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Vanatu- Ta-Koro Guard

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Everything posted by Vanatu- Ta-Koro Guard

  1. Congratulations on the achievement, Akano, three years is definitely hard to do and I congratulate you on such a great achievement, especially seeing how hard it is to keep up with this during your senior year in high school, which owns most of my life now. Anyway, once again, congratulations on bringing joy and laughter to many fans for three years .
  2. Congratulations on your success in Nerdfest 2007, Akano. All hail the Nerdfest 2007 State Champions of Entomology! Also, about the writer's block, I know how you feel, and I wish I did have a magical hammer that could smash writer's blocks, because I run into that sort of thing a lot with the book I'm writing and I don't enjoy it. -Vanatu- Ta-Koro Guard
  3. Glad to see you're still alive, Akano. I wish you the best of luck in Nerdfest 2007. Also, I understand how you must have felt after working until 10-11 PM. I'm usually up later than that working on homework (yes, I am very slow) and the lack of sleep really gets to me by the afternoon and I just want to go home an take a nap. Anyway, hope to see the 100th comic up soon. -Vanatu- Ta-Koro Guard
  4. Congratulations on your achievement, Akano. All I have to say is this; wow, that is excellent gold in chemistry and bronze in entomology. Good luck in the state competition. -Vanatu- Ta-Koro Guard
  5. Happy birthday, Akano. Too bad you were so busy that day. Its never fun to have a birthday on a very busy day, hard to have fun when you're so busy. Also, good luck in "Nerdfest 2007" . -Vanatu- Ta-Koro Guard
  6. Congratulations on your victory, Akano. Losing to the team whose coach wrote the test is really good. After all, it would be pretty embarrassing if the team whose coach wrote the test did poorly, so, all things considered you did really good. Also, I agree with you about the part with famous entomologists, why do you need to know them, they're people and the test is about knowledge of insects, not noteworthy people who study insects. Also, with that wise word, what does it mean, it looks like some gibberish with the word "scarab" stuck in front of it. -Vanatu- Ta-Koro Guard
  7. The hand drawn comic wasn't too bad, pretty funny with the wall of snow thing (typical cartoon humor). Also, congratulations on your success at the band concert, it sounds like you had a good time, I wish I could have seen it (unfortunately that's impossible with me living in California and you living in a different state) I especially would have liked to see the performance of "Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24" (Trans-Siberian Orchestra has some of the best original Christmas Music that I know of and "Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24" is an awesome song). One more thing, would you mind stopping these physics equations, I don't understand them at all and I doubt many other readers of your blog understand them either and this one is by far the most confusing yet, my brother, Nuvaro might be able to solve the equations, but he doesn't read this blog so he is irrelevant. -Vanatu- Ta-Koro Guard
  8. I know how you feel, Wisey. I have so much schoolwork every day that I barely have time to maintain my comics even with my co-author helping me, so I can relate to you, even though I go to public high school in America instead of online school in Canada. -Vanatu- Ta-Koro Guard
  9. That is so cool, it is so rare (in my experience, at least) to find something BIONICLE related in something that doesn't even have anything to do with LEGO, so it is quite a surprise to find something like this. -Vanatu- Ta-Koro Guard
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