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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by CzaR

  1. CzaR
    Im im that after Brickcon mood where I just dont know what to build next. Im leaning toward something for BBCC 60, ideas? I see alot of spiders, I want something unique.
  2. CzaR
    1. What will you dress up as this year? (I am going to be the Reaper, I even have a real scythe and my skeleton claws!)
    2. Will you be trick or treating? (After work yes, I am just a big kid after all!)
    3. What kind of candy is your favorite? (Kit Kat)
    4. What kind of candy is your least favorite? (Generic hard candies)
    5. Did you carve your own pumpkins? (I did, its a creepy one!)
  3. CzaR
    This week I review a set that was perhaps the basis of the Tarakava.
    8257 Cyber Strikers

    Description: Released in 1998 as a part of the Technic Competition line, retail price was about $30 US dollars. Today can be found MISB for about 50 bucks. Containing 367 parts and 2 minifigs(technic), the set featured some vibrant colors. Clearly, this was the dawn of what would become the Tarakava. The action function is nearly identical, as are the tread and handle designs. What is different is the angle of the extending strike, it is a downward angle aimed at the circular target. There was also a sticker sheet included in the set, adding to the collect-ability of it.
    My Take: I will soon have this set as I ordered it MISB. When I came across it in the store years ago I instead bought a Muaka/Kane-Ra set. While I do not regret that I do regret not coming back for this set. It looks to have alot of neat parts in teal and purple, not to mention the unique technic minifigs. It also appears to be fun once built, once you strike the target the pilot is ejected from his seat! All in all this is one of those sets that are low on price but big on play-ability and parts. Until next week.
  4. CzaR
    Wow, a 8.0 earthquake was recorded off of Samoa, causing a tsunami that appears to have devastated parts of Pago Pago and other islands in the area. They even issued a warning clear over here for the western coast! That is a huge earthquake! More Here.
    Yikes, all this in the midst of preparing for Brickcon? Im a bit worried now...
  5. CzaR
    What is your highest Cruel Brawl score?
    The most I have gotten so far is 5 with Metaknight and Jigglypuff. My goal is to get at least 12, somehow, and proof of it with a screenshot.
    I really dislike the blue alloy.
  6. CzaR
    Picked up some classics today, I am betting that these games are older than most of you people!!
    Strider, Arkanoid, Tetris 2 and Deadly Towers:

    Wizards and Warriors, Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers, Snakes Revenge and Flying Dragon:

    Lastly, I have searched far and wide for this game, Battletoads and Double Dragon, one of the best beat em ups on the SNES:

    Ill be plenty busy with these for awhile! The memories will come flooding back before long!
  7. CzaR
    Buy 2 get one free sale at Fred Meyer! Got the Space Truck Getaway for free, which is also the draft set for Brickcon! One of the other 2 sets, either Pirates or Agents is going to be opened and its parts will become mine! The other will be going up for sale, which one should I open?
    I am leaning towards the Agents set, I want to see what that battery powered laser part is all about.
  8. CzaR
    Coming to terms with all that bad stuff, I find myself trying to move forward. I have realized I hate being alone, I need to find someone, fast.
    I am in the best shape of my life, I work out everyday between the rec room at our apartments and grinding out miles on the bike. Mentally I am still healing though. I have found a couple new friends, which has helped, but I am a lover, and lovers need lovees! Work is going well, I continue to impress the boss with my skills in math and inventory. As for the drivers license, I had to re-schedule sadly. Got all the way there and had a brake light out, my new date is the 11th of next month. No one seems to trust me with their vehicle, so I gotta get a rental I suppose. I swear I cannot depend on anyone round here, even my family has pretty much disowned me!
    No luck with getting my own computer yet, its going to be that or a car, and I think the car will take priority. No new lego works in progress, still trying to get motivated, everytime I look at them the memories come flooding back and I just cannot get inspired. Sales in the store are brisk though, and that has helped me out big time. I have to get my parts inventoried some day soon, time is just flying by lately, which stinks, I am losing so much time with my child, and regrettably, her mother. Take care all!
  9. CzaR
    Well I see we have a debacle in the BBC 51 voting. Disqualified entries popping up everywhere. All I can say is the fun-factor of these contests is on the decline. I lost votes due to this garbage, some people I used to respect, I no longer do.
    Sad times people, you know who you are and what you did. And sooner or later, so will everyone else.
  10. CzaR
    Allright, I have decided to make Lairon. It is most likely gonna be rushed, since it is freezing outside and I have to build out there (its a long story).

