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Everything posted by Etcetere

  1. Etcetere


    That's awesome. You get to be an island, I just get to be some German nurse company thing. Yes, people read them. I'm reading yours. (o)
  2. Etcetere

    New Spitty Name ><

    Yet another member of the Spitty Squad. DJ McSpit, Sargeant Spith, Spixie the Pixie, Princess Spittiete.. and who else was it?? (o)
  3. Not to be taken seriously. You're awesome. You're the greatest. I'm just trying to nurse my self-esteem. (o)
  4. I'm greater than you. You're lesser than me. I'm better than you. I'm better x3. I'm cooler than you. As cool as can be. I'm greater than you. You're lesser than me. (o)
  5. Well, I'm not miffing the actors. For what they had to do, they each did an excellent job. It's the movie itself that is horrible beyond imagination. Yes, and the part where they miraculously crash-land at "Foam Rubber Wholesalers Convention". Not to mention the crash " special effect" itself. "The >Living< End....?" What was the deal with that?? (o)
  6. Etcetere

    Pie Land

    When it comes to Blogs. (o)
  7. Etcetere

    Pie Land

    As much as one likes (o)
  8. Etcetere

    Pie Land

    One can double-comment (o)
  9. Etcetere

    Pie Land

    You forget. (o)
  10. I'm talking about THE ORIGINAL Batman! The first ever Batman movie, made in 1966. So unimaginably awful, I plan on getting my friends together to host our own "Mystery Science Theatre 3000" on this movie. It's impossible not to make fun of, but you mostly feel sorry for the fact that these people making these movies were dead-serious. I mean... honestly.. what were they thinking? It was a random present in a gift exchange game at Christmas. Nobody watched it until I decided to last night. I must admit, it was far more entertaining than must of the carp Hollywood comes out with these days. The story begins with Batman and Robin getting a tip that Commodore Schmiddlapp is in trouble - his super Dehydrating invention might get stolen while shipping it on his yacht! (A situation strinkingly resemblant to the new Batman Begins movie and its Microwave Emittor) The two fly off on their Batcopter, and as Batman rides on a hanging ladder ready to board the yacht, the boat suddenly disappears (more like the camera angle shifts to show nothing but water) and Batman is suddnly waist-deep in the water now (still on the ladder). Robin raises the helicopter, but oh no! A gigantic rubber shark has been duct-taped to Batman's knee! Batman, miraculously painless, tries repeatedly in vain to beat this totally-motionless rubber monster with his fists. He radios for Robin to bring him some Bat Shark Repellent and Robin climbs down the ladder, doing a "fantastic stunt" of hanging on his knees upside-down and handing Batman the shark repellent. Batman sprays the shark's nose and the shark, not liking the particular flavor of that can of Axe, lets go and promptly explodes on impact with the water. That's right. Explodes. Batman and Robin, using ridiculous inferring, deduces that the plot could only have been pulled by The Riddler, The Joker, The Penguin, and Cat Woman all joined together ("It was at Sea! C! C for Cat Woman!"), and that their plot must be to take over the world. The fearsome foursome, who all but Cat Woman are played by hilarious actors who probably don't get paid enough for the roles they have to play, aboard the Penguin's penguin-decor submarine, use their new Dehydrator-Whatsit and shoot it like a lazer gun at 5 "Guinea Pigs", some poor human test subjects dressed in sweaters, turning them into nice neat little piles of gray sand. They then pour the sand into vials and prepare for various attacks on Batman. Of course, everything that they try to pull on Batman goes wrong, like Cat Woman dressing up as some Russian lady and fools Bruce Wayne into falling in love with her, so they can kidnap Bruce Wayne hoping Batman will come and rescue him (Gee, I wonder what's wrong with that plan). The Penguin eventually disguises as Commodore Schmidlapp and convinces Batman and Robin to take him to their Bat-Cave, which is full of totally awesome high-tech light-up gadgets like Molecular Particle Organizer and Super Bat Fusion Reactor and Drinking Water Dispenser. To get those 5 "Guinea Pigs" back to life - no joke - Just add water! The Penguin unleashes his five minions, but each of them disappear once they get hit by something (Batman explains this later, but then it only makes less sense). The four bad guys finally go into the United World Peace building or whatever (They actually used the UN building for