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A Rant On People Who Use Elevators

Spoony Bard


One thing that bugs me, and I see it everyday at school.


Why do regular people feel the need to use an elevator to go up (or down) one level? I see this at school everyday when I am on break. Just regular students without disabilities just using it to go up (or down) that one level, when the stairs just happen to be right next to it. I see this as extreme laziness and it needs to stop.




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It is all about laziness. It has just become second nature to most people now, I actually enjoy the stairs myself. You are usually alone, not feeling crowded or rushed. Plus you cannot get stuck on the stairs.

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Using the elevator in such instances is just plain silly, I agree. I myself find the stairs to be much faster when going up one to three levels.



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Yeah, tell me when you've got a remedy for laziness. You'll probably make a fortune.


I used to take the elevator up when I was on the seventh floor and hauling alot of stuff... but I haven't stepped foot in an elevator since September, so yeah...



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This doesn't seem to happen at my school. But I have seen it done a few times.


Usually I use them during my job as a school janitor.



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Well, let me ask you a question. While yes, granted, it is kind of lazy, and while I do prefer to use stairs myself, why must people stop doing that? Why is it such a big deal?
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If I was super stressed and tired, or was in a hyper mood just to play around, I'd probably go on the Elevator myself. (:P)


But normally, stairs are ftw with just one level! I'd probably walk 3 if I had too, it's usually faster. Gee people are lazy. >>

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Pure unbridled American laziness.


Next question.


Well, yes, but it is American. If you are not lazy, and have not used the elevator to travel only one floor, then one can say that you are not patriotic. I could even go so far as to say that you might be anti-american.


And I could say that the lazy people to which you refer to are merely being overly zealous about their duties to their country, and are being proper citizens of the United States of America.


Yes. I could say that. But that would be reading too much into your statement. Sooo...for the sake of being contrary...



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Maybe they should tweak the elevators so it goes slower (like really slow...) than taking the stairs, like my school. XD


But, I can't complain much about it since I recently injured my knee and it took longer for me to go up the stairs than to take the elevator. x.X;

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Yes, that's right! Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, and Henry Ford were DOWNRIGHT UN-AMERICAN!!




But actually, I'm sure they all procrastinated or showed some act of laziness at some point in their un-patriotic lives, so they aren't all that bad...


I mean, I can see it now; Thomas Edison is being heckled by his mom to 'hurry up, and make that gol-dern lightbulb', and good ol' Thom putting it off to go fly kites, in a horrible thunder-storm, with his best friend, Benny Franklin.

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What's funny is I always beat them on the stairs. It's like... it's not even worth it lol! Yarr.


Two floors or more, that's different. But one?

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When I lived in the dorms, I lived on the third floor. And you bet I used that elevator every single time.


Because part of my room and board money goes to servicing those elevators, and if I'm paying for them, I'm gonna use them, dang it.


But if I'm not paying for them, that's a different story...

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At my school you ge dedention if you get caught useing the elevator, unless you're a teacher (duh or have a dissability.
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When I lived in the dorms, I lived on the third floor. And you bet I used that elevator every single time.


Because part of my room and board money goes to servicing those elevators, and if I'm paying for them, I'm gonna use them, dang it.


But if I'm not paying for them, that's a different story...

In my college's case, my tuition money is quite obviously NOT going to service the elevators. XD

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I would much prefer to use stairs unless my leg/foot/knee was in total pain (which sometimes happen) then I would use the elevator. I hate the elevators around where I live... they are all old and jerky. They make me nauseous.





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