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Bionicle Dragon

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Everything posted by Bionicle Dragon

  1. i might have i herd americans were fattys
  2. oh ok no one got the joke about poohootu being fat.
  3. Yeah maybe all americans are poohootus, using the same logic as koopooka. IS KT AMERICAN?
  4. These last three days are gonna be awesome. =D Well, on Sunday I have a dentist appointment, but besides that.
  5. Well that's good Looks like koopooka hasn't gone on too many killing sprees yet that's cus koopookas don't kill koopookas. They kill poohootus such as Dok. >=D
  6. Despite this, Canada's homicide rates are pretty low.
  7. This is in fact true. We play hockey a lot, and spend a much of our time in the penalty box.
  8. Welcome to my blog, newcomer. The first this you will learn here is that... everything... is a ploy for comments. For some reason this gave me the urge to comment. Drat, it's working!
  9. darn But wait! I'm not BD. I'm koopooka.
  10. Dok! You've done it! You got bones to reply to your blog!
  11. That's what she-- oh kids forum nvm. That's what I thought.
  12. Hmm... Brotherhood of Rock Element: Shadow We're Kraahkan'! I'll try to think of some more later.
  13. are you koopooka by relation Everyone in Canada is. EDIT: Would you like me to elaborate HOW DO YOU GET INTERNET ACCESS IN PRISON MAJCORP FIEND?! =O I'm in prison, not banned. I would rather be in prison than banned. Anyway, Canadian prisons are very nice. We're Greg Farshtey's favourite.
  14. are you koopooka by relation Everyone in Canada is. EDIT: Would you like me to elaborate
  15. I'm Canadian. Ask me anything.
  16. Sounds a lot like the Christmas I had. Except with less anime and more mahjong.
  17. Ah, I know that feeling. I'm usually good with kids, but sometimes... Your comedy's starting to sound cool... I should read it sometime. Merry Christmas! Torhuki I feel everyone's like this. :/
  18. Bionicle Dragon

    Nerd Jokes

    That isn't a nerd joke, sir. I'm afraid I'll have to report you.
  19. Bionicle Dragon


    It's not like he's lying.
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