fliming) to dehydrate nine guys in a "Safety" conference. Each one is from a country like Spain, Nigeria, Germany, United Kingdom, etc. and each one is hopelessly stereotypical. They're all arguing loudly and continuously, and the fact that they're all speaking in their own language isn't helping, so much that they don't notice the four "super-villians" standing there, or notice as the person in front of them or to the side of them suddenly disappears. Each man becomes a very neat pile of colored sand, a different one for each country, and these colors as well are stereotypical on the border of racism, and each one is swept up into a vial. Batman and Robin finally confront them on Penguin's surfaced submarine, and fight the four bad guys (and one cat, who you feel very very sorry for throughout the duration of the movie) along with all the Dr. Seuss-dressed pirate henchmen. It's a scene full of - I'm not kidding in the least - "Pow!" "Biff!" "Sploosh!" and other (colorful) onomotopeaic comic captions popups, not to mention the lack of Batman's fists ever coming (visibly) within 6 inches of the bad guy's faces, and most of them jumping into the water on their own. Batman retrieves the vials of the nine world "leaders", (I noticed that not each vial held the same amount of sand, and deduced that some must have been fatter than others, and the blue man was a midget) but just then the real Commodore Schmiddlapp comes out demanding tea and trips over Batman, breaking the vials and sneezing to scatter the dust. Batman and Robin, being the technological and medical geniuses they are (maybe crime-fighting is a part-time job?) develope a machine to divide the molecules of each man back into their vials (now each one has the same amount of sand!). It's an un-need-be suspenseful situation, and the world is waiting as Robin periodically keeps the County Commissioner up-to-date via the bright-red Bat-Phone, who (while being filmed on live global television) then relays the message to the President (A real-live back view of his enormous chair and his left hand petting a couple random beagles!) who then relays the message to various loudspeakers around the world that declare the message in their native language to the crowds of anxious people anticipating the results. "We've done it!" "They've done it!" "They've done it!" "Samunosuke Whatari!" (I dun know what language that is or what it means). They bring these vials back to the conference room, set up a unique hydration-equalizer mechanism (complete with garden hose and a rusty spigot attached to a futuristic container of blue water) and bring them all back to life. The nine World Safety Officer or somethings continue arguing, but this time, all their languages are switched around! The sterotypical Nigerian is speaking spanish, and the stereotypical U.S.S.R. man is speaking excessively proper English! Batman concludes this was the greatest contribution that anyone could ever make to society, then he and Robin leave the scene "inconspicuously" by rapelling out the window. As they climb down outside, the credits roll. It's a movie full of ridiculous stereotypes, anti-alcohol propaganda "Why did you save that riff-raff in the bar?" "Because, Robin, they may be drinkers, but they're still humans." and pro-Mother-Nature lectures. I wish I could applaud the director's creativity in this film. But I just can't. I won't even comment on Robin hood's habit to say "Holy *Insert something that relates to the subject at hand(no, not profainty)*, Batman!" every freaking two minutes. Oh wait, I just did. I mean, come on, what's the point in being BatMan if you have to use Shark Repellant spray to fend off an evil rubber explosive shark? (o)
  11. Etcetere

    Pie Land

    I've discovered the epitome of Spitty's blog entries This is it. Everyone of his entries resembles this. B) If it's a special day then I get a third line!!
  12. Etcetere

    Pie Land

    Yay! But didn't you say you were gonna be back on the 20th? Oh well. Hope you had fun in Nevada. (o)
  13. Tha's right. And dun'd you frigate it. (o)
  14. 1. The Stooges. 2. The seasons of Andy Griffith without Barney. 3. My pointlessly short blog entries. (o)
  15. Oh yeah, Crew Master? Well I'm Tim the Tid Cam. Saith Exo. (o)
  16. Etcetere

    Notes From Billund

    ALRIGHT!! Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!! Way to go, Lego! Way to go, Bionicle! And here I was getting all complainy that the Inika only made clone sets worse. Well, I'm looking forward now. (o)
  17. Grr, Epsilon. So you thought you'd jump in on the arrow crew? Hmmph. (o)
  18. Etcetere

    Ah, Geez.

