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Posts posted by ShadowBionics

  1. Here is chapter 3 of the story. Probably the shortest chapter of the whole story. Also written in January 2011.*Lewa was running around, trying to find Hahli and Epona. He ran back home to find those brats and Colin waiting for him.*Lewa: Hey, Colin, did you see where Hahli went? I'm afraid she's going to do something to Epona.Colin: She said she was going to run away with her. What does that mean?Lewa: I have to quick-stop her!Colin: But why?Lewa: It means she's going to steal-take my horse away! I can't let her do that. Plus she owes me money, so that's only adding onto the debt!Colin: Okay. Maybe I'll go see if I can talk to Hahli now. *He runs into the woods, possibly after Hahli. I can't be certain at this point.*Lewa: Sure, go do that.Talo: Hey, Lewa, can I borrow your wooden sword to beat the insults off me?Lewa: Sure, but it'll take more than a wooden sword to back-beat the monkey insults and the humiliation it came with.Talo: Yay, insults be gone! *Talo runs off and the Evil Baby goes off to follow him.*Lewa: Poor, poor, weird-freaks.Malo the Evil Baby: I will rule you all.Lewa: Poor, poor, weird-freaks.*Lewa runs off after Colin into the woods, ending up in the Ordon Spring. The gates we locked.*Colin: Lewa, I got in but Hahli locked the gates after me.Hahli: Go away and leave me and Epona in peace!Colin: You'll have to use the nincompoop entrance.Lewa: Fine, but I'm not cheer-happy about it!*Lewa walks over to a hole with a sign over it reading "Nincompoop Entrance" in neon lights. Lewa gets down on his hands and knees and he crawls his way in, making his way into the spring.*Lewa: Oh, nincompoop entrance... I hate you.Hahli: Oh, Lewa, you're right... the nincompoop entrance is a bad place. I'm sorry, I won't ever do anything like this ever again.Lewa: That's good to know. As long as nothing bad happens, we'll be fine.*First rule of Makuta Murphon's law... If you say you're fine until a bad thing happens, a bad thing happens. Case in point... Two Bulblins atop two giant boar-like bulbos break the gates and they start rushing after Lewa nad his friends. Epona gets scared off and a Bulblin archer takes down Hahli.*Lewa: Why didn't I listen to the narrator?? *Lewa starts to run after Hahli, but the second Bulblin takes a club and knocks the lights out of Lewa's head.* Ow, my head! *Lewa falls down, unconscious.*Bulblin 1: See, I told you we didn't have to go to the store to find hostages. *He takes Hahli by the hand and throws her onto the bulbo.*Bulblin 2: He's right, boss!*We go over to a much larger Bulblin wearing a helmet, strong and dominant. He must have been their commander. He spoke in a deep, commanding voice.*King Bulblin: Fine. You're right one time. So sue me. Now let's move out.*Several hours later, Lewa starts to wake up. He gets up and he starts to look around, searching for something. He looks where the gate used to be.*Lewa: They broke the gate! Those hooligans! I must go and find them!*He runs past the broken gate and past the bridge. Little does he notice how everything starts to change to a sickly black and orange color. He keeps running and running and then he comes face-to-face with a black and orange door-way.*Lewa: How hard did they smash-hit me? I'm seeing things!*Lewa had no time to think as a black hand shot out from the door, grabbing him and dragging him to the other side. Next stop? The Zone where normal things don't happen very often.**Lewa was struggling against the shadow beast, putting both hands out to break the grip it had on him. Then suddenly, a glow came from his hand... it was the Triforce of Courage!*Shadow Beast 1: Now that's one fancy glow-in-the-dark tattoo! *The power of the triforce shone and forced the shadow beast to release Lewa.**Lewa was tossed a few feet away, his triforce still glowing. Lewa tried to get up, but could not as he felt something overtaking him. The power of the twilight around him in the zone where normal things don't happen very often started to have an effect on him. Lewa felt a change coming over him and then he let out a loud scream as his body changed completely into the form of a wolf. Lewa's strength was gone, so all he could do was drift into unconsciousness (again) and let the shadow beast take him away by the tail.*Shadow Beast 1: Let's take you someplace where I won't have to see your face again.*As that happened, no one seemed to notice a mischievous creature who was watching everything from above. She looked in astonishment at Lewa and then she drifted into the shadows to follow him.*

  2. And here we go with chapter 2. Sorry if it all seems a bit boring and as if nothing much is happening, but that's kind of how the actual game itself is, and I'm just following that storyline as a guideline. By chapter 5, things will pick up, I can say that much.*Lewa got bored with his bottle and did his best to make more money, and sure enough he found away in the pumpkin patch.*Lewa: So money doesn't grow on trees... it grows in pumpkins! *Lewa picks up various pumpkins and throws them around to get money.*Random guy: Hey! Pumpkins are for eating, not throwing! Gosh!Lewa: Then why do they have money in them? They must be meant for throw-smashing! *So after "smashing pumpkins" (sorry, couldn't resist) for over 15 minutes, he had enough money for the slingshot. Lewa got over to the shopkeeper, but not before catching sight of some spiky skelly-thingy leaving the store.*Krika: Hello.Lewa: Get away from me. *He walks into the door.* Okay, I got enough money to buy the slingshot.Shopkeeper: Just in time, too. That nice fellow who walked out the door just now tried to buy one, but he didn't have enough. Too bad. He seemed like a nice fellow. He said he wanted to use it to attract all the little ones to him.Lewa: That's really cheer-happy, but just give me the stupid slingshot!!*And thus Lewa got the slingshot. Set it to—oh, wait, what am I doing? Lewa left the shop to go back home, only to find Rusl leaving from it.*Rusl: Oh, hey, Lewa.Lewa: What's up, creep-face?Rusl: Oh, I just broke into your house, left something in your basement, and I hope you like it.Lewa: What a weird-freak.Rusl: I heard that.Lewa: You were supposed to. Who do you think you are, a genie? Christina: No, but I am.Lewa: Reverse stalker!! *Lewa flees from Christina and Rusl to go inside of his house, knocking over those creepy kids, and goes into the basement.*Christina: Why does everyone call me that?*Inside Lewa's house, Lewa was hiding under a blanket, shivering like the coward he was.*Lewa: I heard that!*You were supposed to. Sure Christina Aguilera is a reverse stalker, but no need to be afraid of her. I also find it weird that we haven't had an appearance by--*Lewa: Okay, I get it! Move on now!*Fine. Lewa decides to go look in his basement to see what Rusl had left him.*Lewa: I hope it's not some fishing rod.Rahaga Bomonga: It's too dangerous to go alone! Take this!Lewa: Great, a cheap wooden sword. *Lewa takes the sword and works his way back up.* That was fun. Hope those creepy children don't get over-joyed at this.*Kids: OOOOOHHHH!!Lewa: I spoke too soon.Talo: You got the slingshot!Beth: You kids are so immature, interested in things like that.*Beth was wrong, because you see not all of them were interested. One of the young ones, Malo, was not so interested. It could be that his shoes were too tight. It could be his head wasn't screwed on too tight. But I think the most likely reason of all may have been that he was actually an evil baby who idolized Karzahni.*Malo: Such things don't interest me.Talo: Wow, that wooden sword is so cool!Lewa: Sure is, now I can kill stuff with it... like... *Lewa looks around and he spots a--* MONKEY!!!*Yeah, that.*Beth: Let's get it!*The kids all run off after the monkey, leaving Lewa behind.*Lewa: Hey, that's my monkey! I claim-called it first!*Lewa gets onto Epona (because apparently this guy can't fly...) and rides into the Faron woods where he meets some beatnik.*Coro: Duuude, it's an Ordonian. Sweet.Lewa: Uh... hi?Coro: Dude, I'm giving away free lanterns with the purchase of oil.Lewa: Okay. May I see one of these lanterns?Coro: Sure, here you go.*And thus Lewa got the lantern.*Lewa: Sucker.Coro: What?Lewa: I mean, it's a nice lantern.Coro: And you can have it with the purchase of oil.Lewa: Later!Coro: Harsh, man, really harsh.Lewa, thinking: It already has oil, so what's the point of buying more?*Lewa rode through the woods in an epic fashion until he found Talo, who was trapped in a cage with the monkey. The other kids lost him and weren't of much help, so whatever. Talo was crying loudly.*Lewa: Shut up, you little... *Lewa used the sword to chop up the cage, freeing Talo and the monkey.* That was easy.*Lewa returned the kids back home to get them out of his hair, but one problem led to the next.*Rusl: Hello, Lewa.Lewa: What's up, creep-face.Rusl: That's not my name.Lewa: Tell me your name then.Rusl: No matter, then. Pretty funny about young Talo there, huh?Lewa: Weird-freak.*The next Day, Lewa was parading around town on Epona. Hahli caught sight of them.*Hahli: Father, it's Epona! Oh, and Lewa...Mayor: What is it with her?Hahli: So, uh... where you going, Lewa?Lewa: Going to deliver-run the package for creep-face.Hahli: He has a name, you know.Lewa: Yeah, but no one knows what it is. Do you know?Mayor: I-uh... no. *Lewa gets off and walks over to the mayor.*Lewa: Then I rest my case.Hahli: You've been pushing Epona too hard again!Lewa: I had to herd twice as many goats this morning! And you know the saying: They multiply likes goats.Mayor: Is that how it goes?Hahli: That's not a saying! Come on, Epona, let's go where we're appreciated!Mayor: What's wrong with her...?Lewa: I couldn't even start.

  3. Yeah. It was sort of planned out far in advance when I sort of thought 4 Giants and 4 Beatles. That, and I was listening to "From me to you" around the time I got the idea. ("Just call on me," Oath to order to call the giants...)Well, since Lewa didn't have Natalie's strategy guide to help him on his first journey, no worries there.Well, I'm very glad to hear you liked it. This isn't Lewa's only quest, so if you really want to see his further adventures, there's also The Dimwit of Time, the first in the series, as well as Twilight Delinquent, which sees his descendant going on an adventure.Speaking of that, I figured that I probably should have done this. For those who have never seen the character of Elitha, here is a character reference of her MOC that I made (with wings tucked in) as well as a human/toon form of her.See HereShe and Natalie are the only ones I have any references for. Of course, I won't really post the Natalie reference unless someone REALLY wants to see her. She's drawn in the same style as the human Elitha is.

  4. All right then, hey everyone, ShadowBionics here again with the next installment of the "Dimwit of Time" series, which follows as a direct sequel to "The Moron's Mask." This is going to be a spoof of Twilight Princess, and as you can guess I'm spoofing the "Link/Child" timeline of the Zelda timeline. As for the "Zelda/Adult" timeline, that will be for some other day in the future. Anyways, let's get on with the story.Like with TMM, this is all pre-written stuff. The first chapter was written in November of 2010, and I was actually going through a difficult time around that month. Hopefully it doesn't show. The story is still on-going, as I just finished chapter 25. The story itself won't go past 30 chapters, so no worries there. However, the chapters are definitely going to be lengthy, so there won't be any combing chapters this time around. And if there is, then it won't be as often. First chapter, right at you now.*Long ago in the land of Metru Nui… there lived a boy and his horse. They were the best of friends and they loved each other. They also had a friend named Mr. Wall of Fire. The boy's name was Antroz, but Antroz was a naughty boy who did evil things revolving around some princess girl and this crazy hero guy in green.**It was up to the sages to execute him, but they failed miserably. They took it upon themselves to banish him to a prison for the greatest of criminals, thus sending him down into the Zone Where Normal Things Don't Happen Very Often…**They believed it would solve all their problems when in fact they only made everything that much worse than before…*Bionicle: Twilight Delinquent*It was peaceful out in Metru Nui, it was so peaceful that it was boring.*Rusl: Hey, Lewa…Lewa: What is it, freak?Rusl: I have a name, you know.Lewa: Really? What is it?Rusl: You know… I've been so lost and confused in my life, I don't even know my true name.Lewa: Then you are a sad, strange-wagon. You have my pity.Rusl: I hope you don't feel weird...Lewa: Too late for that, weird-freak.Rusl: I just wanted to sit down by this waterfall.Lewa: They call it as spring, weird-freak.Rusl: I like looking at the spring… I could stare at it forever. Do you know what kind of water that is?Lewa: No… I don't take swim-dips in the water.Rusl: Look at how clear and crystal that water is. You know, they make Sprite with this water.Lewa: What, are you serious?Rusl: Yeah, this is where Sprite comes from. Just look at it. They take the water and put it into Sprite cans and bottles everywhere.Lewa: You are insane, you know that?Rusl: Maybe. I was going to tell you something important.Lewa: What?Rusl: You're adopted and no one ever loved you.Lewa: …Rusl: That's what I wanted to tell you.Lewa: I kinda figured that since I don't have parents. At least... not that I can fully remember, aside from my dad before he got dragged to the funny farm.Rusl: Okay, I'm joking. What I really wanted to tell you is there's this city of Metru Nui and we're just outside of it. Ever heard of it.Lewa: Somewhat.Rusl: Yeah, it's this big place and we're at like the edge of it.Lewa: I feel like I've been there before.Rusl: Well, you never have been, that's the other thing I wanted to tell you about. Okay, now go to work for the ranch.Lewa: I don't wanna go to work.Rusl: Too bad.Lewa: I hate you, weird-freak.Rusl: That's not my name!Lewa: I have to call you something since you don't have a name.Rusl: Don't call me that!Lewa: What do I call you?Rusl, sigh: Okay, fine… but only because I lost my true name.*Lewa and Rusl get up and start walking away from the spring. Lewa had to get to the ranch, as he was nothing but a simple ranch hand. He was unaware though, that there were bigger things lined up in his destiny… With Epona, he rode to the ranch and got ready to get to work herding these scary goat-like things. And since I found this tedious (and glitchy the first time I played it on the Wii version), I'm going to skip to the end.**Lewa was able to get the job done herding the goats around, despite how stubborn a lot of them were. Yeah, his job this time around isn't as exciting as those of his ancestors in the days long past. He went to the other spring to take a load off of his mind, considering lately his mind was tormented with visions of some sun-burnt yelling guy with the Triforce of Power and a red/black crazy girl who danced to the song "Night Nurse." But they're not important, so let's ignore them.*Lewa: Well, that was tedious.Hahli: Oh, hi, Lewa…Lewa: Oh… hello.Hahli: How you doin'?Lewa: I'm... sure-fine to say the least.*There is an awkward moment of silence before the two split up and Lewa goes into his home for some sleep... and to get tormented by nightmares of the yelly guy and the freaky lady who lives in a mask. That's all ended when there's someone calling for him... a bunch of the scariest kids you'd ever see, especially the evil baby...*Lewa: Okay, what do you brats want?Talo: There's a slingshot at the store!Lewa: What am I, 10? I don't play with kid-toys!*5 minutes later...*Lewa, panting: Must... search-find... money... to get... slingshot!*Lewa drives himself crazy getting enough money and smashing some pumpkins (lol, Smashing Pumpkins). He literally goes the distance to find some money. On some stone pillars, he spies a monkey holding some weird bundle of something...*Lewa: That monkey got money? Only one way to find out.*Unlike his ancestors, he doesn't take that much of a direct approach. He takes some grass and plays me a song and summons a hawk.*Lewa: Go get the money!*He sends the hawk to the monkey, the hawk grabs the bundle and brings it back. Sadly it wasn't money, it was actually a baby cradle.*Lewa: What the blaze is this? Maybe I can sell-pawn if for money.Uli: You found my cradle!Lewa: Uh... of course I did. Now give me a reward!Uli: Take this fishing rod!Lewa: Aw! Well, maybe I can sell-catch some fish then.*That is exactly what Lewa does and he starts his own fishing business (without a fishing license, for shame), but that is short lived once a cat comes along and starts to steal his fish.*Lewa: Get back here! I'm going to kill that—*Lewa runs after the cat, which goes all the way into the store. Lewa breaks in.*Lewa: You cat snatch-stole my fish!Shopkeeper: Sorry, I can't give credit.Lewa: How do I get money then?Shopkeeper: I don't know. Take this bottle of milk, go nuts.*Lewa got a half-empty bottle of milk. But more importantly, he got a bottle!*Lewa: I don't drink milk...

