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Jedi Master J.

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Jedi Master J.

  1. Jedi Master J.
    Hello, BZPers. I am just dropping in to tell you all that I have a copy of "DOTA 2 Hardware Survey" up for trade on Steam. So if anyone interest in a trade for it, either send me a PM here or post a comment.
    My sister say you should trade me Skyrim for it, so I can give it to her. lol But well, it can be anything as long as it is equal trade.
    Its taken, so topic closed!

  2. Jedi Master J.
    Alright, I'll admit it I am a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and I can't understand, for the life of me, why anyone could hate on this show. I mean, seriously what is there to hate in a show that teaches you moral lessons about friendship? Nothing as far as I can see.
    But anyway, I am going to try and keep this short, so I do not annoy the people that do not want to hear about MLP: FiM. With that in mind, I might as well mention that I have only been able to watch all of season 1 episodes and the first episode of season 2 so far. And well, the reason for that is I can't seen to find the next episode at all from where I was watching it, so I stopped there. I'll brought end up buying it on iTunes, if I can find it there, since I do not have the Hub. So no spoilers, please, on how they deal with Discord in the next episode.
    Out of the episodes I watched, I would say my favorite ponies and least favorite pony are the following:
    My Favorite Ponies:
    1) Applejack because I loved her personality and her accent.
    2) Rainbow Dash because she has a lot of epic moments in the show and her loyalty to her friends. I admittedly I have forgotten she was a girl repeatedly. :blush:
    3) Twilight Sparkle because well, it kind of hard not liking her when she technically like the main character of the show and plus, she end up being voice of reason during moments that I think are necessary.
    My Least Favorite Pony:
    1) Rarity because I think she tends a little too snobby at times for my taste. I would not say that I outright hate though as she does have her moments in the show, where she is in a better light.
    Alright, I did promise to keep this short, so I am going end here. Before I do though, just want to note that I am not changing my avatar to a pony related one since I rather have my Deathly Hallows one, if I can get it to accept it finally. Okay, with that say, I am going to post this entry.

  3. Jedi Master J.
    Hello, my fellow BZPers. I am just popping in to say that I am officially done my third semester of college, so you should expected to see me some more on here now that I am on Winter Break. I am not entirely sure what I will be doing exactly on here during my winter break, but you should at least expect to see some more blog entries from me and probably some Short Stories reviews here and there.
    Alright now that I have gotten that message across, I got a story for ya. This story is about my day today, so it is probably not that interesting. Still I felt I just had to mention it here since it made today kind of weird. How was it weird? Well, let's see I had a final in morning that barely last an hour (Although this is not surprising since it was a take home final and I had most of it done already.), which left me with around four hours of chill time before a final presentation in another class.
    What did I do during most of that chill time? I mostly just walk around school repeatedly to try and pass the time to a more reasonable time to eat lunch (It was like 8:45 AM when I turned in that final, so there was no way that I was going eat my lunch then.). Eventually I got bored enough that I remembered that I packed my 3DS in my backpack for situations like this, so I pull it out and try to play some Legend of Zelda: Four Swords - The Anniversary Edition (Which by the way, I suck at.).
    And well, after failing at that game repeatedly, I stopped playing and decided to put my 3DS on sleep mode and start walking about the school again. I did that all the way until my next class started and by then, I had been streetpassed 8 times today (One of them was actually a repeat though from a previous time that I had walk around the school with the 3DS in my pocket, so I have about ten streetpasses on my 3DS now.). I hadn't clue if that is impression at all (I highly doubt it is.), but it is most streetpasses that I have ever received in a day at this point, so I was kind of shocked to see so many coming up.
    But anyway, what I thought was so weird about this day is the fact that while everyone around me were reviewing notes and textbooks for finals; I was the odd ball student with nothing to really study for and who was so bored that he walk around campus repeatedly to pass the time (According to my 3DS step count, I stepped 3,961 times today.). I kind of felt out of place in a way. *shrugs*
    And that was my day pretty much. Well, not all of it, I obvious did go home after presenting my project for Project Management and when I got home, I ended up playing Minecraft for awhile to try and make my base into a Sandstone Castle (I am still very far from finishing it since I needed to collect more sand.). But yeah, that was my day. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I'll talk to you all later, I guess.

