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Everything posted by Etcetere

  1. Neeeeways... Yeh, I'll be getting that kit produced. Exo likes expressionate eyes. I'm trying to implement eyebrows. I don't know how it'll work. But I want my sprites to be just as good for action as they could be for comics. Unsturthing. I'm humbled, Big Eggmutico of Varrock M7. Oh, and is that mishappen, or misshapen? (o)
  2. Etcetere

    1 Week Later

    Yeh, I had an eventful week. Camping at Inks Lake, spraining my heels at Schlitterbahn, and not-really-going-but-still-there to my cousin's bridal shower. Seriously, I could sue that waterpark for not having "3-foot water!" signs and "Caution! No Jumping!" signs. But they did. Neeways, I've been rewoking hard on BBC 37. This time 'round I figured I'd just have fun with the contest, have fun with my MOC. That's what I did in 33, and the Inconspicuous Friendly Critter got me third place among all the dark and menacing titans. Hopefully people will lean for the odd uniquity in this contest as well. No, I'm not making Ninjo a girl, or a little cute yellow critter. It's just my next leap into unusuality. UPDATE: You all want a description? Think Covenant Hunter + Murloc + Meta Knight. So I'll be staying up tonight, partly to get my entry finished and partly because I won't be able to sleep anyway. We came home about a half hour ago to find the AC had like.. melted or something. I walked into my room to find the air stuffed thick and barely breathable. In short.. um... (o)
  3. Sorry, Big Eggmutico, but you're right here. But feel free to come on over. (o)
  4. Oh, boy. Don't start me on a rant about being random. Barely anyone understands what true randomocity is. Randomocity is funny when it's actual randomocity. When you're purposely trying to be random, it's only dumb and lame. Plus people try to be random with things that simply aren't random anymore. Pie, Muffins, Llamas. Squirrels. They're just not random anymore. (Don't get me wrong, Spitty, llamas pone!!) "A bag of four grapes" rises high in randomocity over the ranks of someone saying "tangerine disco cheesesteak!" which is why Homestarrunner is so successful. Alas, I must stop ranting. (o)
  5. Etcetere


    The thing about the controller is it's entirely new. It's something never been done before, so of course people are iffy or cautious about the whole idea. Keep in mind the Nunchuk Controller, with the joystick and two Z buttons, which is motion-sensing as well. Nintendo's also producing a new "normal" controller as sort of a backup in case the Wii Remote really does fail, and plus you can plug Gamecube controllers right into the Wii. (o)
  6. Etcetere


    Pift. For the price of the PS3, one could buy 3 or 4 Wiis. (o)
  7. If not, where are you? (o)
  8. Etcetere


    Spitty, your posts keep saying they were edited by Nihilus. That Sith stole your original name (o)
  9. Etcetere

    Ah, Geez.

    Your hair? I dun wanna know... (o)
  10. Etcetere


    No, let's not get overloaded with Pokemon. Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and Mewtwo are good. Pichu has that unique attribute of being too powerful to control, but clone charries=bad. They'll likely drop Pichu. In which case, we should pick up Meowth and prolly someone like Deoxys, but on nait jamais. We could end up with Snorlax. (o)
  11. Etcetere


    Sega makes the most sense as a new third party, seeing as Nintendo's practically the only thing that keeps it alive anymore. Ya'll know the Wii will play Sega Genesis games, right? Not to meantion TurboGrafX! (But not Virtual Boy) But with Sonic, comes Shadow, Tails, Knuckles, and possibly Dr. Eggman. (o)
  12. Etcetere

    Dun Dun Dun Duuun!

