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Toa Poortoran-Toa of Atoms

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Status Updates posted by Toa Poortoran-Toa of Atoms

  1. Merry (late) Christmas! And have a Happy New Year! How was your Christmas?

  2. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Right back at you! Nice new personal photo! :)

  3. Oh, and your personal website link doesn't work. Unless that's what what you wanted... ;)

  4. With all of the spam, leet, and other crud this guy put on this website, it's very surprising he hasn't been banned or suspended. The "Hottest Girl On Bzp" topic was the most disturbing topic on this website. Why is everyone so proud of him? BTW, wonder why he quit BZP?

  5. If you're wondering why I wanted to be your friend, it's because I posted in your comment box, and you posted "Hello. ^^" in mine. :)

  6. Because I posted in you're comment box, and you posted "Hello. ^^" in mine. :)

  7. You seem to like to change your name every chance you get. (Is that good of bad?)

  8. OK, I found it. Bought the entire Doctor Who album. Thanks SK! You rock!

  9. Is there a specific name to it? I can't find the new theme, I can only find the old theme.

  10. I don't think so, I checked, the battle scene isn't there. (To clarify, I'm looking for the part where Kazu is stabbed)

  11. Hey, SK? What's the music you used for the part of the last battle between Matrak, Kazu, and Malice Borg in OOMB? In the second half of Part 6 of 3? I like it tons!

  12. Is that Knux from Sonic Paradox/Sonic Shorts/Knuckles Briefs? Those are hilarious. I know why you would've chosen it.

  13. Sweet. If you have a sprite sheet, PM me, I may want to continue comic making sometime this year.

  14. Transformers rule! How are you doing?

  15. Dude, a bunch of posts got deleted. I know because I posted in January, and it says the last post was in March. It would be dead now, but it wasn't dead when you said it was.

  16. I see you like Sonic, so do I. Even though I'm a guy, I still think Blaze is pretty cool. Nice pick for an account name.

  17. Your not dead!

    But you still haven't made that comic for me yet. JK.

    VakamaTK: It was awesome while it lasted, but Obama seems to have won. So I had to take it down.

  18. His topic is still alive. It's not closed.

  19. One problem. Everything in it is important. I'll try.

  20. I see you like Ness and Lucas...

  21. If he's alive as a mangosteen, and he says mangosteens aren't alive...

    It was nice knowing Lewajohnson.

  22. You throw mangosteens at me. Misunderstanding.

  23. I know. *Starts bragging "I'm so smart!" Lewajohnson commands mangosteens to attack me.

  24. Quote: "You won't always be carrying a calculator around."

    -My mom.

    Calculators are for that, but you won't always carry it around.

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