  4. Jedi Master J.
    Hello, my fellow BZPers. Today's topic of discussion for me is college scheduling. Why? Because I feel like ranting about how I cannot graduate on time, thanks to their lovely job at arranging courses for next semester.
    On Monday, scheduling for next semester classes has now open and since I am now in my third semester of college (Which by the way, I am in community college), it means that next semester should be my last semester at this college before I graduated from it with my degree. Naturally then, I went online to schedule for my classes (I do not needed to meet with an adviser since I personally do not have plans of transferring.) around midnight on the day that it opens up (Which again was on Monday.) to ensure I got all my classes to graduate and I find that one of my classes, I needed, is not there.
    Now I am sure some of you will say "Well, talk to your adviser about it and inform them of circumstances involved," or "There is probably not enough people in need of taking that class next semester." The thing is I already have done that and best advise I got was, "talk to the Dean," which I am still currently trying to do since I fail to meet with him on Monday due to his very long lunch break during that day. As for not enough people thing, I know of a few people in need of the course to graduate as well, but whether or not that is enough people to allow the course to be add is debatable though.
    Of course, judging from what I heard, I do not believe going to the Dean is going to make much of difference, but at the very least I can say I try to do something about the problem; if I do end up having to take an extra semester. And well, I'll just have to deal with it, if it ends up that way and it probably will unfortunately.
    Okay, I think I vented about this enough, so I am going to cut this off here and call it a night. Feel free to comment on this, if you want.
    EDITED: So apparently my adviser and the dean are playing an epic game of hot potato about who responsible about dealing with this issue...Just great. If there is one good thing that has come out this though, it is that my adviser has had us write up what classes we need and the best times for them based on our schedules. Of course, this might very well result in a worst situation for me because most of the people that needed the course are suggesting morning classes and my current schedule does not have room for one. Argh...

  5. Jedi Master J.
    Okay, so I was thinking recently about how nowadays there has been a wide appeal of devices that are have multiple features (Such as Smart Phones). While I never been a big fan of these things (I am kind of old fashion, especially when it comes to phones.), I do notice there could be a market out there for Nintendo involving it, especially for what I just thought of.
    The idea is simply and actually kind of an old idea of Nintendo's just with new take on it, thanks to today's technology. I am not sure if anyone recalls the old Gamecube days, but Nintendo used to have a connection controller cable for you to attached your GBA to do stuff like transfer your Pokemon to the Pokemon Gamecube games or have your younger sibling help you in Wind Waker by playing the Tingle Games on their GBA, etc.
    Well, my idea is to take this a step further than that with you being able to interlink the console and handheld wireless. So that if you were to leave your home and decide to play a game that is linkable to the console, your progress in it can be uploaded into console when you return home. Now you might be asking, but what games would really make use of this feature.
    The first one that comes to mind for me is Wii Fit, which is a health based game, and with this feature within a handheld, you could leave your house with your handheld in your pocket and go for a run. Then come home, turn on the console, upload your progress from the handheld, and get the results of your workout for the day such as amount of calories burned, miles run, etc. If you ask me, I think that would be pretty cool because it would mean we are not just restrict to do this stuff at home, but rather we can travel with it and still make progress with it.
    Really that's just the tip of iceberg of what they could do, if they allow the console and the handheld to link up like this. And I probably would ramble more examples of what they could do with this feature, but I got to go bed now as I got school in the morning. I appreciate you all reading about my idea though and I might add more examples of it later here. Alright, night, BZPers.

  6. Jedi Master J.
    EDITED: Unfortunately my digital calipers are dead, so I will not be able to most of what I want to do with Autodesk Inventor today involving this fun little project. I will though create a rough little outline of it to get me start and prepare for finishing details that I will show here in either this blog or a topic on the forums (By the way, if I were to post a topic, where should I post it exactly? I think General Art, but I just want to double check just to be sure is all.).
    So yeah, sorry about the delay, but feel free to take this time to suggest which Tohunga from list below, you would most like to see as a 3-D Model. Okay, my calipers are fixed now, so I can get back to work on this in between school work. However I probably will not have it done until my Thanksgiving break starts since I got stuff at school do for the next coming weeks. I'll keep you all update on my progress though with this. Oh, and if anyone interested, I could post a picture of the rough outline for torso, I made so far. So leave a comment, if you want to see it.
    In the meantime though, feel free to also take this time to suggest what Tohunga from list below, I should make.
    I am actually not playing with it right now, but I plan on playing with it sometime tomorrow to try and reverse engineer a Tohunga just for fun and see if I could do it. I think I can do it as the pieces do not look that hard to model. Although the mask will be kind of problematic since it does have a lot detail to them, but I could used a challenge since the stuff in my CAD class is just too dang easy to do.
    As for why I am bring it up here for, well, that's because I am giving you all a choice on who I will be modeling in Inventor since I feel like challenging myself a little with the program (That and I might as well make use of it since I still have it on my computer.). Your choices are the following:
    - Kapura
    - Tamaru
    - Kopeke
    - Taipu
    - Hafu
    - Macku
    You have till 5:30 PM tomorrow to tell me which of these you want to see the most as a three dimensional model. If no one suggests anything, I'll just go with whatever I feel like modeling at the time and post either an image or a video of the completed model sometime later (Probably on Sunday, but no promises. The finish product will not been shown until I get some batteries for my calipers to help with reverse engineering this from the actual pieces I start Thanksgiving break since I am busy right now with school.). And that's about it for what I have to talk about with this entry, so thanks for reading this. I hope to read some suggestions from you guys.