    Well, My Dor A Splor. (o)
  13. Etcetere


    Ah, yes, can't wait for the Wii. Online capability! I for one would love playing against other BZPers in the world's coolest fighting game. Plus the 5 we have, all the new potential characters.. like Captain Olimar, Ridley, Toad, Krystal, E. Gadd, Samurai Goroh, maybe another EB character like Jeff or Paula. NOT Poo, because then people would be playing with Poo on their Wii. Just.. no. (o)
  14. I edited the blog entry to explain better Well, maybe too much better. Now it's really, really long. I recommend anyone who skimmed it to go back and read over it, because it's rather informative. (o)
  15. Etcetere


    Felt like talking about the game everyone agrees is at least one reason Nintendo owns: Super Smash Bros. Melee. I haven't found a soul who dislikes it, this ultimate-fighting game of Nintendo All-Stars. Well, now (especially with Brawl) It's more like the All-Stars and the Co-Stars and the Anti-Stars as well. But what sparked this blogtry is that I finally regot the game. Not considering trophies, I unlocked everything I could before I got Mewtwo. This left me without Mr. Game and Watch, Battlefield, Dream Land, and no way to get the rest Final Destination because Event Matches 40+ were blocked until I got that psycho cat. Finally, yesterday, I did and unlocked everything else. Now all that's left is grabbing all 290 trophies. If I had an Action Replay, I could always get the 3 secret ones. But It's not worth the risk. Sorry, Tamagon. So the first thing I started doing is practice wave-dashing. I want to get really, really good at this game so I can go back to CyberJocks and own the people who owned me. For some reason, I'm excellent at it with Luigi and Mr. Game and Watch. I'm considering making Gamey my prime character - simply because he's weird, and people underestimate him. That bucket can deal over a hundred damage if you happen to catch three of Samus's charged beams. Speaking of Samus, that's my second character I want to get really good at. My top characters until now has been Link, Roy, and Ness. But Samus is a really good fighter. But the main reason I want to use her is her secret ability - you can make the Grapple Beam twice as long. To do it, you have to rapidly press Z and the up and down arrows on the plus pad. It takes a lot of practice to figure out how to do it right, but once you get it, you can accomplish the feat in the time it takes to shoot one Grapple Beam. This trick makes Samus's Grapple Beam twice as long. When you press L, it homes in on your opponents. You have to manually press Z to actually grab them, though. The trick is useless in a small, fast-paced battle because you'll probably never get the chance to pull it off. But still, it's an attribute that makes Samus deadly. Unfortunately, Samus doesn't Wave-Dash very well. I'm still working on perfecting that move, particularly WDing backwards to grab onto a ledge to Edge-Hog. I still barely understand shuffling - the combination of short hopping, fast falling, and L-cancelling that lets you use your airs while still visibly on the ground. I may stick with Link because of the fact that he's incredibly diverse. Though he's slow, he might have good Wave-Dashing, and I'm already used to all his moves. Roy's excellent against computers but his slowness is costly against quick-thinking humans. And Ness, he's too much of a tactician to do much good in a free for all. His moves are strong, but he himself is rather weak. I was playing in Training to figure the differences between each of Peach's random vegetables. I'm discovered that the normal smiley face is by far the most common, and does 6 damage when thrown normally. Most other vegetables do 6 damage as well, but I think there's a difference in how far it hits your opponent. The winking face does 18 damage, and the miserable-looking face does around thirty! Plus, on rare occasions, Peach can pull a Bob-Omb out of the ground! It's funny to see the reactions on none-the-wiser opponents in a match with no items, who are perplexed as to where that Bob-Omb came from. (o)
  16. Etcetere


