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Everything posted by Etcetere

  1. *Ahem* Enjoy Yourself Anyways. As in, things are lame, but enjoy yourself anyways. (o)
  2. Yes, post a picture or two. (o)
  3. Etcetere

    *insert Title Here*

    Spitty, I'm struck at you being a nerd, yet enjoying football. Ah well. If every nerd was the same, we'd all be me. Hm. I've only barely passed the Nektanns in the village. (o)
  4. Etcetere

    Wel Lthen

    I think I got some mint in my eye.. like.. a particle of an apres-diner mint.. (o)
  5. Etcetere

    What The Spork?!

    Keep in mind, most of you guys go to NORMAL school. I go to fancy dancy New Tech High, where absolutely everything is a group project spanning several weeks. In all four classes, that adds up. So I'm not just responsible for writing an entire journal of in-depth assessments of various quotes from "...And The Earth Did Not Devour Him". I'm responsible for everyone else's as well. (o)
  6. Etcetere

    Let's Play A Game

    Encapulate Copilate The Predicate Etiqutte Editkit of Connecticut. (o)
  7. Well, I had a not-as-expected weekend. We went to what I was told the "World's Largest Hot-Air Balloon Festival", which was clarified later as "Texas' Largest Hot-Air Balloon Festival". At least it was in Plano, Texas, and I got to hang out with my best friend who moved there a couple years ago. I watched the E3 Video for Spore - THAT GAME REMOVES ME OF MY FOOTWEAR! To summarize it, To into a serious phase now, I pulled a very important life lesson from this "event" : Enjoy yourself anyways. Expecting hundreds and hundreds of balloons to fill the sky, and instead watching a whopping nine take off and blow out of sight within a minute, makes you question your day. And being frustrated at your stupid slow digital camera that won't focus on the right thing, and the boredom of there not even being any balloon-relatedness for several hours, and how you want the rest of your family to go up and sit on the hill so you can all see but they just feel like standing around in the crowd where you can't and have them get angry at you for complaining, it's all the ingredients for a "I wish I never came to this stupid thing". That's where you say, what the heck, and enjoy the cloggers. They seem to be having a good time anyways. It's where you say, "Wow, that musical that those teens put on about the 1920s club was excellent! Much more than I expected!" instead of "Dangit, this whole balloon festical is cooldudeic. There's only nine freakin' balloons. Much less than I expected." It's where you make up a game on the spot and call it, "Random People Battle", and play by pointing out random people in the crowd that are awesome for some reason and your opponent has to find someone awesomer. Hey, it's a good way to meet people, like "Blue Kid", "Bow Girl", "Guy Sitting Next to David", "Square Hair Woman", and "Lady Running Up Hill, Now Running Back Down", without them ever meeting you. So what if things are going carppy. So what if you've been bored all day, have to find everyhting to complain about, and can't seem to stop arguing with your little sister. Say, "This Sure Beats Fill in The Blank", and whatever you do, DON'T think about what else you could be doing. (It IS possible to stop thinking about something, not by thinking about not thinking about it, 'cause that's Murphy's Law using reverse psychology, but by simply distracting yourself. Invent a neutral image in your head and go back to that image anytime your thoughts wander to something you don't wany in your head at the moment. For example, my image is something I sort of stole from Everquest 2 - Imagine a big, glowing line leading to your destination. And if you're not going anywhere but sitting still, imagine a big, glowing circle around you. Still, the best way to distract yourself is to preoccupy yourself with whatever you're doing or wherever you are at the moment, no matter what it is. If you're doing something or watching something orexperiencing something you consider lame and a waste of time, imagine you're someone from Myanmar who hasn't seen a thing like what you're seeing now and is totally captivated by it. You don't have to exclaim any awes or wonders, but just be content in your mind. Of course, if the thing you're trying to distract yourself from is something that simply must be faced at some point, then by all means, stop procrastinating and face it.) Hooray for tangenting on something serious! (o)
  8. Forensics Custard Sourdough (o)
  9. Etcetere