  5. Hello, there. Well, today is my day to kind of show off what I have in store for the future. For the most part, I've abandoned a lot of my old projects in favor of newer ones. The really "big" one in the series is the "The Dimwit of Time" series, which spoofs The Legend of Zelda games and revolves around Lewa acting as Link. Recently, I've finished the second installment, originally written in 2010 and originally proposed to BZPower earlier that year. The third installment, which is currently on-going, I am thinking of putting up on here as well.It will be a spoof of Twilight Princess and is set many hundreds of years after The Dimwit of Time/The Moron's Mask, following a new Lewa (if you understand the games, then you get why it's going to be like this) and his battle against an ancient evil. Here's a teaser I worked up with. For those who followed The Moron's Mask, I spoke about a deleted chapter 24. This is part of chapter 24, reworked into a teaser.-----------------------------------------------------In the land of Metru Nui, there are whispers of many great legends. There are echos of a legend of a great hero who triumphed over evil and saved the land through his courage, stupidity, and sheer luck. The hero departed on a great voyage to search for a valuable friend, believing that evil to have been vanquished. He was wrong...*Antroz is then seen riding his horse Nexus through a flaming forest.*Antroz, screaming: Oh, Mata Nui, I'm on fire! I'm burning here! Why doesn't anyone help me?! AAAHH! Help me, I'm literally burning alive here! Please, I beg of you, help me! Someone please help me! Stop showing this flashback! It's very painful to me!Upon returning to his own time, the young hero had the wicked burned man in black armor imprisoned before his rise to power in the land he abandoned, but was refused the opportunity to properly vanquish him. The wicked man was held trail for his heinous crimes and desires...*Somewhere in the Po-Metru desert, the ones called "the Sages" were summoned to execute him. Unlike the sages of the timeline Lewa left behind, these Sages were only mere shadows of the ones who had yet to be awakened. All of them male and possessing a ghost-like configuration.**Antroz, after being found guilty, was led into the chamber where the Mirror of Twilight was held. These Sages, however, were lazy and not very bright. Antroz went along with the execution, but he would soon strike when the time was right. He allowed himself to be chained up to a rock slab with the Sages' rubber chains. He looked at them with fire in his eyes and the hatred of an ancient evil burning in his heart.*Water Sage, brandishing sword: It's time for you to pay for your crimes, Antroz.Antroz: Do we really need to have it be this way? Can't we all go out for a smoothie and talk it over?Light Sage: While we do like smoothies, we can't do that. We're supposed to stab you in the chest.Fire Sage: And then we're going to sell all your stuff to whoever wants it.Antroz: Hmm… this simply won't do.Forest Sage: Quit your stalling and let's get this over with.*The Water Sage takes the sword and with one heavy, yet swift, motion, he impales Antroz with the sacred blade.*Shadow Sage: All right, well the deed is done. Now we can go out for smoothies.Spirit Sage: Well said.*Sadly for them, they didn't realize how they didn't use the real sword to execute him. No… they only used the pretend sword to do the job. Antroz did not die, but he did get hurt in the chest. He slowly began to stir as the Triforce of Power glowed in his hand, granting him strength to try and break out. The sages realized too late what was going on.*Antroz: You're going to pay dearly for that, foolish sages!*Antroz breaks the rubber chains that held him to the stone slab and then he rushes out with a fist in front of him and he kills the Water Sage. The surviving sages could only cower in fear at the atrocity.*Light Sage: Did he just… do a Falcon punch to kill him?!Shadow Sage: It's Super Smash Bros. Melee all over again!Forest Sage: What do we do?! We're too lazy to handle this guy all on our own!*That's when they thought about where they were… the Mirror of Twilight! Without hesitation or thought, the Fire Sage activated the mirror. Antroz took the sword used to kill him, powered it up to suit his needs, and he made his way for the Sages. However, he didn't notice the Mirror of Twilight behind him. The mirror activated and opened a portal to the Twilight Realm. It then activated a vacuum and started to pull Antroz in. He tried his best to resist, but in the end the force was too much for him and he was banished into the Twilight Realm to be imprisoned for the rest of his days… at least for now, it seemed.**The Sages all looked over to where their fallen comrade once stood. After that, they all decided to go out for smoothies.*-------------------------------------------------------------------That is the teaser for Twilight Delinquent, which is on chapter 25 as I am writing this, so with that said, everything else is pre-written and may/may not contain some dated material. I have also contemplated on making another one after this one is ended, either between Skyward Sword or Wind Waker, which is "the land he abandoned" referenced in the teaser. Skyward Sword however is a prequel to Ocarina of Time, thusly the Skyward Sword parody will be a prequel to The Dimwit of Time. I've asked people as to which one they would like to see more, but no one really ever answered me. So if anyone would like to provide feedback, please feel free to do so. Here is a small test writing for an untitled Skyward Sword parody I thought up of...-----------------------------------------------------------------*Lewa stepped through the boss door upon putting the key in its place--*Lewa: That's not a key! It's a freak-weird puzzle piece!*MOVING ON... Lewa found himself in a circular chamber, and a lone door with a glowing symbol associated with the goddess Hylia. Lewa figured it might be a clue as to where Nokama was. Before he could get any closer, he was stopped by an explosion of diamonds and FABULOUSNESS.**Lewa moved his hand away to see some sort of creepy guy standing in his way with a long, black-bladed sword in hand. He raised the sword above his head, but then stopped suddenly, making it vanish into FABULOUS diamonds.*Lewa:Oh, look, it's Debbie.Ghirahim: Oh, look who it is... And my name isn't Debbie, you know? Do you have any idea how it makes me feel whenever someone calls me that...?Lewa: No. And I just did that randomly. I had no idea it was some kind of hate-plague against you.Ghirahim: It makes me FURIOUS! OUTRAGED! SICK WITH ANGER! But enough about that... *Ghirahim turns around, facing Lewa for the first time, revealing he had a wannabe Princess Rosalina haircut and some bad purple eyeliner.*Ghirahim: I thought the tornado I stirred up would have torn you apart, yet here you are. *sigh* Not that your life or death would have any consequence.Lewa: Well, you're no prize either, you know. Who else would want to dress up like some circus reject wannabe?*Somewhere in the future...*Zant: Princess Luna! Where are my rainbow wig and shoes made from real pumpkins?!*Back in the Skyview Temple...*Ghirahim: Well, none of that matters. It's just the girl that matters now, and I can sense her here... just beyond this door.Lewa: Ah-ha! So she is here then!Ghirahim: Yes, we plucked her "specialness" from her perch in the clouds, and now she's ours.Lewa: Why do you speak as if you're more than one person? Weird-freak.Ghirahim: Oh, but listen to me. I've forgotten my manners. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is not DEBBIE as you so rudely suggest. *He does a hair flip as he turns back around.*Ghirahim: I am the demon who presides over this land you look down upon... The surface. You may call me Ghirahim. In truth, I prefer to be indulged with my full title: Lord Ghirahim.Lewa: Lord Creep-zone is more like it. *Annoyed, Lewa takes out the Goddess Sword and his shield.*Ghirahim: Did you really just draw your sword? Fool.*Ghirahim turns back around one more time to face Lewa.*Ghirahim: By all rights, the girl should have fallen into our hands already.Lewa: Who is this other person?! I don't see them!Ghirahim: She was nearly ours when that loathsome servant of the goddess snatched her away.*That's when Ghirahim starts to lose it... but nothing compared to how Zant did... or will, rather. Dang, prequels are confusing.*Ghirahim: Do you have any idea how that made me feel inside?Lewa: Furious, outraged, sick with anger?Ghirahim: FURIOUS! OUTRAGED! SICK WITH ANGER!Lewa: Yeah, you kind of said that before.*Ghirahim suddenly vanishes into diamonds, but his voice still filled the chamber.*Ghirahim: This turn of events has left me with a strong appetite for violence.Lewa, freaking out: Wait, we can talk about this. This doesn't have to end with me getting killed by a creept nutjob like you.*That's when Ghirahim appears again, right behind Lewa all creepy Voldemort style. Lewa was scared stiff the moment he felt that Ghirahim was right behind him.*Ghirahim: You're right. It seems hardly fair, being of my position to take all of my anger out on you. Which is why I promise upfront not to destroy you.Lewa, scared/sarcastic: Well, that's a relief!Ghirahim: No, I'm just going to beat you up really badly. Now watch my creepy snake tongue!*Ghirahim steps forward a few feet and sticks out and wiggles his snake-ling tongue to be creepy, making Lewa jump back despite that Ghirahim wasn't really near him.*Lewa: What are you?Ghirahim, laughs: I am the solution.---------------------------------------------------And that's a small test-writing for my untitled Skyward Sword spoof. Whether or not this will be in the final project remains to be determined, considering this isn't even in development yet. This is just a preview of how the characters would behave and just me working on an idea out of boredom that I kept. And as those of you who might have played the game before, I've altered this scene a bit, because the game is kind of dark when you think about it. A lot of the dialogue itself surpasses Twilight Princess and Majora's Mask in terms of how dark and sort of frightening they are. So yeah, I'm going to probably make the whole thing like that when I get to it, considering there's a lot of points in the game that do scare me. One of which made me cringe in terror.And now for a bit of a minor spoiler for The Moron's Mask. At the end of chapter 23, the Happy Mask Salesman claims that the evil spirit in the mask of death is gone. This is not true. Elitha is not gone, and she is not a spirit. She has a "spirit form", but this is only as a ploy and for safety. Elitha survived the fight with Lewa on the moon. She's still very much alive. That is all I'll say about that. It's kind of a key plot point that I didn't go into much, mainly because I felt it would have driven the story on for too long. So in other words, no one knows anything about Elitha, aside from Elitha herself.And now for a sort of poll.Which of these projects would you be interested in seeing me continue on? I haven't done so because I'm almost not sure if anyone likes them or not.A Day in the Life of Teridax?/ Just Another Day with TeridaxFinal DinnerI can continue either or both, but just something I'd want to know. Here's a small teaser for ADITLOT/JADWT.-----------------------------------------------------------------Torah: Okay, Teridax wanted me to get... what was it again?*Torah walks down the street to the market when he passes by a randomly placed radio for the sake of being random.*DJ on radio: You're listening to Radio KPodge, where we bring you smashing and crushing great hits. Here is a preview one of my personal favorites, coming up later on.Carly Rae Jepsen: Hey, I just met you. And this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me, maybe?Torah: That song is annoying.Zombified crowd: Must crush Brotherhood of Morons. Must crush Brotherhood of Morons.Torah: Uh... why are you all coming at me with torches and pitchforks? Can't we talk this out? Wait... please! Don't come any closer!*As the crowd begins to clobber the dimwitted Makuta, we see that just above the building where the radio was placed, the DJ himself sits down and looks upon the horrible sight. Who is the DJ?*Hodge Podge, with microphone: All that and more coming up on Radio KPodge. HA HA HA!-----------------------------------------------------------And that's about it for now. There will be more to arrive from me as time progresses. Until then, see you all some other time. Bye.

  6. Imagine how I felt doing this mission, then. Not only that, but to get everything you need, you have to do this mission twice. Once to give the letter to Kafei's mother yourself for a bottle of Chateau Romani, and again to give to the Postman to give to her to get the postman's hat. So yeah, this mission can be a pain to do. And in a bonus chapter of the Mask Chronicles, I'm going to show off what the Couple's Mask does... (For those of you who know, don't say anything because then you'll ruin the joke of it)Well, wait no more, because here is the "formerly" last chapter of the story, chapter 23. It's going to be full of a lot of unexpected twists revolving around the main villain (who technically, you know who she is by now) and the giants as well.*The moon was full (and looking SO SAD) when the clock struck midnight. Remote was tossing his remote into the air and catching it repeatedly.*Remote 2.0: I wonder if some foolish mortals will come by to try and stop me.Lewa: Wonder no more, weird-freak!Remote 2.0: You again…Tatl: Tael!Tael: About time you got here, woman.Tatl: Get out of the way before he hits you!Remote 2.0: Ah, yes, Tael, my righthand man… don't talk out of line! *He strikes Tael for no reason.*Tatl: Stop hitting my brother! You think you're our friend after that?Remote 2.0: Well, whatever.Lewa: You're not going to drop the moon on Clook Town, I won't let you!Remote 2.0: Who told you about my super-secret plan?! No matter… at least you're going to get to see the plan in action. All right, Luna… Prepare to be crushed!Lewa: Did he say that last time or was it something else?*Remote taps into the Elitha, throws his arms back, and emits a high-pitched scream. No sooner, the moon starts to draw closer to the town.*Remote 2.0: Who ya gonna call?Lewa: O_O What did you say…?Remote 2.0: Strange… as if I was willed to say that… *As Remote starts acting confused as to why he was acting strange, Lewa took the moment to play the Oath to Order.*Lewa: Okay, let's see if these guys actually help.Remote 2.0: What's going on here?! No!!! *As the cataclysm continues, the four giants come from each of the four compass directions, ready to stop the moon.*Giant 1: My name is Ringo, and I play the drums.Giant 2: My name's Paul and I play bass.Giant 3: My name is George and I play a guitar.Giant 4: Yah, my name's John and I also play a guitar. And sometimes I play the fool.*Each of the fab four take 100 steps to the center of the town, put their arms out, and with all their might they manage to stop the moon from coming any closer… then in a matter of moments, it is as though time actually stops.*Tael: Oh, now look what you did, Remote's unconscious…Tatl: We came here to save you!Tael: Oh, yeah, well who's gonna save you, Junior?Tatl: I told you… *She grabs Lewa's skyblaster.* Don't call me Junior! Tael: No, sis, don't do it! Don't you think about it now. I was just kidding.Lewa: You... threatened your own brother.Tatl: He was getting on my nerves, anyway. He's almost more of a moron than you are.Female voice: Shut up, both of you!Lewa: What??Tatl: Who said that?*Remote's limp body rises into the air, but it wasn't his voice that came from the mouth… Rather, it was the mask that the puppet wore on its face… it was now in full control and in charge.*Elitha: You two are the bane of my existence, just what do you want from me? Tell you what? Come and get me if you can… are you man enough to see? Now then… time to move along with the rest of the plan… *Elitha giggles in a demented sort of manner as she abandons the body of Remote and flies to the moon, which opens its mouth to let her in. From there, she possessed the moon as her new puppet. The eyes of the moon began to glow a haunting bright crimson.*Elitha/Moon: I shall consume… everything.*Stronger thanks to the Kanohi Elitha, the moon roars back to life and begins to push back the giants.*Tatl: Darn it! Now that?Lewa: We… shoot for the moon!Tatl, groans: That is such a stupid pun. But are you crazy? You really are as bad as Tael.Tael: But as long as I'm around, you're just second best.Tatl: Uh... that didn't even make any sense to what'd going on right now.Lewa: Come on, Navi!Tatl: It's Tatl!Lewa: Now's not the time, we have to quick-run!*Lewa goes underneath the opening in the moon's mouth where Elitha flew to and he is taken to the surface of the moon.*Tatl: I guess I have no other choice.*Tatl goes with him and she is taken to the moon's surface as well, which is not how I imagined it… if anything, it looked more like a forest area, so peaceful and serine.*Lewa: I think I know where air fresheners come from now…Tatl: This is nothing like how the surface of the moon should be!Lewa: You're right… it's much better!Tatl: Never mind, let's go find this talking mask and beat it to death.*Lewa runs up to the lone leprechaun tree growing out in the pasture. There is a kid wearing Elitha's mask sitting underneath it.*Lewa: Hey, kid, have you seen a freak night-nurse mask around here with an exotic voice?Elitha kid: No… do you like to play games?Lewa: It depends.Elitha kid: Why don't we play a game?Lewa: Okay, I'm game.Elitha kid: Let's play good guys versus bad guys. You be the bad guy and I'll be the good guy.Lewa: But I don't wanna be the bad guy!Elitha kid: I'll give you this cool mask if you agree.*And thus Lewa got the Fierce Deity's Mask.*Lewa: It does look cool. Okay, I'll be the bad guy.Elitha kid: Good…*That's when they are taken to a strange room, almost like something you'd see in one of those sort of crack-pot dream, and I don't use that term lightly.*Lewa: I'm scared...Tatl: Don't let the room get you, just get out there and fight that mask!Lewa: But where is she?*The chamber echoes with Elitha's laughter. They both look to the opposite end of the wall where the Kanohi Elitha hung.*Elitha: Oh, I didn't think you two would come. *The mask lifts off from the wall menacingly, hovering over Lewa and Tatl.*Lewa: of course we did.Elitha: Don't you know how evil I am?Lewa: You're not so hard-tough to beat.Elitha: Really? Lewa: Name one bad thing you've done... aside from making Lord of shadows leave BZPower...Elitha: I'm going to launch a brilliant master plan in the future! And you will all suffer before me! Lewa, gasping: You... no good... little... Elitha, laughs: Face it, I'm too much for you to handle.Lewa: I'm going to have a pleasure-fest killing you!Elitha: First, why don't we bring in some guests?*From Lewa, Elitha summons the four boss remains and plants them on the wall. From there, they come off the wall, alive in almost the same manner as the Elitha. They were reincarnated, although not exactly the same way they once were...*Elitha: Once they were gone, now they are back after 10 years... coming to you from the depths of Karzahni...Tatl: No...Elitha: Jerry, George, Kramer, Elaine...Tatl: No way... you mean...?Elitha: Yes! Seinfeld Team attack!Tatl: This doesn't look good...Lewa: Time to heat things up... *He fires his blaster at Goht/George, setting him on fire. Goht screams in pain as he dies... again, but this time not by crashing into something.*Elitha: I have more where that came from! *Lewa repeated the same strategy and met with successful results.*Lewa: Looks like this show's been canceled.Elitha: Well... your body's all gray! *She fires her lazors at him, but Lewa dodges them and reflects them back at her with the mirror shield.*Lewa: Anything else?Elitha: you bring me no choice... at least you get to die in the presence of my actual form...*The mask drops down to the floor and the eyes glow bright crimson. The in a matter of moments, the mask grabs loose particles and begins to form a body for itself, clad in red/black armor.*Lewa: O_O It's a nightmare come true!*Elitha was laughing evilly as she sprouted wings for herself and summoned her scissor scythe and flame shield.*Elitha: It's getting critical now, isn't it?Lewa: No! No, you can't be real!Elitha: I'm as real as everything and anything, "hero of time." *The lights in the room darken and Elitha's "song" begins to play.*Lewa: Not the Night-Nurse song! Wait!*As Elitha starts to move in an erratic fashion, Lewa puts on Kamaro's mask and taps into its powers... it was Lewa's dancing versus Elitha's dancing now.*George Michael's voice, singing: And I'm never going to dance again...Natalie Horler's voice, singing: It's critical, 'cause your body's going to rock just like a chemical.George Michael's voice: Guilty feelings, got no rhythm...Elitha: No, his moves are too powerful!Lewa: That's right, you're not going to kill me Freddy Kruger style!*On the ropes, Lewa uses a combo of fighting/dancing to throw Elitha around, knocking away her shield and scythe and throwing her against the wall, almost parallel to the way she did to him in the nightmare.*Elitha: You leave me with no choice then... *Elitha breaks off from the wall and begins to grab more particles around her, becoming much larger and stronger. She trades in her weapons for some spiked whips and she screeches out in a much higher voice.*Lewa: Another transformation? What are you, Frieza?Tatl: This looks tough. You might want to use that Fierce Deity's Mask now.Lewa: Okay, good thought-plan. *Lewa takes the Kamaro's mask off and puts on the Fierce Deity's mask, rewriting his DNA once more.*Elitha: What?!Lewa: I have the power!!!Elitha: Grr... I didn't think he'd actually use it. No matter, this will be our ultimate battle!*So Lewa and Eltiha get into an epic battle. Elitha charged her whips and threw Lewa back a few times, but he countered by firing beams from his double helix sword, stunning her for some moments. Elitha was still agile and leapt several feet in the air and lashed out at him, giving him some heavy damage. As the battle goes on, Lewa starts to dodge her attacks and is able to get more of his attacks in. Then he stuns her for the last time before he delivers the last blow, silencing Elitha forever...*Elitha: Party on the top floor...party on the top floor... party on the top-top-top... *Elitha's body stiffens and then begins to crumble away...**Back on the outside, the moon, left without Elitha's power, starts to crumble away as well and turn into a huge rainbow. Yeah, I don't get it either. If only my geology teacher could see the logic behind this one, huh? The people in town begin to rejoice now that they are saved.*Lewa, normal: That was extreme...Tatl: Tael, what are you doing here?Tael: What? You should know you don't control me. I play by my own rules and listen to no one else but me.Happy Mask Salesman: Well, now, looks like you got the mask back for me now, didn't you? It looks like the dark power faded away.Lewa: What?! Hey, where's my Fierce Deity's mask?Happy Mask Salesman: The fierceness of the battle must have destroyed it along with the mask's spirit. Pretty ironic if I do say so, myself.*Unfortunately, the mask salesman doesn't know the truth behind what happened to Elitha's mask, but that is a story for another day...*Tatl: It's probably for the best, that thing made you into a werido... not that you weren't one before.Tael: Hey, man, what's with Remote?Remote: Hey, Paul, is it true what they say about you?Giant 2: No. It's just a rumor.Remote: Hey, uh... sorry about the whole moon thing. The mask really took a grip on me.Lewa: It took a grip on me, too. I understand.Remote: You know, you remind me of that green guy who taught me that song.Lewa: That's because I am that guy.*The Happy Mask Salesman starts to go into his instant-changing poses again...*Happy Mask Salesman: Looks like I'm no longer needed here. Clock town is safe.Tatl: Yeah, especially now that you're leaving, you freak!Happy Mask Salesman: But remember... never dance with another man's potato patch, otherwise I'll rough you up! But before I go, why don't we sing the Song of Healing?!*Everyone runs away as fast as they can into Clock town, far away from him.*Happy Mask Salesman: Oh... they're gone. I guess nothing left for me to do now but return to my home planet. *He looks up and then in seconds he is beamed aboard a mother ship with Elitha's mask in hand. The ship then takes off into hyperspace, not to be seen again...* Tatl: Now that we got away from that freak, it's time for you to go, Lewa.Lewa: What? But what if I wanted to stay at the carnival? Thought of that?Tatl: Who cares, you're supposed to leave.Lewa: Grr. Fine, maybe I'll just try and get back home then...*So Lewa set off from Alma Nui to try and return home... at least until the Glatorian were on and they needed their lead guitarist back, thus causing some confusion and some brute force to bring Lewa back so he could perform with them. Other than that, he left forever. In the end, everyone was happy, all was well. And somewhere along the line, Natalie took the remote from Lewa (around the time she gave him the strategy guide) and managed to get back home and live happily.*Kiina: Hey, where's Tarix? It's time for the concert.*Well, except for that... Oh, well.*

