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Everything posted by *DWAN*

  1. *DWAN*


    Ooh good picks LK. I really liked Jithra's entry. If I ever decide to do some fan art I'll be sure to use these designs. Congratulations to all the winners!
  2. *DWAN*


    I haven't had much time to read epics on bzp, let alone leave comments. I'll try to next time I finish a chapter of something. And it doesn't look like I'll be able to enter the glitch contest, I might draw some scenes from it next month.
  3. *DWAN*

    On A Roll...

    Things are going smoothly so far this year. I'm finally getting better from being sick and we're moving along swiftly with our games. Haven't played Prince of Persia since Christmas so I'm gonna play some tomorrow. And also, oh? what's this? Concept art for The Insurgent? Click to the image go to Biotech Game Production's topic. Or click here to download the latest Version of the game. And there you have it, first of many artworks to come this year. =) See you next update.
  4. *DWAN*

    It Arrived

    I thought it was the guy who did Nathan Drake .
  5. It's a new record! I just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year and hope you all have a wonderful next year. 2008 went by faster than 07. It seems a lot happened this year for me, good and bad. I've been sick for the past three days and it doesn't look like I'll be better tomorrow either. Iruini nuva's been on my back to draw some concepts for our games but I haven't been able to find time really, with so many animals in the house I get tired out fairly quickly. My goals for next year are to get better grades in school, get back in shape, buy a better computer from my friend, Release a quality game for profit, find a job, and restart my art topic. And if I find time continue my comic book 3186. Here's to hope that next year's more productive than this one was. Cheers.
  6. *DWAN*

    It Arrived

    I got the game for Christmas, the only quirks I don't like about it is the voice acting is too American and they used Farrah as the name for the prince's donkey. I wish it were more like the sands of time. Anyway have fun with the game and happy new year!
  7. Well I got bionicle legends #10, Prince of Persia(ps3), and the gift I'm enjoying the most so far; Wacom bamboo tablet! I've been working tirelessly to try to learn how to maximize my use of tablet and I will have some art soon. Lately I've been working on concept art for Biotech's next game (I've said too much already =P). So soon I'll be back to bzp more, see you all then.
  8. *DWAN*

    Some Art

    Yeah I've kinda dropped out of the world past year or so. I should be back near December. Thanks for the comment.
  9. *DWAN*

    Some Art

    Well this was done back in March but I never got around to posting it... Comments?
  10. I'm the main spriter for Biotech, if you'd like any tips on spriting I'd be happy to help in my free time, pm me if you're interested.

  11. It's our right to post as we want in our own topic. And besides, we just released our game so we want people to notice it.

  12. think we could patch in more enemies to the insurent when we do the other addons? contact me on xfire when you can.

  13. *DWAN*

    Need Your Help...

    I deleted the old entries.
  14. *DWAN*

    Need Your Help...

    This isn't a new blog. i've been using it for over a year... but thanks for the comment.
  15. So I never really asked you members out there whether I should do my comic book story of Dwan set in the bionicle universe or in his true, fantasy univrse. The stories are quite different, the fantasy one is much longer and ends with a sorta cliffhanger, and the bionicle ends with Dwan's death soon after he finished tellng his story to Lady Kaguya(Lady Kopaka). I thought about doing both for a time but decided it wasn't the best course of action. So you guys let me know...if anyone is reading this that is...
  16. *DWAN*


    Biotech game productions' game, The Insurgent, is almost done. We are having the beta tested by BZP members. The game will be at Brickfair for anyone to play it. With the game finished I will still not have much time to post new art here because we're going ahead and starting our next game(s). But I will try to get some new art up, last time I posted art on bzp (not including this blog) was September 2006. That's not good at all. So I'm aiming to have some bionicle art (and a new design of dwan) next month. Until then...
  17. *claps* Thank you for saying what needed to be said. Maybe we'll have a better crative community soon.
  18. *DWAN*

    Coming Down.....

    I hope you feel better soon.
  19. Welcome back. I'm looking forward to new animations.
  20. Hello, No I didn't enter the art contest. I want to some day but I'm waiting for the right topic to draw on. Also I wouldn't get far because I'm not popular.

  21. Hey bundi, I've been too busy trying to push for a public demo for the insurgent, I work on the kit every now and then but it's nowhere near completion.

  22. I remember you from way back then. Before I even joined bzp. You inspired me to start drawing bionicle. Thank you.

  23. Whenever you need me to help on ToT, I'm here. =)
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