  7. Jedi Master J.
    Hello, my fellow BZPers. How have you all been this fine Monday afternoon? Fine? Well, that's good. You want to hear a random thought, I had at school today? No, not really? Well, that's too bad as I feel like talking about it anyway.
    So yeah, for those that might actually be interest (*cough* no one *cough*), I got to thinking today about the terminology used to refer to specific subgroups of LEGO fans (Such as AFOL, TFOL, etc.) and how the definition of who belongs in what subgroup can vary depending on how the individual sees it.
    In particularly, what I am mostly referring to is that people that are eighteen (mostly in United States) are called adults and by that logic they should then be consider an AFOL that is if they still have an interest in LEGO at that point. Yet number-wise, their age is still in the teens meaning that they could be called a TFOL until they are at least twenty years old (That is, of course, once again if they are still interested in LEGO at that point.).
    Hm...Then again, I guess it really don't matter what one classified themselves as because ultimately it just amounts to the same meaning in the end, which is that they are fans of LEGO. Still I found it interesting to ponder about as I see terms like those toss around a lot and I would not be me if I did not just over-analysis it to death like I did above. That and kind of made me wonder how I classified myself as a LEGO fan since I don't think my definition of one is same as everyone else's.
    I mainly say that because the way that I often see someone, that could be called an AFOL, is that they are skill builders (or MoCers), they are open about being fans of it, and play an active role in the surrounding LEGO community (Whether it be going to conventions and helping out or communicating with other fans.). And well, I can't say I qualified; My building skill is subpar at best, I have never play much of an active role in the LEGO community, and I am not very open about my fandom of LEGO (At best, my family and my one closest friend from high school are the only people that even know of it.).
    I mean, sure, I still like LEGO and I have every intention of getting sets when I can, but I don't personally feel I deserve to be called an AFOL or TFOL because I lack these characteristics. *shrugs*
    But anyway, moving right along to the laugh, I was just getting a chuckle at how clueless my sister is at playing Minecraft. And that's all I really have to say on the matter. Thanks for listening to my random thought and if you have any opinions on my thought, feel free to leave a comment. Okay, see ya, BZPers.

