.http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/texaskid92/Creations/Elitha/dscf4285.jpgNow here's the drawing of the old Elitha in "human form"http://www.majhost.com/gallery/texaskid92/Drawings/dscf4954.jpgLike I said, I do draw in a kind of chibi form, so before you say she looks cartoonish or simple... That's the point. Also, I blotted out part of my name as well. But yeah. She has some of the armor from the MOC Mk I form like the chest and shoulder armor. The mask is takes the shape of a tiara, and main reason I did that was I wanted to show her "true face," so to say, which in this case is that of a young woman. You can also tell that I did want her to have green eyes instead of the red her Mk I version wears. At least with the Mk III.5, she does have that aspect to her.

  20. Wow, where to start. I haven't been here since Day 1, but I've been here sort of for a while now.I still remember the day Vahki Power came up and I was like "what's going on here??" I too also remember the Tuggles and their adorable huggableness (I'm making that a word). There was also a bunch of other fads that were inspired by the Tuggles that followed soon afterwards, but sadly my memory is so bad I can't remember the names of them. Then someone started up some adoptables on here as well long ago, which I guess gave rise to many other various adoptables. And before any of those, there were the plushies and the plushie generator. I wish I still had the link to it, I remember I made one for Takanuva and Makuta, as well as some based off fan-made characters I thought of or just random characters. I also remember a pic comic that was called "Thok's Visorak" from another member that I enjoyed. I still remember a lot of it, and I'm not even sure what happened to it. One line I remember is something like...Visorak: T is for Thok!Rahkshi: Who's Thok?XDI also remember a member ToaNuva007, who's writings actually inspired me to start writing on here. I also remember puffie40 who was most well-known for writing the very first "Ask Tahu!" comedy and while it's been deleted from the forums, being an old topic he asked to have closed, it still lives on in my memories and it sort of helped to inspire how I portray Tahu in what I write. So you could say he was a big inspiration for me. Another was a comedy called "The Siddy and Roody" show, a "talk show" that starred Sidorak and Roodaka. I sadly don't remember the person's name, but this and another comedy called "Ask Sidorak" helped me to write "Ask Roodaka," which older fans who used to be fans of my writing thought was my best work to this day, and I still do like the old comedy and I wish I could resume it.I also remember the great SPIRIT (see what I did there?) and his mighty movie spoofs and his various short films, such as the Mantax Facts one. Nearly everything he made was gold. I remember how he and Dr. Bionicle used to have like a small "podcast" of sorts, which has been defunct for a long time... as far as I remember, I'm not sure if they ever brought it back somehow, but I could be wrong. I remember how I also made a comedy called A Day in the life of Teridax?, which others thought rivaled Ask Roodaka for the best I'd written, and it was definitely very elaborate going for over 100 total chapters (not including the BZPocalypse). Oh, that reminds me, I remember the BZPocalypse and how it ate a bunch of my stories and how sad I was. I'm still sort of sad to this day, so much was lost and couldn't be replaced. And I mean not just the library forums, it was everything. Lewa0111 (Now Lewa0111 Nuva) actually found a way to restore some topic posts, which I used to restore some, but not all of the stories I made.I remember how someone told me I turned them into a fan of a singer I liked a whole lot, too. I wasn't sure how to react to that first time around. I was like O_O. And then I remember how as a small joke, I changed my username to reflect her name, so I kind of "brought her" to BZPower so to say. Of course, after my 3 months of "shame" were up, I went back to being ShadowBionics.And then I remember how some people didn't like the way I wrote anymore and I didn't feel welcome on here... so I while I checked in periodically, I eventually left for 8 months. And now here I am again.So safe to say, I have a lot of stories I could share about BZPower, but to do that I'd probably need a few posts or something. So since I'm rambling now, I will just stop here, before I go off on more of a tangent.

  21. I see them as something like how the original Bionicle trilogy portrayed them as. And sometimes what I do is for everything post-OT is I'll imagine something similar to that. Like the 2008 Makuta, I imagined them having rusted armor like Teridax, yet having some qualities of a Toa but without any kind of biological tissue (they are less biomechanical than a Toa). It makes sense in my head.If there's any consolation, I've drawn a human version of one of my fan-made Bionicle characters, sort of combining elements of what I'd make "movie-esque" and making her look human as well.

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