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Kanohi Dragon

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Status Updates posted by Kanohi Dragon

  1. 'Course I do. It's nice to meet another bzp member on two sites! XD

  2. *random ninja ambush* D:

  3. >_

    I read them and they were great! You're really good at making them!

  4. ^_^

    I've been working on art for my portfolio for college, it's due in less than two weeks. >_

    What about you?

  5. :D

    So, you like Avatar too? Awesome.

  6. 0_0 Now that, is random.

    Thank you. Your artwork is awesome too. Good luck to you as well!

  7. A lot of interesting things have happened lately. I got to go on my senior class trip the Renaissance Faire, which was extremely awesome. I got to see a fox in the woods behind my house a few days ago, which was pretty cool. Then this morning, there was a deer in my backyard, and I got BA#11: The Final Battle after school today then.

  8. A Makuta would be easier for me, I have trouble with humanoid things, so a Toa would be difficult. Is there a specific one you want, or can I just pick it?

  9. A PS2 and some games for it. What about you?

  10. A very good point. I like it better when they manage to move the plot along without a death though. No loss of favorite characters and I personally find it more exciting when a character just barely survives something.

  11. A very interesting chapter. I still can't believe that Axonn and Brutaka are working together again, though it does make sense.

  12. Ack, I don't pay enough attention to things. >_

    I've been drawing a lot lately, and trying not to get swamped by school work. My professors pretty much all decided to have a test or porject or something of the sort due this week. D:

    What about you?

  13. Ah, don't worry about it- it happens quite a lot on this site.

  14. Ah, good luck with you job and Happy Birthday! :D

  15. Ah, I had to do an element prject a few years ago. I think I had Berylium (which I don't think I spelled right...)

  16. Ah, I hope you find the time to do both.

    I'm just trying to read a bunch of books and finish some drawings I have before summer ends. I can't believe how fast it's gone by. :[

  17. Ah, I know that feeling. It's interesting how something comes out one way in your head, but then another when you try to put it down on paper.

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