  8. Jedi Master J.
    UPDATED: Apologizes for the wait, I should have some reviews up this weekend. And please do feel free to suggest more works for me to read and review.
    Man, I am in a reader's mood today. It must be because I got back in swing of reading all those BZPRPG profiles that poured in since my absence from BZPower. Oh, and catching up on Sticks And Stones helps too in that regard (I personally recommended this epic and any of the associated Expanded Multiverse work involving the Cipher Chronicles.).
    But yeah, the point of this entry is to target my current thirst for reading into something productive on here (And by productive, I mean I will review your stories. However if they are on going like bonesiii's "Sticks and Stones" above, don't expect a review from me until they are over.) since I have the free time and I am still currently waiting on SSCC to restart taking requests at the moment. So yeah, recommend something to read, folks, and I'll check it out.
    Oh, and while I am on this reading topic, what would someone think of me having a BZPower literature spotlight entry each month here? Just wondering because I have been thinking about doing something like this for awhile now, especially since I feel the Library Forums, that I grew up in here, really deserve more attention than it gets.
    EDITED: List of Recommended Stories
    - Toa_Velox, Feb 18 2011, 12:29 AM
    Stories Suggested:
    Hunger; Status: Skip, Review: N/A, Recommendation: N/A,
    The Iron Ghost; Status: Skip, Review: N/A, Recommendation: N/A,
    and Learn to Fly; Status: Skip, Review: N/A, Recommendation: N/A,
    by ToM Dracone
    Flux; Status: Hadn't Gotten To Yet, Review: N/A, Recommendation: N/A,
    Through the Eyes of a Vorox; Status: Has been Read, Review: In Work, Recommendation: Pending,
    Ignika's Sacrifice; Status: Hadn't Gotten To Yet, Review: N/A, Recommendation: N/A,
    and Merely a Servant; Status: Hadn't Gotten To Yet, Review: N/A, Recommendation: N/A,
    by Nuju Metru
    Never Forgive, Never Forget; Status: Hadn't Gotten To Yet, Review: N/A, Recommendation: N/A,
    No More; Status: Hadn't Gotten To Yet, Review: N/A, Recommendation: N/A,
    and Forgotten Letter; Status: Hadn't Gotten To Yet, Review: N/A, Recommendation: N/A,
    by Lady Kopaka
    Shades of Gray; Status: Hadn't Gotten To Yet, Review: N/A, Recommendation: N/A,
    by Kagha
    The Absolutity; Status: Hadn't Gotten To Yet, Review: N/A, Recommendation: N/A,
    by Takuta Nui
    The BIONICLE Paracosmos; Status: Hadn't Gotten To Yet, Review: N/A, Recommendation: N/A,
    by bonesiii
    The Sniper; Status: Hadn't Gotten To Yet, Review: N/A, Recommendation: N/A,
    and Wish You Were Here; Status: Set to Read, Review: Pending, Recommendation: Pending,
    by Tifosi 92
    The BZ-Metru Story; Status: Hadn't Gotten To Yet,
    by Snoopy82
    Confessions of a Dark Hunter; Status: Hadn't Gotten To Yet, Review: N/A, Recommendation: N/A,
    and Goodbye Forever; Status: Set to Read, Review: Pending, Recommendation: Pending,
    by Jedi Gali
    CSI: Metru Nui; Status: Hadn't Gotten To Yet, Review: N/A, Recommendation: N/A,
    by SPIRIT
    Energized Catalyst; Status: Hadn't Gotten To Yet, Review: N/A, Recommendation: N/A,
    and Cederak's Imperfections; Status: Hadn't Gotten To Yet, Review: N/A, Recommendation: N/A,
    by Cederak
    Nothing Personal; Status: Hadn't Gotten To Yet, Review: N/A, Recommendation: N/A,
    and Akito's Archive; Status: Hadn't Gotten To Yet, Review: N/A, Recommendation: N/A,
    by Ballom
    The Suffering; Status: Hadn't Gotten To Yet, Review: N/A, Recommendation: N/A,
    by Toa Optimar-Toa of Gravity
    Stories by the Member:
    I'm Still Standing; Status: Has been Read, Review: In Work, Recommendation: Pending,
    by Toa_Velox
    - Nova Nebula (Legolover-361, Feb 19 2011, 09:51 PM
    Stories Suggested:
    Gali's Clearing; Status: Has been Read, Review: In Work, Recommendation: Pending,
    and Painful Memories; Status: Has been Read, Review: In Work, Recommendation: Pending,
    by Nova Nebula (Legolover-361
    - The Smoke Monster, Feb 23 2011, 02:23 PM
    Stories Suggested:
    The Agori; Status: Set to Read, Review: Pending, Recommendation: Pending,
    by The Smoke Monster

  9. Jedi Master J.
    ...BZPRPG sure is hopping with activity. There's going to be a lot of reading for me this weekend. Awesome!
    Hm...I might want to consider writing up some recaps for myself here about the game every week. It would be rather helpful for me to keep track of everything going on for when I finally get the chance to jump in. It could also help others jumping in as well. Although maybe I shouldn't since there will be something like a recap manned by the staff, I believe, and one that going to be in that podcast thing, I been hearing about. *shrugs* I guess I'll just give it a shot and see how it goes.
    In other related news, I am working on complying some graphs based on character profiles and members to see what most common in the game among other things. Considering the nature of the game though, I'll probably needed to update weekly the Excel Worksheet, I am using for the project. So considering that factor, I'll probably time stamp the graph picture here for week that data was complied. But well, I think it is worth it and the data could help with my other RPG data collection project. Oh, and suggestions on what I should collect are welcome.
    And as for my character for the game, I still got some fine tuning to do. But hopefully if I am not too busy with my school work, I can get around to at least getting the profile up in the topic (I might wait until I finished my current data collection, so I can possibly chose a less common element affiliation for the character.). Okay, I got to go now, BZPers. I hope those of you playing in BZPRPG are having fun. See ya.

  10. Jedi Master J.
    That so should of been the name of yesterday's FRINGE episode. And what a great episode it was. So yeah, I am pretty set on watching it every Friday, even if it means I'll miss Supernatural on the CW since they share same time slot.
    Now I would comment here about the episode. But well, considering I don't want to spoil anything, I am going to avoid that. I will say this though that this episode is in my top five favorites of season 3 so far. But then again, its not surprising considering I loved all episodes that involved the Observer in some shape or form.

    In other news, I still working out the kinks for my Matoran character for the new BZPRPG, so unfortunately I probably won't be able to enter the game on Monday. I will be keeping an eye on the game though. Hopefully I won't get lost by all the action going on. But yeah, it should be fun, when I do end up jumping into the game. So if you hadn't thought about joining already, you really should.