  7. Probably could have, but I didn't. Partially because as you can probably tell by my writing, I disliked that fight and found it boring and partially because Twinmold doesn't even attack you. Both "worms" are just flying around, not even paying attention to you for the most part in the actual game fight. Thinking back, I could probably have made fun of how the worms are minding their own business, but for now let's just blame 2010 me for not thinking of that sooner. Onto chapter 22, the penultimate chapter of the series not including the obscure chapter 24... which I think this story would work without it. However, it might pop up in some other form...*The child returned inside and found Lewa waiting there for him like a jolly prowler.*Kafei: Green mask, green armor. Anju wrote about you in her letter. You are looking for Kafei.Lewa: Yeah, so you gonna help us?Kafei: Can you keep a secret?Lewa: Sometimes.Kafei: Okay. *He then removes the Keaton mask and shows his face.*Lewa, gasp: It's Pat the Baker!Kafei: I am Kafei.Tatl: The Kafei we're looking for is an adult! When I see you, I see a child!Kafei: I was cursed by the shadow man wearing a mask.Lewa: Remote?Kafei: And it's not like I'm hiding because of how I look, it's because my wedding ceremony mask got stolen by some prancing freak with a big grin on his face.Lewa: Don't I know someone like that?Tatl: Well you're stupid, just like my partner!Lewa: I'm right next to you.Kafei: I was quite happy before my wedding, so I was a natural target to be turned into what I am now.Tatl: I pity you.Kafei: Don't cry for me, for I am already lost. I know she is worried, but I can't go see Anju yet. I made a promise to her that I can't break.Lewa: Like in Harry Potter? Will you die if you fail?Lord of shadows: That's the unbreakable vow, fool.Kafei: I promised I'd bring the wedding ceremony mask and greet her. This pendant, give it to Anju.*Lewa gets the Pendant of Memories.*Kafei: Keep what we just talked about a secret.*So then Lewa returns to the Inn and give Anju the Pendant of Memories.*Anju: That's it! I'll wait for him.Lewa: Okay then...*Left to wait again, Lewa was hanging, waiting to see what happened next. He had no choice but to go back to the Laundry pool after a while...*Shopkeeper: Huh? You the guy?Lewa: So what if I am?Shopkeeper: Got a message from Kafei. I've known him since he was real little, but when he showed up in that brat body, I didn't know what to say. It took me one glance at that Keaton mask to realize I was looking at my old friend. I gave it to him when he was little, I'm surprised he kept it so well.Lewa: That's real nice. Tell me what I came here for and I'll just walk-pass on my way.Shopkeeper: I'm not sure why, but I'm going to give this to you. *Lewa gets the Keaton mask.* Kafei wants you to give this to his mother. *Lewa gets some express mail to his mother as well.*Lewa: Anything else?Shopkeeper: Yeah, this guy Ahkmou from Ikana village. He came into my shop sometime back and Kafei loses it, going after the guy. He wanted to pawn off this mask, but I told him it wasn't worth anything and told him to get lost.Lewa: That's the guy!*Lewa runs out the door.*Shopkeeper: Yeah, just like that, in fact.*So somewhere in Ikana village, Lewa returns to where he originally encountered Ahkmou, although he was not there. He instead found Kafei hiding behind a boulder, waiting for something.*Kafei: I found him, lime green man. His name is Ahkmou, he's some Toa of Shadow and he's using this place as a safe house for keeping his stolen goods. He came to the shop last night and I followed him.Lewa: Stalkerism...Kafei: His storage is on the other side of the rock door. Only Ahkmou can open it, so the only way in is to wait for him to arrive.*So after some more waiting, Ahkmou and his freak self arrives, opens the door, and runs inside like a little girl. Kafei runs in after him. Lewa follows along.**Lewa goes through a door, which locks behind him. He spots Kafei, who spots a mask on a pedestal.*Kafei: It's the Sun's Mask! *Kafei approaches the mask, but as he gets too close, and alarm goes off and the mask gets put onto a conveyer belt, which led all the way to the incinerator...*Kafei: Now I've done it.Tatl: You sure did.*Kafei steps away and the door closes. He looks back to see it was a switch he stepped on that kept the door open. From then on, Lewa and Kafei worked together pushing various switches to get to the other end before the mask would be burned to nothing. They were successful...*Kafei: There's still time, I have to get back to town!*Kafei makes a run for it. In all that time Lewa wasted, it was already closer to midnight. It was now literally a race against the clock as Lewa flew back to Clock Town to make it back in time and deliver that letter.*Lewa: I'm not the postman, but I know who is. *He goes into the post office to find a very frantic postman rocking back and forth.*Postman: I know I should flee, but it's not written on the schedule!Lewa: O_O Are you kidding me with this? I'll make your life full-useful again. Take this letter.Postman: It's priority mail seal, too! This is the highest of priorities! I'll get on it! *He takes the letter and starts to go on his way, slamming the door in front of Lewa.*Lewa: Don't slam the door in front of my face! *Lewa breaks through the door and follows the postman to the milk bar. The postman goes through and slams the door in front of Lewa's face again.* Don't slam the door in my face! *Lewa breaks the door down and follows the postman again where he talks to Kafei's mom, AKA the postmaster.*Postman: I have a delivery for you, postmistress.Kafei's mother: It's from Kafei! I knew something good would come in the end. You're still here? Everyone has left now! Flee! That's an order!Vakama: That's an order.Postman: Understood. *He ditches the postman hat and runs out like a fool.*Lewa: He can't order himself to quick-run, but when someone else does it...? Never mind. I'll take this now. *Lewa takes the postman hat and runs to meet with Anju.*Anju: I have decided to wait for him. I've made my promise.Lewa: Okay. I'll just keep you company until then.*Time passes.*Lewa: So how are you making it as an inn-keeper in today's economy?*Time passes.*Lewa, singing: We are strong. No one can tell use we're wrong...*Time passes.*Lewa: Why are there three Iruini's in this story?*Time passes.*Lewa: You heard of this guy Lord of shadows? He's mad-crazy. *Just then, Kafei comes in.*Lewa: I was just keeping her company until you got here.*Both of them meet, their eyes locked on one another. Anju with her Moon mask and Kafei with his Sun mask...*Anju: I... I have met you before. What a familiar scent. Long, long ago, yes. We made a promise. We were young. The masks of the sun and moon. We were to exchange them on the day of the carnival of time.Kafei: Anju, I'm sorry I was late.Anju: Welcome home. *They embrace each other for a long moment as the moon drew closer.*Tatl: I know they're lovers, but they look like mother and child.*Through their love, they are able to come together as a couple and exchange masks, thus making the Couple's mask.*Kafei: We have exchanged our oaths and have become a couple.Anju: You are our witnesses. Please take this mask.*Thus Lewa got the Couple's mask.*Lewa: I don't get it, but okay.Kafei: Please take refuge, we are fine here.Anju: We shall greet the morning... together.Lewa: That's fine and all... but I'm going to make sure you have a morning to greet! *Lewa races against the clock once more and makes it to the top of the clock tower, where Remote with his remote and Tael would be awaiting him for the final showdown of destiny...*

  8. Oddly enough, I used to have people ask me about this a few times, mainly on Gorast's modified wing design I made and the Tahu fire sword I made. Well, to start off, I'm going to put up some pictures of Gorast's wing design.Front viewSo from what you see here, the wings no long connect to her arms. Personally, I hated that because if I wanted her arms out, the wings would have to go out. And if I wanted the wings out, I had to put the arms out, which I didn't like a lot since I would have wanted to do other poses with her. So taking a spare Tehutti, I reworked her wings to connect to the back.Back viewAlso to note on here, due to how the wings went on, I needed to bring out that Matoran connecter thing, so I took inspiration from Pohatu and a piece from Vican. Plus I managed to fill in the gaps from the original design.Close-upJust a better view of the wings.Now for the Tahu sword. I will admit I was actually... VERY annoyed when I saw the Mistika Tahu did not have a sword. And then came Ackar. So after getting a 2nd Ackar, I took the flame piece and worked around it to make a new sword for Tahu. This design, I actually saw something similar a while back, and a friend told me to make this sword for him. Well, he actually wanted a full-blown Tahu MOC, which I did eventually make, but at the time only the sword was done. I don't talk to him much anymore.Front viewIn addition to the sword, he's also had a few other modifications. I've swapped out the silver torso for a Metru red one to try and offset the silver. Mainly because I went and added more silver to him by giving him silver Nuva armor to try and bulk him up. I would have wanted to add silver Inika armor to him, but I had none available. So this might not be his final look.Brandishing swordSo the sword was made from Ackar's flame piece, a zamor launcher and a broken hip joint. And an axle of a length I can't remember. Possibly a 4-length. Reason I used a hip-joint was because I didn't have an axle-connector available. Plus the hip-joint was still good for connecting axles, but not for being a joint. Since it still had potential, I saved it and used it here for a better purpose.Back viewA friend thought it was cool that I put in a weapon storage kind of function with the sword. I just did it because I wanted Tahu to keep the sword for whenever I swapped it out for his rotating blades. This was kind of inspired by my Takanuva MOC, who has the same thing for his power lance/ staff of light.Rotating blades and swordThe sword is put away and Tahu can use the rotating blades, which are an okay weapon, but seeing as he's Tahu, he needs a sword for old times' sake. I'm not entirely sure what to call the weapon. Fire Sword is Tahu's original weapon, and while it does look like it, the sword isn't really the same as it. Oh, well.As an added bonus, here is Kopaka. I've made a few other modifications to other sets, but I'm not so sure of sharing them just yet.Front viewKopaka himself isn't changed all that much. What I mainly did on his was replace some broken joint pieces on his arms (4 to be exact) and move his armor up for posing. What some of my friends actually like is his weapon. The "blizzard blade" wasn't my favorite for him. I also thought "ice bayonet" was a cooler name for it. As one person put it once, "it's just a spike." So taking that in mind, I gave him a spare original Kopaka sword, which I think gives him a nice touch of nostalgia and makes for a better bayonet.Side view"Relax. This won't hurt a bit."Just a side view of the weapon. It works fine and the skyblaster fires all the same. Also, I'm kind of experimenting on how he looks with a blue lightsaber piece for his mask over the red one, and since I can't fully decide, I just have it there. I figure something like maybe the beam is blue when he's using it for his actual mask power and red when he's targeting something. It made sense in my head.I know these are like major revamps to the sets, but they're just small little modifications that some people have asked me about in the past. The one people REALLY want me to show off more is my Teridax modifications which is like a major revamp, but I I don't know since I'm kind of unsure about that. Anyway, here's these three to start off.

  9. Glad you caught that reference. When I was looking at the scene from the game, that particular scene from Monty Python popped into my head, so when I was spoofing it I couldn't resist making the reference.Chapter 21. Not including that 24th chapter, there's only 2 more to go after this. Not sure if I will post the 24th chapter on here due to its odd nature.*From that point on, Lewa storms the temple, showing no mercy as he was determined to put an end to all the temple stuff and finish off his business. Switching between all of his forms, he would eventually get through the temple, beat a bunch of ninjas, fight some freaky vampire guy who is in no way a rip-off of Myotismon, and discover a secret…*Lewa: I have to turn the temple upside down?!Tatl: Okay, nothing weird about that.*This almost reminds me of that silly pop song by some group from the 90's called the A*teens that is called "Upside down," and thanks to my cousins for forever getting that silly song stuck in my head. Ignoring that, Lewa learns more and figures out what he had to do, first by exiting the temple and shooting the red jewel just outside the entrance with light, and lucky for him he had plenty of that. He goes back outside and takes a shot at the jewel, literally turning his world upside down.*Lewa: What happens if I fall of the edge? Will I fall-land in the sky? But how can I do that?Tatl: At this point, I don't care because nothing in this story makes sense.*Lewa goes back into the temple, now turned upside down and looking much different than before.*Lewa: Okay, what just happened? The doors are flip-turned upside down! What's going on?!Tatl: It doesn't matter; we're close to ending this. Just get to the boss chamber and finish whatever's in there off!Lewa: Okay...*It was easier said than done.*Lewa: Yeah, no kidding.*...As Lewa has to plow through more monsters, including this one with the giant eyeball.*Lewa: It's the giant eyeball! *He fires at it, killing it.*Tatl: That was random.*A chest appears and then Lewa claims the Giant's Mask for himself.*Lewa: It looks like one of those Ninja guy's faces.Tatl: Whatever, just keep moving!*To the boss chamber, that was where the pair had to go to next. In due time, Lewa evaded most of the traps and made it in...*Lewa: I'm Swiss cheese!Tatl, angered: GO! *She pushes him down into the hole where Lewa ends up in some weird desert-like world. And that is when the giant masked insect Twinmold with its two freakish heads pops out from the sand.*Lewa: Holy mother of Makuta! That thing is huge! How do I fight that?*Lewa then remembered the upside down ninja mask and put it on, hoping it would help somehow. The mask rewrote his DNA like the other transformation masks and Lewa let out a painful yell as his body grew and expanded to the point he could almost touch the sky.*Lewa: I'm a giant now! Let's go stomp-smashing stuff!Tatl: This is no time for that, fight him!Lewa: I can't hear you, Navi, you're so small and I'm so big!Tatl: It's Tatl!!!Lewa: I love you, too.*Twinmold strikes at Lewa, making him angry.*Lewa: I know you did not just hit me... *Lewa starts to go after them, hitting their tails with his sword. In a matter of moments, Twinmold and its moldy moldy-ness falls before Lewa's blade... after he got stuck in the sand a few times and had to fight him again and again.*Lewa: Okay, now to go for the magic exit...*Lewa goes over and claims the boss remains and I think we know what happens next...*Lewa: Okay, lay it on me!Tatl: Okay, we've helped all of you! Now will you help us?Giant 4: Fine, you got us, yah? If you want our help so bad, we'll give it to you. If there's anything that you need, you got it. Just call on us.Tatl: Okay, we'll call you from the clock tower in Clock Town.Lewa: Clook Town.Tatl: What is it with you and calling people and things the wrong name? You call me Navi, Natasha Natalie, Clock Town Clook Town... what's the matter with you?Giant 4: Stop with your stupid arguing, yah? It's starting to get annoying. Now go away, I can't cancel dinner with myself again. Yah?*Lewa and Tatl are sent away and the valley of death is less about death now, not to mention the ninjas are gone.*Lewa: Only one more thing to do.Tatl: You don't mean...Lewa: Yeah. That one.Tatl: This ought to be fun...*Yup, that's right, it's time for the longest side quest of the game...*Anju: Do you have a reservation here?Lewa: Uh... course I do. I'm Lewa.Anju: Ah, yes, you do.Lewa: Really? Uh, okay. I mean, of course I do.*Lewa gets the key from her and acting on what the guide tells him, plays a lot of the waiting game... *Anju: Do you have a reservationOnu-Toa: Yeah I do. Under Lewa-Onu.Lewa: What? My ears are burning...Anju: Lewa-Onu? We have one close to that, but...Other Lewa: That's okay, it's nice weather anyway. I'll sleep outside Onu.Anju: I'm sorry.Lewa: Oh, wow...Other Lewa, to Lewa: It's a hard world to live in Onu...Lewa: Uh... I'm with you, brother.*As Lewa and Lewa converse, Anju meets with the creepy postman.*Anju: This letter! Where'd you get it?Postman: The postbox.Anju: That's not what I meant.Lewa: What now? *After a long conversation, Lewa decides to make her day better and put on the Kafei mask he got off-screen because I didn't know how to work that part in.*Anju: Ah! You're also looking for Kafei? I have a request.Lewa: For you, I'd do anything.Anju: Meet me in the kitchen at 11:30...Lewa: At night?Anju: At night.Lewa: ... Elitha, mentally: Don't wanna be your lover, oh no...Lewa: Okay, I'll be there. Not because there's some scary black-widow who's going to kill me or anything.Anju: Thank you.*Time passes and we fast forward to night time...*Lewa: Did she stand me up?Tatl: She didn't make a date with you. Even if she did, it'd be no surprise if she did.*Anju comes walking in.*Lewa: You're late.Anju: I'm sorry to trouble you so late at night. It's about him... Kafei.Lewa: Yeah, tell me more.Anju: I received a letter from... him. Funny, getting a letter from a missing person.Lewa: Hard to argue with that.Anju: There's no mistaking it's from him. It's clear to me... Here, take my letter. Put it in a postbox. When he gets it, you should be able to meet him!Lewa: But I'm not the postman.*Despite this, Lewa does what he's told. He passes by Lewa and put it in a postbox to wait yet again... Time marches forward. At about 2:30, Lewa waits at the laundry pool. He had seen someone, wearing a Keaton mask, looking like the mask he was given there, he had some suspicions on if this was the person...**The postman comes and rings the bell and out comes the child Lewa had his suspicions of. As they exchange the letter, Lewa runs inside like a prowler and slams the door behind him.*Tatl: Breaking and entering... How is it you're the hero of this story?Lewa: I beat Twinmold and that temple, I suffered enough!

  10. Since there's only 4 chapters left, including this one, I'm going to try and start cranking these out a little bit quicker to make up for lost time and to prepare for the third part of this series. Here is chapter 20, somewhat altered to be more current. This and the next 4 chapters are Halloween-themed, ironically. But when I wrote these, it was November and December, so it wasn't fitting. Well, 2 years later, now it is. So I had to kind of change some of the jokes that poked at how out of season it was.*Sometime after Lewa managed to recover from his nightmare (which is much shorter than when I recovered from the actual thing the nightmare was a spoof of), Lewa resumed being a grave robber for the next few days… and there isn't too much to note so Lewa began yet another cycle.*Lewa: Something tells me to go to where the river dried up.Tatl: What does?Lewa: The strategy guide.Tatl: Oh, well if you say so.Lewa: I wonder what's the deal with that music-house up there? It's odd-looking.*Lewa passed the house and went to the hole in the wall where the water was said to have dried up, but by doing so he triggered something very wrong…*Sharp: You, so full of life, dare to enter this place of death?!Lewa: Yeah, I do, because Natalie's stragey guide told me to!Sharp: Then you will suffer.*Lewa starts to have his lifeforce drained the more he lingered inside of the cavern.*Lewa: Maybe a song'll cheer him up.*Lewa plays the Song of Healing without lyrics and something odd comes about Sharp.*Sharp: That song… it is so soothing… and yet, it has no meaning for me. Now die.Lewa: Well, so much for that.Tatl: What about that other song you learned?Lewa: Oh, that's right!SlimKirby: A down up, A down up. A down up…*Lewa plays the Song of Storms and something else odd comes about Sharp.*Sharp: That song…Lewa: Yeah, some guy with a stick says the thunder is his rage and the rain is his tears.*Sharp lets out a loud bellow and is violently thrown back as the water starts to return and it flows back out throughout the canyon, meandering naturally once again.*Lewa: That was random.Sharp: Oh, Flat, dear brother…Lewa: Yeah, that's his name!Sharp: For so long we served the Ikana royal family.Lewa: That part I got.Sharp: I have lived in much regret in my afterlife.Tatl: Isn't that an oxymoron?Lewa: Did you just call me a moron?Tatl: Look who's finally catching on.Sharp: I must make up for my mistake by helping you because I think somehow you'll make everything better. I'll give you an audience with the king.Lewa: All right. When can I see him?Sharp: After you go through the palace of death.Lewa: Darn it! That's just cheap!*Lewa leaves and he decided to break into the music-house like a prowler, but there he gets a surprise.*Lewa: Mummy!!*Indeed… actually, it was a guy wrapped up in bandages with a hangover, but Lewa was too dumb to tell the difference. For laughs, he tried to play the Song of Healing on him and what it did next surprised Lewa…*Lewa: How did he turn into a regular guy?*A mask fell to the floor…*Pamela: Daddy?Father: Pamela?Lewa: How'd I get into a soap opera?*The girl ran to her father, embracing him as he embraced her back.*Lewa: That was a rip-off! I came into the music-house and there's nothing to do with music! I'm going to swipe-steal this mask and go on my way!*Ticked off, Lewa takes the mask and breaks into Ikana Castle. Screw the Gibdo sidquest, I hated that thing with a passion. During Lewa's senseless ravage, he acquired the mirror shield… with the scary face on it…*Lewa: Let's see this guy and get it over with.*As he laid seige to the palace, he was attacked by many Garo ninja masters, but he took care of them as if they were nothing, that was how angry he was.*Tatl: Don't you think you're taking this too far?Lewa: I wanted the music-house to be something special, but it just had nothing in it!Tatl: I'll take that as a no.*Lewa took care of the Ikana ninjas and made it to the throne room.*Igos du Ikana: What the blaze are you doing here?Lewa: I came here to talk to you.Igos: In that case… kill the fool, henchmen!*The two henchies at both sides of the throne spring into action, flailing their swords around. Lewa puts on the Captain's hat and they both stop in their tracks. Igos himself takes notice for himself, too.*Igos: Can it be? Is it…? Captain Keeta? It is Keeta! It's been forever since I last saw you.Lewa: Been there, done that.Igos: But you're so…Lewa: So what?Igos: TINY!!! You almost had me fooled there for a moment! Your trickery will get you nowhere!Lewa: What?! No, I am Captain Keeta!*Both of the henchies, one broad and one lean, start to come at him again.*Lewa: You guys wanna march? *He puts on the Bremen's mask and starts to play a tune on the ocarina. Under the control of Lewa's charisma, both of the henchies start to march along to Lewa and his marching song of patriotism.*Tatl: What is the point of this?*Lewa continues marching the big bad henchies around until he gets to close to Igos du Ikana, who proceeds to kick him without getting up from his throne, breaking his control.*Lewa: I guess they don't wana march. Fine, screw you then. *Lewa fires his skyblaster at them, but misses and hits a window, letting in the light…*Igos: *gasp* You dare bring light into my lair?!Lewa: Uh… yeah. And I'd do it again! *He fires at the other window and lets light in again, shining it at his two lackies and defeating them easily.*Igos: If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself, I guess.Tatl: Wait, that thing you got fires light spheres at him.Lewa: Right.Tatl: And light hurts them.Lewa: Right.Tatl: Why don't you just fire at him instead?Lewa: I don't see what you're getting at.Tatl *groans.**Lewa takes a few shots at Igos du Ikana until by some miracle he manages to take care of him.*Lacky 1: You fool, thisi s all your fault!Lacky 2: My fault? No, it's your fault!Igos: Shut up! Both of you! Well, you've proven yourself worthy to me, limegreen freak.Lewa: Yeah, you don't have a body left.Igos: It's just a flesh wound.Lewa: But you're dead, you don't have flesh. And you're whole-body is gone!Igos: It is just a flesh wound. I'm invincible!Natalie: You're a loony.Igos: Now then, if you want to get into the Stone Tower, you need this song.Lewa: Figured that.Igos: Take out that potato thing you play and get ready.*And this Lewa learns the Elgy of Emptyness, which is a song easier pronounced than played. In playing it, Lewa creates a weird duplicate of himself.*Lewa: What in Karzahni's back hair is that thing?! It scares the live-lights out of me! Kill that thing!Igos: That is your loyal soldier.Lewa: What if I don't want him?Igos: Relax, you only need him to press down on some switches. You can only make one of these in your current form.Lewa: What if I took on different forms?Igos: Then you could make more of them. But each one will be more scarier than the last.Lewa: Okay, works for me.*Lewa goes over to the entrance to the Stone Tower and gets yet one more surprise…*Lewa: Holy Mata Nui! You expect me to scale-climb that thing?!Tatl: If you want to get this over with, then yeah!Lewa: Whoever's behind this is going to get it…*Somewhere far away…*Shigeru Miyamoto: Ha ha ha ha!!Greg Farshtey: Ha ha ha ha!!Christina Aguilera: Ah-ha ha ha ha!!*The dark trio relishes in laughing maniacally while the fire burns behind them and their devil horns grow out…**Lewa began his ruthless climbing up the wall to make it to the Stone Tower Temple. It was a long and tedious process, much like the actual game's version. Lewa was learning to use the Elegy of Emptiness as he went along, creating clones of himself, Whenua, and Tarix to hold down the switches that would grant him access to the temple. As for the Deku Scrub (the scariest one of them all), it was too light and couldn't hold down a switch so Lewa relied on on just those three clones of himself to get there. In the end, it paid off and he made it to the top. Now he was ready to begin the temple and finish his quest to rescue the Four Giants and defeat the Night Nurse/Black Widow Elitha acting through Remote…*Lewa: This has better be worth the time and trouble.

