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Status Updates posted by Kwydjybo

  1. Oh, srs for the last minute ness, I'm going to be gone till next sunday. Gonna see some friends in New jersy. Talk to ya ASAP

  2. Cool! Can't wait to see it!

  3. Oh hey, thanks. You too!

  4. So I finished the set of you. I think I might make a topic about it. How's mine going?

  5. Just got the comic in the mail! Awesome!

  6. please stop hating me forever. :(

  7. Ah, oh well. Planning anything for christmas?

  8. Actually... I can't find it. *embarased face*

  9. All that glitters? What's that?

  10. Cool, I'll check it out.

  11. Well,you know, the downtime :P.

    So anything going on?

  12. 0h the N00333zzz!!!! DKJKDSGDFSDdsg

  13. Really? Sorry. D:

  14. Cool. I have finals this week, and getting the next three weeks off! :D

  15. Ah. How's the set going?

  16. Heh, old comedy of mine. DIdn't really do that well. It was before the blackout, so the topic is gone now.

  17. I haven't written a comedy in a long time. Not since Stranded. *shudders*

  18. What kind is it? I'll probably get my dad's old 02 Taurus. Also, I finished your character's set.

  19. You said you'd be driving soon. What car are you going to get?

  20. What kind of car do you want?

  21. Just finished reading. Funny stuff...

  22. Cool, I'll check it out in a sec.

  23. Cool. What have you been writing?

  24. Yeah. My parents where letting me start by driving around the neighborhood, but just to get a basic idea.

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