    In other other news, I recently got Kingdom Hearts: Recoded. And I must say I am really enjoying the game. Its quite fun, especially the retro style of game-play in certain worlds. My only complain so far is the character camera, which is as annoying as it was in KH: Days. I personally would recommended it to anyone that a fan of series. However I wouldn't recommend to new people to the series as it will likely leave them with ton of questions as Days had did for my friend. So unless you have a friend like me that would loan their PS2, KH I, and KH II to them, I wouldn't recommend it to new people to the series.
    Oh, and while I am on the Kingdom Hearts topic, would anyone suggest buying a PSP just to play Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep? Just wondering as I have been considering the possibility of getting a PSP to play KH: BbS.
    Well, that's all I got to say to you all today. Thanks for taking the time to read this and hopefully I'll get some feedback from some of ya.

  11. Jedi Master J.
    So recently, I had this odd dream yesterday where I was in this retail store aisle that had a bunch of discontinue and old sets like the Toa Mata; all at cheap prices. Yeah, I realized that was only a dream and it more than likely that stuff like that would of went up in value. But well, it reminder me of how I always admired the LEGO Mindstorms sets and how I would of liked to have been able to get one myself (I was in a LEGO Robotics Club when I was in middle school and we were often enter the kickoff to competition of the FIRST LEGO League's challenge. We never got past there though at least during my time with the club.).
    So then, I started thinking, "Well, I do have some money that I could use to get the latest Mindstorms set. Maybe I should do it." I am still kind of weary about the idea though. Not because I don't think it would be worth cash, but rather more of that I won't know how to program it as well as I did with the RCX models (I was a programmer/chief sorter on the team.). Hm...I could consider the idea of looking for an older model. Although that idea has its cons too, especially considering I doubt I could run the programming program on my Window Vista computer.
    What do you think I should do?

  12. Jedi Master J.
    So if you hadn't heard already, the longest running RPG in the Bionicle RPG Forum is getting a complete reboot this year. That means a complete clean slate in terms of story and a chance for new members like you, the readers here, to jump right into the action. Not only that, but it takes on Mata Nui of all places, so it has the add bonus of being a nostalgia trip for those fans of 2001.
    Seriously you all should consider joining it when it starts on the 23rd of this month. For more information and answers to any questions, check out this topic.
    Well, who here is as excited about the new BZPRPG as I am? I already got myself an idea for my first character in the game. He going be a Matoran Miner with plans on successfully raiding Xa-Koro (There's more to him than that, but its rough idea that I have for him at this point.). an optimistic personality and a thrill for adventure and fun.
    He likely going to be my own character this year since I am trying to learn from my mistakes last year and kind of cut the load of characters from plate, so I can spent more time developing them like I should. Hopefully that plan will work and I'll be more active this year, but only time will tell.
    So what are your plans/character ideas for the New BZPRPG?

  13. Jedi Master J.
    It been six years since it stopped airing and I am just now remembering how much I liked that show. I guess it must be nostalgia from listening to its introduction song over and over again. Hm...I can't seem to remember the show having an ending though. Anyone here know if Jack finally return to past and defeated Aku?
    Hm...I wondered if I can find some copies of the show on DVD somewhere. Probably not. But I'll look anyway for nostalgia's sake. Which reminders I got to check for season two of Avatar: The Last Airbender too. *hums the Samurai Jack Opening Theme to himself*
    Outside of my brief nostalgia comments above, I have a question for you the audience. You see recently I got two LEGO sets and I have been thinking about reviewing them for you guys here. But well, I am not sure if I should do both or just pick one. So I thought that I would let you guys get involved a little in the decision process. The sets are the following: #7929, Star Wars: The Battle of Naboo and #2065, Furno 2.0.
    Well? What do you think?
    A-> Review them both
    B-> Review just the Star Wars set
    C-> Review just the Hero Factory set

  14. Jedi Master J.
    Two blog entries in one day? Man, I must be pretty talkative today. Of course, by time, I get this up it will be tomorrow for me since its 11:26 PM currently in my time zone. BUMPED: To get more opinions from BZPers here, I am bumping this.
    So anyway, as the title tells you, I been considering going to BrickFair next year, if its still in Northern Virginia, and I would like to get the opinion of my viewers here on whether or not it would be worth going to attend. Would it? I imagine many people would say yes and that I would be fool to not jump at the opportunity to go. But well, I just not sure I would have any fun going since I am a shy, socially awkward, young adult with not the best MOCing skills. So with that in mind, would you still say I should go? Or should I not bother at all saving money to go next year?
    Thanks in advance to whoever takes the time to answer this for me. And if anyone that been there before could share their experience there with me, I would greatly appreciated.