  11. No idea. And trust me, the Great Fairy is real. You can't make this up. She used to scare me when I was little. She creeps me out still to this day. Why does she scream in pain?! Anyways, time for a new Mask Chronicles. And seeing as Toa Ahkmou was introduced in The Moron's Mask, I think now it's time to properly introduce him.The Blast Mask*It was close to midnight as Lewa and Tatl wandered through the northern part of Clock Town, when Lewa noticed an elderly woman walking in the distance. He also noticed an odd Toa hiding in the bushes.*Lewa: Hey, what’s up, creepy guy I’ve never met before?Toa Ahkmou: Oh, nothing. I’m not doing anything wrong. Whatever gave you that impression?Lewa: I… never snap-jumped to that conclusion.Toa Ahkmou: Oh. Okay. Because I’m not doing anything wrong!Lewa: I already said I never said you were!Toa Ahkmou: Well, I’m just making sure.Lewa: Well, it’s true.Toa Ahkmou: All right. So we’re good.Lewa: Yes. Now I’m going to get away from you and you just stay here being a smiley-creepy weirdo.*As Lewa walks away from the odd Toa of Shadow, Tatl starts knocking him on the head.*Tatl: Hey, tall, green, and clueless? Don’t you think you ought to do something?Lewa: What do you mean?Tatl: He’s obviously up to no good.Lewa: But he already said he wasn’t. In fact, we had a long-winded conversation about it.Tatl: There’s something not right about him.Lewa: Now that you mention it, there’s something about him that seems familiar…Tatl: Let’s go talk to the old lady.Lewa: What for?Tatl: Well, you never know.Lewa: Hey, old lady? Why are you out night-strolling?Turaga Jerzel: Oh, nothing, I’m just bringing in some new merchandise for the bomb shop.Lewa: But it’s midnight.Turaga Jerzel: Well, I’m very forgetful and I remember things at the last minute.Lewa: Yeah, I’ve been there before…*So Lewa walks away, and as he does, Toa Ahkmou starts prancing out of the bush he was hiding in, still keeping that scary grin on his face.*Toa Ahkmou: Zippidy doo da, zippidy day!*He starts skipping/prancing over to Turaga Jerzel, and as he does, he pushes her over in a harsh manner and steals the bomb bag she was holding.*Turaga Jerzel: Ouch! Watch out!Toa Ahkmou: You’re not the boss of me!*Toa Ahkmou, stealing what he wanted, starts to skip/prance/hop away.*Toa Ahkmou: Zippidy doo da, zippidy day!Turaga Jerzel: Stop! Thief! Give the old lady her luggage back!Tatl: I knew it! Lewa, do something!Lewa: What? Oh, sorry, I was just thinking about Nokama.Tatl: Lewa! Crime! Something! Do!Lewa: Oh. Okay.*Lewa dashes over towards Toa Ahkmou, cornering him behind a tree. He swipes at him with his sword, making Ahkmou drop the bomb bag and making him run around in circles like a scared nitwit.*Toa Ahkmou: Oh, no, I’m caught! Run away, run away!*Ahkmou starts running around in circles before he runs past the guard who just stood there watching the whole thing and did nothing at all to stop it. Lewa picks up the bomb bag and walks back over to the Turaga, returning it to her.*Turaga Jerzel: Thank you. Since he didn’t make off with them, we can finally stop bomb bags in the shop. Maybe I’ll put them out tomorrow.Lewa: I still question why you’re out here so late…Turaga Jerzel: Yes, well… I ought to thank you somehow. I know, take this. It’s a dangerous mask, but you can probably throw your own festival fireworks show.*And thus, Lewa got the Blast mask, which looked round like a bomb, as well as black in color, save for the white skull pattern in the front.*Turaga Jerzel: How do you like it?Lewa, wearing the Blast Mask: I look like the Grim Reaper.Turaga Jerzel: Consider that a perk.Lewa: Wait, so I can explode things with this mask?Turaga Jerzel: Yup.Lewa: Sweet! This opens up many possibilities!Tatl: I should have stayed lost in the Lost Woods.

  12. If Tatl weren't relying on him, she probably would have out of rage. Well, here is chapter 18 (with a bit of chapter 19) so I don't lose track. Also, the introduction of a somewhat familiar character in a new form.*Sometime after Lewa got to jam with the band, he left seeing as there was no other point to staying there, especially since Lewa hated water so much. To play things, safe, he returned back to the first day after spending like 2 cycles on the Great Bay's temple and wasting a lot of time. He was set back at Clock Town's clock tower, right outside of where he met the Happy Mask Salesman.*Lewa: So we got three out of four, so were to next?Natalie, sly: I think it's about time for you to go collecting the rest of those masks, as the strategy guide says you should.Lewa: I thought I lost you!Natalie: >_> No, I just didn't want to wait out for too long. Plus I have to plan my escape, you know?Lewa: So are you going to help us?Natalie: I don't really feel like it… *stretches her arms out.* Why don't you go do it then? You look capable enough. *laughs.* Besides, I really do wish to get home very soon. Here, take the guide, I'm sure it will be of big help to you. Good luck out there.Lewa: A quest to collect a bunch of masks of power… where've I heard that before?*Unable to make the connection of the original quest he and the other Toa Mata did of collecting a bunch of Kanohi Masks, Lewa sets out to complete the rest of the side quests, or at least most of them as he decided to leave the longest one for the last. In a combination of stealing Lord of shadows' notes and Natalie's strategy guide, he and Tatl set off to complete them, gathering as many other masks as the could in the process, even running into a few familiar faces along the way, in a milk bar to be precise.*Lewa: Hey, Natalie! What are you doing here? I thought you'd be think-planning your escape?Natasha: Who's this Natalie person? I'm Natasha. I'm charmed to meet you.Lewa: Aw, come on, Natalie, you remember me. You even told me you wanted to get out of here and get home.Natasha: I think I'd remember someone as lean and cute as you.Lewa, stupid laugh: Thanks?Natasha: I'd love to stay and chat, but I think I'm up on stage next.Lewa: Going to perform for your fans?Natasha: I guess you can call them that. I mean, I'm just a waitress. I wish I could go out and tour around and have a singing career.Lewa: But you do have that, Natalie.Natasha: I'm thinking you got the wrong person.Tatl: You and me both, sister.*Sadly for Lewa, he had just met Natalie's doppleganger named Natasha, who like her started out as a singing waitress, but the only difference is one hit it big and the other has to perform for a bunch of drunk guys and a construction crew on their lunch break. Lewa being as dimwitted as he was, didn't know the difference between the two, like how he can't tell Navi and Tatl apart to save his life.*Iruini the Circus Leader: Hey, pal, see this? It's miiiiiiiiiiiiilk…Lewa: Iruini?Iruini: Yes, it is I, the hard-working Iruini. I hate my life right now.*If you want the full story, why don't you go read that other story I made about this encounter because this story has gone on long enough. So after that, Lewa went back once more to start a new cycle. Aside from a few unreachable sidequests, there was only one place left…*Tatl: To Ikana Canyon to climb the bigger mountain.Lewa: Works for me, then.*As Lewa was walking, some prancing Toa of Shadow guy with a big grin crashed into him.*Toa Ahkmou: Watch where you're going, ya fool!Lewa: Watch where you're going… ya fool!Tatl: Who is that big creepy weirdo?Lewa: I don't know… for some reason, I feel like I've known-met him a long time…*Lewa thinks back to Metru Nui, back when he was going to visit Nokama and when he initially met Vhisola in his dimension… there was a Matoran named Ahkmou…*Lewa: Now I remember! I met him when he was a little creepy weirdo!Tatl: But how is that possible?Lewa: They don't call me "Hero of Time" for nothing. Besides, I live-dwell far from here in a place called Metru Nui.Tatl: Never heard of it.Lewa: At least there, things made sense.Tatl: Okay, I'm going to say this one more time. You're a moron…Lewa: But I'm not crazy. You've been there with me, so surely you'd remember it?Tatl: You are also forgetting that I'm not this "Navi" you keep calling me, and the fact that I'm not aware of whatever you had done in the past. I almost pity this "Navi" for what you put her through. I can only wonder how it is she put up with you and your insane antics.*So sometime later, Lewa made it over to Ikana Canyon, passing through all the undead ninjas who lurked below…*Lewa: Why are we in dead-land?Tatl: Because that's all Ikana Canyon is… the land of the dead. There's even this huge graveyard up ahead.Lewa: Can we go back to the Great Bay?Tatl: No! We have to finish this job and wrap up the series so I don't have to spend another moment with you.Lewa: Okay… *As he walks, he runs into Ahkmou again.*Ahkmou: You got a lot of nerve coming here.Lewa: Why?Akhmou: This is my place, get your own. You got a nice sword there.Lewa: Uh… why aren't you a Po-Matoran?Ahkmou: How odd of you to ask. Some guy with a mask gave me like a huge power boost and look at me now. Did I mention that's a nice sword you got?Lewa: Weird… and yeah, you did.Akhmou: Can I hold it?Lewa: I don't see the bad-harm in that. *As Lewa hands him the sword, Tatl glows red and starts to attack his face.*Ahkmou: What is this thing?! It's glowing red! Call it off! *Akhmou prances away like the half woman half man he was and into his secret hideout.**Lewa goes to the graveyard where there is a scary man walking around, and then he spots a giant overgrown Stalchild-looking thing.*Lewa: I will wake him up! *He takes out the ocarina and plays the Santana of Awakening.*Tatl: Don't you mean Sonata?*No, I mean Santana of Awakening. That's when Carlos Santana himself appears and begins to play some of his signature riffs on his guitar. That woke up the sleeping undead giant, as his eyes glowed red and he roared back to life, getting up and destroying the bridge.*Lewa: Ahh! Skelly thing!! *Lewa unleashes fury on him, a combination of his skyblaster, his Toa powers, and whatever other items he had at his disposal.*Captain Keeta: Stop! Yield your weapons!Lewa: It talks?!Captain Keeta: Yes… I am Captain Keeta…Lewa, suspicious: Sure, you are…Tatl: And I'm Xena, warrior princess.*I guess in an effort to save time, Lewa gets to talking with Captain Keeta, atop of the bridge that was destroyed when he initially awoke by the Santana of Awakening. And in another effort to save time, this is the end of the chapter. Bye.**And we're back now, because 2 years later I stopped being lazy.**As I am feeling somewhat lazy today, why don't we get to the main point of this chapter then, since we end up covering a lot of ground…*Captain Keeta: And that's why I'm here.Lewa: So you're a spirit meander-wandering around in the afterlife and you want to rest peacefully?Captain Keeta: Yeah, pretty much. In that chest lies my power… *He points over to a chest.*Lewa: Okay.Captain Keeta: If you see my men, tell them that the war is over.Lewa: I don't know what war, but okay, whatever you say.Captain Keeta: Permission to take leave, Captain?*There is a dramatic pause as Lewa and Captain Keeta face each other, but Lewa does something valiant for once since losing his mind and gives a salute to the dead captain.*Captain Keeta: Sir, yes, sir! *Captain Keeta's skeleton collapses and his spirit leaves forever, now free from being bonded to this realm of the living.*Lewa: Okay, what did Captain Skelly-thing leave me? *Lewa flies over to the chest and opens it, and thus he gets the Captain's hat.*Tatl: So what do we do now?Lewa: All right, now I can finally haunt people!*Lewa puts it over his mask and jumps down and meets with Dampe the slow-moving grave keeper…*Dampe: AAAAHHH! I thought they didn't come out in the daytime! *At that moment, Dampe starts running a few laps around the graveyard before eventually running back into his house.*Lewa: Cool, I'm a ghost now! I'm off to go haunt people so they'll give me money!Tatl: You distasteful fool, we have work to do!Lewa: Like what?Tatl: Read Natalie's strategy guide, see for yourself.Lewa, skimming: Let's see... Apparently I'm going grave robbing. Well... hopefully me or any of my descendants won't have to do this. I don't like this.Tatl: I don't either, but well... I guess if it's really the only other way we can get this quest done, then we have no choice.*Lewa waited until nightfall and then no sooner did the sun set, many stalchildren appeared by some graves, guarding them… and whatever that guy's doing.*Tatl: Why is he laughing like a moron on top of that grave?Lewa: Beats me. Hey, laughing boy!Stalchild 1: Captain, sir! *He stops and salutes Lewa.* It's been a while since, we've seen you, sir. Everyone, give the catain your attention.*All the stalchildren stop and pay attention to Lewa.*Lewa: This is like Thriller meets Bad Romance…Stalchild 1: We've been guarding this grave like you asked us to, we're awaiting your next order.Lewa: Uh… the war is over?Stalchild 1: What shall we do? Guard the grave or open it?Lewa: Open it!Stalchaild 1: Open it?Lewa: Yes! What is this, and episode of Blues Clues? And after you do that, I want to make a movie-film! It'll have a city that's underground and there'll be dancing skelly-things!*As the Stalchildren open the grave, Lewa goes inside and raids the grave, which makes him a grave robber to an extent, another thing I look down on. Lewa then finds out whose grave this is, the hard way…*Flat: I am Flat, one of two ghost brother composers for the Ikana royal family.Lewa: What's with all the ghosts and Night Nurses after Halloween, Lord of shadows?Lord of shadows: Why do you have the same dialogue as 2 years ago, Lewa? Besides, it's October, so it's perfect now!Lewa: Fine. So, gruesome, where's your brother?Flat: Oh, Sharp, brother… He sold his soul to Karzahni and now he's probably miserable. If you ever see him, do me a favor. Play him a song for me. The rain shall be my tears, the thunder shall be my fury…*And thus Lewa got the Song of Storms.*SlimKirby, to the music: A down up, A down up. A down up. This is the Song of Storms, this is the Song of Storms.Lewa: Okay, I'll do that for you, then.*Lewa, tired, fell asleep, considering there wasn't much else to do until the next day technically speaking. Remember back in the Dimwit of Time when he was tormented by those sort of nightmares from Antroz? This time, he was being tormented again, but by someone completely different…*Lewa: Who's there?*Female giggling.*Female: My, how little they remember.Lewa: I don't know you!Female: Oh, my mistake… I should have introduced myself to you properly…*The female figure stepped out from the shadows, revealing her form. Her voice was oddly very soothing and accented, yet her appearance was foreboding and almost haunting.*Elitha: Heh heh heh…Lewa: O_O That mask?!*Elitha starts to move around in an erratic fashion, almost frightening really. When she spoke, it was to sing a song that would forever haunt Lewa forever. And no, I'm not talking about the Call me maybe song.*Elitha: It's critical, 'cause your body's going to rock just like a chemical. Makes you bouncing around the block just like an outlaw. We're going to take it to the top, twelve o'clock, that's it. Guess who's on the night shift?*Lewa tries to back away and hold his sword out, but it doesn't prove to be much use as Elitha continues to approach him.*Elitha: Because tonight I'm working over time… Are you ready to cross the line? Because I'll treat you until the break of dawn… you're not alone…Lewa: Don't get closer!Elitha: Who you going to call?*As the music of Night Nurse continues, Elitha throws aside Lewa's sword and knocks pushes him back into a wall, cornered like a Rahi in a cage.*Elitha: Don't wanna be your lover, oh no. But I could your remedy, oh-oh. I don't wanna be your lover, oh no, but I can be your remedy, your cure…Lewa: I'm scared…*Elitha uses her powers as the music continues to paralyze Lewa and "chain" him to a wall, almost defenseless.*Elitha: Who you gonna call?Lewa: Navi? Natalie? Tahu… Time for a quick-save, please! Please?!*The music continues as Elitha summons her scissor scythe and walks to Lewa, ready to "give him his prescription…" of death... But before Elitha can make her last attack at Lewa Freddy Kruger style, Lewa wakes up, scared to death.*Tatl: What's wrong with you?Lewa, panting: I don't know!!

  13. Hey, everyone, ShadowBionics here again with somewhat of a new comedy. I say that because it's not a new concept but it is new material. For those who aren't familiar with my story of The Moron's Mask, it's a spoof of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. In that game, Link goes around collecting a lot of masks through sidequests, a lot of which are omitted from the main spoof. So I decided to make somewhat of a companion story to go along with it. The reason a lot of these are omitted is because it would make the story go on for too long and I didn't know how to fit them in at the time, had I been willing to make them all. These are going to chronicle all of the masks, so some of these will be repeats from TMM, but at this point, the story has only maybe one mask that will be a repeat. So here's the first one. They're going to be very short, compared to the lengthy chapters of TMM, so they're like small little readings to go along with the main story. The Great Fairy’s Mask*Lewa had been in Clock Town for some time now and he noticed some strange orange fairy floating around every now and again.*Lewa: Hey, Navi?Tatl: That’s not my name.Lewa: You’re a fairy, right?Tatl: Gee, I wonder.Lewa: Do you know about that strange orange thing floating around? Is this line in Alice in Wonderland?Tatl: No, Lewa, that’s just a book… that got made into a bunch of different movies. But you do present an interesting point. I’m not sure if that has anything to do with the Great Fairy.Lewa: Great… Fairy?*Yes, the Great Fairy. One of the most scariest things you’ll ever see in your life, looking like some demented witch dressed up in an outfit of leaves and who shrieks moment you see her. Lewa has no memory of encountering the Great Fairy throughout his original journey documented in The Dimwit of Time, but that’s mainly because I as the author took it on myself to make sure NO ONE remembers the Great Fairy and thus all moments referencing the Great Fairies were cut from the original script.*Tatl: Yeah, you know? She rules over all of us fairies.Lewa: Something tells me I remember this… and yet part of me doesn’t want to. I wonder why that is.Tatl: Well, let’s leave this orange thing here and see the Great Fairy. I know where her fountain is in Clock Town.Lewa: You mean “Clook Town.”Tatl: What is it with you and names?!*So Lewa and Tatl went to go see the Great Fairy, expecting to see some scary witch thing, only to see a bunch of orange fairies fluttering about.*Tatl: What happened to the Great Fairy?!Orange fairy: Help me, help me! Remote 2.0 shattered me into pieces.Lewa: You can… break a fairy?Tatl: How is that even possible?! Wait, does that mean he can do that to me?!Orange Fairy: Help me, help me! Find my missing piece.Lewa: I know where that is!*Lewa runs back over to the Landry pool where he last saw her. Upon collecting her, he brings her back to the Great Fairy Fountain, restoring the Great Fairy back to normal and getting the shock of his life.*Great Fairy: *shrieking in pain/laughing in joy/ I DON’T EVEN KNOW, I’M SO SCARED!*Lewa: O_O I think now I know why I don’t remember the Great Fairies from my original journey.Great Fairy: Thank you, young hero. I am the Great Fairy of Magic. I will bestow upon you a gift. Receive it now.Lewa: Um… thank you, but I’m happy--Great Fairy: RECEIVE IT NOW!!Lewa, whimpering: Okay, okay, I’ll take my gift…*The Great Fairy then produces the Great Fairy’s mask.*Lewa: Uh… what is that freak-ugly thing?Great Fairy: This is the Great Fairy’s Mask. With this, you can help the other Great Fairies throughout all of Alma Nui.Lewa: You mean there’s more of you?!Great Fairy: Yes. All of them have met with a terrible fate.Lewa: Is this like the running joke of this story?Happy Mask Salesman: You’ve met with a terrible fate, haven’t you?Lewa: Would you get away from me?!Tatl: Wait, where did we leave that girl…?*Back in the Clock tower…*Natalie: Hello? Anyone here? You all sort of left me behind and now I’m kind of lost here… Oh…*Back at the Great Fairy fountain*Lewa: I think she’ll be fine. But why do I have to get this mask?!Great Fairy: Help us and we’ll give you cool stuff.Lewa: But is this really worth it? I don’t want to run around with this on my face. I’m going to look like an evil witch with three ponytails and bad eye-shadow and lipstick.Great Fairy: YES! Or else I will haunt you in your sleep.Lewa: NO! I don’t want that. I already have nightmares about Antroz and some Night-nurse mask!Great Fairy: Good.*And so Lewa grudgingly takes the Great Fairy’s mask, despite that he really saw no use to it and despite that he really did not want it at all.*Lewa: How do I get myself into these messes…?

