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Status Updates posted by Kwydjybo

  1. Aw well, I figure I shouldn't tell either.

  2. Aw well...


  3. Awesome art, but try using somthing else besides maj, too manny missing links.

  4. Awesome photo!

    Also, I need you to de-activate this atom bomb!

  5. Awesome pic! You're a winner!

  6. Awesome!

    *highfives back*

  7. Awesome! Also, I'm going to driving school this weekend!

  8. awesome! flying Vs are the coolest guitars i've seen! I dont have any guitars, just my set though, but my brother has a stratocaster, Melody maker, and a shecter.

  9. Awesome! Southpark!

  10. AWESOME! Too bad they don't have a store here. They used to, but they closed it down to make one of those "dress your pet" shops.

  11. Awesome!

    Wait, what time zone are you?

  12. Back from the dead!

  13. Bad new is that today, I will have to miss karate. My knees are giving out on me. Especially since weight-lifting class has started.

  14. Bad news. I didn't get the job. I have to be 16 for it... :(

  15. Bad news... I didn't get the job. I have to be 16. :(



  17. Being stuffy. I've been waiting to get a call about a job at a movie theater.

  18. BTW, forgot to ask, you said you moved to colorado? Where to? I live in Colorado!

  19. BTW, I saw the new terminator movie. It was awesome! :D

  20. BTW, the ##### wasn't a cuss. I geuss you cant say names of other sites.

  21. BTW, the censor wasnt a curse word.

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