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Iruini Nuva

Premier Retired Staff
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Posts posted by Iruini Nuva



    Bionicle system is only one option. CCBS is 40 options. That's why I like it.

    If you think that BBS is only one option then you've just never adapted to the system.


    Point taken. 


    But with CCBS I never had to "adapt". It's more intuitive and just makes the most sense to me. Now if I had spent years building Bionicle MoCs using the old system and adapting around all of its features like detailed parts and reliance on Technic connections, then I'd probably be irked that I can't use Technic connections no more, or as much as I used to.


    But I never did. Therefore I regard CCBS with unabashed glee. It's like an expensive plastic form of Tubers and Zots that don't break and have exposed wires when they do.


    Oh man, I haven't seen Toobers and Zots in forever.

  2. My goodness, I'm appalled.


    CCBS is terrible. For a great many reasons. 


    First of all, it's much worse at MoCing with because it cannot easily interface with Technic or Bionicle parts. Bionicle parts always had a multitude of pinholes and axle-holes, but CCBS is much more sparse in that regard. CCBS bone pieces  have one "armor-attaching balljoint" - Bionicle's Rahkshi and Piraka legs, to take some popular limb pieces, have two (or even three) pinholes, allowing for much greater creative freedom. That's just looking at leg-pieces, let alone anything else. 


    Secondly, and much more importantly (in my opinion), is that CCBS looks terrible. It looks terrible because it is bland and generic. It looks terrible because there's absolutely no depth, no texture, and no details (with a few exceptions) that make pieces look unique or mechanical. Bionicle had pistons, hinges, gears, gribbly bits, textures, and more - CCBS has... lots of boring smooth shells. For me, the only time CCBS ever worked was in Invasion From Below, making large, featureless metal battle machines for the Heroes. However, for anything else, the building system totally lacked Bionicle's visual complexity. 


    Okay, so "a great many reasons" was two, but CCBS is still trash, as outlined above.

    Exactly, I really miss the flexibility of pinholes, etc. With CCBS I find it harder to make custom armor, etc. from pieces that aren't explicitly slotted for it. Harder to make non-"character" MoCs as well, but I understand that characters are, by definition, what CCBS is made to handle.


    Been surprised by all of the durability comments about pieces I've seen lately. Maybe it's my general lack of sets from 08-10 (are those the weak ones?), but I've never outright broken a piece.

    • Upvote 2
  3. Very exciting! Shame about the sun damage and the binder.


    I always liked to imagine that they did seek out a full great + noble set and that the lore just glossed over it for the sake of pacing. :)

  4. Definitely prefer the older styles (even pre-Inika). CCBS doesn't seem to get the feel right, and it feels super limiting to me in terms of build options. Granted, I've been building with the older sets for much longer.


    It's also worth noting that my wife strongly prefers the look and feel of CCBS, ha.

    • Upvote 2
  5. Have a fair number of rare items, though I don't think many fall into the super-rare category:

    • 3x Copper Huna (US) + 1x Euro version
    • Chrome Hau
    • 6x Gold Vahi
    • TNGM
    • 3x Poisoned Hau Nuva
    • 2x Infected Hau
    • Few Shadow Kraata
    • A couple of the TRU exclusive tubs (2004, 2005)

    Also have some other oddities like an Onua poster that uses the 2001 comic panels (never seen them since) and original storyboards from LoMN.



    Personally, I think there's an in-story reason, probably having to do with biological reproduction and characters dying, bodies being buried, etc. The ancient city is probably alive and revives the dead as guards.

    Why would the city need guarding if people lived in it for so long before the accident that drove them out?


    There wasn't two comatose Mask Makers and possibly three valuable masks in there, one with a mind of its own. Plus the people who lived in the city would have guarded the city before. Now nobody is there and it feels the need to turn to the dead to protect itself.


    Wait, is it canon that the city is somewhat sentient? I like the idea, just wasn't sure if that's conjecture or if it's actually been explicitly said somewhere.



    I would probably want LEGO to incorporate more technic parts into the sets, and to make the toa look less bulky. I know a lot of people might disagree with me on the second part, but when the new sets first launched, I was honestly kind of turned off by how much bulk there was (in some cases it even limited movement). I've always liked how the toas' body structure used to be very rookie-esque.

    I agree with the technic parts. I do think the sets could benefit from being a little more complex at times (not all of them need to be, but at least one challenging one would be fun). The bulk...I don't think the 3 smaller toa are that bulky. Gali is probably the bulkiest of those 3. The larger toa...Onua makes sense to be that large, just saying. Kopaka and Tahu, you may have a point for those 2


    As I said, I bought Kopaka, and was surprised on how bulky and top-heavy he was. As far as Technic elements go, I think a lot of people(Including me) want those, and with good reason. I know a lot of people say this, but I think it's true. CCBS is very simplistic. I know it has it's perks, but I love Technic and the early Generation 1 sets for the Technic bits. Specifically gears, axles, and the like. Notice how the later had little real Technic parts. That doesn't mean they are bad by any means, as I love a lot of the later sets. The Toa to me were kinda simple due to the Inika build limitations. But with CCBS it is even simpler. I know you can do a lot with CCBS, but that essentially they are just skeletons with armor. I would really like more complex builds. I think I've already said this, but I'm just going in to bigger detail ^_^


    Agreed--I'd love to see more complex builds for larger sets and I'm a bit worried that CCBS will be a limiting factor (though I didn't follow HF very closely, so I can't say how large they got). I've found sets like LoSS, Skull Basher, and the like to be more interesting specifically because they integrate some more unique Technic bits.
    • Upvote 1
  8. last set i bought is still takanuva stars..TAKANUVA STARS  :shrugs:  why did i bother ;p


    anyways, waiting for the prices to drop to buy either kopaka, lewa or gali

    For what it's worth, I actually kinda like that set. Not the most interesting build, but it captures the feel of the original better than Tahu did, imo. :)
    • Upvote 1
  9. Sure.  Start them at a dollar each.


    Back in the day we played the card game and had multiple copies of all the cards.

    (except that one.  What was it? Card 400 Black Hau??)  Somewhere I have an entire TRU

    event box of Bohrok Awake promo card packs.  P1, P2 and P3 Gahlok cards with alternative art.

    I don't see them on Bricklink.


    I have not received the box but the total's right so

    Appreciate it. :)


    Yeah, I've got the 3 starter decks (still play with one, keep the others sealed fr now). Always felt like the art was a pretty unique look into the universe. Didn't know they sold Bohrok Awake cards outside of McDonalds.


    Either way, definitely curious to see which card it is. Such an odd assortment of items, either way, ha.

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