  14. Oh... well, then that makes my job here a little harder then... Seeing as it's a spoof that combines Bionicle and Zelda elements, not sure what else to do. I'm glad you're enjoying this at least, although now I feel kind of bad. But as you can tell, I am a major nerd when it comes to the games and even beyond them.Anyways, chapter 17 so I don't forget where I am.*Eventually Lewa and The Turtle made it inside of the temple, which seemed to be very complicated.*Tatl: Whoa! Look at all those water pumps!Lewa: Whoa! You just spoke for the first time in a long time!Tatl: Blame Lord of shadows for his poor writing.Lewa: You make a valid-point. This place gives me headaches.Lord of shadows: You have yet to experience the pain I felt when I did this, little one.*Ignoring Lord of shadows' lamenting, Lewa and Tatl went their way through the temple and trying their best to figure out how to get the water pumps flowing to wherever and so on. Of course though, this wasn't easy and I even needed to consult a person of great power and knowledge to help guide me through the temple.*Lewa: No, I can do this! *Lewa runs away from Lord of shadows and goes into a room where he encounters a possessed demon frog from Karzahni.*Tatl: I can't tell if this is Nintendo's doing or Lord of shadows' doing!*The frog was in this gelatinous bubble, which pulled Lewa in. The frog proceeded to go a bunch of Street Fighter combos on him.*Announcer: Head shot! Monster kill!Lewa, panting: Who made this thing?LOS: Now you're starting to see what I went through.*Somehow through luck, Lewa managed to beat the frog and proceed and since this story has been dragging on long enough, I'm going to skip some parts…*Lewa: That's not very responsible.LOS: You're one to talk. You've never been responsible in this whole series at all!*Lewa is somehow able to figure out how to get the temple done… AFTER he had to go through a second cycle because he failed to get the thing done in time. Lucky Lord of shadows/myself, we are not phased by any sort of time travel because we are far more important than any other characters in this story, and therefore are indestructible and not phased by anything out of the sort.*Lewa: So how do you listen to all-knowing guide person again?LOS: I'm not telling you. You're on your own now.Lewa: Argh!*So without a choice, Lewa was left to figure the temple out on his own, which would have taken almost another 3 days thanks to Lewa's incompetence, but didn't because he finally figured out the temple and managed to get the water flowing to where it was needed. And soon enough he was able to make it to the boss chamber where the boss was lurking.*Lewa: But it's just a hole… *Lewa looks below, but he leans over too much and falls down the hole.*Tatl: It's a wonder he's survived this long in his life.Lewa: AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! *He lands on his feet, but ends up in pain.* OOF! SHOOT!Tatl: Are you speaking Moronese?*From below, our point of view changes to that of a sea-lurker, who is swimming through the ocean. This sort of effect is effective for making the viewer feel like they are the bad person because they are attacking someone, much like Harry Potter did in Order of the Phoenix, but ignoring that, our view shifts and we see the mighty Gyorg jump out of the water much like Willy did in Free Willy and pause in mid-air.*Lewa: Freedom!!!*Gyorg then un-pauses an goes back into the water.*Lewa: What do I do?Tatl, sarcastic: Maybe by some luck he'll crash into the wall like the last boss.Lewa: But I don't think they makes underwater things. Just mechanical bulls.Tatl: Then why don't you try on that mask?Lewa: I don't know what you're getting at… *Lewa turns into Tarix once more and jumps into the water to have a battle.**Wild Gyorg appeared!**Wild Gyorg used Splash!*Lewa: Are you serious?*No effect!**Lewa used slash attack. It's somewhat effective.**Wild Gyrog used Chomp! It's Super-effective! Critical hit!*Lewa: That thing can eat! You know what, forget you, Gyorg!*Lewa swims back up to the surface, changes back to normal, and shoots his skyblaster at him.**It's Super-effective!*Lewa: Shut up, Pokemon-caption writer!*No, you shut up!**Gyorg used Splash!*Lewa: A fish out of water…*With that loophole exposed, Gyorg actually ended up drowning itself, flapping around with its last breath until it died. So by some miracle, Lewa once again beat the boss by exposing some sort of weakness while doing virtually nothing. Lewa got the remains and went through the magic exit and I think by now we're all familiar with what happens next.*Giant 3: Oh, who are you?Lewa: We've come to get you to rally-support our cause!Giant 3: Awareness of people who have only one glove and wish to seek the other?Tatl: No. We need you and the other giants to help us defeat Remote before he drops the moon on everyone.Giant 3: Uh… I don't think I want to.Lewa: Are you a giant or a mouse? We need you and the others or else everyone will die!Giant 3: Uh… If you say so…Lewa: Great! There's nothing to worry about, it's only a toy wearing a demon-mask and a moon with a scowl-face on it, nothing big.Giant 3: Uh… as long as there's nothing to worry about… I'm good.*With another one of the Giants willing to help their cause, Lewa and Tatl leave the bubble bath land and arrive back out in the Great Bay.*Lewa: Where's Natalie at?Tatl: She probably had to go someplace else, that's all. But anyway, shouldn't you get going to the concert hall or something?Lewa: Now that you mention it, I should.Tatl: Well, then you'd better hurry on, Mr. Hero, before it's all too late.*Without giving any further thought, Lewa flew as fast as he could and made it back just in time… sort of. See, Strakk was having an attack because Tarix had gone missing and then he was sort of lacking in the song-writing department as well. That's when Lewa came around…*Strakk: Vhat is the vorld coming to?! I lost my guitarist, I can't make a new song…!Lewa: Oh, hey, are you Strakk?Strakk: Yeah, vhat of it?Lewa: I don't know, I was told to come find you.Tatl: As Tarix, dimwit.Lewa: Oops.Strakk: No good to me right now. I can't vrite to save my life right now!Lewa: You need a song?Strakk: Yeah, no kidding there, othervise ve're sunk!Lewa: I got a song. *He plays the exact same song he played between Gelu and himself, note for note. Then inspiration hit Strakk.**Strakk moved towards his massive keyboard-like thing and began to replay the song while adding on his own little flair to it, because he felt like it.*Strakk: Yes! I've done it! That's a nice song I just vrote there, isn't it?Lewa: But you didn't--Strakk: Vhat, you don't think I'm going to steal your song, are you?Lewa: I have the idea you're just steal-claim it for yourself.Strakk: You got that right. Now go and leave me!Lewa: Sure thing, Drama-Queen.*Lewa ran outside, only to see the band preparing for their practice.*Lewa: Looks like I better hurry on up… but it's so pitch-black, you can't see-far for anything.*Lewa hurried up and saw way… there was really no lighting. So he took out his midak skyblaster and lit the place up. The key to a good concert lies in lighting… unless it's like that other concert where everything burned down and the lead guitarist died in that tragic accident… but whatever, this isn't that story. Lewa turns into Tarix and jumps on down there.*Kiina: Oh, Tarix, you made it back safely!Lewa: Of course I'd be back. If you didn't close, I'd never leave.Kiina: I was surprised when my voice turned that lonely island into that giant turtle.Lewa: He has a name, you know.Kiina: That song you played for me, my mother sing it for me often… long ago. Those eggs were laid to remind me of that.Lewa: Are you part water-fowl or what?Kiina: I put you through some rough experience, Tarix, but I'm glad you're okay.Lewa: Yeah, because I live to for rough experiences pushed-shoved onto me by others.Kiina: Let's start our rehersal!*So with Stonius at the drums, they start to play Strakk's "new" song totally written by him… and they all seem to know it by magic. Okay, I call Nintendo Logic. So with Stronius at the drums, Gelu at the bass, Lewa as Tarix at the guitar, Strakk at the massive organ/keyboard, and Kiina at voals, they put on a stellar performance, totally putting everyone in awe.*Kiina: Wow, that was amazing! I know we're going to do fine at the carnival when we give our concert tomorrow night!Lewa: Yeah, sure... the carnival...Kiina: Are you all right, Tarix? You look a bit uneasy.Lewa: No, I'm sure-fine! It's just... I remembered something I've got to do! If I'm gone for a long time, don't worry, okay?Kiina, confused: Um... okay. I think. Just don't forget about the concert, all right?Lewa: You got it.Tatl: Too bad we can't really be there since we'll be saving the world.Lewa, quietly: Yeah, I know that, but I just wasn't sure what to tell her back there.

  15. I don't really blame you, since a lot of people prefer to play OOT over MM, considering it's just one of those sort of "different" games from the series.In a nutshell, the story revolves around Link who goes off to search for a long-lost friend (Hyrule Hystoria confirmed it to be Navi) in the Lost Woods, where he is ambushed by the Skull Kid, wearing Majora's Mask, and accompanied by fairies Tatl and Tael. The Skull Kid then takes them all to Termina, where he originally came from and where he was banished from. Link has to help the Happy Mask Saleman get Majora's Mask back in 3 days before he leaves... and oddly enough, the moon, enchanted by Majora's Mask, will fall on Termina in 3 days. So Link has to make people happy and get masks to help him on his quest, as well as free the Four Guardian Giants, who have been imprisoned by Majora's Mask/Skull kid in 4 temples. In a nutshell, the game is more reliant on doing side-quests and getting to know the characters in Termina more that it is on doing the main quest. So it's like the opposite of OOT in a way. The characters are more deeper and have actual thoughts and feelings, and it also has a dark message, one of the darker ones of the Zelda series next to Twilight Princess, which will be my next spoof if all goes well. Link is trying to make things right and save the world, but there's also an underlying message that he can't completely help everyone and he can only do so much. There's also a message of maturity. Link, at the start, is this great hero who defeated Ganondorf, blinded by hubris until the Skull Kid depowers him and forces him to return to normal. After that, he must help the Goron people in the guise of war hero Darmani the Great, taking on the duty of helping Darmani's people and protecting them. Next, he takes the guise of Mikau the Zora guitarist to help Lulu and save her children, taking the responsibility. And there's one more instance, but since this spoof hasn't gotten to that yet, I won't cover it in this long, drawn-out theory. On with the comedy. chapter 16, that way I don't forget where I am with this thing.*Sometime after Lewa recovered from Alohra's hug, he was somehow able to pick himself back up and after Tatl was sure to remind him of the remaining eggs, he set off for Great Bay once again in the guise of Tarix. His mind was still somewhat jumbled up and his judgment was blocked. He resolved to go along with what clues he gathered from the pirates, and those clues lead him to Pinnacle Rock, which was this weird-shaped thing in the middle of the ocean. And deep below Pinnacle Rock was a sinkhole filled with a bunch of other holes which were filled with some large sea snakes.*Lewa: I thought they'd be little-small!Tatl: You really didn't think it'd be that easy, did you?Lewa, long pause: Yes?!Tatl: Well, too bad. Now get going and save those last three eggs.Lewa: Okay, but if I get mauled-eaten, stay away from my funeral.Tatl: Understood.*Lewa swam down to the bottom, going through each of the openings. The first was empty, but the second had a large sea snake inside, which proceeded to lunge out at Lewa, who was once again having another EDICTARTS moments and started to spaz out the moment the snake reared its scary face at him.*Lewa: That thing almost killed me!Tatl: Then go kill it!Lewa: How? I don't have any powers in this form!Tatl: Well… have you actually tried?Lewa: Uh… No.Tatl: Then try! You might surprise yourself.Lewa: Okay… *He concentrates and he doesn't do anything. He tries again and then the stupid tube thing that went into his back actually popped out.*Tatl: Oops…Lewa, suffocating: Can't breathe!!*Somehow by luck, he was able to fix that pointless tube thing and calm down. He tries once again, and he finds himself surrounded by electricity.*Lewa: Whoa! Tatl: But we're in water, so wouldn't it be--Chuggaaconroy: Nintendo Logic!Lewa: Okay, now I can fight them. *Lewa goes to face off to face the sea snake again, but this time he was ready and he gave the snake the shock of its life, killing it and getting the egg it was guarding.*Lewa: Is this okay, mommy?Tatl: Just get a move on!*Lewa manages to fight off the last two snakes and gets the eggs each of them were guarding. And he said the line both times, I'm getting annoyed having to type it so many times, actually.*Tatl: Now let's get back to The Doctor.Lewa: What's his first name anyway?Tatl: It's The. Isn't it obvious?Lewa: No. So then his last name is Doctor?Tatl: There you go.Lewa: Dr. The Doctor… nothing strange-weird about that.*Lewa made it back to see The Doctor in his laboratory/aquarium.*The Doctor: Ah! You made it!Lewa: Of course I did.The Doctor: Dump the eggs! Now!Lewa: You must be a hoot at parties. *Lewa goes to the top of the aquarium and puts the eggs with the rest of the ones.*The Doctor: You! Get down here!Lewa: What'd I do this time?!*Lewa gets down and lands right next to The Doctor… on his face.*The Doctor: Stupid! Wake up! Look and see!*Lewa got up and before his eyes, all seven eggs started to hatch into… well, they looked like something. They almost resembled the sort of helmet Kiina wears, but in tadpole form. Then they started to line themselves up in a pattern.*The Doctor: This pattern! What does it mean?Lewa: I've seen this before! I forget where. *He takes out his guitar and starts to strum along to the notes.* Nope, nothing.*Just then, something begins to happen to the hatchlings and Lewa learns the New Wave Bossa nova, not to be confused with Carrie Underwood's song Cowboy Cassanova.*The Doctor: Quickly! The one who had these eggs! Play the song for her!Lewa: Okay, as long as I don't have to see you again.*Lewa runs out of there, tears the Tarix mask from his face, and flies back to the Glatorian Hall in Tajun where he was hoping to find Kiina at some point. Sure enough, he found her outside staring out into the ocean, looking so sad SO SAD.*Lewa: Maybe if I looked like someone she knew… *He turns back into Tarix and tries to talk to her. It only made her even more sad.*Tatl: Play the song like The Doctor said. See if anything happens.Lewa: Oh, that's right! *Lewa plays the New Wave Bossa nova for her, and then something amazing happens… Kiina regains her voice! Not only that, but she starts to sing a scale.*Tatl: Wow, it actually worked!*Not only that, but a lone island out in the distance starts to change… into a turtle. The turtle awakens and rises to the surface.*The Turle: Yawn, I slept quite well. I just realized this when I opened my eyes. The passing of days is quite quick, isn't it Kiina?Kiina: How do you…?The Turtle: Yes, Kiina, it's nothing to be surprised at. Although my eyes were closed in sleep, I still see everything that occurs in this ocean…Lewa: Wow, it's like big Brother in turtle form.The Turtle: It seems Kiina is still confused. Regrettably, there is no time for idle conversation. Now, proud Glatorian warrior… The open seas of the Great Bay have need of your might. Lewa: Really?The Turtle: Yes, now get on my back and let's go.Lewa: You got trees growing out of your back.The Turtle: Is that a problem?Lewa: No, but it's just weird.*Lewa left the confused Kiina atop of The Turtle's back, and together they went off for the temple, which wasn't as easy to access as the pirates stated earlier, considering they were about to eat their words the moment they tried to go past the dragon cloud and make it inside.**As they neared the thing, their boats were plucked off of the ocean and sent into their air by a whirlpool. And man, listen to them scream!*Roodaka: I regret nothing!!!*As the pirates fly away there's a guy on a bicycle a-peddling in the whirpool as well.*Bicycle guy: Eeh, hee hee hee hee hee!Lewa: What was that noise all about?The Turle: It was probably just a bird, no matter. We're almost there.Lewa: Oh, great. Good to know that.

  16. So... can I join or not? I understand if you don't want/need me to join, but I'm just curious since my previous question went unanswered.I have some teasers lined up for stuff I could potentially put up here in the near future. Since I'm no longer sure who has what day, I'll take whichever day is left. I understand if you don't want/need me in there, but I just want to make sure. I'll understand if you say no. My writing isn't what it once was in my 2006-2010 days.

  17. Thank you all for your feedback. Ironically, I did intend to make this as a one-shot story. Then looking at it more, I thought about possibly giving some backstory as to Von Nebula's somewhat convoluted dream (which actually makes little to no sense), as well as his conflict with Stormer. I was somewhat reluctant of sharing this second part since it has a bittersweet taste of tragic comedy (yeah, oxymorons for the win), but I then I thought this short story needed some form of resolution. So here it is, the second part that I named "Von Nebula's Dream Survives."*A crowd is gathered around a stage, which has a backdrop of Von Nebula and a lone microphone stand. The lights turn on and center themselves at the microphone stand.*Black Phantom, over PA: Welcome one and all to the first annual Anti-Hero Factory League Comedy Celebration! Now, let's give it up for your hero, your savior, your brilliant mastermind, Von Nebula!*Von Nebula rises from a trap door in the stage and approaches a microphone stand, taking the microphone for himself.*Von Nebula: Hello, and thank you all for coming. I'm glad to see a little more enthusiasm around here, unlike the last place I did my act at. Anyway, glad to see you all here. So last week, I went to go see a film. I recall it was a horror film. A guy walks up to me and asks me, "Hey, aren't you Von Nebula?" So I told him, "Yeah, I am." So then he asks me about how I escaped my imprisonment. So I told him that I had a very electrifying escape plan. Electrifying. Because…[silence]Vapour, clapping: Whoo! Yeah! Down with heroes!Von Nebula: Yes. Down with the heroes. Anyways, so what is the deal with those hero drop ships?Furno, from the distance: No one wants to hear your stupid jokes!*Von Nebula pauses, and then looks in the direction from where the voice came from. Sure enough, it was from a reserved balcony.*Breez: Your act puts everyone to sleep!*Von Nebula gives a piercing look over to the three heroes who barged in on his act: Furno, Breez, and Stormer…*Von Nebula: Oh, well, no one cares about you, red fire guy. Or your girlfriend. Breez: We are not an item!Von Nebula: The fan-fictions I've read tell me otherwise, little miss airhead. Get it?Furno: Don't even try it.Von Nebula: Well, mister hot head, you're yesterday's news. Everyone is after that gold guy now, that Rocka fellow. Everyone knows it. Your leader, one the other hand… You, we care about, Stormer.Stormer: Don't make me laugh, Von Nebula. Oh, wait… you can't.*random villains laughing at the irony.*Von Nebula: Oh, but you will, because I have a very special joke… just for you.*Before Von Nebula can really do anything, Furno, Breez, and Stormer try to make a hasty escape, only to be blocked off by Rotor and the Fire Lord's cronies.*Von Nebula: No! Wait! Come back! It's really good! Drilldozer: Hello, lovebirds.Breez: Look, we've already been through this.Furno: We are separate!Stormer: Don't let him distract you. We have a mission to do, remember? Furno, take on Rotor.Furno: You mean… alone?Rotor: Oh, ho ho-ho.Von Nebula: No, you get back here and listen to me! And stop re-using jokes from the Hero Factory TV show!Thunder: There is TV show about puny little baby heroes?*Von Nebula growls and he jumps into the air, propelling himself towards the heroes, only for said heroes to break through the barricade of villains and make a dash out the door. Von Nebula goes after them in hot pursuit.*Von Nebula: Come on, I know they're around here someplace.*From out of nowhere, Furno fires at him with his dual fire shooter (which he got back just for this mission) and Breeze attacks him with a few swift motions from her blades.*Von Nebula: Well, good to see you both, but the one I'm really looking for is…*That's when Stormer, in all his XL glory, fires a few ice shots at him.*Von Nebula: Just the guy I was looking for. And good you're in the form you took on Speeda Demon in, because my best joke relates to him.*Furno and Breez throw their cuffs at him, but Von Nebula manages to bat away Furno's cuffs. Breez's however, catch one of his wrists. Von Nebula, with all his strength, manages to keep the other wrist free.*Von Nebula, panting: So, Speeda Demon walks into a car dealership, right? The salesman says, "I appreciate your business, but why are you here? I mean, you have a fast motorcycle."*Furno delivers a few more precise shots at Von Nebula, sending him flying backward towards a window and allowing his other wrist to get caught in the hero cuffs. Von Nebula gets back up, barely able to hold his ground.*Von Nebula, panting: But Speeda Demon… Speeda Demon says--*Before Von Nebula can finish the joke, Stormer does something he realizes too late he would later regret. He fires at Von Nebula with all his might, with intentions of freezing him in his tracks. Instead, Stormer manages not only to freeze him, but to completely blast him out of the window. Terrified, Stormer runs past Furno and Breez and reaches out in an attempt to stop Von Nebula from falling. Von Nebula attempts to reach out towards Stormer, but he cannot as his hands are cuffed together. Breez attempts to fly after Von Nebula, but Stormer holds out his arm, solemnly. He and Von Nebula had a feeling deep down it would boil down to this. All of the other villains rushed out to see Von Nebula crash through the window and him plunge into a deep body of water. As this happens, both Von Nebula and Stormer think back to a time when things seemed simpler and almost happier.**Flashback…*Von Ness: A thought just occurred to me, Stormer. Our universe is full of many different beings who live out their lives, right? All of them must have different tastes and thus different senses of humor. In theory, if one were to bring them all together and perhaps allow them to mingle in such a way, then it would lead to perhaps everyone in our universe to have broader senses of humor. Thus, by doing this, the people brought together will be more likely to laugh at a joke than anyone who was not included in said grouping.Stormer: With all due respect, Von Ness… After all this time… does that even matter anymore?Von Ness: Dreams… never truly die, Stormer…*End Flashback…*Von Ness, voice-over: We just take them to the grave.*Von Nebula's mask drifts up towards the surface and eventually capsizes in the water, face up. Stormer can only look down at the mask, as if it was staring right back at him. He never truly meant for it to end this way, and yet a part of him felt like there was no way to avoid it. Von Ness was so far gone, buried in his insane idea of bringing together various beings with different tastes in order to get them to share a general sense of humor, thus wanting to make them laugh at a joke more than anyone else.*

  18. If I may, I would like to ask about signing up. Sorry, I've never really entered into one of these before, so sorry if I'm coming off as being ignorant. I used to be somewhat of a good writer in the old days of BZP, and I'm trying to make a return with some new material.If I can enter, thank you. If not, then all right, I understand. Thank you for your time.