    Alraht, I'm Tim the Tid Cam. I.. um.. Cam tids. (o)
  19. I added this because apparently ya'll are scared of my big long entries and don't read through, therefore having nothing to comment on. Seriously. Read From Fritane to Titripec. (o)
  20. Sigh... "Cruises" looks like "Gruises". Oh, where was I? The Wind! This blog entry is actually about the wind! The wind is MAWSOME! Wind, if people made me choose what element I like best (I'm talking 'bout the four) would be what I immediately choose. I'm a wind guy. I like wind. I dun like passing it, I like it passing me. The whooshness of a very windy day is just... man, it takes my imagination and tries to like, stretch it out along with the ribbons of air that whizz by. Wind totally owns the other three: Fire is totally awesome to watch, what with the ribbons of flame licking up to the sky and going so fast they don't seem to move so much as appear then vanish. But fire is SO cliche as a favorite element. People like the burningness and destroyness of it and not much else. Me, I just appreciate the flames flipping to the sky, the stars shinging down, and a crunchy Summore in my mouth. I top peace over destruction (I mean, come one, peace makes everyone, including you, happy, destruction's just pointless). Water is cool in different circumstances, mainly what's happening to it. Thanks to Bionicle, with water I connotate female, which makes me think I -whoa, on my computer clock I thought it said "Yesterday" (it actually said Tuesday), which would've been very odd if today was yesterday.. - shouldn't like water as much. But water's prolly my second choice, because it, like wind, is flowy and wispy. Just thicker. Plus, with water comes bubbles. Were bubbles an element, hoo boy, don me a cape and call me Bubble Man (But I'm already Bagel Man). Taking photographs with the sun reflecting off its rippliness is fun. It's funner when ducks are in lensshot. Geese are so weird.. I'm not even joking. They're just WEIRD. Earth.. I've never really got this one. According to Bionicle it's dirt. And hunchbacked people. But really I've always seen earth mean dirt/stone, or plants. Either or. I like to think of the quality of plants being titled "Nature" but nature rules over weather and all that stuff.. so nah. Take Neopets. Their Earth faerie isn't some dirt girl, she's got ivy and plants all around her- wait, idn't she the one with the afro? Disco... earth.. Gah, I've got too many things to connotate with earth to even know if I like it or not. Notre Dame, astronomy and John Travolta. Confusing... Heart. Oh gosh. Captain Planet just made the most retarded decision ever. Some South American kid with a monkey. What.. exactly.. does heart do? I always imagine him holding his hands out zombielike and moaning, "Heeaaarrttsss...." Since we're on the subject of Captian Planet (who still purchases despite Ma-Ti), another plus about wind is that it's possessed by that European chick :-O :-O So you see, don't you.. why wind owns. It does because it does. The reason why is itself. But I'm not here to tangent too far on logics.. tuff... but instead to portray the reasons why I love the wind. When it's hot and sunny and the air is like a breathable plastic sheet (wind != air), and clouds are off throwing a party someelsewhere, if you've got the wind you've got coolness and comfort. Especially when it's really, REALLY windy, and the wind pushes you, that's a heckofalotof fun. And crunchy leaves swirling around make it a dream come true. We've had an area of our school courtyard (which is huge and awesome (at least where the trees are) ) that never got raked, and it was right in the path from the cafeteria to French. The result was an enormous pile of leaves that were fun to crunch through (not too deep, or feel the yicky dampness) and let the wind swirl around in mini tornado (dust devils are so cool!!!). Sadly, speeching of tornados, that is the only negative effect to wind. Tornados and hurricanes and gales all such violent-wind storms. There's scarcely anything in this world without a bad side. But it's important to appreciate the goodness of wind, the things we ake for granted, otherwise all we think about wind is the disasters it causes and we think, "Who needs wind? I hate the wind." If you hate the wind, well, that's not a vital enough opinion that I would try to convince you otherwise of, but know that I disagree. The wind rules. WindWaker was okay.. the graphics could actually be neat in some parts... that boat was cool.. WindWalk is an AWESOME ability. I always use that hero when I'm playing Orcs. The Vialsi from Parable (New version of the Core Dimension) are all themed around wind. They're cool. Tuarion ("Tar-yun") rides a Dere ("dare"), an animal made from wind ("wi-nd"). The wind... in spain.. stays mainly.. in the plain. Sorry, non-plain-living Spaniards. The wind is totally in my pocket. So are 3 dollars (boo yah, $ $ $) but the wind is fine sharing close quarters with several silver coins. Make that not several, a dozen. He's immune to literature! (o) Oh look, I din'd use any tags...
  21. Spitty's In Nevada!!! So, it's Tahoe now, is it? Isn't that some Ford or Chevy? Wow, Spitty, you're so ghetto, you vacation at the water-filled bed of the family pickup. It's okay. Every summer my family take a road trip to H-E-B. (o)
  22. Etcetere

