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Blog Entries posted by Mikerahk

  1. Mikerahk
    ... commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.
    Subtle hint? 2009? I think not.
  2. Mikerahk
    I plan to send all the stuff I was planning to send to Brickfestair to Brickcon, wish me luck!
    Once again my hopes have been foiled by school, I've spent so much time preparing for exams (I have chem tonight) and fooling around that I don't have any time left to get any mocs to arpy before Oct 1. Oh well.
  3. Mikerahk
    I went to the Stamford Museum and Nature Center in Stamford, CT today to see this: http://stamfordmuseum.org/exhibit-spot.html
    You can see most of the stuff that was featured on the slideshow, but it wasn't anything compared to seeing the stuff in real life. I'm not all that great with the brick medium, I'm much better with technic, so this stuff was amazing. Not that it wasn't amazing to begin with, but wow. I walked into the first room, Blue was the centerpiece, which is a human constructing itself, I then ventured over to Red, Yellow, and Gray. All are very cool, Gray is my favorite though. A couple other cool things were Infinity and the T-rex.
    I don't have pictures right now since they're on my girlfriend's camera, but when I get the copies I'll put them all online. (So I'll be re-publishing this)
    We then went to Rocky Neck State Park for the beach, and it was really nice. Lots of sun and warmth with a nice breeze.
  4. Mikerahk
    Yesterday I worked for all of 10 minutes on mastering Lurario's down-B move, double team. I've become more of a spammer with it than anything as of right now (), but am becoming better with the timing of it. I played a couple rounds against a friend of mine and was able to do pretty well while focusing most of my time on getting double team to work. I fear that I will have to use an attacking CPU in training mode to refine the skill.
    Double team works by Lucario going into an animation, if you're hit in the right timeframe, you evade the attack and swoop in on your opponent from behind. I find that a string of A-button attacks follows suit best afterward.
    Double team is the last Lucario skill I have left to fully (or somewhat, lol) master. Asides from this one move, I'm extremely proficient with the rest of his moveset.
    I consider Lucario to be my best character since he fits my playing style well. He gains attack power the more damage he takes, which is good because I like to charge in. I'm in love with his projectile (B) and his Meteor Smash (down-A when in air) since it slows your falling and takes out anyone below you. The rest of his moves are awesome and have some good range (particularly left/right-B). And his recovery move Extreme Speed (up-B) is nice too. But the Final Smash, that's nothing special, oh well.
    And because I'm in the talking mood. My other favorite character to play as is Zero Suit Samus, hereby referred as ZSS.
    Where I may have some refining left to do with Lucario's moveset, I'm much better at using ZSS's. To quote my friend's little brother, "I hate playing someone who is good with ZSS."
    I fight differently with Lucario and ZSS, with Lucario I use the A-attacks more frequently to combo, with ZSS I take advantage of the wide range of B-attacks. ZSS's B-attacks revolve around the electro-plamsa whip, which is awesome. It has a range of maybe 2 or 3 character lengths, and if the opponent is hit with the end of the hit, they take a good deal of damage. One of my preferred stategies is using her B attack to paralyze the opponent temporarily and then using left/right B to hit them with the charged end of the whip. I'm sure that the left/right-A smash would work well instead of the B attack, but I've yet to test it.
    The electrowhip is such a fun weapon, and ZSS's flip kick is also pretty sweet. But her meteor smash is trouble if done incorrectly v_v.
    Alright, done.
  5. Mikerahk
    I have a couple MoCs I want to sent down to brickfair:
    -Nightshade and Firefly
    -an unfinished WIP which I'm waiting on parts for (hopefully I can have it finished in time)
    -Synthetic Mecha v2
    -maybe the Bohrok I made for UBBC50? and the bohrok kal if I ever finish it
    -Lewa Nuva
    Then I'll have everything mailed to my dorm room after brickfair is over.

    No mocs will be at brickfair since they're supposed to be in DC by tomorrow.... I was going to send them out then. Oh well. You guys don't want to see my stuff anyway.
