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Spoony Bard

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Blog Entries posted by Spoony Bard

  1. Spoony Bard
    One thing that bugs me, and I see it everyday at school.
    Why do regular people feel the need to use an elevator to go up (or down) one level? I see this at school everyday when I am on break. Just regular students without disabilities just using it to go up (or down) that one level, when the stairs just happen to be right next to it. I see this as extreme laziness and it needs to stop.
  2. Spoony Bard
    Just letting you know that I don't care.
    You can call me a prick. You can call me a cruel, heartless guy. I don't care.
    Unless you know who I am in real life. Unless you have sat down and spoken to me. Unless you have roomed with me, or talked to me personally online, or call me on the phone. Unless you witnessed my contributions to the community. If you don't know me, and decide to complain and rant behind my back, then you're nothing better.
    I would buy someone dinner or a pint as well as give my respect if they went straight up to my face and tells me their honest feelings about me. If they would rather just talk behind my back instead of going directly to me whether online or face-to-face, then they get nothing from me. Because I don't care.
    You got something to say about me, then say it to me. Be a man. Maybe I'll buy you dinner. Otherwise, just keep your mouth shut.
    Thank you.
  3. Spoony Bard
    Yes, as you can see, my blog is empty. Why is it empty? Well I decided to hold a contest of some sorts. I am giving you guys the chance to pimp out my very own blog.
    So how will you pimp it? Well I will need a navigational sidebar (like I did with Balthier and Cloud), profile pic (like I did with Dane Cook), and something poetic to go along with my Factio Anima block. The only themes you can use are Final Fantasy, Dane Cook, lovely ladies, billiards, poker, anything Omi likes.
    However if I am not impressed, I will go back to the regular old me.
  4. Spoony Bard
    Currently I am working on something for BZP, which in IMO is needed. Not sure how exciting it would be for you guys, but the way it is seen, it will be a great thing for BZP down the road.
  5. Spoony Bard
    Well my birthday is coming up, and Meaghan got me something awesome. And since I am such a lovely boyfriend, she gave me my present early (which was this). And I must say, I was happy. Because the second I saw this poster in the theaters, I made a promise to myself that I would get it, even if I had to rip it off the walls of the theater.
    Shame though, I would have wanted it autographed as well.....
  6. Spoony Bard
    I just got a Motorola PEBL. It is so pimpin!
    I can use it as a modem for the internet, make my own ringtones (no more paying $2.99 for one), and also customize my own images!
    So now whenever I get a call from Black Six, Dane Cook will be yelling at me.
  7. Spoony Bard
    Procrastination at its best is what I am.
    I am doped up on Red Bull (so far 3 cans worth in an hour, because I live dangerous like that) and Coke (soda). Excuse the term "doped up". I use it to describe "major amounts of something at once". Anyways yeah. And yes I know that is extremely unhealthy. I'll live. I'm surprised I haven't fallen into a diabetic, kidney stone induced coma from all the soda I drink.
    I have a paper due in several hours from now. On a poet. A boring one.
    Of course this isn't the first time I have done this. Back in my days at the Art Institute, I used to spend nights in the studios working on stuff. Then I go to school the following morning. Then pass out when I come home.
    So that pattern has been implemented into my body since then.
    And now it is at its full effect.
    And I have no idea whats going on right now cuz I feel funny from all the caffiene I just put into my body.
    Now you know why I call this blog "Omi's Rush".
    Gotta love college.
  8. Spoony Bard
    Holy rusted metal Batman!
    Click image.

    From hearing the clips, I am totally ecstatic about the movie, cuz Heath Ledger sounds really impressive as The Joker.
  9. Spoony Bard
    So today marks the day I officially become 21 (when I was unofficially 21, well, I cannot remember). Anyways, growing up is serious business most of the time. Depending on the age, you take on different responsibilities, set new goals and also change some views on life. I would know, I been through lots of changes and set many goals.
    Sometimes you gotta sit back and think about what you have accomplished, and what has yet to be accomplished. I graduated from high school and have 2 years of college under my belt. I have been through several relationships until finding the one meant for me (I plan on going further in life with her as well). I also have a job, which is doing fine for me. And to top it off, I have great friends. So far, life has been good for me these past year, and probably better than the older years. I hope that in the next 21 years or so that new goals are set and accomplished, along with more education under my belt. And I also wish to have that family I dream of having with the one I care a lot about.
    I hope that you members are in similar ways to me, in having goals set and accomplished. You all should always feel pride (even if it is a sin) for accomplishing something large in life.
    Anyways, lets pop open that proto keg. Drinks all around.
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