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Blog Entries posted by gifboy99

  1. gifboy99
    Just recently I found a Jeep Wrangler model on brickshelf that far surpasses any I've ever seen built. And what's really impressive is that it's not some honkin' huge model either. This thing is only eight studs wide!!! (Nine if you count the mirrors, which is the widest point.) After stooping to retrieve my fallen jaw, I decided that I had to figure out how that thing was built. By looking at the pictures provided, I built about 85% to 90% of the model in MLCAD. Here's what I have so far:

    I have everything built except the engine, the part that allows the orange lights to attach, and an attachment point in the back. Here are some other angles: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
    If anyone knows who this "ZED" person is, drop me a PM and let me know! I'd really like to find out how the rest of it is built!
  2. gifboy99
    A lot of my recent MOCing uses hinges rather than the ball joint commonly used in Bionicle sets and MOCs. (Although I still use them, just not as much.) Today, I've decided to share a hinge idea with you.

    Most of the pieces here can be swapped out for other pieces and still achieve about the same amount of articulation. The pieces that make this idea work are shown here:

    One way of using this design would be for a more compact hinge for wings. Very useful for smaller MOCs. An example of part replacement is here, where I used a similar piece so that I could attach it the way I needed.
    Hopefully you guys won't have to wait too much longer before I finally get around to taking pics of my MOCs. Until then!
  3. gifboy99
    Looks like m a j . c o m decided to go and do a name change to majhost.com. It's been that way for a while now, but I was kinda bored, so I decided to go through all my previous entries and fix all the broken pics and links.
    I also realized that I've been promising new MOCs, but so far I haven't taken any pictures of them. I don't know exactly how many I have right now, but I have at least half a dozen MOCs that still haven't had their pictures taken. (Maybe they're camera shy? )
    Actually, it's not because I haven't had the means or the time, but that I've chosen to do other things with my time. So hopefully (and I know I've said this before), I'll get around to it soon. We'll just have to wait and see.
    edit: Oh yes, that's right. I had an idea to make an entry offering help and ideas to MOCists in need. A gathering place for those who's work-in-progress could use a little more progress. Where building techniques and ideas are tossed and bounced around to see what works.
    edit2: Weird, looks like the admins decided to add some code that would replace "m a j . c o m" (spaces added intentionally) with "majhost.com" automaticly.
  4. gifboy99
    This is sort of an "about me" thing. I got most of the questions from this topic, rephrased them, and added a couple of my own questions.
    1. So, you're a MOCist? How long have you been MOCing?
    I've been MOCing for as long as I can remember, starting with Duplos. (Those jumbo-size LEGO bricks for younger kids.)
    2. Do you have a self-MOC?
    Kinda yes, kinda no. I built GB1 probably back in '03 when the Rahkshi were fairly new. There was a bit of a Kraata mech thing going on back then, headed by Bonehead108. It was an attemt to sort of fit in with the idea, but I never considered it to be an actual "self-MOC".
    3. What are your favorite things about MOCing?
    I really enjoy the challenge of finding the right combination of pieces to get the look I'm going for. (As long as I can eventually find it.) Also, it's fun to create characters and creatures to fit into a story that I already enjoy.
    4. What are your favorite things to build?
    Humanoids, creatures, and robots.
    5. What inspired you to start MOCing?
    It's the way I started out playing with LEGO. Since all I had was a big tub of Duplos, and no actual sets, it was pretty much all I could do. (And it was great fun. )
    6. Which part (or parts) of your MOCs do you usually have the most difficulty building?
    On humanoids, I think it'd probably be the legs, since I want to make them custom, but they also need to be strong enough to support the weight of the rest of the MOC.
    7. Have you been working on anything recently?
    My most recent MOCs, which are still unposted, are a robot inspired by JINZOINGEN 73's original Riotflea design (only smaller), and a Vahki remake.
    8. How many MOCs have you ever had built at one time?
    I seem to recall having ten at one point. Not entirely sure, though.
    9. If you had to choose one word to describe your building style, what would it be?
    That's a tough one there, but I think "articulated" might work. I usually build small, but I like to pack in as much articulation as possible.
    10. What would you suggest to someone looking to improve their MOCing skills?
    Study other people's work. Try to figure out how and why their design worked and see if you can implement the idea in your own creations. Don't steal their design, though. Tweak and tune it. The more you do that, the easier it is to develop your own style. If someone's work has inspired you, it's always a good idea to give credit where credit is due.
    11. Do you have any closing comments?
    How about a quote?
    "Gotta build like crazy!" - LEGO Maniac (From the LEGO Club Magazine)
  5. gifboy99
    As you may or may not have noticed, I've created a trade list for MLN over on the right side of my blog here. I plan to keep it updated with the things I currently need and things I have available for trade. The items in bold are things I'd really like help with, so if you have the item or items and are willing to trade, drop me a PM!
  6. gifboy99
    About time I posted a MOC. Yeah, I know. It's not Bionicle, but at least it's something.
    Let me know what you guys think!
    edit: Yikes! The topic has slipped almost to the second page and with no posts! I'd appreciate some feedback on the MOC guys...
    edit2: Okay, there's been about 30 views and still not one post...
    Here's a pic of the MOC