    Ah, Geez.

    Sorry to tell you this, Exo, but Neopets don't die. Instead, they remain "Starving" for eternity. However, if an account has been inactive for over a year, all the pets in that account are defined as "Vacationing in Mystery Island". So just when you're trying to neglect them, they're having the time of their lives. (o)
  23. Come, hearken to the first of many tales about the, people, places, and hapoccurs within the Realm of Ip. I myself am the archivist of all Ippish history in the fair town of Stesh, and have been given leave to recount the happenings and infoings of two famed cities in our fair land - the cities of Fritane (Fri-tan-ee) and Titripec (Ti-tree-peck). Most consider them one city, and misinformed as they are, that is a very credible observation. For throughout the streets of the two towns, amongst all the azure and orange buildings, one can hardly discerne which and whether town they're in. Just why this? Deep in the south of Ip, at the tip of the Easchnlor peninsula (a great battle was fought on the plains there, but thi's another story) there were a rather large settlation of colonists coming from the great Kaah Treaui Kaah ruins to the westnorthwest, seeking a new place to govern and call their own. At the tip, at a small but worthy bay, they decided on the location for their new village. But there was a disagreement - one prominent leader of the group had decided the name would be Titripec, a name he came up with and thought clever and fitting. But one woman (of Gereant race) in the crowd thought it a ridiculous name, and voiced the name Fritane, after the 500-andon year old tortoise they clanspeople had raised through the generations, who was, sadly, deceased. (I should take a moment to explain - in Ip, it is an esteemed practice to raise family tortoises. They never die of old age, and continue growing larger and larger. Families or clans or town councils would raise these reptiles and protect them from all disease or predators, so that generation after generation of devoted spoiled care these turtles would be so old and so huge, well... they would be very old and very huge. Why did people practice this practice? For the very famous heck of it.) The leader refused - he would not rid the name Titripec. To enqouth him, "I'm making a town named Titripec, and I'm making a town of the name of Titripec!" His stubborness caused unrest in the settlers, who after many debates and arguments came to a compromise. No, not that the name would be Fritripec or Titrane, how stupid would that be? They decided to break off into two groups and each found their own towns. So, at a small distance of 25 Efferlengths (about the distance of 150 or 160 meters on Earth) began constucting their villages. Everyone was at peace with these decisions, and the two towns were very much in harmony with eachother. But years passed, generations came and gone, and all cities expand with time. And expand Fritane and Titripec did. They grew and grew. The trouble was, as more time passed, there was no longer room for expansion outward. On one side was the sea and on the other three were the steep climbing edges of the basin they lived in. Expansion continued until they were just about meeting, only a road's width between them. A brave entrepreneur and a wary architect began construction on a tavern in the direct 'tween of the two towns, a tavern by the name of The 30 Bucklers (for thirty bucklers were to adorn the walls inside). Following their lead, constuction continued in that tiny width of land until there simply wasn't enough room. Well, there was, but it was already occupied by the other town. Yet, thanks to inspecific boundary regulations, nobody viewd that as a problem. A Titripecan bank was built right in the middle of a Fritane street, and several Fritanish vendors placed their stands between various buildings in Titripec. And more time passed, and more expansion occured. Though it wasn't expansion so much as squeezing - more and more buildings