    *couch*notcdanymore*/cough* (o)
  17. Etcetere

    Water Buffaloes

    Did anyone even listen to the Prophecy one? It's not as weird as it starts. Well, the song is sorta weird, but it totally changes moods later on. It's actually a remix of Pokey's Theme from EarthBound. (o)
  18. Today I've officially become Etcetera. NOT Core Dimension anymore, though I doubt it'll catch on very quickly. Why the change? What was ever wrong with Core Dimension? Well, when I first signed on to BZP, I used Core Dimension as my name for every account. It was the stage of developement of a story of mine, no, not a story. More like, an in-depth universe. No, not a universe either, because the whole idea is that universes are just a small part of the whole of Reality. Here's how it worked - I loved making stories and worlds, but always had the problem of never being able to stick to something I started, because I'd get a new idea for something else. It began as a comic book art project where I used my 5 signature characters - Glitch, Slug, Kihlok, Mal, and Thielan. I started working on a storyworld where those guys actually made sense being in the same place at the same time. The story was there are different realms in the universe, seven to be exact. Each guy came from a different realm and teamed up together. The story was called the 7th Dimension. But, working on a logo, I like the idea of having it be an oblong circle that resembled a 7-D. But I couldn't get the 7 to look right, so I stuck a C there as temporary. Suddenly, thinking of what C would stand for if it was there, the name Core Dimension hit me. And that's where I changed the story - there are 7 realms, but there is a central realm that was created as a capital-of-the-universe sort of deal. That was Phyrast, the Core Dimension. But I grew older, and everything in it starting seeming more and more kiddish. I decided to maybe keep the kiddish line going, but have a more in-depth and mature version of the Core Dimenison. Over time, things developed, and more and more I starting honing down just what the whol situation was and how things worked. I dropped the seven realms idea - there are millions and millions of realms, nearly all of which are unlinked. Phyrast is sort of an artifical realm, created to unite all the realms and end the multi-dimensional Gate War. But then I started developing something I hadn't before - a story. And more and more, I was leaning to using Biblical inspiration as the heart and soul of my story, like C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia. I can't go in-depth about that on BZP, of course, but that changed my story to have thought-compelling meaning, messages, and go deeper, deeper, deeper. The name Core Dimension always stuck with me as just not working anymore - it seemed to fit great for the cartoony version, but not fot the deep version. I wanted a name that was one word, and English word, that was simple, had a perfectly fitting meaning, yes sounded really cool just as a word. And what came up was Parable - the perfectly perfect word. The whole story has indeed become a Parable, and using that inspiration that's what I want to make the foundation of the whole thing. Everything is symbolic. Core Dimension no longer was a perfect name. Then there's the whole deal that originally, Core Dimension covered everyting I created. This included drawings of the cartoony world that Slug lives in, to the futuristic fantastical drawings of Tempest, a Gatekeeper. But with Parable, things took a different turn, not to mention the fact that I'd started developing something that had nothing to do with Core Dimension in any form at all. I love to draw, love to compose, love to gamemake, love to write, love to photograph, love to do nearly everything that involves creativity. But it didn't all relate - not everything was from the same story or in the same style. I was stuck calling things "made by Core Dimension" that didn't make sense being in the Core Dimension. Things just weren't working. Then I made a blog entry about the word Etcetera - my favorite word, more so than "crunchy", which I don't use enough nowadays. Then, sketching out ideas of my future website, I was slowly leaning on the fact that it couldn't be called Core Dimension anymore. I wrote down Etcetera. And I realized how perfect it was. Etcetera doesn't mean anything, it just means "And On". I would've liked to use a word like "Imagination Works" or "Creative" but those things just seemed to over used and were really just iffy. Etcetera fit perfectly because it covers EVERYTHING without ever being specific. And there you have it, all my creative works were created by the guy who goes by the moniker Etcetera. Of course, I realized I had to change my name after I said goodbye to the Core Dimension. I may as well change my e-mail address and everything else, but some account names are permanent. I'm fine with Core Dimension, but Etcetera.. it just fits me better. It's inspecific, and limitless, and multi-purposeful, and.. well, etc. Oh, and the (o) logo still applies. I like it. It doesn't have to represent a C and a D anymore. (o)
  19. ITD got way bigger a turnout than I expected it to. Almost makes me feel bad I wasn't necesarily a part of it. Ah well. There's always IEW. (o)
  20. Etcetere


    Nak-Naks happen to be a line of click-jointed block people whose purpose is to pose and stack a bunch of them. I don't know much about them other than they were once a promo at McDonalds and boast that each character can pose in over 80 different combinations. And for the record, brownies > cake > pie. (o)
  21. Etcetere


    Speaking of being funny, Exo has a knack for not. (o)
  22. My premiership runs out any day now this month. What's going to happen to my blog? Will it cease existance, or will it simply be locked until I decide to send in more money? Anyone with any wisdom on this matter, kindly inform me so I can start copying and saving my blog entries. Plus, everyone should know, my name's going to be Etcetera tomorrow. Try to get used to not calling me CD anymore. (o)
  23. Etcetere


    Ah, that was exactly my case too. So from experience, I can say "Indeed, was cool." But thankfully I only got a trim - it still falls into my eyes, just not past them. How short did you get it cut? (o)
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