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Dominus Temporis

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Year 17


About Dominus Temporis

  • Birthday 03/09/1991

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    Wherever I am at the moment
  • Interests
    Bionicle, video games, reading, writing, watching television, and overall building with LEGO Bricks.<br /><br />That's the short version. I enjoy writing my comedy My Life With The Bionicles, which I strongly suggest you read. I realize, for you spelling/grammar freaks out there (I'm one too), that the word 'the' should not be capitalized, but there seemed to be an error in the topic posting (at least that's how I explain it), so now that's how it officially is. Oh, and please read my holiday comedy, A Bionicle Christmas Carol. It's a long way back in Comedies, though... For those of you who don't want to search, I'll be writing another Christmas comedy this year. It's going to be titled "The SanTakanuva Clause".<br /><br />In between that, I collect cards and go on with life in general which frankly tends to be very boring. <br /><br />Favorites:<br />Books- Collections of comic strips, Inheritance trilogy, Sherlock Holmes, Star Wars books, Bionicle books, video game guides, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy<br /><br />Video Games- Super Smash Bros. Melee, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Pokemon series (and darn proud), Final Fantasy I & II Dawn of Souls, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Kirby series<br /><br />Movies- Star Wars (ALL of 'em), Pirates of the Caribbean, Superman Returns, Bionicle, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy<br /><br />Comic Strips- FoxTrot, Get Fuzzy, Dilbert, Garfield, Pearls Before Swine, Peanuts, Calvin and Hobbes, The Far Side<br /><br />Manga- Yu-Gi-Oh!, Naruto, One Piece, Shaman King, Yu Yu Hakusho, Zatch Bell!, Legendz (over much too soon), Megaman NT Warrior <br /><br />TV Shows- Doctor Who, Heroes, Whose Line is it Anyway, Monk<br /><br />Of course, my favorite overall storyline is Bionicle. I've been with it since the beginning, and a LEGO Club Member for about a decade. Speaking of, if you want, you can check out some of the things I've made with LEGO Digital Designer on the official website. Look for me under my club name of '4bot' to see the stuff I've created.<br /><br />I hope you enjoyed reading this, because it wasn't too bad to write it. That's about it, honestly. And just for the sake of saying it...<br /><br />May the Force be with you.

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  1. MLWTB is my primary Internet reading material. As Borokama seems to have beaten me to saying, it rocks! I hope you write a sequel comedy.

    From Edapurg

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