    I might just scrap the hockey torso and go for a gunmetal custom torso, but time is running out and it is just plain cold outside! I have had sucess in making the armored spine, weaving the fenrakk heads together with the mahri tubing, but getting it to attach to the torso, while remaining slightly curved is getting tough. I would like to retain an overall smooth build, somehow.
  11. CzaR
    Some of the stuff I will have for sale, and the final version of the Maverick. I worked in the trans red dome and moved the IR receiever to the top, which increased range tenfold! Now I am rushing to pack!

  12. CzaR
    I'm trying to collect every trans colored Kanohi there is. Does anyone have a complete list? I think I know them all but I am not sure if this is all of them, asterisk marks which ones I have, am I missing any?:
    Neon Green*
    Dark Green*
    Dark Blue*
    Dark Red*
    Light Blue
    Neon Orange*
    Dark Blue*
    Clear Avohkii*
    Rau Metru
    Dark Blue*
  13. CzaR
    Winning teams in bold
    Green Bay @ Detroit
    Oakland @ Kansas City
    New York Giants @ St. Louis
    Indianapolis @ Minnesota
    Tennessee @ Cincinnati
    New Orleans @ Washington
    Chicago @ Carolina
    Buffalo @ Jacksonville
    San Francisco @ Seattle
    Atlanta @ Tampa Bay
    New England @ New York Jets
    Miami @ Arizona
    San Diego @ Devner
    Pittsburgh @ Cleveland
    Monday Night Game:
    Philadelphia @ Dallas
    Notables: Phillip Rivers, Darren McFadden
    My Teams: 1-2, Seattle lost, Minnesota lost, Pittsburgh won.
  14. CzaR
    Well I regret to inform you all that I will not be attending Brickfest this year, even though it is only about 100 miles away from here. Work and family are my first priority so I will have to watch from the sidelines, I had a good supply of Bionicle stuff to showcase too. I expect full reports from the bloggies here like KIE, Omi, Roa and Makaru, pictures also . Shame on me for forgetting KIE too . Have a great time you guys!
    One of these years I will find my way to the grand spectacle that is Brickfest, hopefully before I am an old man at 30 years of age!
  15. CzaR
    On the road again...
    5580 Highway Rig

    Description: Released in 1986 at a retail price of about 40 dollars, this set became a big collectors item and now sells for about 500 dollars new and sealed. Containing 667 parts, this was one of the first sets using system on top of technic. Part of the Model Team line.
    My take: I had this set, complete, and lost it in time. So sad, good memories though!
  16. CzaR
    It is the solution to the current US economy and deficit. Professional sports athletes and other absurdly high paid people should have to pay a luxury tax. Good old uncle sam.
  17. CzaR
    Just a reminder, when the final voting of BBC 52 ends, TSC begins. The theme will be very challenging, rest assured of that. Prizes may include either a blue Matatu or trans light blue Kaukau. There will be a long entry period, probably more than 30 days, just to ensure that I will get a minimum of 20 entries.
    What will the theme be? No answers just yet, it will be revealed when the official contest entry is made.
  18. CzaR
    Worked 6 days last week, 6 days this week, including 4 10 hour days, then I have to work 10 hours on both Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am a bit discouraged about that.
    On the flip side, I will be making 30 dollars an hour on the holidays. Is being a slave to society really worth it people? For that all mighty dollar bill?
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