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The Invisible Handman

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Posts posted by The Invisible Handman

  1. IC: Konihi


    I looked at Kultax still stuck in the pillars, I was not eager to get stuck like him. The situation needed to change. We needed to progress. If it was a trap then I lost nothing but some expendable meat shields. "Pull it"

  2. IC: Kohu (Ghost)


    Well it was an excuse to reminisce about old times, may as well walk and talk about the past. We began to head back to the barracks.

    "I apologise for treating you with suspicion, but ever since the fall of the empires there's been a rumor about a traitor, it's been hard to trust anyone since then ... still for our mutual history I think we can both remember when I was assigned to your unit, a mere rookie at the time"

  3. IC: Flynn Flames


    As the villains ship took off I could only attempt to chase it, making only  a few feet before the vessel departed, carrying one of the first friends I had made after I became a hero. I had to shout.



    Why was he leaving with villains? What was going on? Whatever it was there was nothing I could do. Dejected I made my way back to the landing ship.

  4. Torso feels a little too long, and he looks like he needs more gold distributed around is body. The black  is  a bit boring. The grey and purple are also underrepresented and should be a bit more prominent. Besides his colour scheme though he is a pretty cool build.

  5. IC: Kohu (Ghost)


    My suspicion subsided. It was good to see Acanon remembered some things correctly, and wasn't making up part of our past.. Memories do blur together after a few thousand years

    "You're right I was never at Ngaio, just like how I never held a passion for knives ... I'd say you were mixing me up for another member of our unit but I cannot remember who it would have been"

  6. Hmm that's a tough one, lego darth vader has textured armour that might fit (assuming I'm thinking of the bit that you're thinking of). On the back of his hands you could rig up some custom armour using the spare pin hole but I'm not sure what parts you ahev to make that work.

  7. IC: Tira


    Oh ... well I'm sure I can handle two drunken toa, yes I'm sure that is well within my ability. Maybe this toa is a nice drunk, she seems okay.

    "We can all stand to rest our legs once in a  while, my name is Tira, and this is my new friend Viis ... what is your name?"

  8. He looks weird but I like it for that. It looks very much like a mecha. The combination of colours is unique and his style of build is very mechanical. You could give him a single cyclopean eye if you wanted, honestly I think he looks better without eyes. I also feel like he needs weapons. That said in the end this is a really cool looking build and I'm sure you will do well in the contest.

  9. Wow he's spikey, the trans blue legs look a little out of place but I understand that you may have wanted to make them thin, however I feel that regular light blue would be a better colour to use. The rest of him is amazing though and I love how his spikes give the impression he has fur. Was that intended? I do like his bestial look and I wish you luck at the contest.

  10. Interesting colour combination and use of fabrics. I see a gear on her back, does she have a gear function? Irregardless of that this is a really cool looking build and I Iike the details you've added. Well done.

  11. Now his is a good one, forearms seem a bit too sleek compared tot e rest of the model but besides that nitpick it's perfect. The custom head is an excellent touch and I love how it's been built. This is a good build for sure.

  12. OOC: Dont write other players backstories ghost. Especially without contacting them first.


    IC:Kohu (Ghost)


    I looked in confusion at Acannon, why was he asking about knives? I'd used a shortsword when I had signed up in Carapar's army before moving to specialise in infiltration missions using minimal equipment. I had experimented with bringing a dagger on a few missions but it always seemed like a waste of space in my rucksack. So why was Acannon talking about me using knives, as in plural? ...


    The silence between us was broken up by Screamer's sudden arrival. As the medical Dark hunter treated my lacerations I could only come to one conclusion. I would have to approach this carefully.


    "Well knives seem pointless against the ranged abilities people have, you yourself provided a good example of that. I'm surprised you didn't remember that I gave up on them though, you were with me with on that poisoned village raid when I gave up on them"

  13. IC: Kohu (Ghost)


    "Yes, your illusion masked your shape, but did nothing to change your body heat, a Matoran with the temperature of a titan tends to stick out"

    Forget the secrecy, he'd figure out the nature of my powers soon enough. Besides was I really going to act distrustful towards my one major ally amongst the dark hunters?. Maybe I was getting too cynical already, but thought about our battle I knew I had noticed some form of upset from Acanon. I had to ask about it.

    "So is there something you want to get off your chest?"

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