  19. Here is chapter 15. Around here, it was when I realized I ought to make the chapters longer in order to fit in more story. So no more combining chapters, as far as I can see fit. *Natalie was back on the music hall, seeing as she really didn't want to go into a fortress of female pirates who could tear out your intestines and tie it into a bow. She was really beginning to question if Lewa's plan was all that he said it was. She thought it was also sort of funny how Lewa forgot about his "date" with Alohra… oh, well. Too bad for him.*Natalie: I guess he'll have to learn somehow. *laughs.* Hmm... Maybe I should go and meet him out at the beach, just in case anything happens.*While Natalie pondered on the irony of Lewa's situation, Lewa was back at the fortress trying to steal back the stolen eggs.*Lewa: Hi, guys! *He takes out a few pirates.*Tatl: Can you get a move on?! Lewa: We still have until the end of the second day!Tatl: What about your "romantic ride-drive" with Alohra?Lewa: … O.O Son of Makuta, I forgot! Tatl: Then get a move on!Lewa: Okay! *Lewa races through the fortress, taking out guards as he went. But when he reached one room, he met an obstacle.*Pirate 1: Stop right there!Lewa: You can see me?!Pirate: That's the end for you… *She takes out two swords and goes at Lewa.*Lewa: Great, this again. *Lewa luckily had some experience fighting them from his reality, so there was that. Once he defeated her, I went into the next room and got the egg from there.*Tatl: Okay, that's 2 down and 2 more to go in this place.Lewa: Is this okay, mommy?*Lewa continued onward and made it to another room with guards in it. Lewa easily took them down since they couldn't see him. But then the cycle began again.*Pirate 2: This goes no further…Lewa: I go however I please. *So Lewa took her down as well, went to the next room, rescued the princess, lost the princess, went into town for a huge loading screen, rescued the princess and then got the egg and lost the princess and then it never happened. Sonic next gen was a HORRIBLE GAME and I don't know why I even made a reference to It.*Tal: One more…Lewa: Is this okay, mommy?Tatl: Stop that, it's getting annoying!*Lewa left and made it to the last room with guards in it.*Lewa: Hey, pirates! You can't hurt what you can't sure-see! *Lewa used his blaster on them and defeated them easily. Then he made it to the next room.*Pirate 3: That's enough from you… We aren't fooled by that mask!Lewa: Really? Your little friend out there was. You should fire her. *She and Lewa battle it out and Lewa wins. He goes into the room, grabs the egg, goes "Is this okay, mommy?" again, and he was out of there.*Tatl: Shouldn't you put those in a good spot?Lewa: You mean my stomach?Tatl: No, that diary said something about some guy in an aquarium. Lewa: Okay, I'll talk to him…*Sure enough they found this aquarium out in the middle of the waters of the Great Bay. Lewa goes in, disguised as Tarix, and met with the doctor guy with a funny name…*The Doctor: Ah! You! I take it you got back the eggs?Lewa: Sure, yeah, of course scary-man I should know but don't.The Doctor: Don't stand there! Put them in!Lewa: My stomach?The Doctor: No! The aquarium!*Lewa climbs up to the top and dumps the eggs into the water.*The Doctor: There are still 3 more eggs to find!Lewa: Yeah, I sort of know that.The Doctor: Go get them!Lewa: I will… in a little bit.*Lewa turns back into himself and gets back to the beach.*Natalie: Where've you been?Lewa: Everywhere.Natalie: So what's you next move, Clooney?Lewa: I've got to get to the ranch!Natalie: Here I almost thought you forgot.*Lewa flies off to the ranch… without her… oh, wow…*Natalie: -_- Oh, well. Maybe I can go back over to that music hall for a little while and then head on back to my room at the Inn. Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. Maybe while I'm there, I can figure out how to get out of here... I'd like to go home soon. *As Natalie planned to escape from Alma Nui, Lewa raced his way to the ranch just in the nick of time. Alohra was already loading up her wagon pulled by two horses… but it was weird because the wagon also had a steering wheel, so… Nintendo logic at its best.*Chuggaaconroy: *sputtering like an angry woman.*Alohra: Oh, hello. I'm going in to town to deliver the milk now. You want to come along.Lewa: For you, I'd go anywhere.Alohra: Great. Thank you. I get kind of lonely on nights like this.Lewa: How can you be lonely?! Just one wagon-ride through Clook Town and you'd have a pack of dogs stalk-following you! And I don't mean the animal.Alohra: Aw, thank you… I think. Was that a compliment?Lewa: Yes.Alohra: Aw, thank you.*So Lewa got in the back of the wagon and Alohra started the ride by pulling the reins. I'm really confused as to how this wagon works.*Alohra: Ever since our father died, I sort of had to take charge of the ranch and my little sister. You know she's been practicing with a bow? She says it's to keep away the "ghosts…"Lewa: Little kids these days.Tatl: *rolls eyes.* Whatever, Mr. Hero.Alohra: Anju…Lewa: Who?Alohra: I've got a friend in town named Anju at the inn. Her wedding is the day after tomorrow.Lewa: Day after…? Uh…Alohra: Is that thing getting bigger? That moon?Lewa: No, but it's getting closer.Alohra: I've heard people saying that thing's going to fall. Lewa: I've heard some guy wants to drop it on us.Alohra: Really? I wonder if what they say is true?Lewa: Maybe.*Alohra made it past the ranch, but the road was blocked off by a gate.*Alohra: The road… *She looks over to where there was another way…* Get your blaster ready…*Aw, snap! When the farm girl tells you to get your weapon ready, you know it's go time. Really, really go time!*Alohra: First the road gets blocked by a boulder, and now we have to go through Ugly Country.Lewa: But this place has billboards of Iruini everywhere. Are you saying he's dog-ugly?Alohra: Yeah, and his brother, too.Lewa: There's two Iruini's? They're multiplying! I ran into him in town!Alohra: No, that's the circus leader, I'm talking about the Iruini Brothers.Lewa: There's… three??Alohra: I'm going to get us through here as fast as we can. If any pursuers come from behind, you pick them off with that blaster. Understood?Lewa: Got it, pretty-lady!Alohra: Good! You'll do fine.*The moment she starts up again, the two Iruini brothers come out atop their mounts wearing bandit masks. Oh, and the brothers were wearing bandit masks, too. Lewa starts to freak out the moment they came out. He starts to fire at them like a madman… but by some miracle Lewa manages to get them through Ugly Country safe and sound.*Alohra: Thank you… Mr. Norik was happy to get his first shipment of milk in a long time.Lewa: That's good to know. Is he still a lazy bum?Alohra, confused: No… he actually works a lot at that bar. Lewa: Really? The Norik I knew was some lazy guy who fell asleep while delivering milk.Alohra: No, Mr. Norik owns his own milk bar and he is very serious about his job. Speaking of which, take this.*And thus Lewa got his Cow Mask.*Lewa: Does this turn me into a cow?Alohra: No, we don't have those anymore. This gives you access to the milk bar. I don't give these to just anyone.Lewa: Oh, thank you…Alohra: And this isn't much, but… *She takes Lewa in her arms and gives him a big hug. Lewa goes into a complete and total meltdown and he was reduced to a limp mess… he felt all warm and fuzzy! inside! Heh heh, silly virtual console didn't fix that typo from the original game. Lewa could stay like that forever... But of course, he couldn't as he had a job to do in finding the last of those eggs, so eventually Lewa had to leave and return back to the ocean and finish off the mission.*

  20. For those who are familiar with my older stuff, more specifically ADITLOT, then you might remember a common recurring theme/joke called "Final Dinner," which revolved mainly around Teridax and sometimes The Shadowed One, as well as a few guest characters. It was a very wacky spoof of Final Fantasy and it was something I had always wanted to do. Of course, I never thought of how to do that, so instead I just made a spoof in tiny doses in ADITLOT and TSORM. Well, I'm actually going to try and make it a full-fledged story, although this time it isn't going to revolve around Teridax or The Shadowed One. However, keep your eyes out, they may or may not make an appearance... That is, if anyone likes this and if I feel like I can continue this, otherwise this could be the first and last chapter, and no one will ever know, not even me!Space… The Final Frontier… These… are NOT the adventures of the Starship Enterprise. If you want to hear that story, then go somewhere else. In fact, you might as well because this story is not that story. These are the adventures of the biggest bunch of misfits that you’ve ever seen in your life, filled with action, suspense, romance (just kidding), and some fat guy in rusty armor who wants to eat. This is the story of…FINAL DINNER*It was early dawn as Tahu slept peacefully in his bed, tossing in turning every now and again. As he pulled the covers over his head, his demented alarm clock that resembled a rejected Neopet started to go off.*Clock: HA HA HA. Wake up now.*Tahu, half asleep, hit the snooze button and returned to sleep. It wasn’t an hour later that the clock started to go off again.*Clock: HA HA HA. Time to get out of bed.*Tahu, obviously not listening, hit the snooze button out of habit, actually sort of pounding it. Two hours later, the clock went off again.*Clock: You think I’m kidding around? Well, you’re wrong. HA HA HA.*Tahu pounded the snooze button, cracking the “cheerful” plastic shell of the clock. However, the clock went off again an hour later.*Clock: Wake up. You are lazy and worthless. HA HA HA.*Tahu then PAWNCHED the clock and stuffed it into a drawer. Somehow, though, the clock managed to get out and back onto the table next to Tahu’s bed.*Clock: You want peace and quiet? Too bad. HA HA HA.*Tahu swipes the clock off the table, breaking one of the eyes and the paws. Never the less, the clock made its way back to the table and went off one more time.*Clock: You think you’re rid of me? I’ll never let you sleep again. HA HA HA!*Tahu takes his fire sword (which didn’t turn into some spinning-shield thing) and torches the clock to ash. He sits up and looks at the wall, dazed and confused.*Clock: Not broken. HA HA HA!*Tahu then goes on an insane rampage and torches everything in sight.*Tahu: Well, I’m up now. Might as well make the best of it.*Unfortunately, Metru Nui was controlled by some insane organization. Once, it was much happier and care-free, but one day it all changed. It was a day no one would ever forget. Except for Tahu, who didn’t care a whole lot about it and he just went with it as things happened. Deep down, however, he didn't like it one bit, but he was forced to keep his mouth shut. He and the other Toa Nuva had been forced to take up jobs at a restaurant to make a living. Soon enough, however, that would all change very soon…**Tahu continued to walk through the somewhat barren and dead valley that was once part of Ta-Metru, now just simply known as Sector 1. Once the insane dictator took over, he took the liberty of renaming everything to make it sound dull, bland, and uninteresting. Tahu didn't like that too much, but what could he really do? His friends warned him not to say anything. He didn't like that much either. Tahu didn't like being unable to express himself.*Vahki 36: You. Halt.Tahu: Oh, great. Not these clowns.*Newly improved Vahki patrolled the sectors. They did their job a little too well. While Tahu was in fact going to do his assigned job, the Vahki still identified him as a potential threat due to his inner feelings.*Vahki 37: What's your number?Tahu: What's it to you?*Like the "sectors" of Metru Nui, the inhabitants were also assigned numbers to identify with them in the large system of data. Naturally, Tahu disliked that system. It annoyed him whenever anyone asked him for his number. Not only because he didn't like being identified by a number, but also because he could never remember it. Tahu got out his fire sword.*Vahki 36: Hostility detected. Threat level: moderate. Solution: Arrest.Tahu: Heh. Good luck.*That is when Tahu decides to engage them, RPG battle style. Tahu faces the two Vahki drones who stand there and do nothing.*Vahki 37: I have these staves. Instead of using them, I will punch you in the face.*The vahki does just that, only causing 2 HP of damage.*Tahu: That all you got?*Tahu's turn was next and he chose the move "Toaster."*Tahu: You know what they say.... All toasters toast toast.*Tahu then summons a large toaster, which proceeds to fire a large piece of toast at both Vahki. Since Vahki 37 was in the front row, it was that unit who fell first. Vahki 36 remained with minimal HP.*Vahki 36: I shall use my staff pieces to attack you.*Vahki 36 tries to use the power of the loyalty staff, but it didn't affect Tahu, considering his loyalty was to himself.*Vahki 36: Oh, no.Tahu: That tickled. *Tahu's turn was next and he went through his attacks and chose "Pyro-pinwheel." Tahu then puts away his fire sword for his rotating blades.*Tahu: Have a look at this!*The three blades each ignite into powerful flames and begin to spin around in a fiery pinwheel. Tahu then fires that energy at the Vahki, destroying it.*Tahu: Where there's smoke, there's me.*Tahu gained 503 experience points, as well as a water of life.*Tahu: Gets them every time.*Tahu continued on and walked into the restaurant he worked at, known only as Mac Choco-gukko's. The name was uncreative and Tahu dreaded his work there. He barged in the door, greeted by his "favorite" Toa.*Kopaka: Where have you been?Tahu: I got attacked on the way to work.Kopaka: Again? That's the fourth time this week, you know?Tahu: Yeah, whatever. Get off my back.*Tahu took to his job as being a fry cook and making hamburgers. That’s when his friend and fellow worker Tifa Gali walked in.*Gali: Tahu, hurry it up. We need to fill in those orders, otherwise the boss will have our heads.Tahu: Yeah, yeah, yeah, don’t worry your pretty little head off, Gali.Gali: I really wish you’d take things seriously, Tahu.Tahu: And I wish we didn’t have to listen to what that clown says, but we can’t have it our way, can we?*Gali walks out of the kitchen and to the back room to check on everyone else.*Kopaka: We are out of squeeze cheese again. Joy.Lewa: Don’t worry, I’ll fetch-find some more!Kopaka: Yeah, you better.Gali: Yes, because we all know what happened the last time we ran out of squeeze cheese…*At the front, things were getting hectic as customers got restless.*Kualus, whining: I NEED FOOD!Pohatu: How did I end up being the cashier? I can’t take this abuse.Onua: Not your fault. What’s taking Tahu so long in the kitchen?*In the kitchen…*Tahu: I wonder which would burn better…The back room or the kitchen? Or Kopaka?Gali: Tahu?! What are you doing?Tahu: My job?Gali: No, you’re not! There’s a riot going on in the front, all because you won’t give people their food!Tahu: Not my fault.Gali: Uh… yeah, it is!*The other Toa bust through the doors, Pohatu and Onua having their uniforms in tatters.*Onua: YOU!Tahu: Me?Pohatu: Yes, you!Kopaka: You’re the worst! There’s angry customers out there who want to tear our arms off. I don’t even want to think of what happened to Takanuva…*Takanuva goes flying through the wall, leaving a huge hole.*Lewa: That coming out of our pay?*That’s when the power goes out in the entire restaurant.*Lewa: I think you did it now…Tahu: I really don’t care. In fact, why do any of you? Personally, I liked the old Metru Nui. Before it became some conglomerate state ruled by fear and fast food.Kopaka: Conglomerate? Wow, have you been reading the dictionary again?Tahu: Do you want me to set you on fire again?Kopaka: No…Tahu: I don’t know when the rest of you became so spineless and afraid. What happened to my old team? We shouldn’t be listening to what anyone says. Unless it’s the Turaga. They scare me.Takanuva, dizzy: He’s got a point, there…Tahu: See? Golden rod agrees with me.*His speech is cut short when numerous Dark Hunters break down the door and fly in through the windows.*Lariska, laughing: My, what do we have here? Some lazy employees chattering away?Lewa: For the record, Tahu started it.Tahu: And I liked you better when you thought you were some insane nutjob hero trying to save Hyrule.Lariska: Well, bad employees must be punished. Very well. I’ll take in your leader personally. As for the rest of you, well, you’re going to be detained indefinitely.Onua: I don’t like the sound of that too much.Tahu, taking fire sword: Yeah, right. My alarm clock is a bigger threat than you are.Lariska: Is that a challenge?Tahu: Am I talking in another language here?Lariska, evil giggle: So be it.*And that is when the two of them decide to settle it out... RPG STYLE.*To be continued...

