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Blog Comments posted by Nukatha

  1. Since someone cares, I'll post mine here.



    Over 100,000 years ago, during the construction of Mata Nui, Heremus, after having completed the Baterra project, felt that an improved version would assist in keeping order in the universe being created. Taking the data of the Baterra, Heremus made major modifications. The Baterra would no longer be robotic, but would be biological, similar to the Matoran and other species already designed. An actual mind was added. For better or for worse, the being would have its own thoughts and ideas, but always retain the goal of keeping order and safety in the giant robot (assuming nothing tampered with the base code).

    Heremus gave the ‘Bio-Baterra’ the ability to use Kanohi, unfortunately requiring the removal of the original cloaking ability (though this was easily remedied with a Huna). Heremus altered the tools so that they were removable, could be converted to weapons other than blades, and capable of channeling the elemental powers integrated into the Toa. Finally, they were given the ability to take the form of creatures or beings instead of objects.

    In order to keep the project under the radar of his peers, only a small number were produced. The first, later known as Krahka, believed herself to be too powerful and lived in seclusion for millennia. Most others perished in conflicts with the Makuta and Dark Hunters, leading Krahka to believe that she was the last. Of specific note is one ‘Bio-Baterra’ who came to be known as ‘Defender’ to the few that knew him well.

    Defender was the only Bio-Baterra to have been a member of the Hand of Artakha. He played a major part in the preservation of the MU throughout its construction, and became known as one of the Hand’s most versatile members (for obvious reasons). Following the Hand’s disbandment, he was offered a high-ranking position in the Order of Mata Nui. However, after seeing the unintentional damage caused by the Hand at many times, he declined, opting to work alone.

    In the thousands of years that followed, Defender took up countless identities with the goal of protecting Matoran. He would patrol every inhabited island as regularly as possible. On a number of occasions he came across villages of Matoran that required defense, be it from Dark Hunters, Visorak, or nature. To keep his identity secure, Defender would appear as a Toa of the village’s element. After succeeding in his goal and getting the Matoran back on their feet, he would assume the form of a Turaga (coincidentally, a real Toa often showed up during this time). He would later fake his death and move on to other places. At one time he was holding the persona of a Toa of Fire on the Northern Continent when a Barraki’s army attacked. Defender transformed into a monstrous 8-limbed winged beast. His Hau made him virtually indestructible, and the entire force fled after Defender froze a soldier in a Toa seal. It was from this event that the myth of a ‘Toa Nui’ was born.


  2. Brutaka: I expected that he would take a position back on the 'good' side. And he and MoMN may get to finish their little duel.

    Spiriah: Reconciliation for the Makuta! Granted, he is only acting in his own interest, but at least he is on the OoMN's side. And Brutaka should keep him in line.

    Vezon: HECK YES!!! He needs some tool though, otherwise he is lacking in abilities. The personality will be like a twisted Lewa.

    Roodaka: Her reasoning still makes sense, wanting to be on the winning team and all. Just like all the others, she has her faults, but considering how her island was just repaired to perfection, and the Hagah are helping her species, it really is her only real choice to avoid being killed.

    Caraper and Takadox: I want to know how they can breath air again. They must be greatful for that. Anyways, these two will indeed make a strange addition. However, they never were explicitly evil, heck they even attacked the BoM before.


    This are about to get interesting.

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