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Uncle K.

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Uncle K.

  1. You, more than a lot of people should know I can never stick with just one for any stretch of time. =P

  2. I remember you... one of the only people who noticed that I like to make topics eye-pleasing too. Good on ya.

  3. Where you been? =0

  4. Happy birthday yesterday!

  5. No. Khote is somebody else. On here and DA.

  6. Both me and Khote are on Chris's.

  7. Where did you get Chris in there? Uncle Khote is just Khote on DA.

  8. You are thinking of the wrong uncle.

  9. I lost track of your name after the Chesterfield one.


  10. Out of what criteria?

  11. Where did you go? Or was I just not looking hard enough?

  12. Magical like my magic make?

  13. so if this is not bio then who is it


  14. I am always afraid you will leave someday without telling us, but then I remember- you are always in our hearts, telling us that Snape never really was evil after all.

  15. I have a short new epic so I can take a break from PFP.

  16. The whole database fiasco must have reunited us once again.

  17. The wonderfully horible truth.

  18. Fear what you can't yet hear!

  19. So run, run and fear!

  20. Well, you knew they were looking for you.

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