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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Illuminatus

  1. Wow, you posted your comment a second before I did mine. O.O

  2. Really? Feel free to contact me any time. :)

  3. Not sure. Maybe Iron, Fire or Ice.

  4. Why exactly did you leave, anyway? [/echo]

  5. Пич от България, а не се обажда. :P

  6. What? It's the latest thing! XD

  7. Hey, Fruito... ahem, Bio. Don't forget to check out my new Toa Mahri banners.

  8. Just cropped it from an Iron Man wallpaper.

  9. =O *Runs to phone* Which number did you dial for 911 again?

  10. Hurrah for pink! :D

  11. Depends on my mood. =P

  12. Certainly. Bulgarians have to look out for each other. :)

  13. Как е, брат? :)

  14. How is Bioni-Cool Cool an oxymoron?

  15. Isn't that you on the Spotlight?

  16. It's nothing, really. =P

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