  21. Chapter 13 and 14 melded together*Once Lewa was able to pick himself off the ground, he decided that he might as well go off and try to get to the last temple. He headed back to Clock town--*Lewa: It's Clook Town.*CLOCK TOWN, where he met back up with a well-rested Natalie. From there, he flew off into the distance… to the canyon…*Tatl: Lewa, you dimwit, you flew in the wrong direction.Natalie: Yeah, the strategy guide didn't say anything about a canyon. Well, not yet anyway.Lewa: I'm sorry, I get dyslexic sometimes! I don't know the difference between my east and west!Natalie: Then boy, do I feel sorry for you.Lewa: Hey, what's that over there?Tatl: It's a pile of rocks.Lewa, looking through Lens of Truth: Hey, there's some guy there.Tatl: Are you kidding me?Lewa: Hey, invisible guy, what are you doing here?Guard: Egads! Can you see me?Lewa: Uh, yeah. How else would I be talking to you?Guard: Well, it's no matter, no one knows I exist.Lewa: If you weren't invisible, then people could quick-chat with you.Guard: If only I had something to drink.Lewa: Like this? *He takes out a red potion.*Guard: Thanks, I'm parched. *He takes a big drink and he magically becomes visible.*Tatl: O_O Wow, he wasn't kidding then.Natalie: It's Nintendo logic.Chuggaaconroy: Hey, that's my line.Natalie: I'm older than you, so respect me, little one. *devious laugh.*Chuggaaconroy: Yes, ma'am. *walks away sadly.*Guard: Here's a gift for you. *And thus Lewa got the Stone mask.*Lewa: Aw, it's ugly!Guard: Yes, but it's so ugly that no one can see you. It makes you invisible.Lewa: That doesn't make sense.Natalie: It's Nintendo logic, it doesn't have to make sense! That's the beauty of it!Tatl: Let's just go to the Great Bay this time, and not the Canyon.Lewa: Okay, Navi.Tatl: It's Tatl!Lewa: No thanks, I'll just have mine over easy.*So Lewa, Natalie and Tatl went in the opposite direction where they made it to the Great Bay.*Natalie: Wow, it's like… so relaxing here. I could practically stay out here if I wanted to.Lewa: You might as well, not like we're going to do anything worth noting.Natalie: Well, in that case…*Natalie quickly runs and returns with an umbrella, chair, beach towel, and things like that. And it's kind of amazing how she virtually managed to get all of that in such a hurry, too. It was enough to leave Lewa shocked and awed.*Lewa: O.OTatl: Hey, Mr. Dimwit of Time, can we move on?*So Natalie sat down in her folding chair and put on some sunglasses to relax in the sun, and Tatl dragged a confused Lewa away into the ocean. That snapped his mind back to normal.*Lewa: What was that for?!Tatl: For being a dimwitted moron with a focus problem. Instead of wondering how she got all that gear here in a fraction of a second, you should be concentrating on getting to the next temple or whatever.Lewa: Oh, all right. Hey, there's a guy drowning out there. I'm going to stare-watch him.Tingle: Oh, look, it's a guy watching a guy drown. I'm going to watch him.*Note that if you're watching some guy watching another guy drown, then by deductive reasoning, you watched him drown, too.*Tatl: Would you actually get out there and save him?!*Lewa swims closer to the drowning guy, uses his Toa powers to scare the birds away, and then uses his strength and Toa power to get him to safety on shore.*Natalie: I love the sun… it's so relaxing and warm… definitely much better than that snowy mountain. *laughs.**Lewa manages to get him across the water and onto the shore. This man, clad in blue armor, gets up and slowly walks to the sandy beach… and about 1 hour later, he finally makes it. He might have gotten there sooner if the seagulls weren't trying to peck his face. He then collapses onto the sand.*Lewa: Okay, birds, happy now? *He runs over to the guy.* Hey, what's with you?Tarix: I am Tarix of Tajun… lead guitarist in the Tajun band. I think this is it for me… my final message…Natalie: Guitarist? And you're half-dead…? Okay, now I'm REALLY mad. I mean, who would do this to a guitarist?Tarix: Will you listen to it?Lewa: Sure, why not. Not like this is some stupid high school where you randomly break out into song, right?Tarix: Okay… *He slowly gets up, makes himself more lively, pulls out his guitar, and prepares for a song.*Tatl: You were saying?Tarix: One, two, three!! (singing) Oh, baby, baby, listen to me! The carnival's beginning soon, we're the ones they're waiting to see! But that girl, our vocalist, she had some strange eggs. And she's lost her voice, you can't hear what she says. Whoa-ho, now! In Great Bay now somethin' is a-happenin'. Is it now? Oh, baby, listen to me, I don't wanna beg! Vortixx pirates, they stole that girl's eggs! Tatl and Lewa: O_ONatalie: Go on, fellow music artist.Tarix, singing: I went to stop the Vortixx pirates, then pow and bam! I got knocked down and here I am! Baby! If I die like this… Even if I die, it sure won't be in peace! That's for suuure! Somebody, please, rescue her eggs before the pirates take their toll. Oh somebody, somebody please, heal my soul! (stops) That's all, thank you. *He then falls back onto the ground, not moving.*Natalie: Wow… he gave the last of his strength to sing a final message… I'm so moved, I don't know what to say.Lewa: Well, guess we have to heal him. Ready?Tatl, annoyed: I guess so.*Lewa starts to play the song of healing, and Tatl sings the words.*Tatl: Shake, shake, shake. Shake, shake, shake. Shake your… buttocks.*Just like Whenua before him, Tarix began to feel something and he began to have delusions of wierdnesses and I know I just made that word up but there was no existing word to describe this.**Inside Tarix's mind, he is looking like a fool with his pants on the ground, floating through nothingness… but then that just contradicts the previous statement that his pants are on the ground. Well, no matter, I'll just blame Nintendo logic. So while Tarix is upside down and bouncing off the ceiling (yes, I know I remember that song, blame my cousins and sue me if you dare), some Kiina look-alike is floating right there adjacent to him. She and Tarix are then turned right side up and placed on the ground. So NOW Tarix is looking like a fool with his pants on the ground. They hold hands and turn around to face the rest of their band members. Then Tarix closes his eyes, spreads out his arms and says "I'm flying, Jack!" in a high-pitched voice.**In reality with the rest of us, Tarix closes his eyes, and then he turns into blue sparklies, only his face left, turning into a mask. And thus Lewa got Tarix's… mask… if you can call it that.*Lewa: I don't know how he could have water-drowned with this mask, it's got a long tube-thing running into a life counter.Tatl: So I guess he suffocates if his counter runs out?Natalie: Respect for the dead, man.Lewa: If you say so.*Lewa takes the moment to make his guitar into a grave site for him to try and please Natalie and her hawtness, although there was nothing to bury since he became one with the universe, like the Dao and Whenua before him.*Tatl: I wonder if you put that on, if you'll transform.Lewa: I have a feeling I have to put this on anyway… *So like with Whenua's mask, he puts on Tarix's mask/helmet/diver thing, which begins to suffocate him in addition to re-writing his DNA. Lewa lets out a painful scream and then…*Natalie: Oh, wow.Lewa: Holy Mata Nui, I became an anorexic blue guy with a tubey thing in my back!*Lewa stood there looking at himself. A few moments ago he was a Toa of Air, but now he looked like something Lego made and then rejected but then decided to market off at the last minute in an attempt to make a sixth set in a canister wave and make money off of people like me who will buy their stuff, but not realize until the last moment how awful the set really was.*Tatl: Well, I'd say that's an improvement.Lewa: It's not funny! I need to quick-gain some weight and--Tatl: There's no time for that, we have to get to…Natalie: Tajun I guess?Tatl: Yeah, that place.Lewa: Fine, but I won't like it. I feel so… out of place. Tatl: Stop being such a baby and get going! Natalie: He's in a band, why don't you try and find the other band members?Lewa: Good thought-plan. But where is this place?*Since Lewa could no longer fly, he had to go "foot-walking" in order to find it. With some help from Natalie and her strategy guide, he was finally able to find it. The place was in a cave, so it wasn't like it was going through Strawberry Fields where nothing is real. But it was sort of peaceful to say the least.*Natalie: Oh, wow! Look at the stage set-up! I wouldn't mind doing a gig here. It's so fun, and yet so cool and relaxing all at the same time.Lewa: Okay, gotta find the rest of the band members and cross-ask them stuff.Natalie: Okay, you do that… people are looking at me weird… o_o*So Lewa went into the rooms of various band members, first meeting up with Stronius the drummer.*Stronius: Hey, Tarix, what've you been doing for the past 3 hours?Lewa, as Tarix: Drowning mostly.Stronius: That stupid tube thing doesn't do anything, does it?Lewa: It just suffocates me.Stronius: I just hope we can practice for the carnival… That Kiina girl hasn't gotten her voice back yet.Lewa: Don't look at me. I'm going to bed. *Lewa jumps into Tarix's bed and finds Tarix's diary.* Oh, look, he keeps a diary. Navi, let's hot-pop some popcorn and read it.Tatl: No, wait, read it and see if we can get any clues.Lewa: Okay, let's see… *Lewa skims through the diary, most of it containing notes for songs, one revealing Tarix's lucky color of green, and his concerns for Kiina and the eggs.*Tatl: Okay… I'm not so sure now.Lewa: Then let's go find the others.Stronius: And you do know that Strakk's looking for you, right?Lewa: Were you just eavesdropping on me?Stronius: Yes. Lewa: You got some issues. I'll go talk to that guy later, where's everyone else?Stronius: In their rooms… I think.Lewa: Then I'll just go make sure of that.*Lewa exists the room and switches over to another room, this one belonging to Gelu the Bass player.*Gelu: Heh. Been a while, Tarix. I didn't think you'd show up.Lewa: Show up? For what?Gelu: For our jam session. Lewa: Uh, yeah, sure, of course. Did you think I forgot?Gelu: Then let's do this. *Both of them take out their instruments and Gelu plays a few notes. Lewa, remembering what he read, plays the notes from the diary.*Lewa: Wow, I can actually play.Gelu: You sure can, that was good. Now let's go for something else.*Gelu plays another string of notes and Lewa plays one out of memory from the diary. From this point on, the two of them start playing a song and everyone starts to crowd around the door and listen on in.*Natalie: Is that Lewa playing??*The two musicians (well bass player and guy pretending to be a guitarist) then finish their song.*Gelu: That was great, man. Now if only Kiina could get her voice back, we could practice.Lewa: Yeah, that's a cry-shame. Wish I could talk to her.Gelu: Too bad you can't. No one can. *Lewa leaves the room and finds Kiina's door… with some guy standing outside the door.*Lewa: Weird-freak. *Lewa shoves him out of the way and barges in, but there is no one there… except for a Deku Scrub.*Tatl: Why is there a Deku Scrub in here?Deku Scrub: It's all about location, my fine madam.Lewa: ... Kiina! You've got some explaining to do!Deku Scrub: Don't you mind me, now, I'm just going were my business carries me to.Lewa: Okay you Mr. Haney rip-off, I'm just looking for Kiina.Deku Scrub: I think she went outside like she always does. But this place is like a beach, I don't know why you'd ever want to leave.Lewa: Well, this was a waste of time. We might as well go find those pirates and steal the eggs back.Tatl: Where do we go for that?Deku Scrub: I can give you some directions… for a small fee.*Lewa and Tatl leave the room and resolved to go find the place for themselves.*Natalie: So you're going to make an elaborate plan to break into the Vortixx Pirate fortress to swoop in and steal back the eggs all before the end of the third day in which the moon is going to come crash down on us?Lewa: I've already synch-set my watch.Tatl: Where'd you get a watch?Lewa: I found it.*Back in Metru Nui...*Tahu: Hey, what happened to the watch I stole? And the camera, for that matter? Everything I love and cherish is disappearing from me so suddenly! It's all going up in flames!Kopaka: Uh-oh...Tahu: Wait... flames... fire... burn. BURN STUFF!!!Kopaka: No! Tahu, calm down!Tahu: Never! I burn all!Kopaka: Yup, I'm doomed. I can only hope I'm not trapped in a never-ending cycle of this.*Back in Alma Nui…*Lewa: So now we're all set, but this needs exact-timing for it to work.Natalie: Okay, George Clooney, let's hope this crazy plan of yours works.Tatl: For our sake, it has to. Lewa: And don't worry, I've got a secret weapon… *He takes out the Stone Mask, despite how ugly he said it was.* This plan calls for a snake… a Solid Snake…*Natalie and Tatl groan in disgust.*Natalie: Lame.Tatl: You had to go there.Natalie: Well, I probably wouldn't be too much help you you all, so I think I'll sit this one out. Plus I rather like it here. It's just so cool. Heh heh heh.*So with Tatl tagging along, Lewa uses Tarix's mask to travel over to the Pirates' Fortress, which has a secret entrance at the bottom. As Tarix, Lewa swims through the secret entrance and breaks into the fortress… which was crawling with Vortixx Pirates surveying the area atop steam boats.*Lewa: This place is pack-loaded…Tatl: Then you better make your way through here. Lewa: Yeah… *He looks at his watch and then he starts to swim through and pass through the pirates. One he made it by them, he was able to break into the main part of the fortress, which was filled with pirates as well.*Tatl: What now, Oceans?Lewa: I'm not George Clooney! And now it's time for my secret weapon. *He rips off the Tarix mask and puts on the Stone mask, making him invisible.*Tatl: Okay, let's see if this works.*Lewa walks in front of the pirates, but they don't see him.*Lewa: Can you see me?*They don't answer him.*Lewa: Should I nail them? Ah, forget it, I'm going to nail them anyway. *Lewa swipes his sword and takes one of them out with the hilt, much like the Vahki back in the first movie.*Tatl: And you're the HERO of this story?Lewa: Hey, this actually works! *He goes up to a group of them.* Hi, guys! *He swipes his sword hilt and takes them out.*Tatl: Come on, we have to keep moving.Lewa: All right, don't get your shorts in a knot. *Lewa climbs up a ladder and makes his way to the door.*Lewa: Hi, there! *He takes out the guard and goes inside.* Where are we now?Tatl: Looks like we're in a vent system. Look around.Lewa: Okay. *He takes a look through one of the vents and he actually sees a large chamber with Roodaka and Zhirika inside, talking about something concerning the eggs.*Tatl: All right, now we can-- *Just then, a wasp passes by her, almost running into her.* Excuse me! *The wasp goes into the hive just above the heads of the two pirates.*Roodaka: I've been waiting for you.Lewa: O.O We've been scold-ratted!Tatl: No, we haven't, just shut up!Roodaka: Did you find the rest of the eggs?Zhirika: No… b-b-b-but that's because…Roodaka: Fool! What are you trying to pull here! Doing some beach party while you know we have eggs to steal?!Zhirika: But that was your idea.Roodaka: Silence! If people hear the Great Bay pirates lost the treasure they stole, we'll become a laughingstock!Zhirka: Yes, but Roodaka… The sea is strangely murky where we were attacked by the sea snakes. Roodaka: Silence! That's why the Glatorian can't send for any help. With the eggs gone, they'll be frantically searching for them. We don't hurry, those Glatorian fools will find them before us! There are four eggs here now. Now go get the other three before the sea snakes find them.Zhirka: … Understood…*Lewa stands there behind the bars with that ugly mask peering out. He almost reminds me of some prisoner with one of those ugly faces looking dazed and confused like Foghat except he's not taking a slow ride.*Roodaka: Wait! The eggs are the only clue we have about the dragon cloud floating above the bay. If what that freak with the rusted mask says is true… and if we can get our hands on the treasure that lies beneath the temple in that dragon cloud… Then we can spend the rest of our lives living the good life! So get a move on! Now!!Tatl: NOW we have a good lead on where the eggs are. We've got a good view on those pirates from up here, but what now…?Lewa: Surprise hive attack! *Lewa takes his blaster and shoots the wasp hive, which falls down in front of Roodaka.*Roodaka: What in the name of--? *The angry wasps break out of the hive and begin to attack the pirates, and man can they scream! Look at them run, I never knew pirates were so afraid of wasps.*Tatl: Oh, Lewa…*Lewa then gets out of there and jumps down to a door down below, logically where the meeting chamber would be. He explores around and finds a large treasure chest. Lewa opens it and thus he gets the hookshot.*Lewa: Yay, I got another one of these things! Now if only I could have two, I'd be super-happy.Tatl: Two hookshots in one game? Tch, yeah like that'll ever happen.*Lewa also finds an aquarium with an egg inside of it.*Lewa: All right, there's one! *Lewa goes in, but he starts to drown.*Tatl: Put on that stupid mask you got and stop being a dimwit!Lewa: Fine! *So Lewa turns into Tarix again and manages to get the egg in a bottle with little problem.* Is this okay, mommy?Tatl: Seriously, why do you have to say that every single time you put something in a bottle?

  22. Chapter 11 and 12. Thought it was time to mix it up with another lengthy chapter. Plus it did take me a while to put the last one up, so might as well make up for lost time.*After meeting with the next giant, the trio is teleported back outside, where already everything was returning to harmony, the birds are singing. Isn't it beautiful? And now I'm quoting the evil genie. Lewa's armor returned back to its previous state as he observed their new surroundings.*Lewa: I'm not a hater!Natalie: Whatever you say.Tatl: Okay, so what now?Lewa: Why don't we go with some of those fancy side quests? I need to ease-calm my mind after that encounter.Natalie, with strategy guide: Well, you've got a lot of options open at this point. I'd say we head back to town first and then we'll see.Lewa: Got it.Tingle: Hey, down here!Tatl: O_O No... no, not him, anyone but him!Natalie: Who?Tatl: He's so creepy and so weird...Lewa: Who?Tatl: Mata Nui, have mercy on us!Natalie: Who are you talking about?Tingle: TIN-GLLLLLE! !!!*They all look up and see a strange weirdo dressed like Peter Pan, floating from a balloon.*Tatl: Not Tingle!Lewa: He's got a fancy outfit.Natalie: Are you mad? His underpants are on the outside of his leotards!Lewa: I like green.Tingle: Help me! Get me down from here!Lewa: Why are you up there, anyway?*2 hours later...*Tingle: And then my father--Lewa: Stop! Your story makes my ears bleed!Tingle: You'll get me down now?Lewa: No! If anything, You're going to stay stuck there!Tingle: Get me down! If you don't, I'll charge your descendants a fortune to get the Triforce charts deciphered!Lewa, scoffs: Yeah, whatever. What we need is a strong wind! So he'll just go-- *In his irony, he remembers about his Toa powers and blows Tingle far away with his balloon.*Tatl: You just...Natalie: A regular Hero of Winds we've got here. *laughs.*Lewa: Hmm... I wonder if what he was saying was true. Nah, I won't care-worry about it. Oh, well, let's head for town.*They head back down the mountain and make it close to town, but for some reason Lewa decides to Milk Road. Lucky for him, Natalie was able to t confirm there was something he could do, but as a Toa of Earth. So as "Whenua," Lewa took the Earth shock drills and goes through the stone previously blocking the road.*Bridge Builder: Wow, you just made my job a whole lot easier! I'm going to go back to town and take all the credit.*Lewa takes off the mask and returns to normal and makes it into the ranch. First thing he sees is a familiar face.*Lewa: Hey, Vhisola!Vhisola: Hi! Do I know you?Lewa: Yeah... oh, wait, you're not really you.Vhisola: Yeah, you got that right. My sister tells me stuff like that all the time.Lewa: You've got a sister?Vhisola: Yeah, she's over there milking the cows.Lewa: I'll be back in a moment.*Lewa leaves Vhisola, Tatl, and Natalie (yeah, really gentleman like you of you, Lewa) and goes for the cows.*Alohra: Oh, hello.Lewa: O_O Wow...*And thus Lewa met with Alohra, the older sister, who was sort of cute to Lewa's standards... Maybe since they wear the same sort of mask or something?*Alohra: Wait, did you come from town?Lewa: Yeah... sort of.Alohra: Then that must mean the road is finally open! Now I can deliver the milk! Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Alohra and I'm pretty much the head of this ranch.Lewa: And I'm Lewa, here to save you from... whatever it is you need saving from.Alohra: Aw, that's sweet. Well, don't be a stranger or anything. *She goes back to milking the cow... but Lewa stands there staring at her cuteness...*Lewa, to himself: Wow... just wow... so very gorgeous-stunning and very pretty...Alohra: Hmm? Did you say something?Lewa: Uh... no! *He runs back to the others.*Alohra: Hmm. He seems very nice. Okay, back to work now.Natalie, filing her nails: Have some fun over there?Vhisola: So, what's your name?Lewa: Uh… I won't say my name.Vhisola: Uh, okay. Since you're wearing green, why don't I call you grasshopper? Yeah, that's the name Vhisola gives you.Lewa: Grasshopper?!Vhisola: Okay, then why don't I call you snotball instead?Lewa, annoyed: Grasshopper it is then.Vhisola: Say, you're a guy, aren't you?Lewa: Uh... yeah.Vhisola: Can you help me save the ranch?Lewa: Really? From what?Vhisola: Them.Lewa: Who's Them? Can I meet Them?Vhisola: They… come at night in a sphere of light every time about this year. They come onto the ranch and steal our cows for their alien needs.Lewa: What would they want with cows?Vhisola: I don't know, I guess for their milk-powered engines?Tatl: But that doesn't make any sense!Lewa: I don't know.Natalie: You know, if you've really got it in for her sister, help her out. Maybe she might see something in you for saving the ranch? *laughs* Oh, I highly doubt it…Lewa: I'll do it!Vhisola: Great! Meet me here at 2 AM, that's about the time they arrive. Just pick them off with a long-range weapon.Lewa: Will either of these do? *He holds out his bow and arrows and Midak Skyblaster.*Vhisola: Perfect!Lewa: Wow, it's barely the first day and I'm already having some fun.Tatl: That reminds me… you still got that remote and the Song of Time?Lewa, holds it remote: Never left without it. And I got the Song of Time perfectly memorized. After all... I had to play it quite a lot in my first adventure... So it's burn-etched in my memory.Tatl: Good, because without either, we'd be in deep trouble.Natalie: Right now… well, you've got a ton of time on your hands. I'm going to head for the Inn back in town for a while.Tatl: Wait, if you go back in time, wouldn't you undo everything like saving the giants?Voice of wisdom: If you travel back in time, you still carry the… experience of beating the boss and like all your important items, not including your consumables like bombs or rupees or... I don't know.Lewa: See? He knows EVERYTHING, just like I told you he did. So nothing to worry about.Tatl: But it shouldn't have to work that way!Lewa: So nothing to worry about. Besides, I'm an expert at time travel. You ought to know that by now, Navi. After all, I was able to jump-travel a week into the future and back.Tatl: I should have stayed at home.*As Lewa and his two partners returned to Clock Town, Lewa got bored as he had to wait a good amount of hours before having to return to the ranch. He set off to retrieve more masks and fulfill whatever he was supposed to do, as Natalie dictated as she read the strategy guide which almost defeats the purpose of this spoof, yet saves me a lot of time and explaining.*Lewa: What's with these girls?Rosa Sisters: Go away, we're trying to dance here!Natalie: Gee, talk about killing a mood. *laughs.* Someone ought to put them in their place.Lewa: And I know how!*He puts on Kamaro's mask and steps in front of them and begins to dance to George Michael's song Careless Whisper. That definitely shut them up. There was a silence among the gathered women and that stupid guard who just stood there and did nothing but watch. The Rosa sisters were definitely entranced by Lewa's moves, Tatl has yet to any lines, and Natalie wasn't doing anything.*Rosa Sisters: *clapping* Thank you for those moves! You be our master now!Lewa: What can I say, I amaze even myself sometimes.Natalie: He definitely became more self-centered since we last met... not to mention more talkative.Tatl: You knew him?Natalie: Holy smokes, you just spoke!Tatl: Thank Lord of shadows for not giving me any lines earlier.Natalie: But yeah, back in the first movie, I met him a few times. Didn't say too much aside from a few words here and there, but whatever I guess. *laughs.*Tatl: Well that doesn't surprise me.Natalie: Well, I guess if you don't need me, I'll be staying at the Inn...*With that, Natalie returns to the room she rented out from earlier and decides to wait there until either something happened or Lewa returned, which ever happened first.**Lewa and Tatl went back to the ranch, and it was almost time. Lewa stood outside looking around and getting his blaster ready. Moments later, Vhisola came out from the house with a serious expression on her face. She was a woman on a mission, and you could tell.*Lewa: Hey, so we still going for this?Vhisola: I sure am. You better get ready, they're almost here. *She goes into the barn to protect the cows.*Lewa: Okay, so how hard can they be?*That's when a large sphere of light comes in from the sky and starts to drop Them off. Lewa started to have a panic attack and go crazy.*Lewa: *yelling in Scottish gibberish*Tatl: Don't just stand there, numb nuts, fight!*Lewa, still yelling like a fool, started to take Them out one by one with a blast from his Midak Sykblaster and random shots from his bow (which is sort of weird to imagine him with both weapons at the same time). It seemed as though they were weak against light, which proved useful. They were just as weak to the regular arrows, as it also seemed. Either way, it wasn't too difficult to take Them down, but as Lewa took one down, two more arrived in their place. Lewa flew to the top of the house and then began to snip the rest of Them off, including the ones that tried to sneak up behind the barn. It was a surprise Alohra didn't wake up, what with all the yelling and spazzing out Lewa was doing in those few hours of the super late night.*Tatl: Okay, you're doing good, just keep going.*Lewa was still freaking the freak out, but he managed by luck to defeat Them. And a not a moment sooner, the sun zaps the rest of them away, and that sphere of light takes away any stragglers who might have managed to escape Lewa's barrage. Ha! Take that, alien scum. And don't let the door knob hit you where the sun would-a kicked you..*Lewa, panting: Must never do that again.Vhisola: Ah! We did it!Lewa: We? What did you do?Vhisola: We saved the ranch!Lewa: Okay, yeah, "we" did it thanks to "teamwork."Vhisola, hugs him: Thank you... Mr. Hero.Lewa: Aw, you hear that? She called me a hero.Tatl: Okay, good, Mr. Hero. Now let's go.Alohra: Oh, Vhisola, there you are.Lewa, blushing: Hello...Alohra: Oh, hello. I didn't think you'd come in this early...Lewa: Yeah, well, you know...Alohra: Well, no time to chat now, I have to get a supply of milk ready to deliver to Mr. Norik at the bar downtown.Vhisola: I wanna come, too!Alohra: No, you're staying here with the cows.Vhisola: Aw, you're no fun.Alohra: Say, I'm going to be going at about 6 this evening. Would you like to join me?*There are many levels which men go through when certain women talk to them. One is simply a cold reaction where the man feels nothing, and this is mainly for girls who are witches. Another is getting bothered and hot, which the man feels somewhat sweaty and uncomfortable, and this reaction comes from girls who are somewhat attractive and maybe on the guy's mind. Then the last level is the TOTAL MELTDOWN, where the man cannot hold himself up and falls to the ground in a complete sweaty and nervous wreck, which was what Lewa was doing, and this obviously comes from super cute and attractive girls the guy has heavy feelings for...*Vhisola, laughs: Should I get the wheel barrel?Alohra: Okay, see you ar 6 then...Tatl: Smooth move, cassanova.Lewa: A romantic ride-drive with Alohra... I can live with that.Tatl: Well, at least pick yourself up. And even then, there is still a lot of time to blow before then. We've got at least a good 12 hours... and it's the second day. Should we at least try and get to that next temple?Lewa: If you say, so. Hopefully it won't be as hard to get to as that mountain temple...*At the Great Bay...*Roodaka: Wow, it's, like... totally boring around here. I mean, Glatorian rock stars, warm sand, calm oceans that allow easy access to the temple, Vortixx pirates... can this place be any more boring?Zhirika: We could go down to the beach and have an awesome beach party if you'd like?Roodaka, bored sigh: Yeah, I guess. Not like we have anything else to do but guard these silly eggs... except for getting those other three eggs, but I don't wanna do that.Zhirika: Okay, you got it.Roodaka: One last thing... you're like a total ditz.Zhirika: Aw, thank you.Roodaka: That was an insult, not a compliment.

