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Kanohi Dragon

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Everything posted by Kanohi Dragon

  1. I've only read he Fellowship of the Ring, though I saw the movie versions of the other two. I really want to read them though.

  2. There's another one up already? *goes to read*

  3. Ick, that does sound annoying.

    I thought it was pretty interesting. Not my favorite chapter, but still, I'm curious to see what will happen next.

  4. I know, but I meant, what was the storyline about? Yeps, though I really don't feel like one. I don't play them as much as I used to, but there are still quite a few that I really enjoy.

  5. The evilyness of it all. >_

  6. That is pretty darn awesome.

    I'm just in regular school with all science and social studies subjects at the moment.

  7. Ah, okay. I have friends who're doing the same thing.

  8. Oy, I agree with you. School isn't much fun anymore. Woo, that's awesome!

  9. I'm good, what about you?

  10. I'm good, though stressed from school. I'm not liking my American Gov?Economics course... >_

    Ouch, that doesn't sound fun. Why are going to two?

  11. I've heard of them, but I've never watched them. What are they about?

    No, I'm a senior.

  12. Hi! I'm good, what about you?

    *looks at interests* So, you like anime too?

  13. XD, I do the same thing all the time.

    Hi there! :]

  14. Hey, did you get the last meaage I sent you? I'm not sure if it sent...

  15. Hello, and welcome to bzpower! :]

  16. Bfahome, your sig made me lose the game! D:

    XD, wasn't expecting to see that on here.

  17. Which is exactly why I'm worried. Though, I could see them not answering a few, and then having the question pop up in some odd way and having it answered. Woo, that would be pretty awesome.

  18. I hope so too. Too many unamed places and too many things left unanswered still; there's a lot I hope we find out before the end of this year.

  19. That would be pretty awesome. Eh, you never know.

  20. Aw, I hope you're feeling better soon!

  21. Yeah, it was good. I'm curious as to the same thing.

  22. I'm doing good. Just sad that summer's going to be over. How are you?

  23. Yeah, I hate how busy it gets during the school year. I'm dying to finish the other LotR books, and there's two other series I really want to finish too, but there's not much time to read. :[

  24. Ah, okay. I love the movies too, they're great. I use it too a lot.

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