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Posts posted by Darcsyde

  1. Great work on the prologue. The shadows and effects look brilliant, and the story seems intriguing. I might just add that I loved how you described each ruler. Calling one the "baron" of the desert (nice pun, btw), another prince of the ice plains (good use of alliteration) - it was all very well done and fun to read. I look forward to seeing this series progress.

    It's also funny because both of those jokes were completely unintentional. XD Anyway, thanks. I'll try to work on comic 4 now so I can get 2 out to you when I'm done...
    Yes, you never know what we in the NGC will do by accident. For better or for worse... :fear:
  2. Glad I could validate your skills of prose, then. :pirate: These Good Gav/Bad Gav scenes remind me of Kronk's shoulder angels from Emporer's New Groove. Ahh, Chilly. So naive. ^_^

  3. @Darc: Sort of, you're sorta right about the dark bit. Remember, my comics contain sagas. Long sagas. Sagas I haven't done much with because of a lack or resources, but still. My plan is this, Season V (aka, 5) will last till April 6th. (My birthday) and thus Season Six starts. During the time between now and then, I want to explore the personalty and likes/dislikes of each character. Yes, a lot will be aimed at MG and Gav. Because they have the most in depth back stories, and for the fact both are.. somewhat similar. Somewhat.

    Asdfghjkl :wacko: The level of complexity in your writing only makes it more tense. And slightly confusing. @Chath: No. Barbecue. All the way.
  4. @ Hau/Miru comic: Good comic, too bad you had to cut it short. I liked how you used the perspective tool on LNU. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png *Shudders @ Grant-Sud+Plunger scene* Ugh. He took WAY too much joy in that. >_< @ Zero comic: I lol'd. Poor, poor non continuity-member... @ Hand-drawn comic: I've never read the comic's you're ripping off basing these off, so I didn't really find the joke funny. The way you drew your characters was amusing tho. :pirate:

  5. One thing I gotta say. Your backgrounds. Preeety psychedelic. :blink: May I suggest (A) making the border between the wall and floor a bit more defined or (B ) making them different colors. Otherwise, again, good comic. And I agree with Decei. Except I'll be in the Sister Bunker.

  6. There is no pay. He carries her around out of the kindness of his heart. Or something like that. New comic. Killer's Motto The last panel may or may not be 100% true.I plan to eventually visually show her taking down a target. Which should be fun, I've been planning a Cahli/Shila mini-saga for some time.

    No, it's called cheap labor. :P And, my goodness. These comics might be taking a rather dark turn, then... EDIT: @Picnic comic: But if you burn the island, you could have a barbecue. :pirate:
  7. Advertisment is key to keeping the buisness going round. That said - Can you mirror my tactic, please? With delicious in-canon advertisment please? :P Also yeah it is kind of strange how he uses Bishade when he invented Hexashade. He always says it's a hassle though. I guess.

    It's like if Thomas Edison used whale oil lamps instead of the lightbulb. I lol'd at the first comic. Especially the whiteboard with the perks of ICC-ness. And I agree with Shad about the mystery kit.
  8. I've never really listened to DeadMaus, but I giggled pretty hard seeing that comic. Fantastic Job. ~ :h:~

    WAT Glad you liked it, though. :pirate:

    Well, looks like you just put the dead in DeadMau5.

    Really, Tav? :P

    I'm not as clever as the rest of these chaps, but the Deadmau5 looks pretty OWNED! Ah, the wonders of Google photos!

    Yeah, his death just makes... http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png Moar Ghosts 'n Stuff. YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH
  9. Shad is now the Brett Farve of AWIII. I'm retiring! No I'm not... :P I kid, I jest. But seriously... This looks interesting. Must keep my peepers tuned into this.

    Without the injuries, I hope. :P The prolouge was good. I especially noticed the shadows,for some reason...
  10. Ah, so Minnie and Mega enter the scene. That was funny. Not sure why, but the part I laughed most t was the image of you with Joland's katana sticking out of your eye.

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