  6. Mikerahk
    I’ve done a bunch of things in my history on bzp that can be construed as bad. At the forefront of this was the FSS. Made for BBC 39, initially as a joke, it transformed into a way to show that the voting system was flawed. I was adamant to have the system changed, and I stopped at nothing to have my say, from my stint at the end of BBC 39, to my mass PMing spree the following month. Looking back at the whole charade now, I can hardly believe what I did, but the evidence is there. I can hardly believe I was so arrogant I was in this timeframe. In the past I also had a massive ego, I held the opinion that I was the best at everything, when in reality I’m an excellent builder to some, but I still have more roads to traverse in order to become a better builder. If I was to receive criticism on an moc I would promptly ignore it since my mindset was that I didn’t need to improved. And there’s that arrogance age, I was too prideful to admit that I was flawed. It was this pride that kept pushing me forward with trying to get BBC contests changed, I didn’t want to turn back even knowing that I was doomed to fail. And as I look back now, I realize that I did much, much more harm than good, and for that, I am truly sorry.
  7. Mikerahk
    My article for the next issue of Kanohi Journal is due next Wednesday, which of the new canister sets should I get? Or not get?
  8. Mikerahk
    I'm really bored, I suppose that I should finish my entry for the UBBC50. I have started the bohrok, and I still have to build the entire kaita.
    I could play Brawl.
  9. Mikerahk
    Obama/Biden just won the election, which makes me very happy. McCain/Palin gave it a good run, but ultimately fell short, but they tried, that's what matters.
  10. Mikerahk
    I just downloaded Chrome, the new browser from Google. It was released last Tuesday to my knowledge and it pretty basic as of now. I've visited a couple sites so far and I have to admit, I like the features it has. Some of the noticeable differences from Firefox are:
    The websites domain is in black while the rest of the URL is gray, so here: http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid=245. When you open a new tab it displays your most visited pages as thumbnails that you can click on to load, quite handy. Firefox has a dropdown bookmark folder for this. When typing in a URL Chrome gives you suggestions to sites that you have and have not visited (Firefox has this for sites that you've been to previously). I'll run Chrome as my primary browser for a week or two to decide if its worth using or not.
  11. Mikerahk
    Uh, hey guys. Welcome to my own little corner of the blogoshpere as it is flooded by people just like myself who don't actually have premier membership... I'd say that writing this at 11PM EST would give me some edge from the flow of other blog posts, but it is the summer.
    Asides from that, here's what's going on in my life right now:
    -getting stuff ready for college
    -hanging out with friends
    -a little bit of building (maybe I'll toss in some pics at some point on this blog) / that's right, I do still build.
    I'll take your questions.
  12. Mikerahk
    Everything is finished on him except for the arms, which have to be made.
    -White main color with small amounts of black, trans-red heartlight to boot.
    -White Miru is the mask.
    Pics: 1, 2
    Just a small amount of detail work left.
    -Black body, white head, white extremities.
    -Haven't picked a krana to put in yet, I have a white xa, not sure what I have in the other colors, probably will go with whatever color is associated with the white bohrok.
    -Handshields are white rahkshi heads on a white handpiece, I think it looks better than the regular white shield, but the rahkshi heads do seem out of place... Thoughts?
    -Snapping head feature retained!
    Pics: 1, 2, 3, 4 (That's not a cool mega-awesome tank in the background or anything),
    Bohrok Kaita
    Couple of ideas kicking around in my head.
    -White/Black main colors with a little red tossed in.
    -Krika's spiky parts will be used.
    Transformation Shot
    No pictures now, but maybe by tonight.... For now I'm going over to a friends house to play Team Fortress 2 and maybe some Brawl. Team Fortress 2 FTW.
  13. Mikerahk
    Excited? I have been for a while now.
    I was very impressed with DV's entry in the contest and I'm glad it won.
    And I'm sure Cajun will put together something very awesome. He had one idea in mind......... but I don't want to go into any more detail.
    DV deserved this win.
    Congrats man.
  14. Mikerahk
    Unfortunately I missed the BBC 50 voting, it slipped my mind completely. It's a shame, my vote would have likely been DV's Vayland Dragon. The neck on the beast is magnificant, though I believe the back legs and the tail leave something to be desired.
