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Posts posted by Darcsyde

  1. Act of Valor (nowait that's already out)The Dark Knight RisesThe AvengersThe Venom Movie Coming Out Whose Name Don't KnowThe HobbitThe Hunger GamesI just saw John Carter the other day. It wasn't as silly as I thought it would be and it was really fun to watch.

  2. I agree. These comics relly round out your guys' characters. Now they're not just insane zombie-killing brothers, they're insane zombie-killing brothers that care about each other. :PI really liked this one, Utah. :pirate:

  3. I......This is the perfect comic...I-... no one can ever beat this... It had everything:>Ponies>Me>Ponies>A twist ending>And did I yet mention ponies?

    Yes. Repeatedly. :spinsmile:

    I love how intense he got. Remind me never to try to broach the subject of ponies in my comics, possitive, negative or otherwise.But wait, why is the giffin such a bad thing again? Has the pony world been taken over by feathery half-loins?J-K out.

    For those who don't know, the gryphon is Gilda, and she was a total [guess I can't say that word <_<] to Fluttershy (made her cry, in fact http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/mad.gif ). All bronies worthy of the title hate her more than income taxes.

    I go back to BZP once to read some comics......And all I get is some ponies? NOOOOO!

    WHATTUP ROKROROI missed youuuuuuuuuuu

    Gryphon alert!

    Are Bronies and Ponies becoming a fad?Nice new comic Darc! Keep up the good work! :)

    Erm, welcome to the internet? :P

    Darc why did you bring back Gilda WHY?other than that very nice comic~Mizkio

    Because, Miz...Some men just want to watch the world burn.
  4. I'm implying the implication you made that I (implicationally speaking) started the zombie virus.So yes. I'm calling you on this.Or whatever. I need to send in a comic idea/request thing sometime...

  5. *Pulls out walkie-talkie*Excellent. Now, move deeper into the studio... :sly:That was most lulzy.

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