  23. Here is chapter 10, also a decent length. Since this chapter was written in 2010, there might be some dated jokes.*Posing as Whenua, Lewa was able to go around the pseudo Onu-Metru village (which was more like Ko-Metru if you ask me) as if nothing. Now that he was one of them, Lewa seemed to slowly be conquering his fear.*Tatl: So shouldn't we be trying to head to that village now?Lewa: Oh, don't worry, I'm sure we'll be-- *Lewa then rammed into a boulder of snow… which wasn't a boulder at all once the snow fell off!*Natalie: I've heard of being frozen alive, but this sure takes the cake. *laughs.**Natalie wasn't kidding, as there was a frozen Turaga of Earth trapped in the ice.*Lewa: Well, that's a cry-shame. Most strange to get stuck in a bunch of ice.Tatl: Say, what about that hot spring water you got back at the grave?Lewa: I dunno, it's crazy, but… *Lewa gets his bottle and dumps it on the ice, and like Tatl said, it actually worked!*Turaga Zaida: Huh?! Where am I? Get away from me, you Canadians! Lewa: But I'm not from Canada.Natalie: But I've been there, it's not a bad place at all.Zaida: Huh? Oh, Whenua, it's just you! Say, aren't you supposed to be dead?Lewa: Yeah, but I'm not!Zaida: Ah, that's the spirit, nothing can keep us down! I like that about you. Now it's off to go battle the hounds of the Baskerville!Natalie: Is it me or is he completely mad? Lewa, as Whenua: Sorry to stop your… battle, but the others say that this brat won't stop crying because you disappeared.Zaida: What?? Okay, I'm coming! *He takes his staff and slowly starts to walk.*Lewa: You want me to help you?Zaida: Don't touch me, you old scaloot! *He tries walking some more, but he stops and starts panting, out of breath.* Oh, it's no use! I don't even remember the lullaby.Lewa: Lullaby?Zaida: Yes, our very special one. You used to like it, too. *Zaida takes out a drum and places it on the ground.*Natalie: You play it on a drum?Zaida: Is there any other way?Natalie: Yes, in fact, I'm a singer actually.Zaida: Uh... how does it go again? *He plays a few notes and then...* I can't remember the blasted song! I know, I'll teach you the beginning!Lewa: Well, if you say so... *He reaches for his ocarina, but instead he takes out a monster drum set.*Natalie: Now I've seen everything... skinny guys turn into bulky brutes and ocarinas turn into giant drums. *laughs* Will the wonder of life ever cease to amaze me?*So Zaida and Lewa have a little "jam session" and Lewa gains the lullaby… the beginning of it at least.*Zaida: Okay then… I'm coming, Elizabeth! *He falls over and goes to sleep.*Lewa: Some help you were. Okay, now I got to find this whiny-brat and put him to sleep.Natalie: How? You only have the beginning of the lullaby.Lewa: Maybe I can wing it or something.Tatl: Hopefully we can get some information on the temple while we're at it.Lewa, snaps fingers: Oh, yeah, almost forgot about that.*So Lewa, Tatl, and the warmly dressed Natalie make their way into the Onu-Matoran village. They weren't even inside the main dwelling, but they could already hear the loud crying.*Tatl: Whoever this kid is, he can wail, and I mean that.Natalie: No wonder they can't stand it! I wasn't sure if it was a child crying or an air raid siren!Lewa: I'd rather it be an air raid siren!*Lewa pounded down the door and went inside. He climbed to the highest room in the tallest tower and made it to where Zaida's… son was, as well as a bunch of Onu-Matoran covering their ears.*Onepu: How much longer can he cry for?! My ears can't take it!Garan: Don't look at me! I wanted to lock him inside a glass, sound-proof tube!Onepu: Whenua! Do you have any ideas?!Lewa, as Wenua: As a matter of fact, I do. *He takes out his drums and begins to play the beginning of the lullaby. The kid stops crying for a moment.*Zaida's Son: That song… my dad used to play it for me every night… That's just the beginning, though.Tatl: Yeah, we sort of established that.Zaida's Son: I know the rest. *That's when he sings out the rest of the song. Lewa catches on and uses the drums to play the entire song. And that's when not only the spoiled brat falls asleep, but so do the other Onu-Matoran.*Natalie: Well, that's the end of that chapter. *laughs*Tatl: Not quite yet, we still have to get to that temple.*Lewa looked outside and found a sign pointing to the temple, so he followed it there. When he got there, a furious blizzard was brewing.*Lewa: What's with the gust-cold?!Giant Mantax: That would be me… Mantax… I am the guardian of this temple, and I say none shall pass.Lewa: He already seems smarter than the Mantax back home.Giant Mantax: And I refuse to let anyone pass… not even… *He looks down at Lewa through his bad eyesight…* Ah! It's Chuck Norris! I'm so sorry, Mr. Norris! I didn't mean to make you mad!Lewa: Uh…Natalie: His eyesight must be so bad, he can't tell the difference between anything. *laughs* Need some glasses?Lewa: Uh... Yeah! Don't make me come up there and give you a good roundhouse kick to the face!Giant Mantax: No!Lewa: Surprise drum attack! *He plays the lullaby and then a few seconds later, the giant Mantax falls asleep, curls up into a ball, and falls to his death.*Natalie: Wow, that was cold… And I just realized we're in a snowy mountain. So I just made a pun. *laughs* Oh, wow, these are some crazy times we're living in right now.Lewa: At least now we can get into the temple.*The trio eventually made it into temple and eventually the boss chamber.*Lewa: It's easy to go through here, especially since the monsters are as near-sighted as Mantax… they think I'm Chuck Norris!Tatl: I don't see how. You don't even look anything like him! The beard, maybe, but… just no! Natalie: Oh, look, something's frozen in the ice. Is that the boss you were talking about?Lewa: All right, the boss is frozen! So just give me what I want and we'll be on out way.Tatl: I honestly don't think it'll be that simple. Maybe since he's frozen, we can break the ice so he'll shatter.Lewa: Or I can shoot him with a fire arrow so he'll melt! Tatl: What? No!*But her word of warning came too late and Lewa fired a fire arrow from his recovered bow and arrow set... icebreaker. In a matter of moments, the masked mechanical monster Goht roars to life and goes on a rampage.*Natalie: I've had my share of mechanical bulls, but this takes the cake. I mean, it even has a license plate on it! What's that say...?Lewa: No matter! I'm going to take on that thing! *So he imitates Whenua and rolls up into a ball like he did in those 2004 promo things for the Toa Metru and goes after him. Goht is very fast for a monster on a rampage and Lewa is barely able to keep up. But he doesn't have to because like 45 seconds later, Goht crashes into a wall due to faulty breaks.*Tatl: What just happened?Natalie: He must have faulty breaks. *laughs.* Some monster, can't even break for a wall.Lewa, changed back to normal: Whatever, if anyone asks, I did that to him. Now let's go for the magic exit and claim our prize!*The trio makes for the magic exit and they end up in one of those bubble bath places like before.*Natalie: Are we in heaven?!Tatl: You wanna tell her or you want me to?Natalie: Did someone leave the bubble bath going too long?Lewa: Oh, come on, we're in the same place as before! What a rip-off! All that work to go in a round-about back here!Giant #2: Hi, there.Lewa: Oh, and here's the same giant as before!Giant #2, hurt: But... I've never met you before. Are you saying all giants look the same to you?Lewa: What?! No, no, I didn't mean that! It's just that--Giant #2: You hate me! You're mean, I hate you.Lewa: No, please, we need your help to save Alma Nui!Giant #2: Then go save the other two giants.Lewa: Oh, come on!Giant #2: I don't want to work with a hater, is that a problem?Lewa: I'm not a hater!Giant #2: Hater. Go get the others, then we'll see.*Just back in the mountains, the snows start to melt away and the Onu-Maotran are able to come out again, free from the cold and that spoiled brat. In a matter of moments, it was as though it became spring and all the grass and plants were spurring back to life. Even the birds were chirping happily and the frogs were swimming in the water that was no longer frozen.*

  24. Wow. Well, I'm glad to hear that. I'm also glad to know this makes you happy. Well, yup, ADITLOT is back, albeit in a new form, but it's still there. This next chapter is going to be packed with a lot of stuff in it, but it'll mostly cover a lot of stuff in the original ADITLOT that didn't make it in. I did plan to make chapters explaining the origins of Hodge Podge and Elitha, so here you go. Plus there'll be some nostalgia thrown into the mix. Episode 2: Somewhere in Clipsville*Somewhere on Destral…*Teridax: So does this looks like everyone who used to work for us?Spiriah: I’m going to guess so.Kojol: I bet you’d let just about anyone walk in here, the way your memory works…Teridax: You’re just asking me to drop an inferno-filled building on you again, aren’t you?Kojol: The thought never occurred to me.Vanisher: If you want me to, I can DESTROY him for you.Teridax: No, let’s save that for later. Surprised you’re still on one piece after that whole mission The Shadowed One went on. Whatever happened to him?Atheron: You know, it was very unclear…*Little do they know that somehow when they all got home, The Shadowed One found himself in some strange alternate dimension where he took control of the old Hand of Artakha after Teridax took over the whole universe with Icarax acting as his sentry and law enforcer… Now back to our story.*Gyzerox: So then what do we do now? Now we’re just stuck with a bunch of freaks on our island.Teridax: I’ll figure something out.*Teridax turns and faces his newly forced recruits.*Teridax: All right, you clowns, since I’m very very hungry, I want all of you to pick me up several large pizzas.Kojol: I didn’t realize you were THAT hungry.Teridax: Not all of it is for me, you know. I was thinking of sharing, but I might change my mind. In fact, you don’t get any!Kojol: I’m so sad now. I’m so sad, I forgot to cry.Roodaka: Why do we have to go get something you can easily go out and get yourself?Teridax: Because it’s more fun making others do things for me. Just look at most of the actual Bionicle story.Sidorak: And if we refuse?Vanisher: Then I will DESTROY you all!!!“Karzahni” (Spiriah): And I’ll just get on my dance routine.All: AAAHHHH!!! *The all run off to find the nearest pizza place.*Teridax: Darn, I didn’t get to tell them what I wanted. Well, hopefully they get it right.Norenka: Um, Teridax?Teridax: What is it, Norenka?Norenka: I know it’s not my place, but… Algorox and Elitha are still at large.Teridax: Well, Algorox is far gone by now. And Elitha is just a silly Matoran girl. I remember the first day we met… It was all shimmery and in sepia tone…*Flashback…**Antroz is riding through the forest while it’s on fire atop his horse Nexus.*Antroz, on fire: This isn’t even the right story! Stop showing this flashback!!*End flashback.*Teridax: Oops. Sorry about that.Antroz: Yeah… so am I.Teridax: Let’s try that again.*Flashback…**We see some random Matoran on some unnamed island running and screaming in one direction before scattering about and hiding. As they do, a shy, timid “Ga-Matoran” runs after them, speaking in a soft voice with a cute little accent.*Elitha: Wait, please come back. Surely my Danny Phantom fan art will make you happy. Oh… Why doesn’t anyone like me?Teridax: Hey, you, silly girl. How’d you like to be my labrat? My other labrat quit on me.Ahkmou: No, I didn’t. I’m right here, still worshipping you.Teridax: Get away from me. *He kicks Ahkmou into a building, causing a massive explosion.*Elitha: You blew up a condominium development.Teridax: You know a bunch of big words. I think I’ll like you.Elitha: Oh, but sir, I don’t want to leave my home. Even though no one likes me, or invites me to their block parties, or their slumber parties, and everyone makes up mean sayings about me, it’s still my home.Teridax: You lost me at “sir.” Your voice is cute.*That’s when Teridax just takes her up in his arms and makes his way back after shape-shifting some wings to Destral as Elitha screams in terror at being so high up.**End flashback.*Teridax: And that’s how I turned a sweet, innocent, silly girl into an insane, deliciously evil nutcase whose sole purpose in life is to destroy meGorast: I still don’t even know why you took her in.Teridax: I was bored! What else could I have done? Plus, it was funny first time I brought her here. She was so easy to scare. Plus she was scared of her own shadow. And she was blue.Vamprah: >_>Zartross: You having some problem with blue, comrade?Teridax: No, not that. It looks great on both of you. Besides, she was a lighter blue. Of course, she’s red now… and angry. And insane. At least not as insane as Miserix.Gorast: Don’t even remind me…*Flashback…*Miserix: You wanna know why I look the way I do? Well, you see… When I was younger, I used to go out to the movies a lot. I had this girlfriend who liked to go to late-night showings at the theaters. So naturally, I’d go along with it and take her. She used to enjoy it and she’d tell me every now and again how much she loved my smile. Well, one night… there were these two creeps who followed us from the theater. So me being the brave, kind-hearted guy I was, defended my girl from them. They just laughed at me and closed in on us. What else could I do? I mean, they wanted to attack us. So I just… *he puts his hand above his head and raises his hand up.* And then I just… *he holds out his hands to look like a pair of jaws.* I scared them off good, let me tell you. But my girlfriend… she was scared out of her mind. So first thing she does when I turn around… she just takes off… She’s too horrified to even look at me! Can you believe that?! Well, on the plus side, I’m always smiling now.*end flashback.*Kojol: What’s the deal with the clip show all of a sudden?Teridax: It’s not a clip show if we show never-before seen material. Plus the author guy just wanted to put in another Miserix story.Norenka: So there was almost no point to this episode?Teridax: That’s right, my dear.Gorast: Well, it’s not all that bad, right?Kojol: Well, no, but I mean… nothing happened. No dinner jokes. No insane and wacky shenanigans. No Gorast trying to make Teridax love her. Not even Elitha or Hodge Podge trying to conduct some evil scheme! NOTHING!Gorast: I’ve… never seen you so emotional about something.Teridax: Well, I mean The Shadowed One is missing and Miserix is dead, so we lost our major antagonists. And plus I don’t consider those two much of threats anyway. But since we’ve shown flashbacks for Miserix and Elitha, why not one for Algorox then?*Flashback…*Algorox: Are you listening, Icarax? Teridax instructed us to follow these orders EXACTLY. I’ve rung up the numbers a few times, so by my calculations, we should be able to make off with this loot as long as you don’t mess it up. Got it?Icarax, with bucket over his head: Got it.Algorox: Good. Now let’s move.Icarax: Wait, where’d you go? Who turned off the lights?*Icarax, being the doofus he is, turns around and knocks Algorox off the edge of a cliff.*Algorox: Icarax!!!!*Before Algorox can really do anything, he falls into a pit of mutagenic acid, which sadly but surely, eats away at his Makuta armor.*Icarax: Sorry, I didn’t hear that? Algorox? Algorox?[pause]Icarax: I’m in trouble, aren’t I?*a few hours later…**Because Icarax was too stupid and too late to save Algorox, it was now up to Mutran to try and save his life. However, Mutran is a horrible doctor and very absent-minded. So instead of saving Algorox’s life, he turns him into a Skakdi-faced mutant with a body made entirely of junk. When Mutran removes the tarp covering Algorox’s body, Algorox himself awoke to see the horror that awaited him.*Mutran: Oops.Algorox/ Hodge Podge: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What did you do to me?!Mutran: There was nothing I could do.Hodge Podge: You always say that, you science school drop out! I should have known better than to think Teridax would place my life in good care. Now I look like a mutated freak! You’ve ruined my life!Mutran: Your armor was beyond help and your head and mask were mutated into that green shape. There really was nothing I could do.Hodge Podge: Well, soon enough, there will be something you can do! But the time for that will be much later on!*In a dashing move, Hodge Podge manages to break through the lab, stealing a very important box he left for safe keeping, and then he runs through the wall, falling to his doom, only to be saved by a Klang bird.*Mutran: That was awkward.*end flashback.* Gorast: What was so special about that box of his?Teridax: Algorox liked doing a lot of DNA work to create Rahi. Not all of it worked. How else do you think the Klang came into existence? And that’s the story of why Algorox wants to wreck all of our lives.Gorast: I feel sort of bad now.Teridax: Don’t. It’s Mutran and Icarax who should get the blame. Plus Algorox was in love with you anyway.Gorast: WHAT?!Teridax: Yeah? Wasn’t it obvious? He used to talk about you around me all the time, asking about how to impress you and whatever. I never really said anything.Gorast: I’m glad you didn’t… I just… don’t know how to react to that.Teridax: I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Not like he’s going to try another plan like he did the last time. After all, the last time he did, it spawned 3 30-chapter comedies all revolving around The Shadowed One.Atheron: And 40 chapters of ADITLOT.

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