of one town were built within or next to the streets and buildings of the others. Eventually, Fritane and Titripec practically entirely occupied the exact same space, and just what was Fritane and what was Titripec was interspersed within what was not. Finally, both town councils realized this was a problem. How many times had it occured in the recent years that they would be walking down a Fritanish street, lean to the right and suddenly they would be on Titripecan property? Or a Titripecan walking into a market that was right beside his house and surrounded by lots of other Titrepecan houses, only to find it full of Fritanes? One particular citizen had it rough - He himself was declared Titripecan, but every house surrounding him contained Fritanish citizens, leaving him to ponder just to which he belonged. Postage was an absolute nightmare. Some spots were on Fritane property, some spots were Titripec, some were both. And both councils met, and both councils developed a simple smashing idea. With surpluses of blue (they all preferred to refer to it as "azure", because it was a shade darker than normal blue) and orange paint from some previous undefined celebration of sorts, the towns agreed that all Titripecan structures would be painted one color, and the Fritanish bildings the other. And the painting begun - everyone in both towns were quite pleased with this arrangement. But yet another problem arose, starting with a situations that probably went summat like this: Titripecan: Hey, you're painting that house orange! Fritanish: Yes, isn't this whole idea great? Titripecan: Oh, absolutely. But that house is Fritanish, not Titripecan. Fritanish: Exactly, which is why I'm painting it orange. Titripecan: But orange is the color of Titripec! Fritanish: Absolutely not! Orange is the color of Fritane! Titripecan: All Titripecan buildings are orange! Look at those over there! Fritanish: Those? Those aren't Titripecan at all. Those belong to Fritane. Titripecan: Orange is Titripec! Fritanish: Orange is Fritane! And when this argument was brought before both councils, it was realized both towns assumed orange as their color. Only a small portion of the cities had been painted, but they had all been painted orange. And the councils ARGUED. Both gave lengthy, filibustrous debates on why orange was the color for them. Really, the true reasons were no more than both liked orange and despised azure. Nobody could reach an agreement, especially because of the fact that whoever got orange, would get all the already orange painted buildigns as well, despite whether those buildings originally belonged to Fritane or Titripec. While the councils argued, months passed, and the citizens decided they might as well get the job done. They, randomly but fairly, painted the houses either orange or azure. With all the various orange and azure buildings, things were altogether even more confusing, but they faithfully awaited the decision the councils would make. That decision, which was vary fair, was this: each town would get half the orange buildings, and half the azure buildings. And the situation was never brought up again. Despite the fact that the decision made no less confusion and scattering, as well as (especiall as) the fact that neither side specified which buildings were the half they possessed. The reason it was never brought up again was the fact that so many arguments and useless decisions have already happened over the matter, that everyone was fairly sick of it to bother with it anymore. So now, if you were to venture to Fritane or Titripec, don't expect to EVER be aware of which town you're just exactly in, because just when you're in one you're in the other. Go ahead and gaze at the remarkable orange and azure buildings, whose color is now meaningless and no more than a decoration. Though do regard this helpful bit of advice - Do visit The 30 Bucklers, which is the only place that belongs to neither town. ~()~
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