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Everything posted by Etcetere

  1. Etcetere


    Your blog actually sounds like a blog, Exo. "Oh Exo, you're so Exy." Take that for quotes out of context. Oh, and Vaults are lame excuses for "energy drinks." Bawls is the only "energy drink" I like. Once I saw a "lo-carb" energy drink. I nearly laughed my head off. I think I'm going to take a camera everywhere I go and take pictures of Our Society so I can laugh at it more frequently. (o)
  2. Etcetere

    The Kadigan Museum

    Hafany. "Hand me the hafany." "Which one?" "The hafany. The italicized one." (o)
  3. What, sayhaps, is a kadigan? Well, you might find it spelled cadigan or kadigin or so on, but to describe a kadigan, here's some various examples: Doohickey Thingamabob Summat Rama Bauble Thingiemajig By definition, it is a "placeholder noun". In more layman terms, it's another word for "thingy". I'm trusting everybody is being mature at this point. So. Let's all make up our own kadigans, shall we? I'll start off: Fribbons! (o)
  4. 1. Fasted from computers. Till now. 2. Went to Fall Retreat at Discovery Camp. 3. Went paintballing. Shot in face. Thankful for helmet. 4. Speaking of thankful, celebrated Give-Thanks-Unless-You're-A-Turkey-Or-A-Sidedish-Day. 5. Misspelled Novermber. 6. I'm going to Mexico again! On my birthday! 7. That'd be December 10th! 8. Tried the Wii. Which absolutely owns and operates. 9. Bought a bootleg Frodo sword (Sting) from the Rennaisance fair.
  5. By far the greatest bot is Sternest Meanings. (o)
  6. Etcetere

    Me The Pimp

    I hate the word "pimp". That aside, indeed. You're my kind of nerd when FF stands for FireFox and not Final Fantasy. (o)
  7. Skillet is crunchy. I was impressed when I saw them at Acquire the Fire. But my favorite group has got to be and will probably always be Third Day. (o) Yeah, Third Day is good. I like the guy's voice (I have American Dream on my playlist, I believe). But is "crunchy" good or bad?
  8. Etcetere

    Oh, Wow.

    Of course they lost. They're steelers, not trees. (o)
  9. TOP NINE REASONS I DIDNT MAKE A TOP NINE LIST 9. Fridays are my parkour days. 8. I was signing a deal with Krispy Kreme. 7. I haven't had coffee in a week or two. 6. Glottal Episcursis Nganasobe. 5. Get at of my welcome mat. 4. I was under the South 1st bridge. 3. That was pretty exciting. 2. Tuesdays are my parkour days too. 1. I don't actually practice parkour X)
  10. Etcetere

    E. S. Posthumus

    I figured out what their song titles mean. They're all cities from various ancient civilizations around the world. Nara is a Japanese city, Ulaid is a Celtic tribe, Cuzco is in Peru and Tikal is a Mayan city, you might of heard about Pompeii, Nineveh and Menouthis before. (o)
  11. Etcetere

    10² Comments!

    I'm so exitted for you, Spith! Spixie! Spittiette! McSpit! An' all the rest o' them! (o)
  12. Nevermind.. my school banned BZP again.. (o)
  13. Etcetere

    Nuevo Laredo

    Please see the It's not a rant at all it's the retelling of an awusome weekend topic. (o)
  14. And I'm one of them. (o)
  15. Absolutely agreeing with you. I would never call myself funny. If anyone else wants to call me funny, sure, I'm okay with that. So while I don't wish to call myself funny, some call me a hilarious person. The thing is, the times I'm the funniest are the times when I'm totally serious, but something I say or do comes out the wrong way. I was riding a van with members of my church when I noticed some store called "Custom Sounds" and made some comment about what it meant, which everyone in the whole car found hilarious and I had no idea why they were laughing. Or last week in Mexico, when we were at a restaurant I told the other people to hurry and grab the steak before it's all gone, but I ended up the only person taking any steak in the first place, which everyone found, once again, hilarous. And I tried to explain my enjoyment of the wind to a couple guys in my youth group, and they busted out laughing, saying "that was so totally random", even though our conversation had naturally tilted that way anyway. Sigh. I realize I'm funnier in my church than I am at school, perhaps because at school I'm surrounded by people who are weirder than I am, and people at my church are (for the most part) normal. So I learned to stop trying to be funny,and just be Stephen Luke Gregoire. Apparently he's hilarious. (o)
  16. Etcetere

    Furby Man Is Sad :(

    It looks like a yellow 1x1 brick with a tie fighter on it. Oh my Word, lol - tie fighter! (o)
  17. Do not illegally plagiarize this post! (o)
  18. Etcetere

    In Other News

    BZP is suddenly allowed on my school's computer! Yay! Oh, and I drew this diagram. 2. Innocent building 3. Tidal wave of pink lemonade 1. Projected trajectory of tidal wave Probably the most unnatural natural disaster known to mankind. (o)
  19. Etcetere


    I'm fascinated by the science of Spitty's gums. We'll call it olology. PM me about this book, "The End" (o)
  20. Etcetere

    Saturday The 14th

    The end sounds like the point of ceasance of something. Or at least a bit interesting. One of the two. I believe the server message refers to the book "Ishmael". (o)
  21. True, I'm reading oyur blog entries for this week reverse-chronologically, but you have officially become my favorite person for today. (o)
  22. Etcetere

    So, Woo

    Now I feel like going and adding the 4th and 5th blog entries for today. (o)
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