    Lesse.. I'm gonna try to remember how many posts I have without looking at my post count.. 1058? Anyway, I'd link to some of my songs to show how I "beat that", but savefile bunked 'em all, and I don't feel like ruining your ride. Besides, it's probably a really cool song. Besides, post count is like any other number. "Mine's bigger than yours!!" (o)
  10. Etcetere

    Top Nine Holidays

    I honestly can't wait until next August 8. I'll be sure to celebrate that festivity. (o)
  11. Runners up were Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day (March 27), Race Your Mouse Around The Icons Day (August 28), Answer Your Cats Questions Day (January 22), Gorgeous Grandma Day (July 23), and Make Up Your Own Holiday Day (March 26). (o)
  12. Etcetere

    Thesaurus Game

    Preserve your enterprise afar humidify dexterous of apiece personage comprehend pardon? I’m exasperating en bearing pro coherent? I’m instantaneously via the dependable synonyms delimited during inspection of the here progression throughout situate awake the shutters proximity to facilitating a consequence of avowal. It devises anticipated happening behalf of a hodgepodge of engaging mesmerizing approach collectively ups. Wouldn’t you encompass the equivalent assessment? (o)
  13. Etcetere

    Frothy Loops

    Best tablet deal I've found thus far (and I haven't done that much searching) is on a Wacom Graphire. 85$ for a 4"x5". Interesting.. tell me about this "Audacity" (I'm sure you have before, but I don't remember any details). (o) (o)
  14. Etcetere

    Frothy Loops

    I wish my blog attracted a helpful audience. (o)
  15. Etcetere

    Frothy Loops

    For a program whose namesake is a cereal, FL claims a continent and sells it on eBay. Like Rkaner did with that "chalinder", but that's another storu. So, for my list of musical creation programs - Cakewalk Project5 2.0(very limited demo) Fruity Loops 6.0 (demo) PropellorHeads ReBirth (blbtph!) SoundForge 6.0 (boo yah!) Anvil Studio (Midi goodness) Acid is on its way, though I don't know just what version yet. And my friend plans let me install his Cakewalk Kinetic. Reason and Acid Pro 5 are my dream programs. But I can easily use what I've got now to start producing. It's just.. now I actually have to figure out how to use these programs. I've got QUITE a ways to go. I barely understand what all the terms like samples, channels, flangers, and all that other hoohah entail. I wonder if there's a music media class at school or something. Plus all those music programs, I've been looking into Adobe PhotoShop 2.0 Elements for only 20$. Or rather the emphasis should be on only 2.0 Elements. Now for tablets. Anyone know a good deal? (o)
  16. Etcetere

    Windows 3.1, Lol

    Wow.. 3.1. I remember 3.1 VERY well. Ah, the memures. (o)
  17. Live in Austin. If it sleets, schools are closed for a few days. If it's actualy true-blue snow, school's closed until it's warm again! Christmas is usually celebrated in shorts and T-shirts. (o)
  18. I happen to be proficient at Game Maker. The sad thing is, I haven't used it in forever. If I had gotten to work and finished the games I'd started, I'd be way > Anaglyph. Which I'm a member of anyway, and have been neglegent in that area as well. Anyways, there's been several good games I've thought of. And I'm making them all my own. I can sprite, I can midi-compose, I can do GML, I can conceptualize, I can dispense apricots. Which reminds me.. Anyways, my newest idea-in-the-works would be a game about my hamster, Sage. Coolest rodent in the rewold. The theme would center around inside jokes and particular memories. For example, the stage names would be various phrases like: The Wind Is In My Pocket I'm An Apricot Dispenser Happy People Running Into Walls No-One Lets Me In The Box Nothing Beats Elastic Feats And the name of the game just may be titled "Lemon! Lemon! Lemon!" Well, I'll figure out more. I don't feel like talking. I'm downloading a demo of Fruity Loops so I can get on with my techno-music creation. (o)
  19. Etcetere


    Shmallownatir GXTwofourhundred! Yeh.. little tater tot dude looks crunchy. (o)
  20. Etcetere


    You both have it backwards. Refer to the (deleted) Wikipedia article. Oofo is o_O, not O_o. (o)
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