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Blog Comments posted by Roki

  1. Walls of text aside, I now have another idea for a short story - as long as you're alright with me using your theory.

    Go ahead. :) A Back-link would be nice at the end of the story if you wouldn't mind.


    This entire theory did somewhat spring from part of an epic I've had planned for a while, it contains a Toa of the Green who is recruited by a Toa-code breaking team an trained to use his power in unethical ways involving manipulating internal organics of sapients.


    Sorry about the walls of text, I get carried away sometimes.



  2. Firstly, I’d like to thank you both for taking the time to read and reply to my post.


    This was an interesting read, though I can't say I agree with it. There is a difference between animal and plant organic matter. Going back to biology, plant cells have a sort of wall for their outermost layer, which is fairly different than animal cells. You could argue that isn't valid because that's just how our world works, but because plants and animals also appear to be in separate categories (the Morbuzahk is not considered an animal despite its intelligence and ability to move), I think we can assume plants and animals have different structures within the Bionicle universe.


    Lin, I can definitely see where you’re coming from here. Plant an animal cells in our world are drastically different from each other on a cellular level. But as you stated, this is the world of BIONICLE, where ‘cold energy’ exists as a concept and an entire robot is made up of varying forms of the same compound: Protodermis. This is why I try not to base any parts of my theories upon the limitations imposed by the way the real world works, instead extrapolating ideas from existing physics and chemistry of the BIONICLE universe. By thinking this way, I believe that it can help make ideas and theories that ‘fit’ more into the chaotic mess that is the Science of the BIONICLE universe.


    I can agree that Plants and animals may have some form of different structure in terms of classification. I believe that structure must be at least somewhat identifiable on a non-cellular level and that is what allows the matoran to classify what is a plant, rahi, robot or a sapient species. The classifications must be fairly obvious otherwise we’d have matoran calling Morbuzahk a Rahi.
    I proposed in the theory above that the primary difference between the Flora of the universe and the Fauna (including Sapient Species) was the presence of solid Protodermis in the bodies of Fauna. A difference which is easily identifiable by Matoran.


    This does make a difference, unfortunately, because Greg's explaination system is wonky. Gali cannot control ice even though it is a form of water because of the composition of its particles. Onua cannot control boulders like Pohatu because he's a vampIre of "particle size." If plant and animal structure are fundamentally different, there is a golden chance that The Green cannot manipulate animal organic tissue which is what I assume to be in Toa and Matoran and Rahi amongst other species.


    I do believe that Greg’s system may have initially been wonky, but has come together to be somewhat cohesive due to the various developments and evolution of the story over the 10 years and being bombarded by those of us who are varying levels of scientists. There are many different forms of the same compound throughout the universe (Protodermis), in the Matoran universe. It can come in the different states of matter and in a number of forms of each. Frozen, solid Protodermis aka Ice is as similar to liquid Protodermis as Pure Solid Protodermis aka Metal, as both can be created from it, albeit Pure Solid is a slightly longer process. As far as Stone and Earth, they may both be forms of Raw Solid Protodermis that are slightly different in terms of the particle size of the Protodermis, which just gives us one more form of Solid Protodermis, Fine Solid Protodermis.


    As far as Organic tissue goes, we are only aware of one form of Organic Protodermis. My theory hinges on the fact that both flora and fauna have the same form of Organic Protodermis inside of them. If a Toa of the Green cannot manipulate the Organic Protodermis inside Flora and Sapient beings, then this organic Protodermis must be a different form. I.e. Floral Organic Protodermis and Faunal Organic Protodermis become two new different forms. Potentially even another separate form for humanoid sapients.

    This reminds me of the debate surrounding what makes Keetongu and Krahka a Rahi and not grouped with the rest of the races? This could be easily resolved if they resumed using rahi as the matoran word for “Not-us” as opposed to being synonymous with animal and have Makuta, Skakdi, Vortixx etc all be classified as Rahi. As it has essentially became the equivalent of the Roman word Barbarian which also used to mean “Not Roman” but is now associated with a certain kind of individual. Anyway, getting side-tracked here.




    I quickly just whipped up the above table to clearly lay out what I believe is the difference between the different forms of life in the matoran universe. I left out Sapience as a column as there are examples of sapient flora, rahi and robots. But are the majority of each of these categories aren't sapient.


    However, I propose a slight compromise which I thought of while reading this which to me sounds super cool.
    What if Toa and Matoran of the Green were created from organic matter classified as plant? We have seen that plant matter in the MU has potential to be sentient and intelligent, so why not? Also, it fits with their name because "of the green" could easily imply that their cellular structure is that of plants. They would be literally "of the green"
    Now that means that these powers of controlling organic tissue would be limited to only their element, but I still think that would be awesome.


    Not 100% sure I’m on board with this idea. I prefer the idea of a unified matoran race in terms of origin. Perhaps this could be a result of side effect of Toa of the Green healing their matoran over the years, slowly changing out the organic composition of their internals? Leaving this difference being more of an adapted change rather than a created change.


    I think Tek's point about the possible difference between flora organics and fauna organics is important here. Also important is the knowledge that this one power is known by a few different names among us, and by two canonically: Jungle on SM, the Green in the MU, and it is very commonly called Plantlife.
    Tekulo: if they were made of plant matter they would be plants, not Matoran =P Also, none of the other varieties of Matoran are made up of their Element. I think it would be neat if they were, but unfortunately...


    Part of my point is that Jungle doesn’t have to be all the green is. Fire existed on Spherus Magna, but didn’t have heat control? Sand existed on Spherus Magna but didn’t end up being associated with an element in the MU. The great beings admitted they changed things in creating the giant robot, with the decision to remove jungle as a primary element being one we have as canonized. The fact it’s called the Green and not Jungle lends to the fact that something significant was changed; as did the fact they didn’t call it Plant-life. Especially when we have an example of a power called exactly “Plant Control” which is that of the Makuta and Rahkshi.

    The Green isn't Jungle or Plant Control. It’s the Green. They’re has got to be some reason behind it (other than the truth of Greg’s random decision) that we can explain and create.


    - Roki

  3. After reading through your post in the Kinetics Poll, I've somewhat come to terms with Kinetics as an element and now take more of a neutral stance.

    Seeing you quite efficiently pointed out flaws in every argument against, it's a lot easier to see the pros outweighing the cons now :P.


    In regards to the Greg Team, i suggest a stylized Rua to symbolize Wisdom combined with letters G + T somehow.

    Or just a Stylized G + T and perhaps with a Question mark motif in the background.



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