  15. Jedi Master J.
    So lately I been in kind of an Avatar mood due to all the news going about lately such as sequel series coming in 2011, I believe. And well, I been thinking about re-watching the series at some point this month or next month. Not because I wanted to see the movie (I have heard nothing but negative thoughts on it generally, so it doesn't sound too good. Although feel free to comment if you don't think it was that bad and maybe I'll considered going out to watch it, if there enough people saying that.) rather its more out of fact that I miss the series and I really want to watch it again. Anyone else here feel this way?
    Do you think it would be worth searching for, during this weekend, a box set of seasons to rent or buy? So far, I hadn't been able to come up with any box sets of the seasons for sale online and have only been able find halves of seasons online for stores like Walmart. Hm...I probably try and look for Book 3 this weekend since it is more likely still be found at stores now, compared to Book 1 and 2, and technically it is my favorite Book of series with Book 2 a close second.
    And since I brought Avatar here up, I guess I might as well sum up my opinion on what we hear about the sequel series so far. I personally think it sounds promising and I am hoping it will do some justice to some of mysteries left unanswered in the original series through flashbacks, if possible. Although how far in the future it is can also be bit of put down as I really would like to see some of old characters such as Zuko, Azula, Sokka, Katara, Toph, etc. And it wouldn't be much of stretch to have them alive considering Bumi was 112 in the original series and they would still be much younger than he was (And if he still alive, I think I might go crazy considering he is Aang's age and it would mean he outlived the Avatar, whom we assume died of natural causes in this case.).
    Still I would prefer that these characters just make cameos or mentions rather than become regular cast members of the new series as it would be cheap on the writers' part and they would just overshadow the new characters introduced for the series. But overall, I am looking forward to what they have in store for us.

  16. Jedi Master J.
    Today's the day, you all been waiting for...No, it isn't the day, I leave Bzpower for good...Today is the last day of my Premiership here. I originally thought I had until 27th for this blog, but it turns out I became Premier today, so today is the final day of Premiership.
    I guess it isn't that sad as my blog is possibly the most boring thing to read out there. It is unfortunate though that I had about two entries planned to get up before this time came and it looks like I won't be able to do those entries after all. So, I like to apologized to Mrs. Macku for not getting the entry, we were working on, up before then; I am sorry, Mrs. Macku. I will say that it maybe possible that I can still work on the Help Topic list for the entry and maybe get it up during Bzpower's next Anniversary, if they still give out Premier powers for a week.
    Beside that Newb Help Entry, I was going to write a review entry about the three Summer Sets, I got, but it doesn't look like I'll have the time to write it sadly. I will tell you that the sets were Mazeka, Takanuva, and Rockoh T3, which I got during my trip down the shore on the 21th at a Wal-Mart there.
    For the most part, I like all the sets, but I can say without lying that I sort of like Mazeka's vehicle better than most of the others as I can imagine clearly in my mind, an army of these vehicle protecting Karda Nui from invasion. I will say I can't imagine these vehicles being mobile at least flight wise that is for they seem to me like a vehicle meant to sit in place to guard an area from harm.
    I could rambled on about the sets, but I think it will lessen my time in this entry to show you other things like my school schedule for my 11th Grade year. Of course, if you want a small quick review from me, you might want to post in this entry before Midnight as I will have no powers to do anything after that I believe(although it been say you could edit entries, I just don't want to take the risk of bumping it up by mistake as that breaks the Blog rules, when you aren't Premier.). Anyway, for those that are interested in JMJ's School Schedule, please look below:
    Period 1: X Chemistry
    Period 2: Study Hall(On Days 1-4 and 6)/X Chemistry Lab(On Day 5)
    Period 3: X American Literature
    Period 4: X Introduction to Calculus with Trigonometry
    Period 5: Lunch and Physical Education/Health at Technical School
    Period 6-7: Unknown Technical School classes related to Applied Engineering Technology course of the School
    I personally not sure about my last two periods since the schedule gets a little weird there. I may actually be mistaken about my Lunch and PE being in one period, but the schedule show it that way, so I don't know really. I just know that I have Lunch and PE at the Technical School. So, I guess I'll have to wait for September 4th to find out what periods, they are and where I go to get over to the Technical School for half the day.
    I just hope this year won't be as bad as I think it will be, since I have a confusing schedule, the new numbers to the rooms, the SAT, and the PSSA to worried about. Hmm...That's basically all I had to say with this entry, so I guess this is good bye. It was nice talking to you all for a year. *sadly waves as he clicks 'Post New Entry' button*