    As for the twist ending that Tufi hinted at in the voting topic, I hope it is something epic, and something that I'll be able to participate vote in, since I missed my opportunity to this time. Of course, knowing Tufi, this twist has to be something epic. Since this was and apparently still is an epic contest (not one of those silly writing ones in that non-bbc forum).
    In other news, I have Firefly and Nightshade on my bookshelf here in school, I desperately wish I had access to my parts; not like I'd build anything anyway since I'm still waiting on parts from cajun. (To my knowledge, I haven't talked to him in ages.) Oh well, those parts won't help me when they're 6 hours away.
  15. Mikerahk
    Portal comes in the Orange Box combo disk of three Half Life games, Portal, and Team Fortress 2.
    In Portal you play as a human/robot thingy that uses a portal gun to complete various tests for GLaDOS, a robot in control of Aperture Science. As with many games I like, it's full of puzzles, and I'm looking forward to the challenge modes, these include the advanced mode, and various other things such as completing levels as fast as possible or with as few portals as possible. It's a great problem solving game I recommend for anyone, and of course, the orange box does own.
  16. Mikerahk
    This entry will deal exclusively with the bohrok kaita, which is more or less no more than a thought right now.
    The body will be largely black, with white armoring. I contemplated the blue and green of the true kaita, but I thought it would look messy, so I skipped that. Krika plays an important role on this beast, would be nice to have a second, but I think that a little bit of asymmetry could be a refreshing change. So then I'm left wondering what to do about the left arm. What to do with it, I know how the right arm will look, but I only have one Krika-head. Thoughts?
    White bohrok head will be used to stay true to the lineage (of this matoran, not the story), right now I'm thinking of retaining the head-thrust component, it much the same way as on the regular bohrok, see the previous entry for pics. I'm debating as to a head pivot though, not sure what to do, I could toss in something geared pretty easily that would work for a standard pivot, but a ball joint would work for orbital pivoting, the challenge comes with retaining the thrust component and how bulky it'll be. I may start from the head down.
    And a double-spine going down the back made with krika parts would be pretty cool right? I just gotta figure out how to do it, I got some rubber (++) parts a while ago that might work well...
    Uh, the legs, definately not sure about those. I can't stick with the original kaita legs cuz they're really messy. So now I'm thinking about a triple jointed design... Thoughts?
    Ah, hello there NS 068-069. Goodbye blog, hello Naruto.
  17. Mikerahk
    I just got stuck in the Bloodstone Glitch in Fable 2. I don't have enough experience to carry on the main quest, since the seemingly pompous Reaver won't talk to me until I have enough renown. So now I'm stuck without the ability to use A, B, X, or Y to interact with people.
    From reading online apparently this is isolated to Bloodstone so I guess I'll go outside the accursed city and attempt to to other quests and whatnot. Hopefully there will be a patch soon to fix this glitch.
    Moral of the Story - Have at least 21000 renown before you go to Bloodstone.
    I really, really don't want to restart the game. ><
  18. Mikerahk
    I Are In Your Blogs!
    Killing Your Bandwidths!
    So uh, welcome to my non-non-premier-week blog.
    UBBC50 progress is going well, I have a pretty solid (once I built it) design for the bohrok body. And let me say, clutch gears are very, very nice parts to have.
  19. Mikerahk
    I'm taking care of one of my bests friends dogs, which enables me to live at his house! It's so nice to be away from my family, it's nice and peaceful over here.
    I had to move most of my parts though so I can finish my UBBC 50 entry though, so I took some tape and taped the drawers shut, still gotta figure out where I want to set up base camp for all the bins though...
    Overall, I'm in a great mood right now, maybe I'll leech some Live and play team fortress 2.
  20. Mikerahk
    I just saw Valkyrie in my local movie theater, it's an awesome movie and I highly recommend it. I found it interesting that there were so many failed attempts to take Hitler's life by the German people, crazy. Really good movie, I'll probably go see it again with my dad cuz he's interested in seeing it.
    Oh, btw,
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Hitler lives.
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