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Wind-rider of Le-Koro

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About Wind-rider of Le-Koro

  • Birthday 03/28/1990

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Oh...here and there...and everywhere else in my mind.
  • Interests
    See About Me section.

Wind-rider of Le-Koro's Achievements


Inhabitant (2/293)

About Me

Hmmm...now where should I start? Let's see...


I'm a 24 year old English Major with one more semester left before I have some duties to perform. My passion is writing and my hobby is drawing, so hopefully when I get good at drawing Bionicle, I will be able to actually illustrate my stories and comedies. I have a lot of ideas that strike me out of nowhere and a lot of fandoms that try to drag me this way and that, so if I disappear for long periods of time that is the reason...although I'm hoping to be more active in Bionicle again, since it has been far too long since I actually became interested in it.


Sometimes when I write, it takes me a while because I constantly go over and rewrite things and try to make it sound nicer or be more fluid/lifelike. Although there are times I can get wordy, I always look back over it and try to make it easier to read and understand. XD And sometimes it will just take one person to actually inspire me to get back into the groove of things...if it hadn't been for a good friend of mine, I never would have gotten back into Bionicle today and start brainstorming better ideas.


My interests besides Bionicle are Transformers, Mass Effect, Oddworld Stranger's Wrath, Alice: Madness Returns, Anime (though this one has been fading to the point I hardly watch it anymore if at all), World of Warcraft, and anything else I can think of I'll add it. I also love to role-play, and I always do my best to make my posts good rather than just short script pieces (unless that's the style you prefer, but still I try my best to add detail to it). My old Bionicle rp partner disappeared from the internet and I'm sad to see them go, but I understand if they had something come up last minute or something; still I hope they're okay.


Do not be afraid to talk to me: I don't bite, and it's not like I can through the screen. XD Just be warned that I can be rather random when I am excited/hyper, but other than that I'm very laid back and easy to get along with.


May attempt some writing practice using the characters. It's been a while, but I hope I can capture how they behave and act.

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