  17. Jedi Master J.
    Well, I just finished the book, 'Stranger in a Strange Land', and as the title say I don't grok it.
    For those that hadn't read the book and don't know what grok means, it is basically a fictional Martian Word in the book that in simple terms means to understand something completely. Book-wise though it has been describe by main character(Human raise as a Martian through childhood) to mean: to drink or rather to understand so much that you become one with thing, you are trying to understand.
    Anyway, I personally found the book to be interesting, but it did talk too much about religions for my tastes. After all, I expected when I got the book, it would be about a sort of superhuman from Mars trying to keep the world or universe safe instead it was about a human raise as a Martian, who is brought to Earth to learn about his true people. So, yeah, it wasn't what I expected, but it was a good story and did make me think as it brought up many interesting topics.
    Beside that news, I like to ask you all for a favor. Could you all keep my grandmother in your thoughts or prayers? She has recently been having kidneys problems for the past few days and I have been worried about her. Some good news though, I have heard from my brother that she has brought home sometime yesterday, so chances are it may not as serious as I think it. Nonetheless I be grateful that you keep her in your thoughts still and thank you, if you do.

  18. Jedi Master J.
    Just wondering as I like to hear people's opinions on the new sets, so I can help myself decide on what sets that I will get.
    I personally like the look of Takanuva 2008, so I'll probably will get him. And the vehicles also look pretty cool, although Lewa's vehicle is a lot of money and if I go for him, I won't be able to get any other sets really.
    Thusly, I thought I check out your opinions and this entry was born. Now if you would be so kind and tell me your opinions on them, I greatly appreciate it, thank you.

  19. Jedi Master J.
    From the title, you can all guess that I watch yesterday's supposed finale for the series, Avatar: The Last Airbender. So, I decide to write up a review on this episode, but since I don't want spoil it for anyone, I am placing it in spoiler tag.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «To start up, it was one of the best Avatar episode that I have seen. It had plenty of bending action that made the two final battles look just plain awesome. And how Aang end the Phoenix King was just totally unexpected as I seriously thought Aang would suck up his pride and murder Ozai. But it just goes to show that Aang is even more of hero by not sinking to Ozai's level by killing him, even when Aang's previous selves were telling him to do so.  
    But I am getting ahead of myself here, let us begin with the beginning of the episode. The beginning had the normal funniness of the series with such things as picture of Ozai as a baby and Sokka's sand sculpture of Suki's face. I couldn't but laugh at those moments and other things like most of Toph's comments.
    Of course, it start becoming more serious as it went along, since the final battles were seriously no joking matter. But that didn't stop the episode from being enjoyable to me as the action and Azula finally being push off the edge of what sanity that she had left made it quite an interesting episode.
    I personally like the scene in which Azula saw her mother behind her as I really thought she return to see her get crowned, but it just serve to show ever more how her friends' betrayal had made her lose her edge and eventually slip away from just being paranoid to complete insanity. With that, I can say I am seriously disappoint in not find out where Zuko's mother is as if this is the end, then we are just left to wonder if she even still live or that Fire Lord was even willing to let his wife live, after staging him to get crowned as Fire Lord.
    Another interesting scene that I like was Aang talking to his past lifes on what he should do against the Fire Lord as they all seen to tell him that killing Ozai was only way to win until he met with the Lion Turtle, who taught him a much more fitting punishment for Ozai; not being able to firebend no more. In my opinion, that way sounds more like what a true hero would do instead of descending to the level of the evil by killing them as they did others.
    Out of pretty much all the scenes, Aang's and Ozai's battle was by far the best. At first, it seen that battle was in favor of Ozai as he brought down many of Aang's defends and even force Aang to retreat into a stone ball. Once the heal cut had been hit as Aang was blast from the stone ball, Aang had serious thrown the scale of who was going to win to his side as in the Avatar State, he pretty much owned Ozai to point in which he could of kill him; had it not been of Aang's value of life.
    A few things that disappoint me was that we never heard the answer made by Zuko's father on his mother's location and that Koh was merely mention instead of explore some more, which make me wonder if this is truly the end as I doubt they just leave us hanging here. But hey, maybe I am wrong and just didn't have the time for that, so they didn't include it and left it for fans to think about. Overall it was a great episode, which make it sad that it is the end.