    I would really appreciate some feedback on this MOC! If not in the topic then at least in my blog here. (Although, preferably in the topic.)
  7. gifboy99
    If anyone still remembers, I've been working on a MOC inspired by the FSS's design. It's really more squid-like, but it's still cool IMO. It's small enough for me to easilly create instructions for it, so if I do, they'll be MOCist's Corner exclusive.
    I might revamp it and make it even bigger, but only time will tell.
  8. gifboy99
    When I first became a Premier Member, I remember asking that the proto boost be given to a friend of mine. (Who payed for my Premier Membership in the first place.) To my knoledge that never happened, but some time later I noticed that I had mysteriously received another proto boost, making two proto boosts for me. Since then, I've pondered over the question of who gave me that boost and why? I never asked, since I felt that it would be impolite to go from Moderator to Moderator asking "Do you know who gave me this extra proto boost?". Instead, I decided to quietly accept my gift. It still puzzles me, though.
    And I don't have anything else to blog about right now anyway.
  9. gifboy99
    I was browsing the BBC forum today when I came across Arpy's contest entry. I was stunned when I discovered that it looked almost exactly like a MOC that I built (but never posted) several months ago! So I finally decided that it was high time to post my own MOC. Pretty weird, isn't it?
  10. gifboy99
    At least I got to enter this time 'round. ToM's Va remakes beat my Canister Crab, and rightfully so. I never really expected to get past the preliminary round with an entry like that anyway.
    It was still fun entering. I got a lot more votes than I thought I would, so that was a kind of neat surprise. Next time we have a BBC contest, though, I'll have to make sure I read the deadline more carefully!
    I have a couple MOCs that I've taken pics of, so they're pretty much ready to be posted. Until then, here's a little something to think about:

    Stay tuned for more MOCs!
  11. gifboy99
    Yeah, I'm late. Again. But regardless of that, I have arrived to give you the links to my contest MOC's topic and poll.
    As I predicted (to myself when the polls started), the very entry that I thought would beat mine is doing just that. But, seeing as how I currently have 29.17% of the votes, my entry is doing pretty good for one tiny MOC.
    And here's an interesting fact. This is probably the first time I've had so many votes since BBC#11 when I entered Pokanu. So, to whoever it applies, thanks for voting for me!
    *Hits head against wall* WAAAHHH!!! I could've built more cute little MOCs and had an actual shot at winning this thing!!!
    I'm sad now.
  12. gifboy99
    Well, that has yet to be determined. The deadline has already past, but the topic is still open. I would have done more for the contest, but I've been recovering from a bad cold and haven't been doing much building. (My original plans were to create an entry called "My Little Rahi Petshop" where I'd have a bunch of cute little rahi and maybe even some accessories.)
    While we're waiting to find out whether or not I made it in, here's the entry pic:

    I've got pics of a couple of other MOCs too, so stay tuned!
    edit: As Shine pointed out in a comment, there's actually some time left. I misread the deadline date. :annoyed2:
  13. gifboy99
    As many of us know, instructions have been found for the yet-to-be-released Toa Mahri sets due out later this year. After looking through the instructions, I found two pieces that really caught my interest.
    For those of you who'd rather wait 'til the sets come out to find out what new pieces they have, I decided to use a spoiler tag.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « The new mask visor. Found in Matoro, Hahli, and Nuparu.

    This piece, to me, looks like it has great MOCing potential. I also wonder if it might be compatible with some of the Metru kanohi as well.
    The new shortened Toa Metru eye piece. Found in Kongu.

    Great for those of us who want to use a Toa Metru head but don't want to use that extra long Toa Metru eye piece. Also has MOCing potential.

    I'm eager to get my hands on those pieces and see what they can be used for.
  14. gifboy99
    The "Completely Off Topic" and "Lego General Discussion" forums have, apparently, been removed. Although I think this is probably just part of yesterday's prank, some of you may not.
    Don't worry, it's easy for the Admins to hide certain forums from the rest of the board. All they gotta do is turn 'em back on.
    (On a side note, I've added categories to my blog.)
  15. gifboy99
    I never did get around to posting this last Thanksgiving, so I figured I'd make it a MOCist's Corner exclusive. So...
    The MOCist's Corner is proud to present:
    Turkey-eye! (j/k! )

    Close-up of the head
    The tail feathers
    Side view
    As always, comments and constructive criticism are welcome.
  16. gifboy99
    Yay! I'm ordering some parts off of a site kind of like eBay except that it's for Lego stuff and there are sellers who sell individual types of pieces in big lots in their stores. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to mention the site here since it does have it's own forum, but it seems like it's been mentioned here before...
    Oh well. At least I'll be getting some new, shiny MOCing pieces! (And some not-so-new-but-still-useful pieces. )
    Update (1/30/07): Well, the parts have been paid for and the seller has received the payment, so now all I have to do is wait 'til he ships the package.
  17. gifboy99
    Isn't it lovely?
    And here's the code for it:

    If you decide to use it, though, it'll be the only image you can have in your sig. (I plan to make a smaller version later.)
  18. gifboy99
    With the help of a friend, I am now a premier member! As a side effect, I now have this strange ability to create and maintain my very own blog. As wonderful as my new powers are, I have yet to hone them fully. Please bear with me as I learn to take full advantage of my strange new powers.
    And if you haven't noticed, this is my first entry in my new blog. Yay for me! (And stuff...)
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