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Iruini Nuva

Premier Retired Staff
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Posts posted by Iruini Nuva

  1. Hey all, as the G1 sets continue to get rarer (especially sealed), what's your approach to striking a balance between preserving a collection and enjoying it (building and displaying models, MOCing, etc.).


    For instance, I've long had a policy of opening my first copy of a set, and generally keeping the second sealed. As a result, I have some neat items like sealed Toa Mata, Bohrok, etc.


    On the flip side, I recently cracked open a sealed Jaller Mahri (my first). It was one of the most fun builds I've seen in a long time, but I felt awful doing it.


    How do you approach this issue?


    I still have all of my old Biotech files around if you need a copy (I see Havoc and The Insurgent on your list, for instance). Most of the sites are still live and accessible, too (www.insurgent-game.com, havoc.biotechgaming.com).


    Crazy to see all these old filenames I remember.


    Funny you should mention that Iruini, because it turns out I was just testing my copy of The Insurgent around the same time I noticed your post. Turns out, it's one of the few games that still runs perfectly. Good to see a familiar face.  :)



    Haha, glad to see it's still kicking. I don't know if you've spoken with the BioMedia guys yet, but I could also probably host a web archive of all of these old games. I should probably dig through the BZP Software Library and see what's still there, too.

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