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Status Updates posted by HERP DERP DERP

  1. Delet'd. And yes,I have one.

  2. ...he just got suspended for only criticising something quite politely.

    Smells like Spanish inquisition.

  3. I really need to try that.

    I'll go do it now!

    *5 minutes later*

    it's hard to type with only three fingers.

    it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts

  4. So you like Watchmen, Lost and David Bowie too.

    Welcome to the Awesome Club.

  5. Haven't had time to do it lately. I'll most likely finish it in a Short Story or Epic form,but hey,I could always make one more RPG. Time will tell.

  6. "Lol, did you know that Kalmah is actually the name of a Finnish melodic death metal band?"

    ...it is? How do you foreigners know these things better than us Finnish?

  7. That experiment involved putting a metal fork into the microwave and turning it on.

  8. Yo homie.

    Wait, who are you.

  9. I'm speaking for The Question when I say that his "miserable fanboy filth" rant was a joke. And way too many people fell for it.

  10. Absolutely nothing.

  11. Beware! The Great Duck is docking into the bay!

  12. You are my favorite Tarantino movie, id you know that?

  13. Shredder is probably the most awesome villain ever.

  14. Hey, I want to be a part of the cool German conversation too!

    Achtung! Schnell! Ich bin ein Volkswagen!

  15. Soylent Green is PEOPLE! (Sorry, I had to)

  16. My cellphone? In my pocket?

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