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Blog Entries posted by Canama

  1. Canama
    Today I volunteered to help out at the annual community garage sale.
    I left there having bought one thing: The Manas, in excellent condition. Cookieo and I have had a lot of fun playing around with them.
  2. Canama
    My school allowed you to purchase carnations for someone, and they'd deliver them to that person. A girl who has been my friend since 5th Grade bought me one.
    Someone please tell me what to do. Does she want to be my girlfriend, or was she just being nice?
  3. Canama
    Well, I've lately realized that all my "friends" are just fools who can only be described with terms that are censored on this website. They make fun of me and spread rumors about me, yet expect my devotion.
    Well I'm sick of it.
  4. Canama
    In my area, there is a high school program for advanced kids. Less than 100 are accepted each year. I desperately wanted to get in, and I spent a lot of time and energy on it. Today I got a letter telling me that I will not be going on to the final stage of the application process.
    To make a long story short, I skipped bargaining and went through denial, anger, and depression all at once, though the denial wore off.
  5. Canama
    Okay, first let me tell you exactly how I feel about this.
    WHY, LEGO, WHY? I've spent countless hours playing with your Bionicle sets, reading the stories, etc., and you just end it!? After up to 9 (8.5 for me.) years of loyal dedication from a fanbase consisting of thousands you kill it? It brought you out of the red and is still all these years later your, what, third? Best selling line. And you kill it.
    At least the story will remain. But with no sets behind it, how popular will it be? How long will it last when the fanbase can't act out the adventures with their toys? How long until enough people lose interest that Lego kills it entirely?
    How long?
    And now that I have made this entry, I feel much calmer.
  6. Canama
    Yep, I have obtained that title.
    And I have Palkia
    and Uxie
    and Azelf
    I still need Mesprit... (I can't catch up to him!)
    and Dialga... (I need to get Diamond...)
    and Manaphy... (I need Pokemon Ranger...)
  7. Canama
    I have a Wii. I've had it for over a month but I'm only telling you now. I have Animal Crossing: Population: Growing (Gamecube). The village (and my house) aren't as good as they are in Wild World, but it's still nice. I also have Cars: The Video Game (Wii). I like doing multilayer against my brother but the single player play value isn't that good. The Wii comes with Wii Sports which is a great game. I like bowling, baseball and tennis, I'm okay with golf (my brother's obsessed with it), and I don't like boxing.
  8. Canama
    It's a ghoooost blooooog!
    The year's going by quickly. I think the game Animal Crossing: Wild World for Nintendo DS (Try it!) has sped it up. (It's hard to stop playing -- that's why I haven't posted here in so long.) Just one month, six days to go!
    Also, I wrote the first chapter of "Pieonicle", a spoof of BIONICLE I'm making and am debating whether or not it's good enough to post. Watch the comedy forum just in case.
  9. Canama
    We need a slogan!The Liberal Crime Squad liberalized the country in September 2022.Recruits: 5 Kills: 0 $ Taxed: 15564 Flags Bought: 1Martyrs: 0 Kidnappings: 0 $ Spent: 14880 Flags Burned: 0
    No-death, no-arrest, complete pacifist run. (And I should add that of those 5, only one committed any crimes whatsoever - he was a hacker. No one else committed so much as a misdemeanor.)
  10. Canama
    My dad's old iPhone 4 32GB
    Japanese snacks, including some CC Lemon (greatest drink ever)

    Just $200 more to go before I can blow my entire life savings on a gaming PC
  11. Canama
    Microsoft needs to port Halo 3 to PC. It's not making you any money on the Xbox (I mean, ODST, Reach, and 4 have come out since), the PC crowd will still buy it though! Seriously!
    Let me play it without having to turn in my PC Gaming Master Race membership card. (Read: buy an Xbox, use it for Halo and nothing else, which seems a tragic waste of money)
    EDIT: Actually I wouldn't even use it for Halo, I'd try to play it once, fail hilariously because I can't play dual-stick FPSes worth a darn, and go back to PC
  12. Canama
    oh my god
    I LOVE the terrorists on cs_office
    For those who don't have the game, the t-skin there is basically a scene kid who's rebelling against the man
    For those who do, start a bot game on that map and create some friendly fire incidents, then bask in the hilarity
  13. Canama
    Okay so I was in Japanese class today, and at one point my teacher smiled.
    Why is this creepy?
    In other news I need to figure out how to get my parents to loan me $3000 for the class trip to Japan this summer.
  14. Canama
    Bought Half-Life Complete, Gmod, Terraria, and Star Wars: Dark Forces in the final hours of the Autumn Sale.
    Total cost? $30.46.
    My Steam account is worth a total of $470.59; I have paid a total of $181.61.
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