  20. Jedi Master J.
    Today is the anniversary of me joining here. So, I had now officially been here for three years and I had gotten the awesome three year spinner mask, the Huna.
    It been a nice three years here and I hope to stay here for many more years to come. And I find it to be a little ironic that I join two days before Bzpower's anniversary. I guess when I joined, I didn't know that or maybe I did and decide to join two days before it, so I remember both dates easier. Probably not as I remember trying like everyday back in July 2005 on joining here, but I never got the message in my E-Mail that confirmed my joining during my attends.
    Eventually it was on this fatefully day that I borrow one of my Father's E-mail addresses and it work. So, here I am now still on this site with only a few differences from my 2005 self such as having a different E-Mail address this time instead of my Father's, doing better with my writing skills(Although I still make plenty of mistakes in things that I am trying to write, but I never said I was perfect.), older and wiser, and a premier member until sometime in August, this year.
    Well, that's my news of the day. I wish it was more interesting for my visitors to read about, but its pretty much a fact in my life that I live a really boring life most of time, which you guys wouldn't want to hear about. If I am feeling up to it, I may make a drawing to celebrate my anniversary and link it here. Although it sort of hot out today and my fan will make drawing somewhat hard as it will blow the paper as I tried to draw on it.

  21. Jedi Master J.
    Hey, visitors. It been quite sometime since I update this and since I already have the pictures of the mouse robot, I build in AET Camp; I thought I'll show it.
    As I also made a video of the mouse in motion to show that it works, I also have remix of that video including the pictures with it, so that you just need to click one link to get to it. Notably I didn't take much time to put music or any sound in the video, so turning your speakers on won't be need, unless you want to hear the sounds of gears or my fan going on near the begin. Anyway, the link to the video/sideshow is below.

    Yes, I know I stink at painting. But at least, I try to paint the shell of the mouse. And yes, I know it didn't really move that fast, but I think that may of been because of the carpet. So, that is one of things, we built during the one week of the camp. I must say it was a fun program to be in and I hope the class next school year is just as fun. Below is a picture of the incomplete Beetle robot that I am working on trying to get its front legs on.


  22. Jedi Master J.
    *somehow gets the four Shadow Leeches off himself to speak* Ever since I brought Chirox at Target, his shadow leeches have did nothing but swarm me for my inner light and it has been no fun. Can't they feed on someone else like Pridak or some Turaga of Water that I hadn't name yet instead of me?
    Maybe I should raise Takanuva from the dead in my collection, so they can go after him instead of me as I am sure he has more light than me. That could work...*rush to get Mask of Light, only to find its broken remains with the group of Shadow Leeches from before* O.O I guess I can't do that idea anymore, so I have to wait until 2008 Takanuva comes out.
    Hopefully I'll won't go to the Dark Side of the Force before that occurs as it was hard enough last time to come back, when Makuta corrupted my spirit to get a Jedi in the Brotherhood. *shudder* It will probably be far worst than that, if my light is taken by these leeches as it will make harder to coming back to light as I did before.
    On side note, is it just me or do Shadow leeches look a lot like Gummi Bears? I don't mean like they look like bears, I mean that the feel to them and being able to see through them makes them sort of like Gummi Bear, expect you don't eat them as they are really made of some kind of rubber. I guessing you are all looking at me weird, so I'll end here.

  23. Jedi Master J.
    I discover, while working on some images to put up in this blog, that I could edit them on my Photo Bucket account, so I maybe able to whip up some interesting images to used in this blog. So far, I just play with it to make the poster above look sort of funny looking.
    I'll probably look into what else that I can do with these edit functions as it a lot better than where I normally edit things on MS Paint. That's all the news, I have for today. I hope you all like the edited poster.

  24. Jedi Master J.
    No, I did not discover a way to make a poll in a blog entry, but I thought using word, 'poll' would attract more attention to my question in this entry. My questions are:
    - What you think of my new content block, the Countdown one?
    - Should I make more like that one?
    - Is any content blocks that you think I should just delete?
    So, basically this is an opinion entry to find out what you think of my content blocks here. Feel free to answer the questions. if you like.

  25. Jedi Master J.
    As mention a few times in this blog and through my username here, I am a Jedi Master. But that isn't the only thing, I am. I am also a member of the Godzilla species. Yes, I know this sound strange as my people had never been portrayal as having any intelligence, so me on computer don't make much sense.
    Well, I just happen to be a Godzilla, who was born with natural intelligence to humanoid being. And I have yet to reach my grow sprout to be around fifty feet tall. So far, I have just remained 5'7", which is strange for my kind. Now that out of the way, another question will surely arise in wonderment of how the Jedi Council would take in a Godzilla to learn the force.
    But this simple to answer as a blood scan was done, when I was infant Godzilla, shown I have a strong will to use the force and thusly the council took me in as an attend to change the normal outlook to my species. I would rise in the ranks of the Jedi as I learn there and I eventually become a Jedi Master at the age of 14.
    At the commend of one of the Grand Masters of the council, I was told to build a Jedi Temple of my own in this region to record everything that occur here. So, I did and here, I am. That's my story. Thanks for listening.
    This is all fiction and a joke. I hope you enjoy it.

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