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Posts posted by Rausaro

  1. I think that it would be awesome for Bionicle to return. I do like the idea of a sequel series, as opposed to a direct continuation because it would allow for perhaps more freedom in design. If anything, I would hope a new series would try to recapture that mystical/feudal feel of the first few years in art and design.

  2. Then again, LucasArts hasn't had any big in-house hits in quite some time.


    Let's just hope they'll license it to the right companies.

    I'm surprised they haven't made a SWBFIII, KOTR III, X-wing Vs. Tie Fighter II, or Empire at War II. Yet we get Star Wars Angry Birds and Star Wars Kinect.

  3. I saw an official video for this "Mewthree" and they stated that it was a "New Pokemon with a familiar look". I bet the Genesect/Mewtwo movie will debut the creature... I'm curious if it's a clone of a clone, or a creature created in a similar fashion to Mewtwo?

  4. I ran into a version of slenderman in Minecraft, abet, he was called "enderman". He's not directly hostile under normal circumstances, but if you look at his face, he randomly teleports from across the map and attacks...

  5. Hag's End is always a crazy ride, no matter how many times I've gone there.


    So I was looking at a few of the spoilers for Dragonborn (couldn't help myself lol) and there's a reward that I'm a little confused about.

    At the end of the main quest, when you defeat Miraak and Mora kills him, other than Miraak's gear, the reward is the ability to pick any skill tree and have the perks cleared at the cost of a dragon soul. How exactly is that beneficial?


    It's for

    All of the people that mis-allocated skill points. It's incredibly beneficial!


  6. I can't play good characters, I get bored so fast with them. :P


    So looking at some videos of it so far (avoiding major spoilers as best I can), the whole thing seem incredibly Lovecraftian. Not that that's a bad thing, just an observation. Although I heard the dragon riding isn't as great as it could've been.


    Trust me, it is. The monsters, the environment, the

    Black Books (That spew tentacles that pull you into the Daedric Realm)

    and especially

    Hermaus Mora himself







    Pretty interesting. So, it seems that the dark side of mercury is pocketed with water ice from comets and meteors, much like the moon and Mars. As for the "grass-like" material and "amino acids", I'll have to ask where you got that information, as I see nothing in the article about that. All that's stated is that "Organic materials", (defined as carbon bearing substances; apparently, many "organic" compounds aren't found in or as a byproduct of organisms) were detected. Secondly, the article states that the insulating material over the ice is actually debris from the comets/meteoroids that delivered the ice there in the first place. Finally, they mentioned that the entire surface of the planet is subject to harsh radiation.



  8. It still should count though, since PC players still had to wait a month to get it after 360. I'm just a little annoyed that they said the exclusive period only applied to the first two add-ons, which happened, then say they get the third one first as well simply because the second was smaller and therefore didn't count, despite having the month-long delay anyway.


    Oh, I agree. I may be a 360 player, but I'm not amused that my friends can't play the same DLC. It's terrible.


    As for Dragonborn: *Massive Spoiler*


    Ran into Hermaus Mora... Interesting character.


  9. They seem awfully tight-lipped about this one for whatever reason, much more so than Dawnguard and Hearthfire. But what's going on with the 360 exclusive period thing? I know they only said it'd be out on the fourth for 360 and didn't mention PC at all, and I've heard that the DLC exclusive stuff is the first two or the first three. Those saying it's only the first two DLCs for Skyrim are saying Hearthfire didn't count because it was small, which I don't get because PC players still had to wait a month longer than 360 to get it.


    I'm just so confused.


    I'm getting the impression that Dawnguard and Dragonborn are "DLCS", and Hearthfire is a minor "ad-on". Hence, the exclusivity for the first two DLCs. Confusing technicalities.

  10. Toa zaz... "Where would we go?" Well, we could deal with the Thrawn Trilogy, the Ssi-Ru invasion of Bakura, the life of Anikan Solo, Jaina Solo, Jacen Solo, Lowbacca, Tenel-Ka. Perhaps the rise of the Second Imperium? The Diversity Alliance? The reborn Black Sun? The Yuuzhan Vong invasion? The Nagai invasion? The return of the Sith empire (the ones that don't follow the "Rule of two"). There's an incredible amount of material they could cover, if they chose. Sheesh, they could even show the Legacy era war between the Fel Empire, Sith Empire, and the Galactic Alliance.

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