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Posts posted by Darcsyde

  1. Ah, the long awaited season finale. ^_^ I like how you (break the fourth wall by) addressing your lack of dialogue-writing skills. Very funny, very entertaining as always. And GOSH DANG IT JOLAND HAS A NEW SPRITE. You're goin' Terton on me, dude! :lol:

    Thanks, Derick. (And you thought I wouldn't call you this :P) Always good to hear good things from a master of comedy. -Utah P.S. I have a comic ready for you eager people. But Imma wait until Friday. Just because. *insert WVUFan! troll mask here*
    One of these days, BZP's gotta get a "like" button. XD Derick!? Darc is that you're real name?!
    I wish, but no. It's a name we call him on Skype. :P -Utah
    Because I'm the only one to keep his secret identity a secret. And I shall wait expectantly for this new comic...
  2. Colts are wonless? That ain't messed up in my opinion! :P This season has been really interesting for me. I mean, alot of the underdog teams (Lions and Bills for example) have really made a comeback. I live in Minnesota, so I'm a Vikings fan by default (yeah, they suck right now too), but my money's on the Lions. They'll have a tough time getting past the Pack though, I think. :psychotwitch:

  3. hooray for bad puns Type the text first, then highlight it and click the "make link" button and enter the address.


    Oh the pun!! I can feel my brain melting through my ears!!! Great to have you back Derick. :P

    Yay someone got the joke! :winner:

    *reads comic* You should be shot for that. But I have a better idea. :sly: *presses button* You've met the demonic chipmunk, right? -Utah

    Oh dear gosh not that. :blink:
  4. Ah, the long awaited season finale. ^_^ I like how you (break the fourth wall by) addressing your lack of dialogue-writing skills. Very funny, very entertaining as always. And GOSH DANG IT JOLAND HAS A NEW SPRITE. You're goin' Terton on me, dude! :lol:

  5. Well, well, well. Look who's back! And look who needs to get his comics back in gear. :baaa:


    Alright, guys and gals, laddies and ladies, etc. etc., I'm back in the comic making business. First off, let me explain a few major changes to the series.1. I AM (temporarily?) STOPPING THE PRODUCTION OF DAILY COMIC STRIPS. Life is just too dang busy for me to crank out a new comic every day, what with school, work, and life in general.2. THE PERMANENT GUEST STAR LIST HAS BEEN RESET. This does not include the following: Utah, Joland, Calvirick, Hojirick, and any member of the NGC.3. I WILL BE UTILIZING TWO DIFFERENT SPRITE KITS IN 3.0. While the forums were down, I developed an interest for RZMK, and will be using that in a subseries alongside my normal Chimoru Omega.4. BY ALL MEANS, SEND GUEST STAR REQUESTS. However, production of GS comics may be slow, although I hope I'll have more room to work now that I'm not doing dailies.5. IF YOU SENT ME ANY SORT OF AWARD, FAN COMIC, OR OTHER SUCH PARAPHENALIA, PLEASE RE-SEND IT. Forums down, 'sall gone.Enough said about all that. At the moment, I can only give you the work I've done before the updates. Howeverz, I have some new works in reserve that I'll throw out here and there until I get some new stuff made. I'll have a header by next week, and a new comic or two by tommorow. As ever, thank you so much for your patience.It's good to be back, ^_^~Darcsyde DAILY STRIP COMPENDIUMSMonth 1-http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Darcsyde7713/Dailies/1_month_compendium.pngMonth 2-http://www.brickshel..._compendium.pngMonth 3-http://www.brickshel..._compendium.pngComics(None yet) :P

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